Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 18, 2008





"Haro thinks you are SO HOT." He put much emphasis on "so hot." I smiled, blushed, and looked away. "He wants to know where I bought you and if there are any others like you for sale" he laughed. "Let's get you cleaned up. We're going shopping with Haro this afternoon, to get you ready for the party this evening." He said. "It's very premature" he continued, "but I've always wanted a naked slave in a steel collar, steel cuffs, and steel leg irons to serve me, and now I have the chance to make that dream come true tonight." He paused looking at me, presumably for signs that I may be chickening out of the party at which I was to serve his friends naked this evening. When I did not say anything but my cock twitched and throbbed at that thought, he continued confidently. "So, we're going shopping to a leather store. I'm going to strip you naked in the middle of the store and fit you with your slave uniform." With that, he untied my wrists and the rope around my neck and took me to the bathroom telling me to shower and clean up.


Master left the bathroom door open as he left me. I had cleaned myself out well before reporting "as ordered" to Master last night, but I felt as though I needed to take a shit, perhaps because of the numerous fuckings I had enjoyed since that time. I sat down on the toilet and some fluid came out of me, but nothing else. I cleaned myself and flushed before stepping into the shower stall. For a few moments I contemplated a cold shower, but Master had not ordered that and I decided a warm shower after sleeping naked on the bedroom floor all night would be really good for my muscles. As the warm water washed over my I winced slightly at a couple of points around my neck which had been rubbed by the rope collar I'd worn, at my wrists which were sensitive from where the duct tape had been stripped off two nights ago, and from my ass which was bright red and still warm from the slapping I had received. Despite these minor discomforts, my cock was once again rock hard as I showered.

The shower door suddenly swung open and Master Kosugi stood there inspecting me up and down with his eyes. "The shower door stays open when you are using it, as does the bathroom door bitch." he said in a caring and informative tone. "I want to see your naked body at all times, no matter what you are doing or what I've asked you to do." As he turned to walk away he shouted some final commands as he left the bathroom "Oh, and no fucking jerking off in there. You're cum is mine and I'll tell you when you can play with yourself. Don't take all day in there." "Yes Sir" I said loudly as I began to shampoo my hair.

When I stepped from the shower I realized there was no towel. I looked around the bathroom but didn't see any towels. Master Kosugi was in the kitchen and presumably heard the shower stop. He came back to the bathroom and removed a new toothbrush from a drawer just under the sink. "You don't get to use a towel boy. You can dry naturally. Here, brush and floss, then meet me in the kitchen." "Yes Sir" I said and began brushing my teeth. As I did I felt the water from the shower running down my back and legs and occasionally I would involuntarily shiver. The bathroom was warm, as was Masters condo. I guess it was just the natural evaporation of the water from my body that caused the coolness. I flossed, then realized again, there was no towel to dry my lips with, so I simply wiped my arm across my mouth, then left the rest room and walked to the kitchen.

Almost as soon as I left the bathroom, the wonderful scent of eggs and coffee hit my nostrils and I began to salivate. My stomach gurgled and I realized that I was really hungry. I hadn't eaten all last night and when I glanced at the clock in the living room, it showed ten thirty am. As I passed the breakfast counter that separated the kitchen area from the living room area in the open plan condo, I saw Master dressed in shorts and t-shirt with his back to me, cooking at the stove. I rounded the corner of the breakfast counter and Master turned smiling as I walked towards him. "That's better, now you're a clean slutty whore" he said with humor, continuing to stir the scrambled eggs with pieces of green pepper, mushroom, and tomato in it. I felt my cheeks flush as I looked down at the floor and said "Yes Sir." He turned away from the cooking and grasped me tenderly by the waist, pulling me to him and kissing me firmly on the lips for

quite some time. "I had no idea I would be so lucky when I posted that ad. I expected a one time blow job for some white dude I'd never see again. I never expected to find someone like you."

"I never expected you to be so hot, and so controlling either" I replied, then remembered to add "Sir" quickly.

Master chuckled a little "Good boy, I like it when you call me sir or master. You will do that from now on bitch."

"Yes Sir" I replied.

"You really love all of this, don't you" he commented as he playfully slapped my hard cock from side to side.

"Oh god yes sir. I've dreamed of meeting someone like you for ever. I really can't believe that you are so much like the person I would fantasize about" I replied in all sincerity.

Master laughed again a little "We'll I think we've both been lucky in meeting."

Master turned from me and removed the pan from the stove, piling the eggs onto two plates. "Get the toast for me boy" he said motioning with his head to the toaster that sat on the counter just behind me. "Yes sir" I replied as I retrieved two slices of toast and placed one on each of the plates. "Bring those and I'll get the coffee" he said indicting the plates. I followed him to the dining area which was also bounded on one side by the high glass windows. Master sat at the end of the glass dining table, putting down both coffee cups. He took both plates from me and pointed to the floor below him "You sit there" he said gently. "When you are in this home you will be naked at ALL times." He emphasized the ALL times. "You will never sit on any chair or sofa or lie on any bed unless I or another master tells you to. You will NEVER cover up you cock or balls or ass at ANY time. You will never be higher than myself." I had been nodding my understanding, and my cock had bee twitching it's agreement and compliance, but I frowned a little at the last command, unsure of what it meant exactly. Master smiled "If I am standing, you must be kneeling on the floor unless I tell you otherwise. If I am sitting, you kneel or sit on the floor. If I am sitting on the floor, you will lie on the floor." I nodded my understanding.

He handed me one of the plates and I placed it in front of my crossed legs but held the fork he was about to give me in his hand. "Have you ever played doggie?" he asked. I knew exactly what he meant right away, and although it had not been something in the past that excited me, sitting naked on the floor, still a little damp from the shower, next to the bank of windows which exposed me to the city, with Master sitting above me looking down on me; the thought of eating my food like a dog with only my mouth seemed incredibly erotic to me. "No sir, but I would love to for you sir" I replied eagerly. "Good boy" he said as he ruffled my hair and head from side to side as you may a real dog. "I've never had a dog as the building doesn't allow them" he said as he watched me switch from my sitting position to a crouching position. I reached my head down to the plate and used my tongue to lift up some of the eggs before biting with my teeth

and chewing on the wonderfully delicious meal. "Fucking hot man, that is so fucking hot" Master said as he took a mouthful of his own eggs using his fork.

