Slut Boy and Friends

By Clark Kent

Published on Aug 18, 2004


Usual disclaimer applies: DO NOT read this story if not legally permitted in your province/state; if you are under 18 years of age; against religious beliefs; against moral beliefs; etc, etc, etc.

This story involves graphic male-on-male sex, fucking, sucking, etc. All characters are over 18 years of age, and names have been changed to protect those who wish not to be "outed". Enjoy!

Hey guys, this story goes back in time a little ways to the summer of 2000. I was 17, clowning around with my friends a lot, enjoying life. My dad owns a garage near our home, and at the time was looking for an apprentice. He said he didn't want me because he wanted "his only son to be something better than a mechanic". I thought a mechanic was a very respectable career, it had always put food on our table. Anyways, dad did teach me a lot about cars and how to fix them. So one evening in late June at the supper table, dad says that he's interviewing Jesse MacDonald for the apprentice position. Now, Jesse MacDonald was a guy I had always known growing up, and I don't really know how I knew him, he just always seemed to be around. He was several years older than me, and he was always a little on the pudgy side. When he was 18 (I was 14), he had moved nearly across the country to live with his estranged dad. I had recently heard that he moved back, hence the job interview with dad. Since we were never really close, I didn't pay much attention the next day when I heard him come into my dads office. After a half hour or so, I needed to get something in the kitchen, and when I walked by, dad called me in to the office. He said "Craig, you remember Jesse don't you?" and I looked to my right where Jesse was seated. I know my jaw smashed into the floor. There sat the most perfect male specimen I had ever laid eyes on. He was smiling up at me from the chair with gorgeous icey steel blue eyes that would pierce your soul, a row of immaculate white teeth, short, sandy-blond hair, a day or two worth of stubble on a deeply tanned face. He had a very well defined jawline, and you know a guys hot when even the muscles in his face are that visible. He was wearing a white t-shirt under a black leather jacket, new, pressed dark pants, and black boots. I shook my head into reality and said that yes, I had remembered him, and dad said, "Good, because he's gonna be working here from now on. You two will get caught up in no time." Awesome, I thought. I could get to know Jesse very well...

About a week later, I had my 85 Camaro IROC in the old garage after hours, repairing one of the few parts that hadn't broken on that piece of crap before. I had it jacked up, the hood open, parts laying everywhere, I was covered in grease, and getting very angry because it seemed I was always fixing this damn car. I also get frusterated very easily, and tended to throw things at the car. As I leaned on the car for a cigarette break, I could hear Jesse putting in some overtime in the new garage next door. I thought, hey, why don't I just get Jesse to come fix it for me?" But then that made me even angrier. See, I'm very competitive, and I hate thinking that someone else can do something for me when I know damn well I can do it if I just calm down. So back to work I went. I was bent waaay over the engine when I heard Jesse come through the door.

"Havin some trouble are ya?" I heard Jesse say.

"Yeah, as usual. Fuckin things' broke. AGAIN." I growled.

He asked what the problem was and I explained it to him. Of course, he pushed me out of the way and had it fixed within minutes. I rolled my eyes and thanked him, just glad I had wheels again. Since it was after hours, I offered him a beer from the fridge dad kept stocked in the corner. He accepted, and we sat there for an hour or more before I started really eyeing him over. God, he was amazing. There he sat, in tattered, threadbare bluejeans, holes in the thighs and knees, and his once-white t-shirt severely stained. He was covered with a fine sheen of perspiration, and had this awesome lusty look in his blue eyes. A few times I thought I saw him checking me out too. I must say I have a fairly decent body now, but in high school, I was Grade A in my class of about 75 people. For a 17 year old, I easily passed many times for a 24 or 25 year old, very fit, athletic, always full of energy. Anyways, there we sat, secretly checking each other out, when I thought I detected a movement in his pants. It looked sizeably bigger than a few minutes ago, and my heart raced, thinking this Abercrombie & Fitch could-be was gettin wood off looking at me. As if on cue, Jesse stood, and said he had to get home for dinner. My heart slowed, and I said goodbye. I know I jerked off every night for a good week thinking about that night in the garage. It wasn't until a month later that my fantasy would get a major upgrade, when my parents went on a trip and left Jesse in charge of the garage.

I had arrived home from work (at the grocery store) a little early, around 4 PM. I had a four-day weekend ahead of me, and with the "rentals" gone I thought what a chance to totally fucking relax. I went into the new garage, as usual, and chatted with the guys that worked in there. Some were hot, some not so much, but cover a guy in grease, I can look at him all day. They were always ribbing me about something, my piece of shit car, asking me if my girlfriend was giving me any skin, when I was gonna get a real job, the usual stuff. Anyhow, I glanced at the schedule on the wall and noticed there were no other appointments for today. Whenever that happened, Dad usually let everyone go home early, and since it was a hot Friday afternoon, I thought they'd appreciate it even more. They all playfully punched my arm or ruffled my hair on the way out, and finally I was alone. I had just bought a new sound system for my car, and thought I might as well start installing it. I cranked up the system in the garage, the overhead speakers blaring whatever band was hot at the time. Dad was obsessed with stereos and insisted the new garage be totally wired for sound. Anyways, I was well into my work, pleased that nothing was going wrong for once, the music pumping, when suddenly I felt a hand on the small of my back. I jumped, and may have even screamed a little bit, and turned and saw Jesse standing outside the car door, laughing.

