Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 30, 2008





Master Haro stepped up to me, camera still in hand, and grabbed my collar, leading me back into the bedroom. I expected to be led to the all too familiar leg at the foot of Master Kosugi's bed, but instead Master Haro took me to the side of the bed opposite that on which Master Kosugi was still soundly sleeping. He pulled back the covers, unfastened my cuffs and re-fastened them in front of me but then attached them to a clip on the headboard. He then leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips, with no tongue, just a very gentle and sensuous kiss on the lips. He giggled slightly as Master Kosugi, still asleep, moved behind me and spooned me with his arm snaking over my chest and pulling me tightly to his chest and abdomen. I felt Master Kosugi's hard cock slip into the crack of my ass, his thighs nestle behind my own, and I felt the warmth of his body and his steady rhythmical breathing. I was enveloped and overcome by a feeling of such strong emotional love and concern that I found tears welling up in my eyes. This was a new experience for me which I found hard to understand, and I was embarrassed that Master Haro was witnessing it, but he simply leaned over, smiled, giggled softly, stroked my hair, covered me with the bed sheets, and walked away. I heard the condo door open, and close and I drifted off into a wonderful, gloriously peaceful dream.


I woke gently from a wonderfully peaceful sleep and realized a warm hand was gently caressing thighs and ass as I laid on my left side. I rolled over, my hands still cuffed and clipped to the headboard to see Master Kosugi lying in bed beside me stoking me tenderly. Our eyes met, he smiled and said "Morning boy" in such a loving way that I couldn't help but to smile goofily and dreamily try to say "Morning Sir." My mouth was dry so the words were croaky as I spoke them. Master frowned with a little concern showing on his face. "Are you feeling ok?" he questioned as he sat upright in bed next to me, the covers revealing his muscular chest and six pack. "I'm feeling wonderful Sir. My mouth is just a little dry" I replied. He smiled and caressed my chest, running his finger tips over my nipples and nodding as they hardened with his touch.

"I think we can help you with that right now boy" he said pulling back the covers to reveal his hard cock pointing straight up to the ceiling. "I presume you enjoyed drinking Haro and Kitagawa's pee, as you didn't user your safe word" he said in a teasing, almost mocking voice. I blushed and turned my eyes away but his fingers on my chin gently returned my gaze to his. "Nothing to be embarrassed about boy. It was fucking hot seeing you drinking their cum and pee." With that he leaned in and kissed me passionately on he mouth, his tongue caressing my own, and occasionally sucking my tongue into his mouth so that he could chew on it gently. He pulled back after a long time, having let much of his spit as he kissed me wet my mouth. "Now, I'm dying for a pee" he said as he jumped over to straddle me, sitting on my chest. He was, of course, still naked and his cock was still rock hard as he pushed his hips forward towards me, leaning with his right hand on the headboard, and guiding his cock into my mouth with his left hand. As soon as the head was in my mouth, he released a little spurt of piss which I swallowed easily. He released a little more in the next spurt, and this continued until he and I had developed a pace at which he would slowly fill up my mouth and I would gulp away the contents, allowing him to continue. He seemed to piss forever. It just kept flowing and flowing and flowing. I felt as though I had drank a gallon of his piss when the stream slowed and he tensed to fire six or seven final shots of piss into me. "Fuck that feels so fucking good bitch" he said as he pulled his cock out of my mouth but stayed kneeling over me in pretty much the same position.