As I continued to eat like a dog, lapping up the eggs with my tongue we chatted about fantasies, past experiences, desires, limits, family, work. It was amazing that I totally forgot I was sitting stark naked on the floor next to a window which looked out onto the city as I chatted and revealed the most intimate fantasies and most secret parts of my life to this relative stranger. We talked for a long time when Masters cell phone rang. He answered and chatted in Japanese for a few moments before looking at me again "Take the dishes to the kitchen boy and put them in the dishwasher." He then went back to his conversation. I was just about to stand up to remove Masters plate on the table when I remembered "Never higher than me." I quickly dropped back down onto my knees, and Master smiled and nodded at me as he continued with his conversation. I walked on my knees to the kitchen, reached over the sink to rinse the plates and cups off, then placed them into the dishwasher. I was walking back to Master on all fours when the sound of a doorbell ringing almost made my heart stop. I froze in place where I was kneeling.

Master came through from the dining room and still talking on the phone, pointed me toward the door with his right hand. I hesitated, my mouth dropping open and he stopped his conversation on the phone to command me "Get the fucking door bitch, NOW" he said. I turned and crawled on hands and knees to the door. As I reached it I looked back to him before opening it. "You can stand to open the door boy." I stood up, my heart pounding in my chest. My hand reached out and grabbed the handle and I pressed it down, hearing the lock click open, then I pulled the door open, backing up as I did so. I was SO tempted to take my right hand, which was not on the door handle, to cover my hard cock with it as best I could, but again Masters words rang through my head "don't cover up at ANY time" or words to that effect. Standing in the hallway was a sun tanned white guy, about 25 years old, with long black hair, blue eyes, and a kinda goofy smile as he looked me up and down. He was wearing jeans and a big thick black hooded sweatshirt. His mouth opened but he didn't seem to know what to do or say. I was similarly lost, but my eyes dropped to the floor, my face flushed, and my cock twitched as I stood there naked in the doorway.

"Come in James, I have the DVD right here" said Master as he walked over to his entertainment center and grabbed a DVD case from the shelf. James walked past me, careful not to touch me as he walked toward Master. "Uh...thanks" he said as he looked back over his shoulder at me as I closed the door. "Keep the door open boy" Master commanded me "James just needed to pick up this DVD."

"Yes Sir" I said as I pulled the door fully open again and stood just to the side of it, not sure where to look, so I chose to look at James, who was equally uncertain, shifting his gaze between me and Master. They both spoke to each other in Japanese while continuing to look back at me frequently. James speaks Japanese, wow, I thought to myself. After a few moments they began walking back toward the door together and Master said to James in English " I assure you, it's quite all right" as he smiled at me and looked me straight in the eyes. As James came level with me this time he reached out with his left hand and barely grazed the side of my cock with his finger tips. He pulled his hand away quickly, as though he had just touched a red hot iron. He blushed furiously and took another step to walk out the door when Master said "It won't bite you know" and then added something in Japanese which I could not understand. James stopped, said something in Japanese back, looked down at my cock, up into my eyes, back down at my cock, and then gripped it hard in the middle of the shaft with his left hand. I felt his squeeze four or five times before he let go. "Thank you" he said to me, and then repeated it to Master Kosugi before he added something in Japanese and left quickly.

Master Kosugi smiled as I closed the door and turned to face him. I was still processing the white boy who had just seen me stark naked and hard saying "Yes Sir" to Master when he snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground at his feet. "Yes Sir" I said quickly and realized that I should now be lower than him, on my knees at his feet. As I dropped and crawled to him he spoke. "That is my Japanese language student. He lives upstairs with his parents but I help him with his Japanese twice a week. We have talked about domination and master and slave stuff before, but this is the first time he has seen me with a slave. I know he wants to be a slave, but he is just too shy right now." I smiled and my cock twitched again as Master told me about James. I couldn't believe Master was so forward in his lifestyle, or that he was so willing to expose me fully to anyone and everyone. It was HOT and I was aching to jerk off but I kept my hands by my side.

"So, when I snap my fingers and point to the ground in front of me, from now on, you will strip naked if you are wearing clothes, and you will kneel in front of me with your head on my right foot, do you understand?" he asked. "Yes Sir" I replied. He snapped his fingers and pointed and I lowered my head to and rested it on top of his right foot.

"Good boy" he rewarded me with a light slap on my naked ass which was now sticking straight up into the air. "Now put your hands behind your back and keep them there when you are in this position." "Yes Sir" I said as I complied. "Whenever I snap and point, you will immediately strip and do this. If we are at a party, if we are at a restaurant, if we are in a movie theatre. It doesn't matter, when you are commanded, you will subjugate yourself for me, understood boy?" "Yes Sir" I replied getting turned on at the very thought of him being able to simply snap his fingers and I would willingly strip completely naked for him.

"If I snap my fingers and just point at you, you will immediately strip naked and you will stand with your hands behind your back and your feet spread wide apart. Understood?" he asked. "Yes Sir" I answered.

"If your head is on my foot and I lift my foot up, you will immediately lift your head to my groin and start sucking on my cock if it is out. If it's not out, you will rub your face in my groin until I tell you to stop." "Yes Sir" I replied.

"If we are at a party or in company and you are naked, you will follow behind me or sit at my side on the floor when I sit down, unless I tell you to do something else." "Yes sir, I answered, my cock twitching the whole time.

