Slut Boy and Friends

By Clark Kent

Published on Oct 14, 2004


Usual disclaimer applies: DO NOT read this story if not legally permitted in your province/state; if you are under 18 years of age; against religious beliefs; against moral beliefs; etc, etc, etc. This story involves graphic male-on-male sex, fucking, sucking, etc. All characters are over 18 years of age, and names have been changed to protect those who wish not to be "outed". Enjoy!

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to add another story, you know how it is... Anyways, I had a few good ones to send out but then a really good thing happened about a month ago, and I couldn't resist sending this one first!

This story involves me and my best friend Leigh. This guy is like a brother to me, and I know him like the back of my hand, or so I thought. He's about 5'9", average build, brown hair, blue eyes, killer smile, and an all-around nice guy. He is 27 years old, is married, and has a kid. This guy and I are inseparable. I spend most of my free time at his house, just hangin out, some people actually think I live there. Anyways, every weekend, me, Leigh, and his wife usually end up going out drinking somewhere. This particular weekend in September, Leigh's wife had to work the next day (Saturday), and somehow, she let him go out drinking with me. This is unusual, because she's a really jealous wife, if Leigh even looks at another girl, she freaks. So we decided to take advantage of this. As soon as we got in the car, Leigh says "Let's go to the strip club." I say "Alright, sounds good" and off we go. (I dunno if I mentioned it or not, but I'm bi) So on the way there, Leigh tells me that he's gonna really enjoy this, because since Lisa had the baby, she's had absolutely no interest in sex at all. Personally, if I wasn't gettin any, the last place I'd wanna go would be a strip joint. Would that not just make it worse? So we stayed there for 3 or 4 hours, paying special attention to this one girl. After she finished, she came over to our table, and we bought her a drink. She couldn't have been a day over 18, and Leigh was eyeing her pretty close. This club had a reputation that the girls did a little more than just dance. However, she wasn't about to do anything except what she had already done, and that was that. So we decided that since it was 3 a.m. we should head home.

We walked in the door to see Lisa asleep on the couch. I shut the door, and her head popped up. She didn't look overly impressed. And she wasn't. There we stood, grinning like idiots, while she bitches us out for being so late. I guess we hadn't heard the part where she said Leigh could go as long as he was home by midnight. So after we had been scolded, I asked her if she was gonna move so I could crash on the couch. Her head snapped up again. "YOU GET THE HELL BACK IN THE BEDROOM WITH LEIGH. YOU GUYS THINK YOU HAD SO MUCH FUN TONIGHT, HE CAN KICK YOU ALL NIGHT LONG!" So I turned, and started walking back to the bedroom, still grinning. I walk into the bedroom, and Leigh is already under the covers. We talked for a minute about Lisa being so mad, as I took off my shirt and pants. I crawled into bed beside Leigh, and started watching TV. I had wanted this guy for sooo long, but he never so much as once gave off a gay vibe, so I pretty much knew I had absolutely NO chance. The show we were watching ended, and Leigh started looking for something else to watch. Suddenly, he switched it onto a porn movie, which is nothing unusual for him, but I never dreamt he would do it with another guy in bed next to him wearing just underwear.

So after awhile, Leigh had drifted off to sleep, but I was having a more difficult time, because the guy of my fantasies was RIGHT next to me. I had heard many rumors about how well Leigh was hung, and when he walked around his house wearing only his underwear, you could definitely tell he was hung. I laid there for the longest time, debating whether or not I should try to cop a feel, just to see how big it actually was. I finally decided against it, and rolled over, facing Leigh, and tried to go to sleep. After about 10 minutes, he put his leg over mine. I knew from experience that when this guy passes out, he's GONE, so I figured I'd just enjoy whatever he did while he was asleep. My curiosity was getting the better of me though. His toe was touching mine. I wiggled mine once to se if he reacted. He wiggled his once. "Just a coincidence" I thought. So I did it again. So did he. I wiggled mine twice, he wiggled his twice, and so on. But he was snoring, no change in breath or movements, he appeared totally out. When I whispered "Leigh", no response whatsoever. "Go for it" I thought. This might be your only chance. I hesitated. I had to re-adjust my hardening cock. As soon as my hand left my shorts, Leigh moved his knee further up my thigh, brushing against my bulge. His breath changed. He did it again. He still apeared totally gone, so I thought "Just fucking DO IT man, quick, and pull your hand back before he wakes up!!!" So I did. SLOWLY, I crept my hand toward his crotch. Seriously, like moving an inch a minute. I could feel his balls, so I went higher. There it was. It was rock hard, and it was big...

Suddenly, there was a hand going down my shorts. And it wasn't mine. I froze. I literally froze. My heart raced, I mean RACED. I was terrified. "He thinks it's Lisa. What the FUCK is he gonna think when he wakes up and sees who it is???" But then, his hand wrapped around my cock. "That can't be right. If he thought it was Lisa, he'd be looking for something else..." I glanced up from his crotch to his face. His eyes were open and looking right at me.

"Why'd u stop?" He whispered.

I know damn well my jaw dropped onto the bed. I couldn't fucking believe it. NO GODDAMN WAY!!! I got very excited. Of all the guys I've been with, THIS guy is THE ONE. I would have bet my life savings that this would NEVER happen, good thing I didn't. So I had to take advantage of this too.