"While I'm here, you might as well get to work on my cock" he said gently, and he pushed his cock gently back between my lips. I began sucking and he quickly began fucking my face in long slow thrusts while his eyes were closed. Some of his thrusts forced their way to the back of my throat and pushed my head back into the pillow, causing me to gag and cough slightly, but he continued his strokes without losing any rhythm at all. I loved looking up his abdomen, seeing the ripples of his six pack work as his hips thrust forward and backwards, his biceps flex as he balanced himself on the headboard. After a long time in this wonderful position, he pulled out, slid down my body and lifted my legs up so that my ankles were just in front of my face and my ass was totally vulnerable to him. I saw him reach for a condom, open it, and roll it onto his cock. Within seconds he leaned over, his face just above my own as his cock sank wonderfully into my hole. He began the same steady rhythm and I fell into synch as I was compressed into the bed on the downward strokes and bounced back up on he upward strokes. His elbows were on either side of me and he grabbed my hair with his hard on their side of my head. His eyes were closed for a long time, lost in the fucking, but my eyes were locked on his gorgeous face, his jet black hair, his muscular chest as I was fucked steadily, wonderfully. His eyes opened and he looked straight into mine with a lust that was evident. "Open your mouth boy, and keep it open" he said panting slightly. The moment my mouth opened he let a long string of spit leak from his mouth and fall by gravity into my mouth. As he fucked me, he continued to let his spit leak down into my mouth, welling up in the back of my throat. We fucked like this for a long time, and my mouth was at least half filled with his spit, with me fighting the urge to swallow it, when he jumped up, let my legs go, and moved forward to sit on my chest, plunging his cock into my mouth. "Swallow boy" he said and I gulped down the mixture of his spit and cum, savoring every last drop with what I am sure was a goofy smile on my face.

Master then began jerking my cock with his right hand while pushing four fingers into my ass as he did. I was moaning, eyes closed and enjoying the thrusts of his fingers when I heard him add "What a fucking slutty whore you are boy" he thrust a little deeper with his fingers before pulling them almost all the way out. I moaned tried to hump his right hand as it slowly stroked my cock.

"God you are such low life cum eating, spit swallowing faggot" and he thrust his fingers back in, and I moaned and gyrated my hips.

"You just fucking love being used like a cum bitch. Fucked like a common whore. Pissed in like a cheap toilet" and he thrust his fingers and I tried to swallow his whole fist with my ass. He turned his hand and I felt more of it thrust inside of me.

"Fuck bitch, you are almost swallowing my whole hand" he said as he continued to stroke my now engorged and steel hard cock. He withdrew his fingers and pushed back into my hole again, and this time I felt his hand sink in until I felt his thumb stop his hands progress against my butt cheeks. He pulled out and pushed back in again, then again, then again. He repeated this for about ten minutes, occasionally delaying stroking my cock to look down closer at how far his hand was inside me, before resuming the stroking. I had never had a hand inside me so far, and the feeling was mind blowing.

I guess he felt my hole tighten and my abdomen tense as he pulled out of my hole to lift my hips high into the air until they rested against his chest. He continued stroking my cock and while balancing me in that position, plunged his hand back into my hole. That was it. My cock exploded is ten to twelve spasms of wonderful cum, shooting straight onto my face and into my mouth as Master pointed my cock directly at me.

"Fucking hell. Fucking hell" he repeated as I liked as much of my own cum from around my lips as I could. I was exhausted and sexually spent, or so I thought at the time. He threw my legs off to the side of his chest and I they landed next to him, twisting my torso. He then scooped the remainder of my cum with two fingers into my mouth and I licked them clean eagerly.

"Maybe I'll just kidnap you and keep you naked in the storage closet downstairs until I want to use you" he said smiling at me. "Not let you go, Keep you naked for the rest of your life. Keep you to serve me and my fiends as I wish, when I wish however I wish. You would fucking love that, wouldn't you bitch?" he said more as a statement than a question, but it was said in almost an admiring tone.

I smiled back and replied "Oh god yes sir." Then the moral and social constraints of my upbringing flooded into my mind and I hesitated "Well, I mean..." I was about to deny that which, in truth I knew to be absolutely true, because I felt that was what society expected me to do, even though I was alone with the dominant, aggressive, god of my every fantasy and desire. He put a couple of fingers gently over my lips to stop me talking.

"I understand" he said gently. "We all have obligations, desires, fears. I have always wanted to own my very own naked slave boy 24, 7. To keep him naked and chained in a steel cage in my back yard, and to use him constantly. It's a wonderful fantasy, but I don't have a back yard" he laughed slightly and I relaxed and laughed with him.

"I fantasize about being kidnapped and kept as a naked sex slave for the rest of my life to someone like you" I confess to him. "I have lots of fantasies like that, and a lot of them you have fulfilled already" I tell him. He smiles broadly and nods his head.

"I've had a few slaves, but you have gone further, faster, and without complaint or demands than any I have had in the past. You have fulfilled some of my fantasies this weekend so far, so we are even." I felt so incredibly in love, in lust, in awe of him at that moment.