"You will NEVER jerk yourself off or cum in my presence unless I tell you to do it." "Yes sir"

With that he raised his right foot, and I lifted my head obediently into his groin and began nuzzling his cock with my nose. I could feel it under his grey track shorts as it hardened and thickened. "Good boy. You learn quickly. I like that" he said as he pulled the left leg of his shorts up to reveal the shaft of his cock. I immediately enveloped it with my lips and began sucking, keeping my hands firmly behind my back. "God you make me so fucking horny. You are such a fucking slutty whore boy" he said as he grabbed the back of my head and began pounding my face, his balls slapping of my chin. He fucked my face hard for about three minutes or so before he pulled out slightly, blowing his load right onto my tongue. "Fuck slut, you are going to drain me dry" he said as he held his cock in my mouth. Just at that moment I head a key slide into the front door and the door lock click open. I had my back to the door, so I had no idea who had just opened the door, but Master did not seem to mind at all. As I looked up at him he simply smiled and nodded in the direction of the door, then returned his attention to me. "Swallow bitch, then you can clean my cock." He left his cock resting in my mouth as it began to soften, but it still made swallowing a little difficult. Master Haro came into view as he threw an arm around Master Kosugi's shoulder to watch me.

"You have him trained very well" Master Haro said with a giggle.

"He learns very fast" said Master Kosugi proudly, as he pulled his cock from my mouth and with a snap of his fingers, pointed to Master Haro's feet. I understood immediately and turned to face Master Haro, putting my head on his right foot. Master Haro then raised his right foot slightly and I lifted my head to his crotch and began nuzzling against the material of the jeans he was wearing. Master Haro giggled, then grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into his crotch, twisting his hips to rub his stiffening cock into my face.

"Come, let's take the boy shopping" said Master Haro after a new moments, as he pushed me backwards and away from him quite forcefully. I was not expecting the push, and I fell backwards on the ground and was left lying there to see them laughing at me as they walked towards the bedroom. Master Kosugi changed into jeans and pulled on a pair of white socks and a heavy quilted jacket. Master Haro still had his leather motorcycle jacket on. They smiled as they walked out of the bedroom towards me. I had gotten up on the floor and was kneeling with my hands behind my back, watching the two gorgeous Asian men intently. They walked straight past me to the door and I thought they were simply going to leave me in this position while they left to go shopping. Opening the door Master Kosugi shouted "Come on boy". I had been facing away from the door, naked, with my hands behind my back, kneeling on my knees. I twisted around to look at him, in part to see if he was serious. Master Haro was already out in the hallway, while Master Kosugi held the door wide open as he nodded his head toward the hallway in a clear motion for me to get my naked ass moving.

"Yes Sir" I said as I got down on all fours and crawled to the door and then out into the hallway. Master Haro giggled as he dropped what looked at first to me like a silk scarf on the hallway floor in front of me. "Put those on, quickly" commanded Master Kosugi, holding the condo door open. I grabbed the material and remembering that I was not supposed to stand unless told to, I knelt there trying to figure out what they had given me. It finally dawned on me when I realized they were athletic type running shorts, but the single layer of material was grey and so thin that I could see my hand through both layers before I had separated the layers. I found the waistband and quickly slipped them on. The hallway was considerably cooler than Masters condo and I felt my flesh goose up, my nipples hardening, and an involuntary shiver ran down the length of my back. "Stand up boy" commanded Master Kosugi, and as I did I looked down to my crotch to see my cock sticking horizontally out, the light material of the shorts highlighting it's shape, and the thinness of the material showing the darker patch in my groin where my pubic hair was. I was to all intents and purposes naked, despite actually wearing something. I heard the condo door close behind me and Master Kosugi lock the door. I found myself shaking slightly, not sure if it was from the cold or the circumstances.

Master Haro led, I was in the middle, and Master Kosugi followed as we went down the fire exit stairs to the garage level 2. Master Haro led me past two other vehicles to a small truck which had a camper shell on it. As I stood at the back of the truck, Master Kosugi opened the back and tailgate as Master Haro giggled and said "Shorts" holding out his hand. I immediately pulled the shorts off and handed them to Master Haro, returning my hands behind my back. I noticed a steel cage in the back of the camper, which appeared to be secured to the floor with brackets. The cage door was opened and Master Kosugi and Master Haro both slapped me hard on each cheek of my ass. "In boy. Get into the fucking cage boy" they shouted. I quickly scrambled up onto the bed of the truck and into the cage. The garage was cooler than the hallway had been, and the steel bars of the cage were colder still. Master Kosugi climbed in behind the cage on the outside and grabbed my wrists, pulling them through the bars of the cage, before securing a pair of steel handcuffs around them. As he moved around the cage, he swung the cage door closed, slipped a padlock through the large eye rings and clicked it closed. He jumped out of the back of the truck and slammed the tailgate and then the camper shell doors closed. As I looked out through the windows on the side of the truck, I realized they were tinted slightly, to my relief. This would make it less likely anyone would see me handcuffed stark naked in this cage as we drove through the streets of San Francisco.

Both Masters got into the truck, slammed their doors, started up the truck and we drove up and out of the garage onto King Street and into Saturday afternoon traffic. Looking out of the tinted plastic camper shell door on the rear of the truck, I could clearly see the cars and drivers following us, and those pulling alongside us as we turned onto the multiple lane Third Street corridor. The small rear windows in the cab of the truck were open and I could clearly hear Master Kosugi and Master Haro talking in Japanese with occasional English words thrown in every now and again. I was so excited to be a slave, handcuffed naked inside this cage, being driven around the streets of San Francisco on a busy but cold November Saturday afternoon. Cold, yes, it was certainly cold in the back of that truck. Despite the camper shell, a cold wind was constantly blowing over my naked flesh. I looked around to try to identify the cause, but came to the conclusion that it was coming from multiple places, including through the truck cab as apparently both Masters had opened their windows. We turned onto Harrison Street and began heading away from downtown toward the Castro area perhaps. I had no idea where we were going, and my submission to Master Kosugi was total, complete, and so exciting at this moment.

