Slut Boy and Friends

By Clark Kent

Published on Aug 12, 2004


Usual disclaimer applies: DO NOT read this story if not legally permitted in your province/state; if you are under 18 years of age; against religious beliefs; against moral beliefs; etc, etc, etc.

This story involves graphic male-on-male sex, fucking, sucking, etc. All characters are over 18 years of age, and names have been changed to protect those who wish not to be "outed". Enjoy!

Hey, by now, you all now me, what I "look" like, hopefully have a good idea what I fuck like, etc. Thanks everyone for the great emails, and yes, I've got plenty more stories, so stay tuned! Part 3 of my series involves me and my friend Chris, an old roommate of mine when I lived in the city. He was HOTT. 6'2", 200 lbs, extremely fit and lean, black hair, steel-blue eyes, moderately hairy, and no word of a lie, a thick 10" cut cock. Easily the biggest piece of meat I've seen in person yet! I wanted this guy from the first time I met him in a club, and I NEVER thought it would happen, until he started giving off some gay vibes about a month after we moved into our place. So read on, and hopefully it'll get you off! Enjoy...

Chris brought home a different girl almost every night. The walls in our place weren't very thick, so you can imagine... I worked long hours and when I got home all I wanted to do was relax. However, this was very difficult when you have this dead-sexy stud strutting around the apartment in a pair of too-small CK boxer-briefs. His basket was definitely prominent. A friend of mine had slept with him a few months before and aptly nick-named him "Horse Cock", so I knew she must have liked what she had seen. My eyes were literally glued to him every time he came out of the shower with his towel around his waist :(, or when he was in his underwear. At first, I thought the nickname was false, because his bulge didn't look THAT big, but one day when he was sitting at the computer, he rotated the chair to look at me. My eyes immediately went to his crotch, and BOOM, there it was, caged up like an Anaconda, pulling the fabric so much on his CK's it was pulling it down from his waistline. To this day I have no idea what he asked or told me, because I could NOT tear my eyes away from that monster. From that day on, I knew that I HAD to have him some way or another, and I had never felt an urge that strong before. But, he was the straightest-acting guy I knew, so I had no idea how I was gonna make that happen. Little did I know that Chris would do most of the work for me!

One night, on our way to the clubs, we sat beside each other in the cab. It was a minivan, loaded with our friends, and Chris and I were in the far back two seats. We were pretty buzzed already, and as we made our way across the city, Chris bent over to supposedly tie his shoe. Suddenly, I felt his strong hand making it's was up my calf muscle, and stopped when he reached my thigh. He kept his hand there for awhile, until I looked over at him. He had this gorgeous sexy grin on his face, and I thought, "Man, this guy wants it all the fukin time!" But I had no problem with that! I nodded to him to keep going, so he started moving up and undoing my pants. He reached in and found my already rock hard 8 incher at full attention. Sadly, he only got in about 3 or 4 pumps when the cab pulled up to the club entrance. For the rest of the night, he was bouncing off every girl in the club, so I thought the moment had passed. Around 2, most of our friends had taken off, so it was just us in the cab home. I was surprised when he got in alone. No girl tonight? Hmm, maybe he DOES have something up his sleeve. When we arrived home, we were both still pumped from the club, so we decided to smoke a joint. Chris threw on some techno (not my first choice of music, but when I'm stoned it gets me pretty damn hot) and sat on the couch beside me. After the third joint, we were both pretty cooked, and he was getting very touchy-feely. Out of nowhere he asked me,

"Craig, can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I replied.

"Did you like what I did to you in the cab, because if you didn't, then we'll just forget about it"

I smiled and said, "No man, I loved it. I've wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you, and when Laney told me you had a huge piece, I knew someday I would."

And with that, Chris stood up and began undressing. I like some suspense when a guy strips for me, but there was something sexy about the way he was ripping his clothes off. He got down to his underwear and sat back down.

"I'll save the best part for you" He whispered. So I kneeled on the floor in front of him, and slowly started pulling his waistband down. He lifted his ass up so I could take them off, and when his half hard 8 inches popped out, I was drooling. I wasted no time in popping that cock in my mouth, and in no time, he had swollen to a little over 10 incredibly thick inches. I was a wild man. I was bobbing and slurping that thing like there was no tomorrow. His groin was soaked with my spit and his amply flowing precum. I started licking his enormous egg-sized balls, and found it impossible to take them both in my mouth at once. The pot had heightened our senses and Chris was shaking and moaning so loud I thought the neighbours would come knocking.

Meanwhile, my cock was so hard in my jeans, I was waiting for it to rip throughthe fabric. Chris groaned as I stopped and started removing my clothes. He sat up and told me to go right into his bedroom, where his huge bed was. I wasn't three steps in the door when I felt him bear hug me from behind, his solid rod jamming into my ass. He had my clothes off in a flash, and I was on my back on the bed. He was on me in a second, kissing my entire body, sucking and biting my nipples, licking my six pac, tracing around my neck and ears with his tongue, pinning my arms over my head, and even sucking my toes (which I must say feels pretty damn good). After several minutes of this, he reached into his nighttable and produced a set of handcuffs. I smiled up at him and he said, "Guaranteed, these make things so much hotter man". I wasn't objecting, so there I was, hands bound to his headboard, as I'm sure so many girls had been before.

