Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 14, 2008





"Ok bitch, stay here until I get back, ok" he said with great mirth in his voice. "I'll be gone for a while, but I'll come back for you later tonight. Maybe, I'll bring back a few friends, maybe not. We'll see." With that, he bent down, patted my hair like you would a dog, he gathered up the remnants of my shorts and shirt, hi picked up my sneakers, he stood up, opened the door, flipped off the light and slammed and locked the door. My last chance to say boundary had just walked out the door, leaving me naked, trussed up on the floor, with a raging hard on, cum all over my face and in my mouth, and no idea when he would return. There was a little light from the corridor coming into the room, but otherwise it was pitch black in the storage closet. I heard Master climbing the stairs and the sounds of him walking eventually disappearing into the distance. My god, I can't believe this is actually happening to me. He likes me, no he loves me, no, maybe he just likes to use me. It doesn't matter, I am fucking loving every minute of this. Now, I'm left like a toy, naked, bound, and alone until he wants to use me again. God I wish I could jerk off right now.


Lying there, stark naked, bound ankle and wrist, collared and leashed with rope to the down pipe, hogtied on my stomach, my clothes cut off and gone with Master, his cum taste still in my mouth and all over my face and hair – I was in heaven for sure. The feeling of being used for sex, then discarded in this dirty storage room until he wanted to use me again was something I'd dreamed of and fantasized about for years...but it was actually happening, and my god, Master was HOT! I hoped he would come back soon, then I hoped he would leave me here like this all night, then just for a few hours. I could never decide completely on what I wanted, other than to serve Master as his sex slut forever.

Time seemed to drag and I lost my ability and sense of duration lying on the hard concrete. My cock continued to throb for quite some time after Master left me there alone and bound, but finally it subsided as I daydreamed about other things briefly, but I would always return to Master coming back to fuck me and abuse me again and my cock would re-engorge with blood and begin dripping pre-cum. Eventually my feet began to get tingly and I realized my position was a little uncomfortable after a while. It took me some time, rolling back and forth but eventually I was able to roll onto my left side which freed my cock from its position on the floor and still allowed me to see the doorway and the light of the corridor outside. I stayed that way for a while until it too began to become uncomfortable, so I repeated the whole rolling process to roll onto my other side. I rolled between my stomach, left side, right side, and finally onto my back with my legs supporting most of my weight quite a few times. I lost count of how often I shifted position, all the time waiting to hear Master return, but no-one came. I would occasionally hear the doors close off in the distance, perhaps the fire door I had come through earlier, or doors further up on the condo floors. I couldn't tell.

I eventually began to drift into moments or periods of sleep. I had no idea how long I would snooze for, then something would waken me and for a moment I would be confused by the darkness, the hardness of the concrete floor I was lying on, my restricted movement, then it would all come back to me, and my cock would stir into life yet again. I desperately wanted to jerk off and even tried to hump the rough and dirty concrete floor, but it was way to tough to do in this hog tied position, and it was too painful with my uncut cock rubbing on the rough surface. Strange thoughts went through my head in those moments of being awake, then I'd drift off again.

The key being pushed into the lock in the handle startled me awake. I had not head anyone approaching the door, but as I looked now I could see the shadow of two feet under the door to the storage closet. I heard the clicking of the lock and the door swung open gently towards where I was lying, once more on my stomach as I had been when Master left me. As the light was turned on, I was blinded by the brightness and forced to close my eyes against the harsh glare. Squinting against the sudden harshness of the light in the room I saw the figure of Master walk in and look down at me. I immediately got hard and suddenly realized my mouth was dry. Master knelt down and I felt his hands run over my ass cheeks, then down into the valley to find my hole. Two fingers pushed in and probed deeply as they wiggled and manipulated my insides. I grunted and exhaled with pleasure at the sought after intrusion and wiggled my hips as much as I could. The fingers were just as quickly removed and Masters hand slid down to grab my balls in a firm grasp. Pulling on my balls, Master slapped me a dozen or so times on my legs, and ass before I releasing my balls saying "Roll on your side" in a demanding tone.

