Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 18, 2008





Grabbing my rope leash which was still attached to my rope collar, Master Kosugi pulled me from the bathroom and into the bedroom with Master Haro following and continuing to film. The bedroom had a California King sized bed on a low dark colored wooden frame in the center below a large picture depicting a Samurai battle in very pastel water colors. Pulling me down onto the floor, Master Kosugi tied my leash around the leg at the foot of the bed, leaving it quite short so that I only had a few inches between myself and the leg. He then pulled my hands behind my back again and loosely tied my wrists together again before slapping me once on the ass. " You will sleep there tonight. Master Haro and myself will sleep in the bed. You'll be available for us if we want to use you during the night." With that, both Masters climbed into the large bed and as I lay naked and still wet from the shower on the floor of Master Kosugi's bedroom, I heard him turn off the main light. Soon I heard them breathing slowly and rhythmically, soon asleep. I on the other hand lay shivering on the hardwood floor unable to get very comfortable and contemplating my night on Master Kosugi's bedroom floor, at the foot of his bed, naked and bound, waiting for morning and his renewed attention.


My hair was wet, my skin was damp, although I knew the room was warm, the hardwood floor seemed very cold and I was shivering slightly as my body heat slowly evaporated the water that remained on me from the shower. Despite having cum in the shower without even touching my cock, I found myself hard as a rock again and humping my cock against the smooth floor trying to get off again. My thoughts kept running through exactly what had just happened to me within the last three days or so. From having fantasies about slavery, ownership, sexual use, and bondage, and from having a few experiences with doms who would tie me up and ask me if I was ok all the time, or who would "whip" me with a belt so lightly that I could hardly feel anything -- I had now jumped feet first (naked feet first at that) into the deepest end of this submission pool, far beyond my wildest expectations, but definitely matching up to my wildest fantasies. I had just been fucked in the mouth and ass by two gorgeous, aggressive, dominant, and incredibly erotic Asian guys and I was now tied wet and naked to the foot of their bed, on the floor, just like a dog, with my hands tied behind my back, in the cold. I had dreamed of this happening, but never really expected it to ever occur without my discussing it as a "scene" and it being play-acted. This was not the case. Master Kosugi and Master Haro had done all of this without asking my permission, without seeking my input. It was HOT. I, of course, knew deep down that I could use the safe word Master Kosugi had told me about and I truly believed they would respect that. In some strange way, that allowed me to give up my very being to them. Where before I may have stopped things or limited things out of shame, or fear, or embarrassment, Master Kosugi has smashed right through those defenses. I was his, totally, completely, indisputably -- and it felt -- it felt -- right!

I opened my eyes and realized that I had actually drifted off to sleep at some point. I had spent a long time trying to find a comfortable position on the hardwood floor. My athletic frame did not have much padding around my boney parts, so I found one thing or another would get sore after lying on one position or another for a while. I had fantasized and dreamed about sleeping stark naked and bound at the foot of my Masters bed, but had never actually done it or tried it for myself. I had found it really hard to get used to having nothing covering me. It was so strange, so vulnerable, so -- cold -- and yet it was not really temperature cold in the room at all. I was amazed that I had fallen asleep at all, but as I looked around the room I realized it was already light outside. Not bright mid-day light, but overcast and early morning light as you would get toward the end of November. I began to move position slightly to relieve the pressure on my left shoulder, which I had been lying on, when I saw some bare feet walk from the living room into the bedroom and towards me. My cock was rock hard and sticking our from my hips, as any hot blooded boy's cock would be first thing in the morning. As the feet walked towards me my cock throbbed and bounced in anticipation and I strained to look around the bed leg which was obscuring my view to see which Master was coming to play with me, or use me, or perhaps just ignore me.

The quiet, almost whispered giggle immediately told me who was approaching even before my cock was grabbed gently squeezed firmly, causing me to moan in ecstasy. I honestly thought after the fourth or fifth squeeze that I would blow a load of cum right there and then, but just at that moment, Master Haro began untying my leash that had kept me secured to the bed all night long. Without thinking, as the knots were being untied, I rolled onto my stomach and began humping the floor to try to get off. I only got two or three unsuccessful grinds with my hips before Master Haro dragged my head and shoulders off the floor using my rope leash and collar, arching my back and pulling my face up directly in front of his. He made a comment to me in Japanese which I could not understand, but somehow, instinctively I felt he was saying "What a fucking whore you really are bitch." He continued to pull my leash upwards as he stood and I managed to get my knees under me and to stand in front of him. He was wearing a white three quarter length bath robe that had some Japanese alphabet characters embroidered on the left chest in dark blue. His robe was closed and tied, and as I stood before him he continued to pull the leach upward toward the ceiling. My collar pulled up under my chin, forcing my head back as I lifted up onto my tip toes to try to relieve the pressure. With my head turned up toward the ceiling, I could not look at him directly, but I could see him out of the corner of my eyes as he just looked me up and down, turning his head sideways every now and again to look in more detail at my nipples or my abs, or my cock, or my ass. He switched the leash to his other hand and forced me to turn around in half circle, facing the other way while he continued to stare at me. It was an intensely erotic feeling, being stark naked on my tip toes with my hands still bound behind my back, being examined by this Hot Asian master. I was only too well aware that my cock was throbbing and bouncing up and down constantly as he would tug every now and again on the rope leash.