As we drove it suddenly began to pour with rain, so much so that it was almost difficult to see the vehicles two or three cars behind the truck. The sound of the heavy rain droplets hitting the top of the camper shell, the cold wind blowing over my naked flesh, the cold steel bars and handcuffs, the sound of the tires whooshing as they expelled the water from under them – I was cold, but I was also exactly where I wanted to be. I was quite self-confident, capable, and efficient at my job and in my daily life with most people who knew me, but THIS was what I craved and sought. I wanted someone who would take me, use me, force me, control me. This is where I belonged. My whole life, I felt, was leading up to meeting Master Kosugi. I was torn from my thoughts when I realized the truck was slowing to a stop in a narrow alley somewhere between Harrison and Folsom streets. The rain was still coming down as though the truck was currently driving through an automatic car wash. The sound of the rain on the camper shell was rhythmic and almost hypnotic. So noisy that I barely heard Master Kosugi get out, close his door, and walk to the back of the truck. I only realized this when the doors suddenly opened, exposing me completely as the alley was empty other than a few cars and dumpsters further down toward Harrison Street. Vehicles continued to pass the end of the alley on Harrison street continuously, and occasionally someone would rush past the alley, umbrella up, head hunched into their jacket. Master Kosugi climbed into the truck and first opened the padlock and swung the cage gate open wide before he made his way along the side of the cage to where my hands protruded through the cage. I was even more exposed now, as nothing stood between me and the people driving past quickly on Harrison Street. Beforehand, Master Kosugi and the bars of the cage door protected me. Now, nothing, not even my hands which were cuffed behind my back protected me from anyone's view. I raised my wrists up as Master touched my arms to make it easier for him to unlock the cuffs, but didn't feel him begin to unlock them. Instead, he began talking with Master Haro again through the open windows at the back of the truck cab. He took what seemed like an eternity to finally unlock one of my wrists, before he moved forward and stepped back out into the rain.

"Out boy" he commanded as he stood at the back of the truck. I scrambled as quickly as I could to the tailgate of the truck, then jumped out quickly into the heavy rain and immediately knelt before Master Kosugi, my feet and knees landing in a two inch puddle that had formed where Master had parked. I put my hand quickly behind my back and shivered as the cold rain and wind washed over me in wave after wave of driving rain. My attention was definitely split between looking to the end of the alley at the traffic whizzing by, and Master for further instructions. "Good boy" he said and as he turned to close the rear doors of the truck I felt something hit me on my shoulders lightly and immediately slip off behind me. "Put those on you whore" giggled Master Haro who was now standing behind me. "You are fucking naked in an alley, have you no shame?" I turned and realized the shorts I had been wearing when I walked to the truck were now half floating in the puddle I was currently kneeling in. I grabbed them quickly, found the waistband within a few seconds, and remaining in my kneeling position, I pulled on the shorts. As soon as I got them up to my hips, Maser Haro grabbed my wrists and re-snapped the open cuff, securing my wrists behind my back once more. Master Kosugi had closed the tailgate and camper shell doors by now and turned to face me. "Up, and follow us bitch."

Master Kosugi led, walking around the back of the truck into the middle of the alley, seemingly oblivious to the driving rain and wind which seemed to swirl like a tornado within the confines of the alley. We were about ten yards away from the corner of the alley which led to Folsom Street, and Master Kosugi strode off quickly in that direction. I began to follow but evidently not quickly enough as I felt a wet shoe kick me in my right ass cheek which propelled me forward suddenly. Barefoot, I felt every small rock and imperfection of the dirty alley as I jogged a little to keep up with Master Kosugi, my cock bouncing up and down as I did, and the shorts providing absolutely no protection or coverage. Master Kosugi turned the corner onto Folsom Street without even looking back to see if I was following. I was, only two steps or so behind him. I looked left and right as I stepped out of the alley and onto the Folsom Street sidewalk, basically stark naked in the middle of a torrential and incredibly cold rainstorm, with my hard cock bouncing up and down inside a pair of shorts that were paper thin, and my hands cuffed behind my back .What the hell was I doing? What if someone I know sees me like this? What if ANYONE sees me like this? A push on my shoulders from Master Haro behind me propelled me forward to follow Master Kosugi who walked maybe fifteen feet to a gate by the building we were walking next to and pressed a button on the gate, causing a buzzer to sound. I heard the click as I stepped next to Master Kosugi, and the gate swung outwards into the sidewalk. Master Kosugi stepped into the store fist, and Master Haro pushed me around the gate and inside, stepping up the three steps that led to the interior of the store. The smell of leather hit me immediately, and as I glanced around the large store, I noticed the case of dildo's, the leather belts with silver studs, the leather harnesses, the row of lubricant bottles behind the front counter. Then I noticed the dark skinned East Indian guy coming from behind the counter with the broadest grin on his face, his dark eyes locked on me as he said "Welcome gentlemen, how may we be of service to you today?"

I heard the gate close behind us and turned in time to see Master Haro let go of the gate and walk to a glass display case just inside the main door which contained a huge variety of butt plugs. Suddenly movement in the far corner of the store caught my eye and I noticed some older white "leather" guys who had been looking through some leather pants on multiple racks. They had stopped their search to take in the spectacle that had just walked into the store. They smiled and looked directly at me, and from the corner of my eye I saw another younger black guy who had been perusing some leather belts hung on a wall beside the cash register who was also staring at me wide eyed. "I'm looking for a steel neck collar, and a steel ball stretcher for my boy" Master Kosugi said loudly enough for all in the store to hear. I dropped my head and eyes to the floor, but felt my cock twitch in the skimpy shorts I was wearing as I felt water running from my hair down my chest, back, and arms. "Certainly sir, the steel collars are right over here" said the clerk and I saw him turn towards the middle of the store.