WAIT...that was not Masers voice! I felt his hands on my hips as he lifted and pushed me onto my side, exposing my cock fully to him. As my eyes acclimatized I got my first look at him. He was Asian, light skinned, about 30 or so, bleached blonde hair with black roots, he had a wonderful smile, and he was wearing a leather motorcycle jacket, t-shirt, and jeans. As I took him all in, I noticed a figure behind him and realized Master was standing there, observing the whole scene, also with a broad smile on his face. My eyes darted from one to the other, both were HOT, both were smiling and allowing me a moment to take in the whole scene, then I saw Master raise his camera and take a photo. Yet another photo of my submission to yet another Asian guy.

"This is Haro" Master said, then immediately corrected himself. "Master Haro to you bitch. He is a good friend of mine from Japan and you will be our whore this tonight."

As Master Kosugi said this, Master Haro took my cock with one hand and began scraping my piss slit with his finger nail while with his other hand, he took hold of my right nipple and squeezed and twisted it so hard and far that I thought it would rip off, right there and then. I whimpered loudly and twisted my hips to try to get away from the assault on my sensitive cock head. I was uncut, and the head of my cock was super sensitive to any touch, but a finger nail running along it was like an automatic sanding tool rubbing it down. Master Haro giggled as I squirmed and switched his attention from my right nipple to my left, still scratching at my cock head as I bucked and tried to get away. "Master Haro likes to hear white sluts whimper and in pain" said Master Kosugi as he moved closer to observe my "torture." Master Haro giggled again as he heard Master Kosugi describe him, then after a short discussion in Japanese between the two maters, Master Haro suddenly pulled me over onto my stomach again, causing my rock hard cock to impact on the concrete floor before slipping out to the side of me. I winced and again exhaled as I landed.

I felt Master Haro work on my bonds and my legs were freed from their bondage to my wrists. Master Haro stepped over me and sat directly on my ass as he untied my ankles, keeping my knees bent, while Master Kosugi untied the rope from around the down pipe that had held me in place for long, I had no idea. To have their contact again, to have Master Kosugi with me again was wonderful. I was so excited to see him again, so much that I could not keep my eyes off him, even though his back was to me as he untied the rope. As I stared as the wonderful mounds of his ass inside his jeans I realized he was looking back over his shoulder directly at me, holding the rope in one hand and smiling broadly. He turned to me, grabbed a handful of my hair to pull my head further up off he concrete floor, then slapped me lightly on the side of my face. "We're going to take you up to my apartment and fuck you all night long slut. You'll have our cocks stuffed in every hole we can find for the next six hours, and you're going to drink our piss, swallow our cum, lap up our sweat, lick our asses, suck our toes, and when we're done with you, we may just throw you our into the alley naked, just like I did last night.."

Master Haro was giggling and chuckling as Master Kosugi spoke. He finally got my ankles untied and he reached under my hips to grab my cock once again, only this time he began stroking it as he rubbed my balls. Again they spoke to each other in Japanese and Master Haro got off me with a final, incredibly hard slap on my right ass cheek as Master Kosugi stood up and pulled me up to my knees and ultimately my feet with the rope still tied in a collar around my neck. It was hard to get up but I got my right knee under me and finally stood facing Master Kosugi with my cock standing at full attention and leaking pre-cum and my ass still stinging from the slap. Master Kosugi immediately pushed his tongue deep into my throat and began kissing me aggressively. I could taste alcohol and smell it on his breath, and somehow this just got me harder and more turned on. After a while I felt my rope leash being pulled to the side, away from Master Kosugi, and I turned to find Master Haro facing me. It was then that I realized Master Haro was taller than I was by about two inches. As I looked up at him, he also pushed his tongue deep into my mouth and began equally aggressively kissing me. As he did this I felt Master Kosugi step in behind me, his arms slip around my body, and his hands found my cock and began stroking it slowly.

I could not believe what was happening, but I was overtaken by lust, passion, excitement. I had two hot Asian guys surrounding me, and intent of fucking the shit out of me all night, and I couldn't wait for it to begin. I returned Master Haro's kissing as aggressively as I could with my hands still bound behind my back. The feel of his cold leather jacket against my naked flesh and the very rough and industrial zipper seemed to accentuate the tactile sensations of both Masters as they toyed with me. I hears Master Kosugi say something in Japanese and both released me. Master Haro grabbed my rope leash and turning pulled me quickly out of the storage closet into the hallway with the rope running over his right shoulder. Once in the hallway, without even looking back at me he strode purposefully to the stairs and began climbing with me in tow behind him. I hears the store room door close as Master Haro and I were already half way up the first flight of stairs. We continued up, past the fire exit door I had entered the building through some time before, and along the corridor to the next set of stairs leading up to the condo's themselves. On up we went to floor eight. Master Haro opened the door and pulled me out into the carpeted hallway and strode down passing door after door until we reached condo number 808.

