Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 14, 2009





At last the truck stopped and I head the doors open. One of the Asian guys from the club jumped into the bed of the truck and unclipped my leash from the side of the truck. He pulled me up to my feet in the back of the truck and I realized I was fully exposed, directly under a bright street lamp, still naked, collared, cuffed, leashed, and barefoot. I saw a vehicle behind the truck and realized quickly it was Master Kitagawa and his three friends. I was told to jump down from the truck and was dragged by the leash to the trunk of Masters car before being forced into it once again. The trunk lid was slammed closed and I heard muffled voices and laughter outside for some time before the car began moving.


The car drove for quite some time, with me naked, tired, sore all over, desperate to take a piss and a dump, my hands still cuffed painfully behind my back, my steel ball stretcher in place, covered in piss, cum, dirt, and welts from the whipping the four Masters had imposed upon me while they fucked me on the overpass. Despite all of this, my cock was rock hard and dripping .....pleading to be released on the immense pressure. Was it that I needed to pee and shit, or was it that I needed to cum myself...I was so exhausted I really couldn't tell, and really didn't care too much. What a scary, amazing, humiliating, and exhilarating evening Master Kitagawa had provided.

The car stopped and I heard some doors open and slam closed again, then it began moving again. The conversation in the passenger compartment stopped, so I presumed the other two Masters had left the car, but I couldn't be sure until the car eventually stopped some ten minutes or so later and Master Kitagawa popped the trunk, smiling in at me, curled up naked and submissive in the trunk.

Grabbing my ankles he manipulated my forelegs out of the trunk, then grabbing my leash he pulled my upper body out until I was able to wriggle myself onto the lip of the trunk and stand up outside of the car. Still holding the leash, Master slammed the trunk shut and tugged for me to follow him. We were on a residential street with two and three story Victorian styles homes on each side of the street. It was quiet and still dark, but Master did not seem to pay any heed to anything other than walking in front of me and pulling me behind him on a very short leash over his right shoulder. We walked about fifteen yard to the corner and turned onto a wider and obviously more used street, although the street seemed deserted at the moment. I immediately realized we were about a block from Master Kitagawa's home on Haight street.

Master pulled me along nonchalantly, as though walking a dog, just as normally as anything, while my eyes were darting to every shadow, every noise, every possibility that I would be seen. I was still hard and dripping, and walking naked, barefoot, and collared with Master Kitagawa in front of me, obviously in full control of me was exhilarating, and terrifying, and humiliating, and exactly what I wanted, and..... I was a confusion of mixed emotions and so lost in my own thoughts at that moment that I missed the couple that turned the corner just a few feet ahead of us. In their mid twenties, the guy was white with long dreadlocks, a tie dye t-shirt, jeans and sandals with a large shell necklace. The woman had really long unkempt hair held back with a tie dye bandanna, and a long summer dress that flowed loosely around her. I was immediately hit by the smell of a joint, and saw them pass it from one to the other as they smiled, looking from me to

Master Kitagawa, both of them giggling quietly.

"Nice dog you have there" said the woman coming toward me and petting me on the head.

"Thank you" replied Master Kitagawa very formally with a slight nod of his head as he turned towards me, losing the leash a little, before adding "but he's actually my sex slave."

"Coooooollll !" they both said in unison as I felt my face flush with embarrassment while I stared fixedly at Masters feet, the woman still petting my hair as though I were a dog.

"Do you keep him naked all the time?" the guy asked as he offered Master a drag on the joint they were smoking.

"Yes" Master replied simply, politely refusing the joint with a discreet hand motion while they repeated their "Coooolll !" in unison response.

"He seems to enjoy it" commented the woman with a note of pleasure in her voice, as she reached out to stroke my engorged and leaking cock. Involuntarily as her hand grasped my cock, I pulled my stomach muscles in as if to withdraw from the contact as I knew it would not take much for me to lose it completely and blow my seed all over the sidewalk.

"Oh I know he knows his place in life, and he loves being a sex whore" Master replied matter of factly. My face grew redder and yet I knew he was absolutely correct.

"I like his jewelry" the guy said as he reached forward, took hold of the steel ball stretcher above my balls and rolled it around his fingers a little, making me wince slightly. The woman was now holding my cock, while the guy was holding my balls, as Master Kitagawa held a very natural conversation with them in the middle of San Francisco. It was surreal, yet so very real.

A car passed on the street, slowing as it drove by us, and speeding up beyond us before stopping on the other side of the intersection, it's brake lights illuminated. Master seemed oblivious and totally disinterested as he spoke with the hippie couple.

"We're having a party tomorrow, you should come" said the guy smiling as he moved his hand to my cock pushing the woman's away gently.

"Yes, yes...please come with your slave. It would be so radical !!" the woman giggled.

"Starts at two in the afternoon and goes until whenever" the guy said still squeezing my cock while the woman had moved her attention to my nipples.

"I may be able to" Master said nodding.

