Slutty Whore

By Kai Anderson

Published on May 8, 2008




It started with a Craigslist posting four years ago. I'd been randomly checking out posts on the web site which allows people to post notices looking for sex partners amongst other things in San Francisco. As I browsed and jerked off at the thought of being a sex slave for someone, I spotted a post that got me hard and horny immediately.

"Slutty whore sought by hot GAM Master in SOMA. GAM, 33, 5.8, 160, aggressive, dominant, in charge, horny. You come by my SOMA building fire exit. I take you to my basement storage area. You drop your pants and I fuck you hard (and safe) until I blow a load into your mouth. You swallow, pull your pants up and go. No LTR, just a hot, hard, fuck and more to follow if the chemistry is right. Send photo and phone for response."

*I jerked off thinking about it, but didn't respond right away. So many postings are fantasies that never come true, but I returned to it the next and decided "what the hell." I send my face and naked body pic, I was 25 at the time, 6 feet, 165 lbs, uncut 7", loved being a submissive sex toy, really like aggressive Asian or Latin or Black guys, and liked the anonymous and aggressive feel of the ad and I also lived in the South of Market (SOMA) area of San Francisco. I sent off the e-mail, jerked off again thinking about what might just happen, and checked for replies in my e-mail box every hour afterward. I was horny and expectant, but at the same time, wasn't getting my hopes up too high as you often never hear back from people you reply to on Craigslist. *

*I had sent the e-mail on Tuesday evening and was off work the following Wednesday. It was November and the weather on Wednesday was windy, cold, and pretty heavy rain forecast all day. It was a day to stay home and watch porn for sure. I checked my e-mail twice in the morning but no reply from the posting. Then at 11am I got a call on my cell phone. *

"Hi, this is Jay"

"Hi slutty whore, you responded to my Craigslist ad. I'm interested in meeting. Are you available today?"

"Wow, eh..." I was kinda caught off guard and not sure if I wanted to meet so quickly.

"Well, are you available today slut. I'm horny and it's a fucking horrible day outside, so I wanna fuck you in the ass instead. What do you say, or are you just a tease" he challenged.

"No. I mean" I stuttered a little "I'm not a tease, I love to submit and love to be fucked"

"So, can you be at 2nd and King by 1pm" he asked.

*"Eh...sure, I'm pretty close already." I replied, enamored by how demanding he was and how Asian he sounded over the phone. *

"Really, how close" he asked.

"I live just a few blocks away" I said, then regretted giving up that information so quickly and readily.

"Good, then come over right now" he said and gave me the exact location to meet him at. It was an alley that ran between two condo buildings on a large block. "Meet me at the fire exit in the middle of the alley at 11:15" he said, then added "What are you wearing right now."

*"Basketball shorts and a t-shirt" I replied, already getting hard at being ordered to meet him so quickly. *

"Good, come like that. You said you liked being submissive. I like that. So get over here in just your t-shirt and shorts. No jacket, no underwear, no socks. If you have flip-flops, wear them, or sneakers if you don't, but no socks. Understand boy?" he demanded.

*"Yes Sir" I responded already pretty breathless and very nervously excited. *

"You've got seven minutes boy, get moving. Oh, and just bring your house key, nothing else is needed" and he hung up.

I wasn't really prepared. I hadn't douched, I hadn't lubed, I had been lounging around and now I was expected in less than six minutes at a complete strangers be fucked by him. I was HARD and my white basketball shorts were tented out visibly. I never wear underwear when I'm wearing shorts, as I like the feeling of being one layer away from completely naked, so that was already taken care of. I had a white undershirt on, which was very thin cotton. I contemplated changing it, but elected not to. I knew it was raining pretty hard outside and the exhibitionist in me wanted to see his reaction when I turned up with what would undoubtedly become see through by the time I got there. I fished out my flip-flops, grabbed my condo key and made my way to my sex date.