"Turn boy" Master Kosugi said facing to me, and I turned around, facing out of the steel gate to the wet and busy street outside of the store. I felt Masters hands grip the legs of the shorts and in a single tug, they fell to the floor, making a wet crumpled heap around my ankles. My heart pounded and as I looked down at my cock as it bounced following the passage of the waistband of over it. I looked out into the street through the store gate and saw three cars stopped, awaiting the light to turn green so they could go about their Saturday afternoon. I saw two faces in one of the cars, looking down the street, not in my direction, and did not have time to look closely at the other vehicles when Master grabbed the small chain on my cuffs and began pulling me backwards into the store. I stepped out of the shorts, leaving them by the door and walked backwards into the store following Masters lead. The black guy continued to stare, wide eyed, still holding the belt he had been examining when we first came in. I briefly locked eyes with him before shyly looking back to the ground again. We arrived by a glass display case full of thick and thin, shiny and matte, large and small steel collars. I heard master snap his fingers and quickly turned to see where he was pointing. His finger directed me immediately to my knees and I placed my head on top of his right foot. As he discussed which collar he was looking for I remained in position, looking only at the wet laces of his sneakers, with images of all the people in the store looking directly into my exposed asshole as I bent over in such a vulnerable way. A hard slap on my ass brought a loud shriek from me as I jerked my head up in shock and fell forward into Masters legs. I immediately regained my fragile composure and returned my head to Masters foot as I heard a tell tale giggle. Master Haro had joined Master Kosugi.

"He's very well trained" said the clerk.

"Of course" replied Master Kosugi with a tone that suggested nothing else would be even a remote possibility. "I would like to see that one please"

"Certainly sir, a very good choice if I may say so" said the clerk.

I felt Masters foot lift and I raised myself to a kneeling position and nuzzled my face into his crotch, feeling his erect cock through the jeans he was wearing. He pulled my head away from his crotch and I saw a thick steel collar that was hinged in the center in Masters hands. It was about two inches in height, and about three quarters of an inch thick. It had eight D rings attached vertically around the outside circumference and I noticed it had "SLAVE" engraved in large letters on the outside of the brushed steel collar. Master placed it around my neck and closed it. It was a snug fit, and the clerk came over and pushed a finger inside the collar and rolled it around the entire inside of the collar.

"That seems like a perfect fit. Would you like to lock it in place?" the clerk asked.

"Mmmmm" replied Master and the clerk handed him what looked like a key, yet it was not a typical door or padlock key. I felt tugging at the back of the collar and within a few minutes the tugging stopped and Master stepped back allowing the weight of the collar to rest on my shoulders and collar bones for the first time. It was heavy, it was cold, but it was so exhilarating. I was wearing a slave collar, a steel slave collar, in public, with people watching me and I knelt stark naked and cuffed before my Master. My cock twitched almost uncontrollably. I looked from Master Kosugi, to Master Haro, to the clerk and a broad smile just would not leave my face.

"Seems your slave likes the choice" remarked the clerk with a little laugh at the end.

Master Kosugi walked back to me smiling, bent forward slightly, and slapped by cock three times from one side to the other as he whispered to me "Are you enjoying your self slut. You are now truly a naked fucking slave for the whole world to see." "Yes Sir, thank you sir" I replied, the smile still plastered to my face. As Master turned to the clerk once again to ask about a matching ball stretcher, I noticed the older leather couple had moved over to watch the show. They were standing just a few feet behind Master Kosugi, chatting quietly with Master Haro.

"They are on the other side of the case" said the clerk after a brief discussion with Master Kosugi which I did not hear. Master reached down, placed his first finger through the D ring on the front of my collar, and tugged me forward to follow him around the case on my knees. As I passed Master Haro he bent down and tugged on my cock as I passed him, then slapped by ass. The other two leather guys has lined up just beyond Master Haro and they also took the opportunity to grab my cock, twist my nipples, and slap my ass as I passed them, apparently having asked for permission from Master Haro. Walking on my knees, with my hands cuffed behind my back and Master tugging constantly on my collar was not such an easy task, but we finally arrived at the next display. The buzzer sounded and the gate by the front door opened again, allowing entry to three guys dressed in leather biker jackets, jeans, and hidden under umbrellas which they were shaking out as they entered the store, complaining about the rain and cold to each other. My attention was drawn away from the new people who would observe my exhibition and submission when the black guy moved over to just a few feet from where I was kneeling and Master Kosugi was selecting the perfect ball stretcher. He stared straight at me and licked his lips in the most sexual way imaginable. I blushed, looked down at the ground, and smiled all at the same time. I was really enjoying the fact that the clerk, the black guy, the two leather guys were all seeing my naked submission and all seemed to be enjoying what they were seeing.

As Master Kosugi examined a steel ball stretcher which was about an inch and a half tall and about a half inch thick, I noticed the three leather guys who had just come in round the corner of the display case. "Hi Jeet, what do we have here?" asked one in a heavy East Indian accent. The clerk turned and answered simply "This gentleman is looking for a ball stretcher to match our heavy duty slave collar." The three guys came by my side, and I could not help but scan all three as they did. The one the clerk was speaking to was older by far, with graying hair, an unshaved double chin, and the exertion of walking form the door to us had him breathing heavily. The other two were much younger. They appeared almost to be teenagers, but I figured they had to be older. They were very inquisitive with their eyes and expressions but said nothing. "Ah, yes, this is the perfect compliment to our HDSC" said the older man.