We laid in bed talking about experiences, fantasies, desires, and ourselves for hours. I discovered that he had been a bottom to Master Haro in Japan beginning at the age of 15. Master Haro, a successful business entrepreneur, had introduced him to many people in Japan who shared a passion for S&M and bondage and had shown him the ropes, literally and figuratively. Maser Kosugi had come to the US for school, graduated, then become a citizen working for a US company owned by Master Haro. Master Kitagawa was born and raised in the US as had Master Shimada. They were `recruited' by Master Haro on one of his visits to the US four years ago, and served as slaves whenever any of the group wanted them to. While most of them dabbled in the mainstream leather and S&M scene, they also had their own Japanese group which shared pictures, videos, parties, and sometimes slaves amongst themselves. There was a similar group in Japan that did the same thing.

I asked him about the video and pictures that had been taken. "We share them amongst our group members. We have about two hundred members in Japan and about a hundred to a hundred and fifty in other countries. Here in the US there are about ninety of us. All of them have seen you naked and humiliating yourself" he said as he watched for my reaction. I wanted to ask a thousand questions, and I wanted to ask for my anonymity back, but my throbbing cock and the tingle in the pit of my stomach indicated otherwise. Master Kosugi smiled and playfully slapped at my cock. "I see the idea of being seen by so many guys around the world is exciting to you. Good, because I intend to show them a whole lot more of you boy. I already have requests from some of my old friends in Japan about you."

"Really" I said smiling proudly, then getting a little embarrassed at liking the idea of complete strangers all over the world seeing me acting like a slut, a whore, and a sex hound. "What ...kind of requests?" I asked tentatively, trying to hide my excitement and interest at what others might want me to do beyond the stuff I'd already done.

Master Kosugi smiled. "You'll find out in due course boy." He let that sink in for a while as my imagination began to run riot with all sorts of extreme fantasies. "Rest assured though, you'll be safe throughout it all. I want to look after you so that I can use your mouth and ass for years to come."

We talked for a long time about all sorts of stuff. What I had enjoyed. What had scared me. My concerns. My desires. His desires. His fantasies. Suddenly it was about 4pm and it seemed like we had talked for days. I felt so close to Master at that moment. I had opened up my soul to him. My deepest, darkest, most intensely embarrassing and submissive fantasies and desires. He had done the same I thought, and our mutual interests and desires were almost completely in synch. I knew I was his completely, unreservedly, unabashedly. I would do anything to make him happy and proud of me, and I was eager and anxious to serve him more. We talked a little about our mutual fantasy of my being a 24/7 slave to him and I expressed a desire to do that soon, but he cautioned me to wait for at least a year before we made that decision. In retrospect he was much more mature and experienced with regard to these matters, and he was completely correct. "You've only known me for less than a week, and I've only known you for the same amount of time. Take things slowly. We can play hard and fast when we are together, but don't go giving up your condo, your work, or your friends to jump into something that you don't really understand yet" he said. "If and when the time is right, I'll be happy to enslave you forever" he continued and my hard cock bounced at the thought of that.

We showered in the usual manner, me washing him completely, then drying him while I remained wet. I was then given five minutes to shower, shave, use the toilet, and meet him in the kitchen. My steel collar and ball stretcher had remained on, and become so much a part of me already that I hardly noticed them any more. They were as much like a watch or a necklace that you don't ever realize you are wearing a few moments after putting them on. My hair was damp, my arm pits and pubes were also still moist, and I still had beads of water running down my chest when I joined him in the kitchen. He had prepared a sandwich with some fresh fruit and a large glass of orange juice on a tray. He was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and wearing flip-flops. "Bring the tray boy" he said as he walked from the kitchen into the living room and turned on the large TV in the corner of the room. I followed him with the tray and placed it on the coffee table, then sat down facing him of the floor with my hands behind my back. I heard the sounds of what I thought were a porn tape on the screen behind me, but I kept my eyes firmly locked on Master while he ignored me and watched the TV screen.