*As soon as I stepped out of the side door of my condo building I was hit with a gust of wind and freezing cold rain. I ran the half block down the sidewalk of my building and turned right then ran two blocks down to the alley in which he'd told me to meet him. I turned into the alley and immediately noticed a door open half way down the alley on the left. I couldn't see anyone there, but my dick got even harder and my stomach started doing cartwheels as I approached the door. *

*As I reached the door a hot, muscular, Asian guy with a beautiful bronze complexion, spikey black hair, a Cal t-shirt and shorts stepped into the doorway and smiled at me. He didn't say anything at first, but his eyes roved all over me and returned to my tented big, baggy, basketball shorts a couple of times before he spoke. "Turn around" he commanded, and I did. My hair was soaking and matted to my head, and my t-shirts was completely translucent and sticking to my torso. I'm athletic, not so much muscular, but I do have a pretty cool six pack, which I know he could see. *

I shivered, not so sure if it was the gust of wind and rain that continued to wash over me, or the gaze of his stare assessing me and deciding if I was worthy of his attention. Finally he said "You'll do, get in here slut." I turned and walked into the doorway, a welcome reprieve from the outside weather. I was dripping with water. He grabbed the front of my basketball shorts at the waistband with his left hand and started walking away, using them as a kind of leash. I followed down the inconspicuous corridor which looked like a fire escape hallway, stark, barren, with steel stairs which led down at one end of the corridor, and up, presumably to the condominium floors above at the other end. As he started bounding down the stairs, he pulled the front of my shorts far enough out and down that they began slipping down my thighs and my cock slipped out and stood hard at attention. He didn't notice until we reached the bottom of the fourth set of stairs which led down another corridor with a series of doors on one side. He turned briefly toward me and noticed my cock sticking out toward him. "Nice" he said as he let go of my shorts and grabbed me by my cock and balls and continued to pull me forward "Come on slut. You're getting me hard now."

*We walked past six doors, and when we reached the seventh he unlocked it with a key and turned on the lights before pulling me inside by my cock. It was a small room, maybe four feet by eight feet, and a low ceiling. It was already filled with some boxes, a bicycle, some lamps, some books and other sundry stored items. The door closed and he grabbed a handful of my wet hair with his left hand, my throat with his right hand, and he forced his tongue deep into my mouth in a very aggressive French kiss. Using my hair, he manipulated my head right and left as his tongue explored for quite some time before he backed away. I had closed my eyes as he explored my mouth, and when I opened them again to look at him he had a smile on his face. He was so gorgeous. *

*"You really are a slutty whore, aren't you." It wasn't a question, it was a comment. "You said you like it rough, how rough?" he asked. As I was about to answer he slapped me on my left cheek hard enough to turn my head, but not super hard. "That rough?" he asked. Although I was a little shocked, I also felt safe with him for some unknown reason. I'd only just met this anonymous person on-line, and here I was in a locked storage closet with him slapping my face, and I felt like I was in heaven. He slapped me on my other cheek and then both of his hands found my nipples and began to pinch and twist them roughly. I winced and gasped as he twisted them back and forth and pulled on them, but I kept my hands by my side the whole time. "Good slut" he rewarded me "you really do like it rough huh. I like that. I can work with that" he said. *

*He let go of my nipples and pushed his right hand behind my balls before grasping my balls and cock in a vice grip, not so hard that I felt in any danger of him crushing them, but with enough pressure that I winced and lifted up onto my tip toes. He smiled broadly and then spat right into my face. I turned my head as he spat, and it landed on my left cheek. "Open your mouth slut" he commanded and he tugged at my cock and balls for emphasis. I turned back to face him and opened my mouth, keeping my hands by my side. He worked up a good amount of spit in his mouth, making me well aware of what he was doing then with pulling his head back slightly he launched it directly into my mouth with a loud spitting noise. "Swallow it bitch" he demanded and when I did without a moments hesitation he approved saying "Fuck yeah bitch...fucking hot. Now, get your shit off" while pulling on my still soaking t-shirt. *