"Hope to see you tomorrow then Kit" said the woman smiling broadly, and I realized they knew each other.

"Perhaps" said Master "have a good evening."

"You too, though with a slave like that I'm sure you will" said the guy as they left and Master smiled at me before tugging my leash and continuing my naked trek along Haight Street.

We passed the vehicle that had stopped after crossing the street and I saw the guy inside with a camera. A flash and clearly he had taken a picture through his open passenger side window. Master seemed oblivious again and simply continued to drag me on until we reached his home. Unlocking the side gate we walked along the side of the house toward the back yard. Just before we reached the back yard Master pulled my leash close to the wall and clipped it to an anchor point about seven feet off the ground. I was forced to stand very close to the wall as a result.

Master leaned in from behind me and whispered into my ear "fucking hot tonight slut. You were amazing. I hope you enjoyed it."

It was more of a comment than a question but I was so elated I wanted desperately to reply " Yes Sir, Thank you Sir, I love every minute of it Sir"

Master giggled quietly and said softly "I was sure you would slut, but you fucking stink bad. Need to clean your sorry ass up a bit."

"Sir, yes Sir" I replied as I saw him grab a garden hose that had been hidden by the shadow of the house. Turning a nearby faucet I heard the distinctive hiss and swoosh of the hose as it charged and in seconds I was hit with a torrent of cool water, which quickly turned to very cold water. Master played the cold water all over me, from head to toe and back again. I was literally shivering and my teeth were chattering together before he turned the hose away from me and shut off the water.

Master then slipped off his t-shirt, dropping it on the ground. He unbuttoned his jeans and slowly lowered the zipper, knowing my eyes and my lust were locked on his every move. Staring straight into my eyes, he slipped his jeans off his hips and down before stepping out of the and his sneakers. He stood stark naked before me, gorgeous, an Asian god. He walked slowly the few steps to me, took my head in both of his hands, brought his lips to mine, and pushed his tongue tenderly into my mouth and we kissed gently and tenderly for a long, long, long time. Both of us naked, together in the shadow of his home, joined by a common need, desire, drive, and purpose. I truly loved Master Kitagawa in that moment, as much as I loved Master Kosugi.

He broke away after a while and grabbed his clothes from the ground. Unclipping my leash he led me around to the back of the house and onto the porch. He led me toward a large steel cage that sat in the corner, next to the wooden railing of the porch. Swinging open the cage door, he unclipped my leash and kissed me tenderly on the lips one more time.

"I wish you were my full time slave boy" he said "but I'm glad Master Kosugi gave you to me during his trip. You'll sleep in here." He said, nodding to the cage.

I still desperately need to piss and shit, so I decided to ask for permission to use the restroom before being locked in the cage.

"Sir, Thank you sir, but may I use the restroom before being locked in the cage Sir?"

He chuckled slightly, apparently knowing my predicament. "There is a bucket in the cage bitch" he said tenderly and lovingly. "That is for you to use."

"Yes Sir, Thank you Sir." I said and resigned to my fate, I crawled willingly into the cage.

"Have a good night boy." With that, he closed the door and latched the padlock to secure me in the steel prison, outdoors, on his back porch. He walked into the house, leaving the back door open, as I surveyed my home for the evening. It was about three feet tall, three feet wide, and about six feet long. While the sides and top were steel, the floor was wood. In the far corner I saw a plastic bucket and I quickly shuffled my way on my knees to the bucket. This could be tough, Not really enough room to stand over the bucket, and with my wrists handcuffed, a little awkward to squat over it, but I had to I maneuvered myself into the best position possible and let go.

It was such a relief, but also somewhat humiliating to be shitting and pissing into a plastic bucket while crouched painfully, stark naked in a steel cage in Masters back yard in the middle of San Francisco. Yet, this was precisely the type of treatment I have come to crave, fantasize about, and hope for. Just as I finished pissing a torrent which I feared may overflow the bucket, a movement at the cage entrance caught my attention and I realized Master had returned and was standing watching me. I felt extreme embarrassment and felt my face flush red hot.

"You may be hungry bitch." Master said as he slipped a steel dog bowl under the small opening in the cage door. With that he went into the house, closed and then locked the back door, and I saw the kitchen light go out. I shuffled over to the dog bowl and found it had two separate depressions. Inside one of the depressions was a cool liquid with no aroma which I quickly realized was water. In the other was some dried fruit and nuts which I had to eat by using my tongue. I had not realized just how hungry and thirsty I was until I was crouching over that bowl. I devoured everything on the food side and slurped noisily at the water side, oblivious to the fact that I was eating like a dog, naked in a cage. Once I finished, I tried to find a comfortable position to lay or sit in to spend the night, but with my hands still cuffed behind my back this was no easy task. I turned, re-positioned, shuffled, and wriggled for quite some time before exhaustion took over and I drifted into sleep.


Next: Chapter 19: First Submission 1

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