"Hand me my sandwich boy" Master ordered and as I turned to retrieve it from the tray, I noticed myself on the TV screen, bent over and surrounded by the Masters from last night. A slap on my shoulder from Master brought me back to focus on his order and I tore my eyes away from the screen, turned once again to face him and handed him the sandwich as he again ignored me and took a bite.

"Are you hungry boy?" he asked as he chewed. I had not even thought about food since I had woke that morning, but now I realized I was famished. "Yes Sir" I replied, keeping my gaze on him while he stared past me at the TV screen. I heard the different Masters voices commenting in Japanese but could not understand them and therefore could not tell what part of my use as a sex whore last night Master Kosugi was enjoying. I occasionally heard grunts or gasps which I somehow knew were my own, but that did not help. I so badly wanted to see my sexual degradation on the TV, to see me being used like a cheap whore by these wonderful, aggressive, powerful Masters, but I knew that I had to resist that temptation.

Master leaned forward, pushed my forehead back, opened my mouth and spat the chewed contents of his mouth into my own. "Swallow boy" he ordered and as I did my tongue elicited some of the flavor of the sandwich. It tasted wonderful. Master repeated this process a dozen times with the sandwich and fruit on the plate, sometimes swallowing the contents of his mouth himself, and other times, spitting the contents into my mouth for me to swallow without chewing. He would order me to give him a piece of apple, or a strawberry, or the sandwich and return the remainder to the plate when he had taken a bite. He would sip the orange juice and repeat the same process. Sometimes swallowing it himself, while other times swirling the liquid in his mouth then spitting the now warm liquid into my mouth. I truly felt like a loyal and obedient dog as I sat there naked on the floor at my masters feet, watching him intently as he watched TV, waiting eagerly for any attention from him, and especially waiting for a morsel of food from his gorgeous lips. I even had the collar around my neck as a dog would. I knew I would have happily sat there all afternoon and evening, handing my Master his sandwich, fruit, and drink and returning them to the tray after he was finished with them for that moment.

When the food and orange juice was finished he left me sitting there as he continued watching the TV, occasionally stroking my hair or the side of my face, exactly as you would a dog. After about twenty minutes, Master turned my head gently toward the TV saying "Look boy. This is Kinbaku. We're going to a party later for Master Haro as he is returning to Japan tomorrow evening. At this party you and Kitagawa will be bound like this."

As my eyes found the TV screen I saw a lithe, totally hairless, Japanese boy standing on the tip toes of his right foot while his left leg was raised to the side and bound at the knee with repeated loops of thick brown rope to a spot above his head that I could not see. His cock was pulled up toward the ceiling with a similar rope tied around the head of it and the rope also disappeared up towards the ceiling, but a vertical rope with a free weight attached to it hung a distance in front of the boy in camera range. Each time the boy adjusted or moved, the weight swung and his cock bounced a little, so it was clear that the weight was attached to the rope, and that in turn was tied to his cock head. Another rope bound and separated each of his balls, and a short length hung down from his balls on which were suspended two more free weight plates. As the camera circled him I noticed that clips had been clamped to his nipples and they were being pulled from his body by ropes which again disappeared up toward the ceiling. A thick rope gag was tied into his mouth and around the back of his head, pulling his head backwards and as the camera came around his side, I saw that his wrists had been tied far up on his back, almost between his shoulder blades, and then a short length of rope had been attached to the rope gag at the back of his head.

As the camera circled the boy who looked very young, it was clear that there were a number of spectators to his abuse all observing, laughing, chatting amongst themselves and occasionally swinging the weight that held his cock or the weights which pulled his nipples from his body which I could now see. It appeared to be some type of club the boy was in. the camera circled around the his front again and as it closed in on his face I could see sweat running down his entire face and body. He constantly tried to adjust to relieve the pressure on his joints and each movement seemed to cause him pain, and his observers enjoyment. The camera continued to circle and as it returned behind him I saw the base of a black butt plug which had obviously been pushed into his ass to increase his discomfort. His eyes followed he camera as it moved around him whenever he could, but his head was pretty much immobilized by being tied as it was to his wrists. His muscles strained, flexed, and relaxed as he seemed to try to relieve the tension in what I knew must be an incredibly uncomfortable position to be bound in. Add to that the weights, the audience, and as the camera panned I realized it was in some type of bar and the large window allowed a view to people simply passing the bar of this cute boys torturous captivity.