*I began trying to peel my t-shirt off while he continued to pull me up onto my toes with my cock and balls firmly planted in his right hand as he tugged on them. He also continued to slap me with his left hand, and to spit on my face and into my mouth until I eventually managed to tug the t-shirt over my head. He grabbed the sopping wet rag from my hands and threw it unceremoniously into a corner of the room, not even looking at where it landed. "And those" he said dropping his eyes to my shorts which were still barely clinging on to the back of my ass cheeks. It didn't take much to push them over the mounds of my ass before they fell with the weight of the water in them to the ground. He pushed me backwards saying "Step out of them bitch" and as I complied I also stepped out of my flip-flops also. He kicked the shorts and flip-flops off into a corner of the room without even really looking at them and then let go of my cock and took a few steps back to survey his new slut. *

*I stood there with my hands by my side, still wet and shiny from the rain with my hard cock pointing towards him. He then pulled out his cell phone pointed it toward me and I heard a click and saw a flash. "Fuck bitch, really fucking hot. Turn around." I turned and I heard him take another picture of my naked ass. He now had evidence of my slutty behavior, and still I didn't know his name or where he lived in this condo. I was truly a slut and a whore...and I was loving it. *

*I felt his hands grab the hair on top of my head and he used it to turn me around and pull me forward and down onto my knees in front of him. I was looking straight at his crotch as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and pulled out a wonderful uncut 7" brown cock with a large mushroom head. I was about to swallow it when both is hands grabbed my ears and he turned my head up to face him and he spat into my mouth again. *

"Do you want this slut?" he asked.

"Yes Sir, please sir" I replied almost panting with lust.

*He immediately turned my head back down and rammed all 7" into the back of my throat while his hands shifted to the back of my head to impale me on his gorgeous cock. I immediately gagged and tried to pull back, but he held me there firmly for what seemed like an eternity, but was only probably a few brief seconds. During that time I had brought my hands up to his thighs to try to push my head away from his impaling stick for some air. As soon as he let me go he withdrew completely and slapped me across the face. "What's with the hands bitch" he asked with humor in his voice. He knew that I would gag and react and was happy that it had happened. "We can't have that you slut." He walked over to a set of boxes and rummaged for a few seconds before returning with a roll of silver duct tape and a large smile of his face. "Turn around and put your hands behind your back bitch" he demanded. I knew what was coming and my cock jumped at the thought of it, yet I hesitated also. I didn't know this person, and I was about to allow him to limit my ability to defend myself if I needed to. He sense this and immediately re-assured me. "I'll let you go as soon as you ask me to, I promise" he said in a kind and comforting tone, then in the familiar commanding tone he changed back into the aggressive top and continued "Now turn your fucking ass around bitch." *

With my wrists duly wrapped in about seven layers of duct tape behind my back, he grabbed me by the hair again and turned me around to face him once more before impaling me on his cock again and making me gag again. He pulled out and began face fucking me while holding onto my hair. On every third, or seventh, or tenth stroke he would slam his cock all the way into the back of my throat and hold it there as I gagged for a couple of seconds before pulling it all the way out and starting over. He would occasionally pull his cock all the way out and I would taste the salty, slippery pre-cum as his cock left my mouth before he would slap his cock on either side of my face or he would make me suck his balls as he slapped me. All the time telling me "What a fucking whore you are. God you're a fucking slut for sure."

*I have no idea how long he face fucked me and kept me licking his balls, but it seemed forever. My knees were killing me from kneeling on the cold concrete floor of the storage room when he finally pulled out of my mouth and reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom. He unwrapped it and rolled it over his rock hard cock, totally ignoring me as he did so. "Ready to get fucked hard bitch" he said, not really asking it as a question, but more making a statement. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me roughly to my feet before turning me around and slapping me extremely hard on the ass. The slap propelled me forward toward some packing boxes and I let out an involuntary yelp. "What's the matter bitch, do you like that" he snickered as he pushed me forward quickly until I was forced to bend over two cardboard boxes at the back of the storage room. His fingers immediately found my hole and four fingers forced their way in twisting and turning as they went, while his other hand grabbed my hair and pulled my head back toward my ass. I grunted loudly as his fingers penetrated my hole and he made an approving "Oh fuck yeah..." comment. After a few moments of probing with his fingers he withdrew them and laying down along my back he pushed those same fingers deep into my mouth while pulling my hair even harder. "Do I need to gag you before I fuck you. I don't want the neighbors to hear you moaning, do I?" he asked. As I sucked on his fingers which had just come from my ass, I grunted a "yes sir" as best I could. "Fucking hot" he whispered into my ear before getting off of me. *

