Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on Nov 24, 2008


Please post this under Gay Male Authoritarian




I sat on the floor next to Master, naked, collared with his steel chain and padlock, and still with his stainless steel ball stretcher, and we chatted for an hour or so as we ate the wonderful Sushi Master had ordered. Of course, Master fed me the items I would eat by dropping them into an empty food container and allowing me to only use my mouth. We talked about a number of things including the last few days, what I had enjoyed and not enjoyed, what Master enjoyed and what he wanted of me. At about 11pm he pulled me up from the floor by my hair, pulled me into my bedroom and threw me on top of the bed. He jumped on top of me and still fully dressed, began fucking me raw and hard for the first time without a condom. He pulled me to the edge of the bed, turned me on my back, on my side, pulled me onto the floor, stood me up and fucked me against the wall, bent me over my chest of drawers, fucked me pressed against my bedroom window, and finally pulled me into my rest room, pushing me into the bathtub before he shot another load of cum into my mouth. As I lay there in the cold bathtub, Master began pissing all over the length of my body, and into my mouth. Once he had finished he ordered me to piss all over myself, which I did. He then turned and left saying only "I'll call you bitch. Good job this evening." And he was gone, leaving me naked, covered in his piss and cum, and wanting much more.


Over the next six months or so, I spent more and more time with Master. I would rush home from work, read my mail quickly in my own apartment, throw the clothes I needed for work next day into a bag, then I'd head straight over to his place. Sometimes he would meet me in the alley and take me to his storage room to use me, before leaving me there bound for hours. Sometimes he'd leave me there all night, only releasing me naked to the alley next morning, so I'd have to go home to shower before going to work. Other times he'd use me in his apartment and leave me sleeping naked and bound at the foot of his bed all night.

I was truly his to with as he commended. On those nights when he told me not to come over I missed him terribly and fantasized about my next `call to service him. He had me keep my hair shorn really short, and kept my crotch and ass shaved at all times. I never wore underwear or socks, and really only wore the minimum of clothing necessary to allow me to get into stores or the cinema when we went anywhere. I remained naked and collared at all other times and was so used to it that I longed to get home after work each day to strip once again.

Master used me extensively during this period as his personal sex toy and play thing, which I loved more and more each time. We shared much time and intimacy together and he taught me much about Japanese bondage, food, and about my own true passions, desires, and wants. I found myself often telling him my inner most secret desires and fantasies without any shame or guilt, which amazed me. I began to forget completely what my life was like before that wonderful day when I met him for the first time in the alley by the side of his condo. My life was now him, my devotion was to him, my desire was to be with him every moment of every day.

We did attend a few parties during this time. At each party I would either be taken to the party already naked and collared, or I would be stripped soon after arriving. I actually looked forward to being exposed and ogled by the other party goers, and being used by Master in front of them if he so chose. I also enjoyed it when Master Kitagawa was present as he would always slap me around, call me names, and fuck me roughly in front of everyone, much to their delight – and my own.

James also visited Master every second Saturday afternoon for Japanese lessons and I was required to give him a blow job or suck his toes or whatever he wanted while he was at his lesson. While in Masters condo, Master James also had complete dominion over me and Master Kosugi, I could tell, was expanding his knowledge and understanding of much more than simply the Japanese language.

One Friday evening I received a call from Master : "Boy, I will be out of town for six weeks on business. Go to 2560 Haight Street tonight at 10pm. The Master there will look after you while I'm gone and he will report to me how well you did. Don't disappointment me boy."

It was late summer and a warm evening for San Francisco when I grabbed a taxi to the address. I was wearing chino shorts, a polo shirt and sneakers when the taxi dropped me off outside of the large, Victorian type house. I went up the stairs to the dark porch which had no lights on and rang the doorbell. I waited for some time, contemplating whether or not I should ring again, but decided eventually that I should just wait. I stood with my hands behind my back, my head bowed and I waited. I heard noises of cars and people passing on the street behind and below me, but paid them no attention.

"Boy" I heard a familiar voice through the door, but I couldn't quite place to whom in belonged.

"Yes Sir" I responded, my head snapping up and my body coming to rigid attention out of the more relaxed state I had assumed without realizing it.

"Strip" came the command through the still closed door. Without a moments hesitation I pulled off my polo shirt, folded it neatly and placed it on the banister at the side of the porch. I removed my sneakers and placed them likewise on the banister. I then unbuttoned my shorts and let them slip to my ankles before bending to retrieve them, folding them and adding them to my polo. I returned to the attention position with my hand behind my back and my head down. My cock now raging hard.