He finally relieved the pressure and I was able to return my heels to the ground and relax slight. As I did he dropped the leash and with both hands, opened my lower jaw and began examining my mouth and teeth. Holding my mouth open with one hand, he ran the fingers of the other hand over my teeth, gripped my tongue and pulled it forward and out of my mouth, then lifted it and looked underneath, before letting it go. I could taste him on me when I returned my tongue to my mouth. He stared straight at me, unflinching with a smile on his face until I got shy and looked away from his gaze to the floor. Again, with a quiet giggle he suddenly tugged hard on my leash and turned toward the living room. The tug caught me completely off guard and I would almost have fallen, if he had not been right in front of me. Instead I turned my head quickly to the side and smashed into his shoulders and upper back with the side of my head. He looked momentarily to the side in my direction, released a little of the leash to allow me to regain my balance a little and immediately stepped forward and tugged on the leash again. I was more ready for it this time and stumbled forward keeping my head above his shoulders and bumping into him with my full body. He giggled and continued this little game until we had walked all the way over to the large uncovered windows that faced out onto the busy King Street below and the city beyond.

While I was behind him, and he was dressed in his robe, I did not think too much of this and was concentrating on trying to keep up, and the fact that every time I bumped into him, my cock was finding the valley between his two ass cheeks and I was once again becoming super excited and desperate to cum. He suddenly let go of the leach, turned and sat down on the couch to the left, leaving me fully exposed and only a foot or two away from the windows. I froze. I didn't know what to do. I looked at him, my eyes opened wide, then I looked back to the windows and down to the street eight floors below which had a number of cars driving on it already and a few busses, plus more than a few pedestrians making their way to or from the nearby train station. Any one of those people down there could look up at any moment to see me stark naked, with an enormous erection, standing in the window, looking right out at them. My eyes darted from car to car, pedestrian to pedestrian, building to building and back to Maser Haro. He sipped a cup of coffee that was sitting on the small window ledge that rose just six inches from the hardwood floor I was standing naked and barefoot on. He sipped, he smiled, and his eyes roved all over my naked body. I instinctively started to slide my right foot behind me, as if to back away from the window, and instantly felt Master Haro's right foot behind by ass, not really preventing me from backing away, but certainly suggesting that I should not. I looked at him again and I felt his foot actually push me toward the window as he smiled broadly and nonchalantly sipped from his coffee.

I have always been exhibitionistic by nature, and always liked being naked in front of other appreciative clothed people. A part of me wanted and desired this exposure, this forced submission, this abject nakedness on show, and wanted a dozen hot guys down there to look up and see me submit to this. Another part however was shit scared that I would be seen, that the police would be called, that I'd be arrested and vilified as a pervert. The gentle pressure from Master Haro's foot, my hard and throbbing cock, my excitement at my predicament, all overcame my concerns and fears and I stepped forward towards the window and my possible discovery and embarrassment. Master Haro continued to push until my shins hit the low window sill and I leaned forward onto the glass with my chest, my face turned sideways to look at him. He removed his foot, sat back and sipped some more black coffee from his mug while smiling at me and nodding his head in what I hoped was appreciation and enjoyment of my willingness to do his bidding so readily. I could not help but to constantly look down to the ever changing street as the flow of cars and people continued to move below me. I felt my cock leak some pre-cum onto the glass and I certainly felt it throb as I stood there leaning against the cold glass.