*He returned with my own still wet and now dirty t-shirt and the roll of duct tape. Pulling my hair back roughly he forced the wet material into my mouth until no more would go in as I grunted. When no more would seemingly go in, he wound four or five layers of duct tape around my head and my make-shift gag. I then hear the clicking and saw the flash of him taking more photographs of me with his cell phone. As I laid there, hard, horny, in heat, I also realized that this is what I had always wanted. To be at the mercy of a HOT guy, naked, bound, vulnerable, and completely subject to whatever they wanted to do to me. *

*Within seconds of the photographs being taken, he had grabbed my hips and rammed his cock all the way into my ass. I grunted and arched my back at the invasion, and he pounded maybe a dozen times at me in very quick succession before pulling all the way out of me and thrusting all the way back in again. He kicked my legs out wider and plunged in again trusting all the way in and out a dozen times before staying in and fucking me so hard that I was sure the whole building would hear his hips slapping into my ass cheeks. He fucked me for a good thirty minutes at least, going hard then soft, twisting his hips once inside me, pulling all the way out only to ram it back in hard and fast, pulling me back onto his cock with my hips and at other times plunging into me so hard that I thought the boxes I was leading against would collapse at any moment. *

Finally he pulled out after a series of ramming, super fast thrusts and grabbed my hair, pulling me off the boxes and around onto my knees to face him. He had pulled off his t-shirt and I was awed by his golden brown chest and abs as he blew an enormous load of cum all over my face, hair, and the t-shirts and duct tape that was forming my gag. "Arghhh...oh fuck...of fuck...of fuck yeah" he said as stream after stream of cum hit me in the face. My eyes were closed tight and were covered in his thick cum and I could feel the cum running down my cheeks and onto my shoulders. We waited like that for a few minutes while his breathing returned to normal. "Fuck that was so fucking hot bitch...god damn" he said, still panting for breath. His hands resting on my shoulders gave me so much pleasure at that moment that I forgot that I hadn't come yet either. I was just so elated that this gorgeous Asian god was happy with my efforts.

*Suddenly his hands pushed me backwards and I fell awkwardly onto my back, with my duct taped hands in the small of my back. The concrete floor that I landed on was cold and I involuntarily shivered even though I was covered in my own sweat, and his sweat from the fucking. He spread my legs wide and starting jerking off my cock. As he did, he also stuck two fingers up my ass and began finger fucking me at the same time. It didn't take long before I shot my load also, and it also hit me in the face, hair, and down my chest and stomach. My eyes were still suck shut with the cum now drying on my eye lids as he pulled me up into a sitting position. *

I felt the warmth of his body behind me as he leaned in and whispered "Maybe I should just walk you up to the alley and throw you out just like this. Naked, wrists bound behind your back, blindfolded, covered in my cum and your own cum, barefoot. Just throw you out into the rain and the wind with your house key and nothing else. How would you like that?" he asked. I LOVED the idea, but also practicality set in and I knew it would be dangerous to do in the middle of the day. I could have nodded or shook my head, but instead I remained silent and stationery. "Fuck are a real slut whore aren't you. You'd love it if I threw you out naked. You'd probably love it if I just left you here all tied up and came back tonight with a couple of friends, right." Normally I would have been too shy to admit how depraved and slutty my desires run, but for some reason I trusted this guy implicitly – or I was just so super horny for him. I nodded in agreement and he laughed. "Well, maybe not today, but maybe soon we can make that happen."