"Scare ya, Junior?"

"Fuck yeah, what are you still doing here? Overtime on a Friday?" I asked.

"Nah, my truck had a busted shock, and it couldn't wait. So I fixed it before punchin out for the weekend." He explained.

I nodded, and asked if he wanted to stay for dinner (AKA pizza or something simple) He said sure, and we went inside to eat and chat. After dinner Jesse offered to help me finish with my system in the car, so I said sure, thinking anything to get your hot ass next to mine on the floor of a car...

After an hour, we were both pretty sweaty, since stereo installation in a 1985 Camaro is apparently something the big boys at Chevrolet didn't want non-employees to know how to do. I noticed Jesse seemed to be getting a pretty good buzz from the beer we had been drinking and the joint we smoked awhile ago probably helped some too. I got out to wire up the rear speakers in the trunk, and suddenly I felt Jesse pushing up against my ass. I didn't even have to look back at him. This was no accident. I could feel his hips, his hardening cock, his thighs, everything, pressed deliberately into me. My head still in the trunk, I mouthed the words "Holy Fuuucck!" and once again, my heart was pounding. He then placed his hands on my hips and gently ground himslef further into me, far enough for me to moan. He backed up to allow me to get out of the trunk, and when I turned around, I was met with a never seen before, shirtless version of this God I had jacked off to so many times before. He was flawless. The same tan as his face, perfect pecs, quarter-sized nipples, well, well defined washboard stomach, and just the right amount of dark-blond hair, running down into his pants. Then I had a spell come over me I think. I didn't say a word, I just lifted my shirt off, undid my pants, walked over to him, undid his pants, pulled them down, kissed my way back up his body, pleased to find no underwear in sight. He had about a 7 or 8 incher, cut, and thick enough for it to look too big for his body. I looked up at him, he was smiling down at me, and I slid his thick meat as far into my mouth as I could. At that time, I wasn't too good at deepthroating, so I did a lot of gagging. After a few minutes, he pulled me off, saying that we had to hurry because his girlfriend would be home around 10, and expected him to be home. That gave us about a half hour. I knew that this may be my only shot with him so I wanted to make it good. I told him all I wanted was for him to fuck me, rough and hard. Right there in the garage. I ran over to the cabinet by the sink and got a jar of industrial hand cleaner, a very economical lubricant. He pulled me roughly into a kiss, and nice, hard man-to-man kiss, one hand running up the side of my face, the other reaching down into my jeans. He found my stiff teeneged 8 incher throbbing as it did constantly everyday, and jacked me nice and smoothly. He played with my balls, running his hand underneath my sac, his calloused hands pleasuring the sensitive skin down there. Then I felt his long fingers playing with my ass, and I let my pants fall to the floor. He immediately broke the kiss and turned me around, leaning me onto the hood of my car. He took my asscheeks in his hands and spread them wide. He ran his tongue up and down the sweaty crack, swirling around my nearly virgin hole. He spit a large amount into my crack and started tongue-fucking my ass. No one had ever done this to me before, and I was on cloud nine. He had one long motherfucking tongue, and he had it all squeezed up my ass, wiggling it around my insides. I would have been more than happy if he just kept that up, but soon, he stood, and grabbed a hearty handfull of cleaner and spread it thru my crack and into my hole. Then with another handfull he covered his cock in the vaseline-like substance, making his beautiful cock shimmer in the flourescent lights.

"Hope you're ready for this, Junior" he said, in a low tone, and he started jacking his cock slowly, the cleaner making a sticky/wet sound as he pounded away.

"Hell yeah Jesse, pump me. Stick that fuckrod as far into me as you can. I wanna feel your balls bouncing off my fuckin ass."

"Ohh, little dirty talker. You like dirty talk while you get fucked by daddy's rough-lookin grease monkeys? Huh? You wanna get banged by daddy's new apprentice? Wanna feel my rough fuckin cock jammin into your guts, makin you cum without even touchin that fat teen cock of yours?"

As Jesse said all this, my cock hardened even more, and I didn't even notice as he fed his juicy dick into my ass. By the time I did, he had about 3/4 already in me.

"Mmm, nice and tight. You been fucked before kid? Probably never like I'm gonna do it to you. Squeeze your cheeks together and feel my pole sliding in and out of your little virgin asshole. Brace yourself because I'm gonna slam you like a little whore, jerkin your big dick all over the hood of your fuckin car."