I stayed there for quite some time, becoming resolved to the fact that I was fully, nakedly, abjectly, completely on display to anyone below who choose to look up and see my complete submission to these two Japanese Masters. I watched as people went about their business, oblivious to my presence above them. I found it exhilarating, if still a little nerve racking, to be standing here as exposed as I was. Master Haro put down the coffee cup, now empty, leaned forward, grabbed my rope leash which still hung by my left hip and pulled me down to my knees before him. I could no longer see the road and people below me, but the city and the other buildings in the distance were still plainly visible out of the corner of my eye. I was still on display for anyone watching this window on this Saturday morning. Master Haro patted my head and stroked my hair as you would your beloved dog, and he smiled at me as he spoke softly to me in Japanese. Without even thinking, as I gazed into his eyes, I turned my head slightly sideways, just as a dog might when you say something to it. Master Haro giggled, and I realized immediately what I'd done and felt embarrassed, looking away from his eyes to the knot of his belt which kept his bathrobe closed. "You are a good boy, a good boy" he said softly in English to me as he giggled. "I wish I could take you back to Japan with me and keep you for myself. I would keep you naked for the rest of your life. Naked, collared in steel, and at my service whenever I wished." He continued patting me and I smiled, warmed and so incredibly proud and elated by his comments. This gorgeous, amazing, sexual, Japanese GOD wanted and desired me.

He untied his robe and pulled both sides open to reveal his hard cock to me. I immediately began to move forward with my mouth open to take his cock and suck on it, but he lifted the prize away from me before my lips touched it. I looked up at him, disappointment evidently showing on my face as he giggled at me again. "Lick my balls" he commanded in a very gentle but demanding tone. I went to work lapping around each orb with my tongue, feeling the straight black pubic hair fold under the pressure of my tongue. "That's it, suck them into your mouth bitch" he said, and I did so, sucking with all of my might as though I might be able to swallow them. "Good boy, good boy" he rewarded me before he lowered his hard cock to my lips, grasped the back of my head, and pushed his way deep into the back of my mouth. "Suck boy, take my morning cum." Using my hair as a guide, gripped tightly between his two first on either side of my head now, Master Haro set the rhythm he wanted me to move at, and I quickly fell into that desired rhythm for him. It was relatively gentle, but long and deep thrusts. As I pulled my head back my tongue would lap at his cock head and piss slit and he would moan appreciatively. As I swallowed the length of his cock he would pull me by the hair until my nose was buried in his public hair and I could feel his balls on my chin. This continued for some time, the only noise being occasional moans from Master, or slurping and sucking sounds from me.

Finally he pulled me off and looked at me with a great big smile. I smiled back, happy that I had pleased him when I saw Master Kosugi by our side, filming us with the video camera. I was about to turn to him when Master Haro giggled, grabbed me by the hair, pulled me to my feet, turned me to face out of the window again, pushed me forward until I was once again face and chest pressed against the window, then I felt his cock press against my asshole. I was about to be fucked, standing naked, full frontal, with an painfully hard erection, with people walking on a busy public street just below me. As my lust pushed back slightly against Master Haro's cock to encourage it's entry, my heart began beating faster and louder, and my eyes darted from person to person, car to car, building to building on the street below to see if anyone could see my, my, what was this. Was it a predicament, was it a humiliation, was it an erotic encounter. It was all of them and so much more, but nothing mattered as Master Haro's cock entered me fast and hard, and forced my hips to thump against the glass wall in front of me. I grunted in pleasure and surprise at the force used compared to the gentleness of my face fucking. Master Haro giggled, pulled all the way out of me, leaving me feeling vacant and abandoned, before he plunged all the way back in again, repeating the same thump against the glass wall of my hips. He repeated this at least ten or fifteen times before he stayed inside of me and began to piston fuck me while his hands rested on the glass on either side of my head.

I could not help but begin moaning in rhythm to his inward strokes. As he thrust forward, my hands still bound behind my back felt his abs then lost them, then felt them again. I felt his hot breath on the side of my neck as he fucked me hard. I heard Master Kosugi say something in Japanese and Master Haro grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back painfully in a sudden tug as he plunged even deeper inside of me. I grunted much louder as he did that, and I was rewarded with a giggle and a comment whispered in Japanese in my ear. He continued to fuck me while holding onto my hair and pulling my head back. With my head in this position I could not see the street below me, and I was lost in the lust and passion of the moment. I didn't care who saw me naked, bound, and being fucked like the slut I am, in a window for everyone to see. I just wanted Master Haro's cock pounding me again, and again, and again, and again.

I was flattened and fucked against that window for quite a while, before Master Haro pulled his cock completely out of me and spun me around with my back to the window, forcing me down into a crouching position right in front of his cock which he was pumping with his hand. Holding a handful of my hair with one hand and pushing my head backwards onto the glass, while pumping his own cock with his other hand, I knew what was coming and opened my mouth wide to accept and welcome the gift. The first stream of his cum shot our and almost hit me square in the left eye. I just closed my eyelids as I felt the explosion of the hot cum hit my eye socket and splash down my cheek and over my nose. I was hit with seven or eight enormous steams of cum all over my face before Master Haro's cock was pushed into my mouth again for cleaning services. My eyes tight shut against the thick wet cum that hung all over my face, I began lapping at the softening cock in my mouth. The cock as removed in a few moments and Master Kosugi told me "Open your mouth bitch, and take my load too." He had just finished saying this when I was hit by stream after stream of cum almost directly into the back of my mouth. As I kept my mouth open I could feel it fill up with the thick, sticky liquid. As I felt the shots subside, I swallowed down what I could in three big gulps then began licking my lips vigorously to capture what was still running down my face. Fingers helped to direct the remaining cum into my mouth and finally cleared away the sticky residue from my eyes allowing me to open them again. Master Kosugi was filming once more as Master Haro stood crouched in front of me.