"This is the store owner, Mr. Chalipi" said the original clerk to Master Kosugi. Mr. Chalipi extended a hand and Master shook it firmly for a few seconds, nodding his head slightly as a hello. "Pleased to meet you" said Mr. Chalipi as he turned to look me up and down before focusing intently on my hard cock. "May I?" he asked pointing at my cock and raising the ball stretcher suggesting he wanted to place the device on me himself to try it for size and fit. "Most certainly" replied Master Kosugi, then with a snap of his fingers he motioned for me to stand. I immediately rose to my feet, and spread my legs out wide. Mr. Chalipi moved forward and pushed my cock out of the way with the back of his left hand while holding the ball stretcher, then making a circle with the first finger and thumb of his right hand just above my balls, he pulled down on them hard until they were squeezed tightly together at the base of my ball sack. I grunted and

winced as he did this, and I noticed the two young Indian guys moving around to get a better view of what Mr. Chalipi was doing. The closest to me moved slightly behind my left shoulder and looked around the side, his hand touching my left ass cheek and slowly swinging over to my right cheek, then resting in my ass crack as he watched. Mr. Chalipi expertly placed one half of the stretcher around the flesh he had stretched between my shaft and my now compressed balls, then with one hand he flipped the other half into position. As he adjusted his left hand position to find the locking hole for the stretcher however, my hard cock slipped over his wrist and fell into the way, leaving a smear of pre-cum on the sleeve of his leather jacket. Using his right hand he lifted my cock as though it was an annoyance and pushed it back to it's original position to the side, but as I felt my balls being pulled down, and the young Indians hand exploring my ass crack.

As I saw everyone in the store intently watching Mr. Chalipi trying to apply the ball stretcher, my cock twitched almost uncontrollably. It quickly jumped over his arm and got in his way again.

Looking at the young Indian who was currently running his finger over my asshole, Mr. Chalipi ordered him brusquely "Come around and keep this thing out of my way." The guy almost knocked me over as he moved around to my right side, reached around with his right hand, grabbed my shaft and pulled it vigorously to the right and away from Mr. Chalipis hands. I pulled my hips back as he grabbed my cock and I distinctly felt a bulge in his groin. Mr. Chalipi was none too happy that I pulled my hips away at that moment, and he quickly jerked his left had toward himself "Stay still boy" he demanded and I immediately responded "Yes Sir." As the other young Indian guy moved forward for a better look and took up the same position the first had at my left shoulder, the other holding my cock was now squeezing my cock and very gently and slowly stroking my foreskin back and forth. As he did this with his right hand, he and the other young guy began fighting for access to my ass crack by pushing each other gently out of the way. They had enormous smiles on their faces and I don't think anyone else realized what was going on behind my back, as all attention was on Mr. Chalipi as he finally inserted the locking key into the screw and I felt the ball stretcher close around my ball sack. Satisfied that it was secure he let the stretcher go and for the first time I felt the full weight of the steel pulling on my skin and compressing my balls below it. I closed my eyes and exhaled, tensing my thigh and abdomen muscles as I felt a pain shoot through my abdomen before it settled into a dull ache.

Mr. Chalipi stood up, backed away a step next to Master Kosugi and smiled "Looks good, don't you think?"

"Very good" said Master Kosugi as he reached out and began to examine the stretcher and my balls below it.

He tugged downwards gently three times on the stretcher, presumably to see if it would slip off, and each time I grunted and leaned forward just a little more to try to relieve the pressure. A I leaned the first time I felt a finger tip enter my asshole behind me. One it had penetrated me, it quickly pushed all the way inside until I felt the adjacent fingers against my cheeks. The hand of the other Indian boy that had been fighting for the same prize then found the one finger inside of me, and followed it's path as I leaned forward slightly more at Master Kosugi's second tug. It too entered my hole and as it pushed in, the other began to pull backward before thrusting all the way in again. By the third tug by Master Kosugi, I had two fingers fucking my ass from behind, and I had a hand still holding my cock to the side as it slowly stroked and squeezed it to allow an unhindered view of my new ball stretcher to the appreciative audience in front of me. I began breathing hard as I felt the unmistakable sensation rise in my balls – I was going to cum if the fingers continued to fuck me and the hand continued to jerk me. I silently pleaded with Master Kosugi, my eyes darting between him and the hand stroking me ever so slowly and yet forcefully.

"Sir" I said in a breathless voice, "I'm..." I was interrupted by Master who put a hand over my mouth to silence me.

"Perhaps I need a gag for him also" he said with a smile.

"And a leash if you don't already have one. Perhaps a butt plug or wrist and ankle cuffs to complete the set" replied Mr. Chalipi viewing in a way that made me feel very much like a slave on an auction block, up for sale to the highest bidder.

As the fingers began fucking me faster, and more forcefully, and the hand continued to squeeze, Mr. Chalipi suddenly reached forward with both hands and gripped my nipples in his big meaty hands, pulling them away from my body and twisting and squeezing them harshly. This final sensation was just too much for me and although I knew exactly what was just about to happen, I did not want to stop it happening. I was lost in the moment of being stark naked, collared and cuffed, surrounded and ogled by clothed people in the middle of a store, while my ass and cock were being played with. My abdomen tensed, my cock jumped, my hips bucked, and I shot six large spurts of cum which arched up high into the air before falling onto the floor and the side of the glass display case. As my first shot flew out of my cock, the orgasm was so incredible I thought I was going to pass out. I leaned back and felt the two Indian boys support my weight as they whooped with delight. The leather guys and the black guy also loudly made comments approving of my orgasm. Mr. Chalipi jumped slightly out of the way as I shot my first load precariously close to him, my next shots landing a little closer to the counter as the boy holding my cock turned it sideways toward the case.

In that moment of cumming I was so exhilarated and sexually charged. I would have happily stayed there forever in that moment, basking in the attention, enjoying my nakedness and my submission, enjoying the feeling of the cold steel on my warm flesh and the weight and tug of the ball stretcher on my nuts. The two fingers probing my ass like Cobra's fighting for position as they leave the snake charmers basket with the warm hand stroking my cock. As the final shot left my body however I quickly came back down to earth and realized what had just happened. I opened my eyes looked down at the mess I had made, white, sticky cum running down the glass display case and resting on the floor of the store. Master removed his hand from my mouth and slapped me fairly hard across my face. "BOY, did I give you permission to cum" he almost shouted at me, yet, I felt he was not angry at me, despite his tone.

"The slut was helped to it by these boys" said Master Haro as he pulled the invading fingers from my asshole and lifted them, one in each hand above my shoulders to show the waiting audience. How long had he been standing back there observing all of this I wondered?