With about every third word, he would jam his prick in to the hilt. Then he'd pull a couple of inches out, and jam it back it in, pushing his hips forward into my hard ass. Then suddenly, he glanced at the clock on the wall, and noticed he only had about 15 minutes. He said "Junior, hope you're ready, cause you're about to get the fuckin of a lifetime".

And with that, he started a massacre on me that I never wanted to end. He pulled his cock completely out and rammed it back in, so fast sometimes I didn't even notice. I don't think he made a sound, just me moaning like a little cockwhore, and the music still blaring overhead. Jesse reached one hand around me and started furiously jacking my cock, paying close attention to the head and my balls. I was bent over the hood, my reflection bouncing back at me, my long hair dripping drops of sweat onto the black paint, my mouth forming inaudible words, my eyes screwing shut and popping back open with every in and out thrust Jesse made. My arms were bracing me, and Jesse was pumping so hard I thought they might give out. I turned to look back at him and I caught our reflection in the large plate-glass window of the office. Me, bent over the hood of my Camaro, arms outstretched, my long hair soaked and dripping sweat, my jeans crumpled around my ankles, Jesse pumping his two-tonne log into my ass, wearing only a pair of workboots, his sweat-soaked body shining in the lights, his face contorted into a look of pure raw animal energy. I sensed he was getting close, his grunts were getting louder and his thrusts were getting somehow quicker and more powerful. He was now licking up the side of my neck, and around my ear.

"You gonna cum for me, fucker?" He whispered hoarsely in my ear.

"You gonna make me, stud?" Was all i could manage.

From then on, Jesse gripped my cock in his hand and long stroked it faster than I thought possible. Within minutes, I was blowing my load all over the hood of my car, Jesse moaning in approval. My ass started twitching uncontrollably around the hot piston lodged deep inside me.

"Ooohh yeah baby, make me cum, squeeze my dick, you like seein your hot jizz all over your car? Lick it off for me baby, bend down and lick your hot cum off your car while I fuckin bust my nut in your tight teen hole. I'm gonna fill you up with so much cum you're gonna taste it in your mouth for days. Ohh fuck baby, sooo fuckin tight, you ready for my cum baby, you ready for it? Huh? I fuckin hope so baby 'cause here it FUCKIN COMES ------ UUUNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK BABY TAKE MY FUCKIN GREAT BIG PRICK....... OOOHHHHHH FUUUCK YEAH YEAH OH FUCK BABY TAKE MY CUM!!!"

I could feel it going so deep inside me, running out around Jesse's cock, even, down my legs, down his legs, we were drenched, he was still pumping into me after 10 spurts, slowing down, his legs likely tiring from the half hour assault he had put me through. Finally he stopped and collapsed on my back, both of us laying on my car, his still-hard rod planted firmly in my ass. When Jesse got his breath back he pulled it out with a loud plop, and reached into my hole and got a handful of his cum. He licked most of it off, and got some more for me to taste. I licked every finger clean and then Jesse said he was addicted to cum, and for me to 69 him. I crawled on top, to clean his spent cock off. I was amazed to find it still hard as ever, covered in his own cum. As I went to work, Jesse put his lips to my asshole and began sucking the cum out of me. It was the most wonderful feeling ever. I took his cock out of my mouth and started cleaning his balls off. As I jacked his cock, cum was still oozing out of the tip of it. I licked between his legs, his thighs, wherever I could find cum or sweat. Jesse meanwhile was busy emptying my ass of his hot stud-cum. As he did this I found myself humping his hard chest, and in no time I was coming for the second time that night. Jesse cleaned up that cum too, and soon he was dressing to go home. I was sad to see him leave so soon, but didn't want to arouse any suspicion from his girlfriend. Before he left, I asked him how he knew I was into gay sex.

He answered, "After supper, I went to the washroom, and when I walked by your room, I saw your computer and thought I would check the baseball scores. When I logged onto the internet I clicked on the history and it was loaded with gay porn sights. I then checked My Pictures and saw like ahundred gay pics, so I kinda figured that was a good sign. I've known I was bi my whole life, and when I saw you in your dads office that day I saw how much you had changed. You're one hot little fucker now, man."

"Well thanks Jesse, your not so bad yourself now. I could get used to that cock up my ass all the time! Mom and Dad are gone all weekend, so feel free to stop back by anytime."

"Hey, I think Cheryl's goin to her parents tomorrow night, and I have to play ball Sunday morning so I'm not going. Maybe I'll be back tomorrow night."

"Sounds good, I'll be waiting."

Jesse leaned in and gave me a hot tongue filled kiss before he left, gripping my cock through my jeans one last time. Sure enough, right after supper the next day, I saw Jesse's old green Ford pulling up in front of the house. But that's a story for another time...

The End (?)


Next: Chapter 5

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