"Turn around and kneel" came the command. I turned to face the street and knelt on the roughly painted wooden floor of the porch. As I heard the door behind me creak open I saw two people pass by the foot of the stairs engrossed in conversation. I felt sure they would look up and see me here and my cock twitched, but they were too involved in their conversation to even notice me.

A pad of some type was placed over my eyes and I heard the unmistakable sound of a strip of duct tape being pulled from a roll. Seconds later I felt the tape being wound around my head to secure the material over my eyes. I was now effectively blind. My wrists were grabbed, still behind my back, and I felt what appeared to be chain being laced between the wrists before I heard the click of a padlock. I heard the chain clinking and chinking as I was pulled to my feet. Another chain was placed around my throat and I heard another padlock secure it in place. A tug on the chain around my throat forced me to walk and I followed like a blind dog on a leash wherever my new master wanted to take me.

I felt a different surface under my bare feet, and smelled the house aroma that old me I was now inside before I heard the creaking of the door as it swung shut. Another tug on my leash pulled me forward for quite a ways before I felt some arms grasping me around my chest from behind. The leash was still taught in front of me, compelling my journey forward, and for the first time I realized there were two people present. The floor suddenly disappeared from beneath my feet and I tensed as I expected to fall, but the arms steadied me and gently lowered me until my foot found the ground again. I quickly realized I was going down stairs. One down I felt the ground surface change once again to a much cooler, harder, rougher surface...concrete. I was in the basement or garage. I was led forward again until the leash around my throat was pulled up until I was straining on my tip toes to relieve the pressure. It was then that I heard a click and the pulling stopped, but I was still suspended on my tip toes with my hands secured with chain behind my back.

Immediately I felt two sets of hands roaming all over my naked flesh, caressing it, pinching it, probing my holes, slapping me lightly and steadily with more intensity. I was quiet for much of this until the slapping intensified and I began to grunt and tried to move away from the direction of the attack, but where could I go? There was so little slack in the chain around my neck, that my involuntary muscle contractions when I was hit sometimes caused me to almost lose my balance, but each time I would be steadied by warm hands.

The slapping stopped and I heard movement behind me. Suddenly the chain around my neck was no longer stretching me up to the ceiling and I was able to put my feet flat on the ground again, but I heard the click of a padlock and felt that the chain had once again been secured to something. No matter though, I was no longer suspended painfully on my tip toes...right. The first sting of the belt across my ass cheeks soon broke my relief over my new position. I yelped involuntarily at the surprise and jumped forward, the chain impeding my progress. Thwack. I heard the noise of the landing before I felt the pain of the belt which had just landed across my right pec and nipple. I yelped again and twisted away just in time for my right thigh to be attacked, then my left butt cheek in quick succession. Thwack, thwack, thwack...they came and came and came. I got control after the first few and stopped yelping, but rather grunted on each strike and tried to catch my breath in between each, but I could not help twisting, and turning and lifting one leg then the other as the back of my legs were hit.

The strikes were randomly placed and randomly times, with differing degrees of force and intensity. Some would land in groups of ten or fifteen within five seconds or so. Others would be spaced by ten seconds or so in between. I could not anticipate anything, and nothings seemed to indicate the coming blow until it landed on my naked and vulnerable flesh. Suddenly I was hit with a torrent of freezing cold water which washed me from head to toe and back again. I turned my head out of the stream to try to catch my breath and it washed down my body and up again to my face, allowing me a much needed drink as I suddenly realized my mouth was parched and dry. The noise of the water stopped as suddenly as it started and I shivered, now cold and wet.

Hands gripped my hips and a stiff cock was forced into my ass in one swift, uncaring thrust which made me yelp and tense before I realized what I was doing. The cock withdrew and thrust back in just as deep and hard as before, when I heard the "Take it like the fucking dirty white whore you are, bitch" said loudly right next to my right ear. I suddenly realized – the voice was that of Master Kitagawa.

He fucked me rough and hard, pulling all the way out and thrusting back in, slamming my ass hard, and slapping me every now and again to get me using my hips to help him fuck me.

"Ahhh...fuck yeah..." he growled as he shot his load deep inside of me. He pulled out in one quick movement and I felt his fingers push into my mouth. "Lick bitch, lick my cum off my fingers."