"No matter" said Mr. Chalipi. "It will clean, and you can punish your boy later for his error" he said smiling at Master Kosugi. "As for my boys" he snapped his fingers and both Indian boys immediately got down on their hands and knees and began licking my cum front the floor and the display case. Mr. Chalipi reached forward and grabbed the D ring of the front of my collar, pulling me around the side of the boys as he turned and began to walk away. "Come, let me show you our HDSC cuffs. I will make you a good deal on the whole set" he said to Master, taking him by the arm with his free hand and pulling me behind the two by the collar. Although I had just come in a glorious explosion, I could not believe my cock was still hard. A long strand of cum was swinging form my cock as we passed the two older leather guys and one reached out a finger, intercepted the stand of cum and deftly wrapped it around his finger, then brought it to his lips and licked it off as I passed. "Hmm...hmm" I heard him mumble as I was dragged away to the next display case which contained an amazing collection of handcuffs in a variety of colors, thicknesses, and styles. A heavy set which resembled the collar and ball stretcher I was now wearing was selected, and the regular police issue type cuffs that still secured my wrists were replaced with them. They were much heavier that the regular ones, and as they were locked in place, I felt a real sense of bondage. Of being bound and weighted by these marks of my submission and slavery to Master.

Master Haro came over in front of me with a set of nipple clips and clipped them first onto my right, then my left nipple as Master Kosugi examined the heavy cuffs behind me. He giggled as I winced and drew in my breath at the sudden sharp pain in my nipples. I had not had much work done on my nipples, and they were extremely sensitive. The clasps squeezed the flesh painfully and I felt myself tense against the pain. The heavy chain connecting the clasps pulled my nipples down and accentuated the discomfort. Maser Kosugi came around front and smiled as he slipped a finger under the chain and pulled it taught in front of me, pulling my nipples forward. My cock twitched and bounced as he did this. Both Masters smiled to each other as they two young Indian boys and the original store clerk came over to report to Mr. Chalipi that the cleaning job was completed. Both boys looked directly at me as though I were a tall cold drink on a horribly hot and humid day. Despite the knowledge that they had just licked my cum from the floor and display case moments ago, and the knowledge that they seemed to be sex slaves to Mr. Chalipi as I was to Master Kosugi and Master Haro, I was still the only person in the entire store standing stark naked, handcuffed, collared, ball stretched and now nipple clamped. And I accepted what I had always known for years...I LOVED this!

Master Haro spoke to Master Kosugi in Japanese and both nodded to each other as Maser Haro pulled a steel chain leash with a leather loop from his jacket pocket. Giggling, he clipped one end of the leash to the D ring on the front of my steel collar, then he pulled me over to where the two white leather men were standing, still observing everything. The black guy had joined them and as Master Haro approached them he slowed noticeably as he passed them. All three took the provided opportunity to run their hands all over me as I passed by them. Hands felt almost every inch of my abdomen, hips, groin, ball stretcher, ass, back, nipple clips, and my face. Master Haro walked over to a rack of leather whips and viewed them for a brief moment, before turning and walking back past the three, slowly again, allowing them a second chance to explore my naked and vulnerable body. This time the same white guy who had licked my pre-cum the first time, slipped his finger under my foreskin to capture some more of my cum, but instead of licking it himself, he smeared it over my lips. I instinctively licked my lips the moment his finger left them, and I tasted my own cum.

Master Haro giggled as he pulled me with the leash to the front counter where Master Kosugi was signing the credit card slip for his purchase. The two young Indian boys were now standing on either side of Mr. Chalipi and the other clerk was standing by the gate to the store, all but Master Kosugi were watching me intently. I felt somewhat self conscious at the attention, yet also highly elated at the attention and the desire I could see in all of their eyes. Master put down the pen, having signed the slip, and shook hands again with Mr. Chalipi whose eyes never left mine.

"A pleasure" said Mr. Chalipi to Master, "A real and sincere pleasure. Please do come back again soon."

"Rest assured, we will" said Master Kosugi as Master Haro giggled, still holding my leash.

As I stood closer to the open gate that covered the entrance to the store, I could feel the wind blowing through again. I glanced outside and noticed that the torrential rain had abated some, but it was still raining quite heavily. Mr. Chalipi snapped his fingers and the two Indian boys quickly rushed to the gate and grabbed two umbrellas from a stand by the door while the other clerk opened the gate and swung it open to the street, stepping aside to leave a path. Master Kosugi led the way to the open door, the two Indian boys having already stepped outside into the rain to open the umbrellas and provide a haven of cover outside of the store. Master Haro tugged on my leash pulling me to within only inches of the steps leading down onto the street before he stopped, giggled and turned to face me. I was actually ready, willing, and honestly hoping that they would pull me from the store out into the rain – just as I was. The clerk handed him the soggy shorts that had earlier been discarded and Master Haro held them around knee height to allow me to step into them. He pulled them up somewhat, but left them just barely above the beginning of my cock, leaving my pubic hair clearly visible and half of my ass still sticking out.

"Where is your car sir" asked the two Indian boys in almost perfect harmony.

"I'm parked in the alley here" said Master Kosugi, pointing to the alley right next to the store.

"Yes sir, we will walk you to your car sir" said both boys.

Master Kosugi stepped under one umbrella, and Master Haro stepped out of the store and under the other as he pulled me out into the rain and cold, with no umbrella for protection for me, of course. The pain in my nipples had dulled considerably, until the Indian boy holding the umbrella to keep Master Haro dry reached back with his other hand to flip the chain. As the chain lifted on his finger, then fell and swung as he let it go, a new round of pain shot through my nipples and I hunched forward and twisted my shoulders slightly to protect my chest from another attack. It took only a few moments to walk the short distance to Masters truck and for him to open the back camper hatch and tail gate. The walk was so strange for me, as the marks of my submission and slavery were now obvious for anyone to see, and added to this the ball stretcher rubbed on my inner thigh and although this was not unpleasant, it made me consciously spread my legs a little wider.