My cock was rock hard and leaking pre-cum onto the hardwood floor. Master Haro's gaze led me to look at it and immediately his right hand slapped my cock hard. He said something in Japanese to Master Kosugi and they both began laughing loudly. I had no idea what they had said, but felt embarrassed, sure that they were laughing at me for some reason. Master Haro then grabbed a handful of my hair, and turned my head toward the window behind me. There were four white streaks running down the window which I quickly realized were cum from either Master Haro or Mater Kosugi. "Clean" was all that was commanded, and I immediately turned around and pressed my nose against the glass to allow my tongue to lap up the drying liquid. As I began my cleaning job, Master Haro slapped me hard on my right ass cheek. I yelped and stumbled slightly to my left. He giggled and repeated his order "Clean." I resumed and he slapped my left ass cheek hard, This was

repeated a dozen times before I successfully cleaned all of the cum from the window, my ass burning with heat from Master Haro's hard slaps. Master Haro then turned my head to face him as he smiled and pointed to the floor between us. I looked down and saw a small patch of clear whitish liquid on the floor. I immediately realized it was my pre-cum that had oozed out. "Clean" was commanded and I leaned forward somewhat precariously as my hands were still tied behind my back. I saw the video camera come right sown next to my face as I stuck out my tongue to clean off the hardwood floor. I heard a spitting sound and ahead of me on the floor I saw a white puddle of foamy liquid appear. Master Haro crouching down in front of me pointed to his spit which had just landed in front of me. "Clean" he repeated, and I moved forward and lapped up the spit, only to hear him spit again just in front of me. I walked gingerly and carefully forward on my knees, lapping up and swallowing the spit trail he was leaving for me while Master Kosugi filmed everything.

Finally, Mater Haro pulled my head up level with his, he thrust his tongue deep into my mouth, and kissed me for a while before releasing me and slapping me hard across the face. I looked back at him as he giggled and smiled back at me. He then turned to Master Kosugi, smiled, and they began talking in Japanese again. They both got up and wandered into the bedroom, leaving me kneeling there in the living room, naked, hands bound behind my back, covered in sticky cum. I looked straight ahead toward the condo door, not turning to look over my shoulder to see what they were doing in the bedroom. I heard them talk, laugh, discuss quietly, then laugh loudly again, all in Japanese. Every now and again I would hear "Slut" or Bitch" or "Whore", or at least, I think I did, but I simply kept kneeling there.

Finally they both came out, both fully dressed once again. I felt even more naked now, on my knees in someone else's condo, naked with my hands tied behind my back. Both ignored me as they walked to the front door of the condo and opened it. I was now on display to anyone walking along the condor corridor. My cock had been softening as I waited on my knees for their return from the bedroom. Now, it pulsed back into life as I knelt in full view of the open door, where Master Kosugi and Master Haro chatted, ignoring me completely. Just before Master Haro turned to leave, he looked back at me and winked with a smile and a giggle before walking away down the corridor. Mater Kosugi came back into the condo, knelt down in front of me and began kissing me aggressively for what seemed like an hour, but was perhaps only ten minutes or so.

"Haro thinks you are SO HOT." He put much emphasis on "so hot." I smiled, blushed, and looked away. "He wants to know where I bought you and if there are any others like you for sale" he laughed. "Lets get you cleaned up. We're going shopping with Haro this afternoon, to get you ready for the party this evening." He said. "It's very premature" he continued, "but I've always wanted a naked slave in a steel collar, steel cuffs, and steel leg irons to serve me, and now I have the chance to make that dream come true tonight." He paused looking at me, presumably for signs that I may be chickening out of the party at which I was to serve his friends naked this evening. When I did not say anything but my cock twitched and throbbed at that thought, he continued confidently. "So, we're going shopping to a leather store. I'm going to strip you naked in the middle of the store and fit you with your slave uniform." With that, he untied my wrists and the rope around my neck and took me to the bathroom telling me to shower and clean up.

--End I would love feedback on this story at

Next: Chapter 6

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