I was muttering a "Yes Sir" when a second set of hands gripped my hips and a second hard cock forced its way into my ass. I grunted as I licked Master Kitagawa's fingers eagerly.

"I can't believe he's so tight if he gets fucked as often as you say he does" said they stranger fucking me. I did not recognize the voice, but it had a strong Asian accent.

The second guy was equally as rough and aggressive as Master Kitagawa, pounding into my ass like a steam hammer. After a long time I heard him moan, and felt him stiffen, and realized he was coming. My hair was grabbed, pulling my head back and in what was now a natural reaction I opened my mouth to take whatever was being offered.

"Give him it to chew on while we're at the club" I heard Master Kitagawa say moments before I felt something slimy drop into my mouth. I had a good idea what it was, and a brief exploration with my tongue confirmed that the second guy had been wearing a condom which had now been deposited into my mouth, cum and all.

"Keep that in your mouth until we get back bitch, or I'll be very, very upset – you understand." Said the second voice.

"Yes Si..." I didn't even get the sir completed when the pain of a set of nipple clamps being applied shocked me into yet another yelp. I heard Master Kitagawa chuckle as I felt the second clamp pinch my other nipple.

A hand grabbed my ball stretcher and I felt some tugging and pulling before a continuous weight seemed to pull on my balls.

"So fucking hot" said the second voice.

"We'll be back bitch. Don't go anywhere" and they both laughed.

I heard them go up stairs and move around for some time, before returning. I thought they were returning to work on me, but instead I heard them jump into a vehicle and I heard the unmistakable sound of a garage door opening. Still blindfolded I had no idea where I was in relation to the street, but my cock twitched and leaked a little at that moment. I heard the vehicle engine start and heard it pull out of the garage, then the garage door close again, before the vehicle drove off.

I shifted from one foot to the other, trying to relieve the tiredness that was creeping into my lower back and legs as I stood for, I really had no idea how long. The weight on my balls, stretching them had long since stopped bothering me too much, and the clamps on my nipples I no longer even felt. I kept wiggling my fingers behind my back to keep the blood circulating and I found myself occasionally almost falling asleep, even while standing up stark naked and barefoot with a steel chain around my neck keeping me upright. I found myself recalling my time with Master Kosugi and how much my life had changed. I found myself missing him terribly, and wondering how I would last for six weeks without him. I drifted in and out of a kind of hallucination state for, well, I really had no idea how long. I would hear traffic and voices from outside the garage occasionally, only to be replaced by long periods of silence. Was I going to be standing here all night, until daybreak, or later? Just that thought got my cock hardening and twitching, and got me hot thinking about what I must look like right now.

As I drifted off again into another slutty dream world I jumped suddenly as the house began falling around me in a thunderous roar. I froze in fear and found myself sucking in a deep breath, waiting for the beams to slam into me at any second, then slowly realized it was the sound of the garage door opening. In the silent world I had entered, the sound of the garage door rumbling open was almost deafening. The door noise stopped and silence flooded the garage again. I turned and craned my head listening for the vehicle or voices, but hear nothing at all. I began to imagine all manner of things going on. Thieves that managed to activate the door, only to find a naked white slut, bound by chain in the middle of the garage. An electrical fault which just caused the door to open on it's own, exposing me to the street. I then heard the sounds of feet scuffing slightly on the concrete behind me. I tried to listen intently and realized that at least two people were behind me to the right, while at least one or maybe two were on my left side behind me. Four people, was one of them Master Kitagawa? The garage door hadn't closed yet. I was naked to the world outside, and to these four who were slowly surrounding me. What exactly was going on. The material and duct tape over my eyes prevented any light in and any opening through which I could try to look. Suddenly a hand slapped my right ass cheek so hard that it almost sounded like a bullet being fired in the quiet of the garage. I yelped and jerked forward against the chain around my neck, my cock bouncing as I realized it was engorged once again at the thought of four strangers looking at me in this state, and the weight swung between my legs causing me more discomfort. Another hand slapped me hard across the stomach as a third slapped the back of my left leg. Hands began pummeling me in every conceivable spot, including slapping my cock and my face. As I twisted and turned trying to avoid each successive blow, my abusers laughed and giggled at each other, and I smelled the distinct odor of alcohol.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant Asian Master lol ) at

Next: Chapter 15

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