I started jerking him off, he seemed a little more hesitant, but he started jerking me off too. I don't know how long we went on, but I have never felt a cock THAT hard in my life. I could barely jerk it up and down, the skin was so tight. It wasn't so much long, as it was thick. It felt about 7, maybe 8 inches long (still a good size) but it must have been a good 6 or 7 inches around. My arm was getting tired, I was laying on half of it, jerking him off, and his must have been getting tired too. He said "What else can we do?" I didn't wanna seem to eager, so I didn't say anything right away. Suddenly, he rolled over on top of me, and kissed me. He was grinding into me, being a little rough, which you all know I like, running his fingers thru my hair, feeling my chest, I was ecstatic. I felt like I had taken 2 of every upper available. He kissed down my neck, my ears, my pecs, everywhere. Then he sat back, and pushed my legs apart. He looked down at me, and I was speechless. He immediately started trying to push his huge slab in me. "Man, that's not going in by itself. You got any lube?" I said, shaking. As many times as I had been fucked, that thing wasn't gonna be a piece of cake. "No, don't think so." So I said "Man, find something, it just can't go in unlubed." And with that, he laid back down "Shit, I fucked it all up!!!" I screamed inside my head. I started to lay down and Leigh flipped over onto all fours, and said "Okay then, fuck me. I can take it. I wanna see what it's like." I wasted no time. I spit onto my cock, and started pushing in. Goddamn he was TIGHT. He wasn't moving. "Does it hurt?" I whispered.

"Fuck yeah" he whispered back.

But with that, he started pushing back and forth onto my cock. That made it so much easier. In no time I was deep. He wanted it bad, too. I grabbed his ass, and started pulling him onto me. I could tell by the noises he was making he was really into it too. It was so hot in the bedroom. We were sweating bigtime. I laid over his back and started kissing up his spine as I fucked him hard. Up to his neck. His ear. He turned and met my lips with his. I felt his tongue in my mouth. He braced his hands up on the headboard, and I reached around him and started jacking his leaking cock again. He was squeezing his ass together. So fucking tight. Any time he had to moan out loud, he would kiss me and moan into me. That felt amazing. Before I knew it, I was unloading into his ass. Now it was my turn to moan. I had to grab him, I thought I was gonna scream. I wrapped my mouth around his and screamed in his mouth. He was pumping back onto me, milking me dry. I whispered to him " Man, I don't want this to be over"

"It doesn't have to be"

He got as much of my cum as he could and coated his own ramrod with it.

"My turn"

I laid on my back again, and he gripped my ankles over his shoulders. He slid in much easier this time, for alittle ways. It was tight for a little bit, and then suddenly gave way. he was balls deep. I told him to give me a minute, and that's about all he gave me. He started ramming into me like a man... well, a man who hadn't had sex in quite a few months, which would be him. Fuck, he was pumping my ass for all he was worth. His dick was soo thick, it felt so good, and so cool knowing we could be caught at any minute, by his wife no less, but that didn't seem to bother him. He bent over me and kissed me again, our stomachs rubbing together, my cock griinding into his abs. He was rubbing just the right way, my sweet spot was getting all the attention.

"Fuck man, I'm not gonna last very long. I know how good it feels but I REALLY need to get off."

"No problem man, I know it's been a long time for you."

"You want it in your ass, or somewhere else?"

"I wanna taste you man"

He seemed to have a hard time to stop fucking my hole, but he managed. He straddled my chest and began pumping his bright red dick. I leaned my head forward and swallowed half of it.

"Oohhh fuck man, I didn't think you'd do that... I was gonna ask but..."

I grabbed his ass, started playing with his hole, still oozing my spent cum, fingering it while I sucked on his VERY tasty prick. He was gently fucking my mouth. Moaning, both from the blowjob and the ass-fingering. He reached around and started jerking me off again. I was close already.

Leigh said, "I'm gonna blow man......."

And with that, he started, and so did I. I've never taken that much cum in my mouth EVER before. There was soooo fucking much of it. Most of it was running down my face and onto my chest. I was cumming at the same time. Leigh never backed off. He had an iron grip on my cock, pumping every last drop of jizz there was. We were both covered in it. My entire upper body, his entire backside.

After we started to come down, Leigh got off and laid back down beside me.

"What's it taste like?"

"Tastes good. Salty, kinda like pudding in a way..."

He rolled onto me once again, and started kissing me, licking my face and chest, going right to town. After he had me cleaned off, he rested his head on my pillow, next to my face. He reached out and gave me one last kiss before covering back up.

"That was awesome man. I've always wanted to do that, but never really knew how to ask. You took care of all that. This will just be our little secret, right?"

"Of course, man. I love you, like my own brother. I'd NEVER tell anyone about this"

He sighed and closed his eyes. I rested, knowing that no matter how close you think you are with someone, you can always get that much closer. And that we did. I was worried for about a week that he felt guilty, and what we'd done totally ruined our friendship, and I think he thought the same about me. But the awkwardness went away, and once again, we're inseparable.

... But I couldn't resist telling you guys about it. ;)

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