Master Kosugi was close behind us as we stopped at the door to his condo. As the door was unlocked Master Haro turned to look directly at me, his eyes searching up and down my naked body. I felt strangely vulnerable, exposed, and shy at that moment, yet I loved the feeling of his attention like this. The door was finally opened and Master Haro once more tugged on the rope leash, pulling me into the condo as the lights were turned on. It was a very modern condo with dark hardwood floors, very modern and minimalist furniture and very tasteful art work on the walls. I was impressed, and then realized that the large set of windows at the other end of the room looked out onto the city at night. A few high rise buildings in the distance could potentially see directly in here if someone had a set of binoculars or a telescope, and with no curtains on these windows, I was exposed to anyone who happened to be looking in this direction at that time. I knew the chances of this were slim, yet if got me excited at the same time.

Master Haro pulled me to the area rug in front of the two leather sofas that faced each other in the main part of the living room. A small coffee table separated the two sofas and I was pushed to my knees just to the side of the table. Master Haro immediately unbuttoned his jeans, slipped his tight white underwear down and pulled out a beautiful, already hard uncut cock. It was a little shorter than Master Kosugi, but what little it lacked in length it more than made up for in width. My attention was so fixated on that cock that I hadn't noticed Master Kosugi walk behind me until I felt my legs being kicked apart, wider and wider. Master Haro grabbed two handfuls of hair at the side of my head and plunged his cock deep into my receptive and willing mouth. As it hit the back of my throat, I automatically gagged and tried to pull away, but he held me firm and held his cock there for a few seconds before pulling all the way out and giggling down at me. As my eyes met his briefly, his expression immediately changed and he thrust his cock back into me again at exactly the same moment Master Kosugi rammed his hard cock into my ass while grabbing my hips to prevent me from escaping his thrust. I was choking, and trying to grunt all at the same time.

Both Masters pounded away for quite some time, sometimes in complete synch where Master Haro would thrust into my mouth just as Mater Kosigi was withdrawing from my ass, while at other times they would both be impaling me at almost exactly the same moment. Master Haro eventually removed his motorcycle jacket and I got a brief reprieve from his face fucking as he did so, but he was soon back at it, pounding in hard and fast, then slowing before pulling completely out, only to ram it all the way back in moments later. Master Kosugi began slapping my ass every third of fourth stroke, and I heard them exchange comments in Japanese. Master Haro changed his grip on my hair to one handed and as he fucked my face, he began slapping me at the same time, not super hard, but enough to make my skin tingle and get warm.

After a while of this pounding, Master Haro pulled out and let go of my hair. I then felt Master Kosugi pull out of my ass and grab my hair, turning me around to face him. As I did he moved backwards and sat on the sofa just behind him, his jeans around his knees and his hard dick sticking straight up into the air. Using my hair as a guide, he pulled me forward, making me stumble along on my knees to reach him and to secure my mouth around his cock. As I swallowed it down, and tasted my own ass on it, I felt Master Haro move in between my legs and knew exactly what was coming. I felt my asshole twitch and tighten in anticipation of the assault that was coming. As Master Kosugi leaned back into the sofa, he pulled my head down onto his cock to the point where my nose was pressed into his public hair and abdomen. His cock was broaching my throat and my gag reflex began to kick in just as I felt Master Haro's hands grab my hips and his cock drive forcefully through my sphincter and deep into my hole. The force of Master Haro's thrust pushed me forward toward Master Kosugi and this relieved some of the pressure in my throat, but it wasn't long before Master Haro pulled back a little and Master Kosugi once again pushed his cock all the way to the back of my mouth. Both pounded on me in this position for quite some time again before they switched positions again. This time I was turned to face Master Haro who sat on the ground. My head was pulled town onto his cock which left my ass sticking up into the air. Master Kosugi wasted no time in stepping over me and mounting me from above.