*He unwound the duct tape around my gag and removed the t-shirt then stuck his cock into my now very dry mouth. "Clean off my cock bitch." I began sucking on it and licking it with my tongue until he was satisfied. "Now my balls bitch." I sucked each one into my mouth and rubbed my tongue over them carefully tasting his salty sweat and musk odor as I did. My dick got hard again as I did so. "Now my ass bitch" he said as he turned around and pulled my face between his two sweaty ass cheeks. My tongue found his hole and I lapped up the sweat and probed his hole for all my worth. He finally pulled me out of his ass by my hair and pulled me up to my feet. He stuck his thumbs into my mouth and told me to suck on them, which I did eagerly. Once they were wet, he used them to clean the cum from my eyes so that I could finally open them, and he returned his thumbs to my mouth for me to clean the cum residue off them. I looked at the floor as I did so, and he did not say anything to me, he just looked at me and smiled. "Clean my pits bitch" was his next command as he pulled my head by the hair into his left arm pit. I lapped at the sweaty, salty pit until he pulled me away from that and transferred me to his other arm pit, at which I repeated the process. *

*"Jesus bitch, you are one hot fucking little whore" he smiled at me. I just got red in the face, dropped my head and looked at the ground, but I was so happy and I was rock hard again. He slapped my dick hard and I jumped, more in surprise than in pain. "Ok whore, before I throw you out, jerk off that cock for me again" he commanded. As I jerked he began slapping me on the face, spitting on me, twisting my nipples, walking around and slapping me on the ass, all the while telling me what a "whore, slut, and bitch I was." I told him when I was going to cum and he told me to cum into my hand. "Now, eat your cum bitch." I lapped up my own cum right out of my own hand as he took pictures of me doing it with his camera. *

*He suddenly turned and opened the door to the storage room wide. He turned back and smiled as I must have looked a little like a naked, cum covered, deer caught in the headlights. I instinctively moved to cover my groin with my hands, but they were still duct taped behind my back. "Grab your shorts bitch" he commanded. I knelt down and feeling with my hands behind me managed to grab the still wet shorts and stood back up. He grabbed me by the cock, flicked the light off in the storage room, pulled me out into the corridor, and slammed the locker door shut behind us. He watched my reaction for a moment then smiled, turned, and walked away towards the steel stairs we had come down earlier. I was nervous as hell, and shaking, but I followed him a moment later. *

*When I reached the bottom of the first flight of stairs he turned and kissed me deeply in the mouth. "Good bitch. I want you to walk back up to the fire exit door completely naked. I'll untie your hands, but I'm taking your shorts. You'll get them back at the fire exit door, unless someone else comes down from upstairs first." With that he turned me around and unwound the duct tape that had been binding my hands. He walked ahead of me and I followed him, silently, head down, but elated and In lust with this dominant guy. We reached the fire exit door without incident and he kissed me again. "I wanna fuck you again. I'll call you and tell you what time. If you can make it, call me back and be at this door at the time I tell you" he said. "Yes sir, I want to do this again too" I smiled. *

*He handed me my shorts and as I started to pull them on he opened the fire exit door and pushed me out into the rain and wind. As I stood there I realized for the first time that I didn't have my shirt or my flip-flops. I only had my shorts. He smiled as he saw the realization dawn on me also. "It's not as fun as throwing your out naked after I've fucked you, but maybe I'll do that next time." He Said. "You may need this" and with that he threw me my condo key and let the fire exit door slam closed. *

*Barefoot, topless, and very quickly cold and soaking again, I made my way as fast as possible back to the side door of my own condo and home. I immediately jerked off again before jumping and decided not to shower right away as I wanted his cum and scent on me for as long as possible. I still didn't know his name, but he had captivated me and I would do anything for him. *

I was awakened at 2pm the next morning by my cell phone. I answered it not knowing who it could be calling at such an early hour on a weeknight and I heard his voice. "Can you be here in five minutes?" he asked. "Yes sir" I said immediately. "Good, come dressed in shorts only" and he hung up.

Thus began my time with my Japanese master.

I have many more stories of my masters use of me, if this has picqued interest. I would appreicate feedback and comments at

Next: Chapter 2

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