My cock was throbbing and hard, but despite my hands being uncuffed and unbound, I left them behind my back as I had so recently been trained to do. I watched mesmerized by the beauty of the roping, by the obviously uncomfortable position the boy was left in, by the lithe boy himself, by his movements and the bouncing of his cock, by the clearly appreciative audience observing his abuse, and by the occasional glimpses of people walking by the bar on the street outside. I wanted to experience this.

"You will be bound, exposed, in a stressful position for the viewing and touching pleasure of everyone at the party. You and Kitagawa will be a big part of the entertainment for the evening" he continued, breaking my concentration from the TV to look at him and respond "Yes sir."

"The boy in the video is nineteen. He's very cute huh!" Master asked.

"Yes Sir, he's very cute" I replied returning my gaze to the screen.

"You don't recognize him?" Master asked in a light hearted way.

I looked again as the camera circled and I suddenly recognized Master Haro and Master Yoshitsune in the audience. The camera circled again and I saw the button nose, the dark smooth skin, the lean frame, and suddenly it hit me. "It's Master Kitagawa" I said with a little shock and much excitement in my voice at having succeeded in Master Kosugi's challenge. I then quickly added "Sir."

"Good boy" he responded, ruffling my hair like you would a dog who had returned with the ball you had just thrown for him moments ago. "Good boy" he repeated. "That was nine years ago in Tokyo. Master Haro is a Kinbaku master, and Kitagawa was very popular as his subject. Kinbaku uses very special ropes and very special knots and positions to make the victim uncomfortable as you can see. It takes a very special boy to be tied like this" he said. "Do you think you have what it takes to suffer as Kitagawa did nine years ago?" Master asked gently and quizzically.

"Yes Sir" I replied simply, enthralled by the idea of myself being bound in the same extraordinarily erotic way that the gorgeous Master Kitagawa was bound on the TV screen in front of me.

"Good boy" Master replied, ruffling my hair again. "I know you will be very popular this evening."

I smiled and the TV was turned off. "Take the dishes to the kitchen, rinse them, and put them in the dish washer, then join me in the restroom" Master commanded and I moved immediately, turning to lift the tray and walking on my knees to the kitchen.

Master laughed. "Good boy, you remembered not to stand when I'm sitting. You are going to make an exceptional fucking whore boy. I can't believe you were just sitting out there waiting for me to find you."

"Yes Sir" I replied as I reached the Kitchen and rinsed the plate and glass under warm water and placed them into the dishwasher. I then dropped on all fours and crawled through to the restroom. Master had a razor, shaving foam, and some wet hand cloths on the counter and I instinctively knew what was coming.

"Stand up here" Master commanded, pointing to the toilet as he closed the seat cover over the center hole. I stepped up onto it using my hands to balance myself, then returned my hands behind my back. Master took a pair of scissors and trimmed a considerable amount of my relatively short pubic hair, leaving only a small and thin square above my cock. He then removed my ball stretcher for the first time and soaped up my balls before shaving them until they were completely smooth. He dried the skit, then replaced the ball stretcher. He then turned me around and applied soap to my ass crack, making me bend over slightly to do so. He then shaved my ass completely smooth also. There was very little hair on my legs but he took the scissors again and trimmed my armpit hair He then pulled out a pair of professional hair clippers and plugged them in. My hair was fairly short as my consulting job required me to stay presentable. He smiled as he saw me look at the clippers. "Kneel boy" he said pointing at the floor in front of him, and I stepped down off the toilet and knelt before him, hands behind my back. I heard the clippers come closer and closer, then felt them ply through my hair from my forehead along the center of my head to the crown at the back. As it moved, I felt hair falling over my shoulders and down to the floor below. The clippers continued buzzing and the hair continued falling. Around and around my body Master moved, and I really felt as though he was shaving me completely bald. My mind was racing as I thought about this and what my friends and work colleagues would say. Yet, I was as hard as a rock as the clippers moved over my head. I truly felt like Masters property, and that he was deciding what I would look like from now on. I truly was his slutty, sex slave, and it felt totally and completely ...right!


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant Asian Master lol ) at

Next: Chapter 11

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