Master Haro said something to Master Kosugi in Japanese and suddenly his cock exploded in my mouth, filling it quickly with a gigantic load of cum. I coughed as his cum flowed into my throat and almost immediately overfilled my mouth, yet Master Haro kept his cock firmly entrenched in my mouth. "Swallow bitch, swallow all of my Japanese seed boy" he demanded as he began slapping my face and continued to pump his cock. Master Kosugi stopped fucking me as this was going on, but immediately that I had began to regain my composure and had swallowed most of Master Haro's cum, he began fucking me in earnest again, with Master Haro encouraging him. He pulled out of my ass quickly and roughly flipped me around onto my back. He then knelt right over my face and pumped his gorgeous cock a few times before his own explosion of cum shot into my open mouth, over my face, and ran down my cheeks. Master Haro was twisting on both of my nipples as this happened, and that pain made it difficult to swallow the cum as I was trying to grunt in pain and swallow at the same time, not an easy task. I coughed suddenly and most of the cum Master Kosugi had just shot into my mouth ended up landing on the floor beside me. Both Masters laughed and spoke quickly in Japanese to each other.

Both grabbed me by the head, turned me around into a crouching position and pushed my face and nose into the pool of cum on the floor that I had deposited and that both Masters had left as they came. "Lick up our sweet cream you fucking ungrateful whore" I heard Master Haro order as Master Kosugi added "Bitch, don't spit out my cum all over my own fucking floor, lap it up with you tongue. Hurry the fuck up bitch, get it all" While they held the back of my head against the floor and I licked cum from the floor for the second time this evening, both began slapping my ass and reaching under to slap at my hard cock and occasionally at my balls. I licked for what seemed like ages as they laughed, chatted with each other, slapped me, and pushed my face into the hardwood floor. Eventually Master Kosugi pulled me up to a kneeling position by my hair and said "That's fucking better you whore. Maybe I should make you clean my whole living room floor with your tongue." He said it in an almost gentle and proud way, and I felt elated, and so happy at that moment. My face was covered in cum, I had just been fucked repeatedly in the ass and in the mouth by two guys who played tag on either end of me, and both had shot their loads in my mouth and all over me...and I LOVED this. My cock was rock hard and aching for release.

Pulling me up from the ground I was dragged to the bathroom. "Undress us bitch" said Master Kosugi, with a devious smile on his face. My hands were still tied behind my back, but I tried as best I could, beginning with both of their jeans which were already by their knees. As I crouched to push Master Kosugi's jeans down to his ankles, Master Haro began slapping me in the face and over my shoulders and chest saying "Hurry the fuck up bitch, I want a shower and I want to get to bed." As I turned to try to push Master Haro's jeans down, Master Kosugi then began slapping me and spitting on me with a smile. "What about me you whore. I'm your real MASTER here, get my fucking clothes off." I knew I could not win, and with my hands tied behind my back still, it was almost impossible to get their jeans off over their feet. They repeatedly turned me, slapped me, spat on me, and called me names, pulled on my hair to drag me from one to the other and finally Master Kosugi kicked me in the ass, sending me off balance and sprawling on my stomach to the cold tiled floor. As I lay there, they removed the last of their clothing then walked to stand on their side of me as I lay there. I looked from one to the other, from side to side, as though I was at a tennis match, looking up at my Masters, my Gods, my controllers and I could not help but smile broadly. Master Haro bent down and quickly untied my wrists while Master Kosugi started the shower and got the temperature just right.

A hard slap on my ass and Master Haro told me to get into the shower, I began to stand up when he grabbed me by the hair, pulled me to the edge of the tub, and dumped me unceremoniously over the edge, leaving my lying in the bottom of the tub with the water hitting me. He stepped in. closed the door, and threw me the sponge and bottle of liquid soap. "Get to it whore, bathe me" he said as he giggled again. I poured some soap on the sponge and beginning at Master Haro's feet, I worked slowly up his legs to his groin. I soaped carefully around his thickening shaft with the sponge, then as I moved the sponge further up, Master Haro put his own hand over my own as it gripped his shaft and as I continued to soap his chest he jerked himself off using my hand. He turned around, showing me his muscular back and hot bubble butt and I immediately began soaping his shoulders and back with one hand while my other continued to jerk him off. As I reached his ass he let go of my hand and I crouched again to soap his legs. Master Haro turned around and slapped me hard across the face. I looked up in shock trying to figure out what I had done wrong, but Master Haro had a giant smile on his face "Good shower bitch, well done. That was your reward. Did you like it?" I found myself immediately smiling despite the stinging in my cheek.