Both Indian boys cooed as they saw the steel cage inside the back of the truck. Standing in the rain, in the alley, at the back of the truck, with traffic rushing past at the opposite end of the alley, Master Kosugi took the umbrella from the boy who was keeping him shielded from the rain and said "Strip him" nodding in my direction. The Indian boys eyes opened wide as he smiled and stepped in front of me, reaching for the waistband of my shorts. Pushing his two first fingers inside the waistband of my shorts on either hip as he began to get wet with the rain, in one quick tug he pulled my shorts down past my knees, letting them fall into the deepening puddle behind Masters truck. I stepped out of them looking down the alley towards the busy street as I was once again stripped completely naked in public. The boy picked up the shorts and threw them deep inside the truck. Master Haro then slapped me hard on the ass and said "In."

As I turned I to climb into the truck, I realized this was going to be much more difficult with my hands cuffed behind my back as they were. I reached up one knee to try to kneel up on the tail gate, but Master Haro quickly turned me around until my back was facing to the truck and then pushed me backwards until I was sitting on the tail gate. Master Kosugi then ordered the two Indian boys "Get him into the cage." They both pounced on me like wolves to the slaughter of a lamb. Grabbing me by my arm pits with hands exploring every inch of available flesh, they half climbed into the cage with me as they pushed and pulled me to the back of the cage. The one who had jerked me off then brought his left hand up to my lips and forced a finger into my mouth with a huge smile on his face. I sucked on his finger and immediately realized I was sucking on the finger that had been in my ass inside the store. The other boy followed suit immediately while their other hands adjusted me into the cage, pulling on the chain connected to my nipple clamps, brushing against my hard cock, feeling my ass. Eventually the reluctantly backed out of the cage, swinging the door closed and clicking the padlock into place.

The rear doors were closed and I saw the Masters and the boys walk to the front of the truck. Moments later the Masters got into the truck, started it up, and we drove out of the Alley onto Folsom Street heading downtown. As we passed the entrance to the leather store, the two Indian boys, the clerk, and Mr. Chalipi were standing by the door waving as we passed by. Without the benefit of being handcuffed to the cage this time, and with my hands cuffed, it was a little more difficult to sit upright in the cage as the truck drove. Added to this was the fact that the ball stretcher forced my balls onto the truck of the floor with the weight of the metal. I tried adjusting a number of times but resigned myself eventually to some discomfort as we drove home. I quickly realized we were not driving directly home. We were heading towards Market Street, a main thoroughfare that runs through the middle of San Francisco.

When we stopped we were in the parking lot of a large Safeway store. The Masters got out and went into the store, leaving me in the cage to watch as other shoppers came and went for about forty-five minutes. As I sat there, the truck got colder and colder and my collars and cuffs also got colder. Even the slightest movement caused the chain on my nipple clamps and leash to swing, bringing the cold metal into contact with another part of my flesh. When they returned, they opened the back of the truck and loaded in a half dozen plastic bags of groceries without even acknowledging my presence. This was much closer proximity to being naked in a typical public setting, and I was enjoying the risk involved in being caught by one of the other shoppers as they loaded up their own vehicles or walked through the parking area. The rain and cold weather made it somewhat unlikely, but the thought was there. They finally closed the doors without anyone discovering me, somewhat to my disappointment and as we drove back to Master Kosugis condo, I began to think about just how much of a slutty, whore I truly had become. My cock got hard as I thought about my experiences so far, despite the cold.

The drive home was uneventful, other than me listening to the two Masters talking in Japanese as they drove. I had never though of Japanese as a particularly erotic or sinister or romantic language before now, yet just hearing them talk in a language I did not understand, and imagining them talking about what they would do to me was so HOT. I was hard by the time Master Kosugi parked in his space in the parking garage of his building. They opened the back of the truck, unlocked the cage, and grabbing me by the ankles, they pulled me all the way out of the truck and stood me up on my feet facing the now empty cage. I was still naked, and while I really liked the idea of being naked right here in Masters condo garage, I also wondered what they would do if another vehicle drove by or if someone came out of the fire escape door just a few feet away from where we were standing.

Master Kosugi unlocked the handcuffs from my wrists while Master Haro walked over to the fire exit door and opened it. "Put the shorts into one of the bags, and grab the bags boy" Master Kosugi ordered. I quickly scrambled back into the truck, found the still soaking and cold shorts, placed them inside the nearest plastic bag which was full of fruit and was just about to jumped back out of the truck next to Master. I then leaned in, gathered up the plastic bags in both hands and pulled them out with three in each hand. As I did this the chain connected to my nipple clamps swung back and forth and I found that I actually enjoyed the sensation, much to my surprise. With the bags in hand, Master Kosugi closed and locked the doors to the truck and grabbed my leash, pulling me through the fire door and onto the stairs leading up to his condo, with Master Haro giggling as usual.

When we reached the eighth floor, Master Haro reached into the shopping bag containing my shorts and pulled them out with a broad smile on his face. "Should you wear them or not?" he asked making a funny, mocking face as he did. I looked at Master Kosugi who smiled back at me with no sign of a decision on his part. "No, Sir" I said and both laughed quietly. "Good bitch" said Master Kosugi as Master Haro giggled and opened the door that led to the hallway. The hallway was empty, and Master Kosugi pulled me by the leash quickly down the hallway with Master Haro in hot pursuit. It felt as though we were doing something illegal, together, as a pact. It was most definitely a bonding moment for a very different reason than all those I had already bonded with Master over. I felt like an accomplice in some dastardly crime, and I felt excited about it. I choose to be exposed naked and collared to the possibility of being seen and discovered this time.

It was my decision that put me in this position, and I was enjoying it tremendously. We reached his condo door without incident and he unlocked the door just as the elevator signal "binged" and the doors slid open. Master Kosugi tugged me forcefully through the door and into the condo. Master Haro followed and the door slammed shut.

--End I would love feedback on this story at

Next: Chapter 7

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