From that, he immediately went to my aching cock. He took it deepthroat almost right away, and every time he'd pull off, he would tongue under my balls and all the way up my sac, right to the tip of my dick. He was right, the cuffs did make it better. He was doing so much to me, and I couldn't even touch him. In minutes I felt close, and Chris must have sensed this because he stopped. He then threw my legs up over my shoulders and began a hot wet assault on my hole with his juicy tongue. He fingered me as he loosened me up and soon he produced a condom and a bottle of lube. I panted and said,

"Man hurry up and get that fucker on, I can't wait to take that up inside me." He laughed and said "When I get this halfway in, you'll be begging me to stop, I guarantee"

I grunted and replied "Hey, the bigger the better, and they don't get much bigger than that."

By now he had his entire length covered in half a bottle of lube, and was using the other half on my waiting hole. After he felt I was ready, he grabbed my ankles with a firm grip, and aimed his golf ball sized head at me. The second it touched my hole, I thought "Shit, I think this is gonna be too big.." But Chris never backed down. It took him a good 15 or 20 minutes, but he finally managed to stuff his entire sausage into me. I couldn't even speak, except to tell him to wait so I could adjust. After a good 5 minutes or so, I gave him the go ahead. And that he did. As many times times as I had heard him banging chicks in here, I don't think he had ever gone that fast or rough, and I was in complete ecstasy. He pulled almost all the way out and rammed it back in so hard the headboard was wearing a crack in the wall. He would lift his entire body up and then let himself fall back into me. My legs were spread as far as they could go, Chris still gripping my ankles, my steel cock forming a sizeable pool of precum on my stomach. The dim light in the room made his sweat soaked body look even more hot, perfectly sculpted from 3 years in the Military, his face beet-red, clean-shaven with is teeth bared. As wild as he looked, his amazing eyes still looked softly down at me, as if we were making slow love. But this was hardcore, porno-grade FUCKING. Hot, raw, sweaty man-love.

By now he had gotten up on his knees, and lifted my body to meet his gigantic dong. He had me by the hips, grunting and panting, sweat dripping, pulling me into him to meet his every thrust. Somehow I managed to stammer out something about taking off the cuffs, and without missing a beat he reached into the table and got the key. He unlocked one cuff and suddenly my entire body was being tossed around like a rag doll. I ended up on all fours, Chris' cock still in me, and him still banging away. His grip on my sides was pure iron-clad. I didn't care about being held up, I just had to jack my aching cock before it exploded. I reached under myself and gripped it like it was a lifesaver. It never felt so good to jerk off, and I found Chris' huge hand wrap itself around mine, both of us jacking my soaked prick.

Chris was now grinding hard into me, gripping ever-harder onto my cock. I glanced over at the clock, and it read 4:58. We had been goin at it now for almost 3 hours. I thought "Damn, how the hell can he fuck me like that for this long? I would've blown my load hours ago at this rate!" And if somehow on cue, he grunted into my ear "Man, my nuts are fuckin full, if I don't get off now..." I was getting pretty close myself, so I said "Let's go together, I want your cum and mine mixed between us both."

"Good enough for me" He groaned, and then he pulled out. I've never felt so empty in my life. I couldn't figure out how I could live without that massive fuck stick in me all the time. He flipped me over onto my back and he laid facedown on top of me, our cocks grinding together. Once again he pinned my arms over my head and I wrapped my legs around his pumping ass. He started humping into me hard, his hot breath making me sweat, his grunts and groans making me somehow more horny, feeling his soaking body slide across mine, our two big swollen dicks rubbing each other to the end. After about 2 minutes he lifted his head and clenched his teeth. "HOLLLLY FUUUCCKK MAAANNNN I'MMM CUUUMMMMMIIINNNNGGG" and I felt the biggest guyser of hot steamy cum shoot up my stomach and stop at my chin. Simultaneously I started shooting, matching him shot for shot. He unloaded about 4 or 5 good jets and then he jumped up and sat on my cum-soaked chest, pumping his bright red pecker right in my face with his right hand. With his left, he grabbed my still-shooting dick and jerked it for all he was worth. I couldn't believe it. 12, 13, 14 shots and it was still coming full force from him. My face was soaked, my neck, my mouth nearly full, and he was still basically screaming, low, animal groans, bucking his hips on my slippery chest, the sweat literally pouring off of him like water. I was clawing at his wet stomach and nipples, milking his body for every last ounce of pleasure, until he finally collapsed beside me. I didn't think he was going to catch his breath, but soon he was bent over me again, licking the cum-cocktail off of my face and chest. I still had a nice amount of his jizz in my mouth, and when he got a mouthfull, we kissed, mixing everything up once again. Cum running out around our lips, running down my cheeks, into my hair, but I didn't care. My wish had finally come true, and to this day, I feel fulfilled that my greatest sexual fantasy (to this day, anyway) has been granted.

This all happened on a Friday night/Saturday morning. We stayed in bed until Sunday evening, not pulling ourselves away from each other except to go to the bathroom and eat on occasion. It was the hottest weekend of my life. But, last winter we had to go our separate ways. Chris re-enlisted in the Army, and I got a job transfer closer to my hometown. I haven't heard from him since the day we turned in our apartment keys. A friend of mine told me recently that he had gone to Iraq a number of months ago, and every time I hear of a soldier getting killed or wounded, I pray that it's not his name in the headlines. So far, it hasn't been. I do know that he likes to read the stories on this site whenever he can get access, so Chris, if you're reading this, I hope you remember that night as well as I do. And I hope everyone's enjoyed hearing about it as much as I did writing about it.

Stay tuned next week for "Slut-Boy & Friends-4: My Dad's Apprentice, Jesse"


Next: Chapter 4

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