Master Haro slid the glass shower door open and looked outside with a giggle. As I looked outside the shower, Master Kosugi was there, still naked and gorgeous as ever, pointing a video camera in our direction. Master Haro stepped out of the shower onto the bath mat and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me forward and out of the tub onto the tiled floor on my hands and knees. He grabbed a towel from the rack and threw it in my face. "Dry me whore, and you better dry me good or I may just throw you out stark naked like you are now" he said laughing. His laugh and giggling were truly infectious and I found myself smiling and enjoying his attention as I took the towel and stood to begin drying him from his hair down. I was able to explore every inch of his body and enjoyed the experience immensely. For his part, Master Haro simply talked the whole time with Master Kosugi, occasionally giggling or raising their voices as they chatted.

Master Haro suddenly pulled the towel away from me and quickly twisted it around on itself. As I watched him do this I glanced up at Master Kosugi who was smiling back at me. I knew exactly what has coming, and when the towel whipped down and hit me on the ass, I flinched but stayed there, my cock jumping in response. Master Haro giggled and whipped me three or four more times as he laughed at me "Good job slave boi. Maybe I should take you home with me to Japan and keep you there naked in a cage, for me to use whenever I want to." He stopped whipping me, grabbed a handful of my hair to pull my head up and bent down to kiss me with one of the most tender, sensual kisses I have ever experienced. When he pulled away he kept staring straight into my eyes until I got self-conscious and looked away. He giggled and slapped my face lightly. Master Kosugi then grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back into the shower to repeat the same process. Master Kosugi stayed in the shower longer, and didn't close the glass shower door. As I soaped him, I was aware that Master Haro was now filming with the video camera as I acted like a slave to Master Kosugi. The thought of someone else seeing me like this, some stranger watching that video, my cock got super hard and before I realized what was happening I was cumming without even touching my cock. Master Haro said something in Japanese and Master Kosugi pulled me away from him by my hair, smiling down at me. "It seems you are really enjoying yourself slut. Are you enjoying yourself?" he asked with evident humor and satisfaction in his voice.

"Yes sir," I replied smiling up at him like a puppy dog before it's master.

"God you really are a fucking slutty bitch, aren't you" Master Kosugi said and Master Haro giggled.

Master Kosugi turned the shower off and stepped out of the shower onto the bath mat, pulling me by the hair with him again onto my hands and knees on the tiled floor before him. Pulling another towel from the rack he also threw it into my face. I knew what was expected and so began to dry him as I had Master Haro before him. Master Haro continued to tape, moving around us both, crouching and bringing the camera really close to my face then pulling back again. It was so strange to be on my knees, naked, wet, cold from the water evaporating off of me, drying another guy, while someone else filmed me doing it. It was very submissive, very much exactly what I had always wanted to do, but never thought I'd have the courage to actually do. Finally Master Kosugi pulled the towel from me and threw it into a hamper in the corner of the room.

Grabbing my rope leash which was still attached to my rope collar, Master Kosugi pulled me from the bathroom and into the bedroom with Master Haro following and continuing to film. The bedroom had a alifornia King sized bed on a low dark colored wooden frame in the center below a large picture depicting a Samurai battle in very pastel water colors. Pulling me down onto the floor, Master Kosugi tied my leash around the leg at the foot of the bed, leaving it quite short so that I only had a few inches between myself and the leg. He then pulled my hands behind my back again and loosely tied my wrists together again before slapping me once on the ass. " You will sleep there tonight. Master Haro and myself will sleep in the bed. You'll be available for us if we want to use you during the night." With that, both Masters climbed into the large bed and as I lay naked and still wet from the shower on the floor of Master Kosugi's bedroom, I heard him turn off the main light. Soon I heard them breathing slowly and rhythmically, soon asleep. I on the other hand lay shivering on the hardwood floor unable to get very comfortable and contemplating my night on Master Kosugi's bedroom floor, at the foot of his bed, naked and bound, waiting for morning and his renewed attention.

--End I would love feedback on this story at

Next: Chapter 5

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