Slow and Sweet

By Tim R

Published on May 31, 2004



I was cruising a park I don't normally go to because I was in that part of town on other business. I found a secluded picnic area and was leaning over a table to show myself off if someone came around. I was wearing a t-shirt, a pair of thongs and a pair of short shorts with the sides slit. If someone was to be walking by and viewed me from the back .. they could see my balls. It felt good leaning over like this, not only because it's one of my favorite positions, but also the breeze that was blowing felt good. Soon I saw a Hispanic guy walking towards me and could tell he was interested so I just stayed in position as he walked behind me. I wiggled my ass a little when I knew he was looking. He walked in front of me and looked around and then pulled his zipper down and reached into his pants. He pulled out a sweet looking brown cock that was just starting to get hard. I figured it would be a good 8+ inches when hard. "How big does it get?" I ask him. "8 or 9", he said in broken English. I could tell he didn't know much English but I could tell our intents were the same. "Mi casa" he said, and then motioned for me to follow him.

"Absolutely" I said as I followed him to the parking lot. We drove several miles and he pulled of a main street and went for 4 or 5 blocks . the area wasn't yet developed and then he pulled between to very tall trees into a yard with an old house in the middle of it.

The yard was totally shaded by the large trees along the west side of the property and I could tell this must be the old farmhouse for the property. We got out of our cars and I followed him inside. I sat down on the sofa at his hand signal and kicked off my thongs. "Aqua?" he said. "Si" I replied. This wasn't a big house, actually I could see the kitchen and the back door from the front door. There was want seemed to be a bathroom in the corner and in the middle of the room was a divider about 4 feet high to divide the kitchen from the livingroom. I later found out that his bed was on the kitchen side of that wall. Very cozy, I thought as he brought me a bottle of water. I took a drink and he sat down beside me and took the water from me and put his arm around me and pulled me to his open mouth. We kissed. I don't usually go for a lot of kissing but I felt myself stir as we locked tongues. He began to rub my legs.. stopping short of my crotch .. then my chest ... tweaking my nipples through' my shirt. After several minutes of this he stood and pulled my shirt off and bent down to lick and suck my nipples. Again not something that I usually get into much, but this guy knew how to really touch me. My short shorts had no liner and it began apparent to him soon that I was hard. He said something in Spanish I didn't know what but his motions told me to stand. I did and he pulled my shorts down to my feet. I stepped out and he put them on his coffee table and then bent over and tongued my balls and underside of my cock lightly. I rarely found a guy who would /could do this. Most want to "attack" balls .. he seemed to sense what I liked / wanted. He said something else in Spanish I didn't understand but I didn't care I was soooo excited by his tongue that I just moaned. He stopped licking me and stood and took my hand and led me to his bed. He pulled back the quilt and the white sheets looked crisp and clean. He motioned me to lie down. I did and watched as he removed, first his shoes/socks, then his shirt to reveal a smooth muscular chest, then a pair of boxer shorts with that sweet chocolate cock sticking out of them. He romoved his shorts and came to the bed. I thought I'd get a taste of his beautiful cock but when I tried he pulled away and motioned not to do that. I'd find out why later. He crawled onto the bed between my legs and licked at my balls again and this time started going further down. He spread my legs and put his hands on my cheeks and gently lifted them up as he continued to lick between them. I moaned and squirmed when he found my bud. He worked it over for several minutes and had left a lot of saliva when he stopped and knelt between my legs with his cock in his hand.

He looked into my eyes as his cockhead touched my bud. Again said something in Spanish I didn't understand and then slid the head into me. I moaned and squirmed and kept eye contact with him. We both knew we were gonna' enjoy this immensely.

He slowly fed me his cock with in and out motions `til he was almost in me totally. We never lost eye contact as he slowly fucked me. I couldn't wait any long and pushed down to get him to the hilt. He moaned something in Spanish and then he began to slowly fuck me with that beautiful chocolate cock. We were still maintaining eye contact until after what seemed like 20 minutes of the beautiful fucking, he moaned something in Spanish again and threw his head back and I felt his cock swell as I constricted my muscles to suck his cock deeper. He opened his eye when I did this repeatedly and mumbled again than pushed into the hilt and unloaded that beautiful cock in me. I squirmed and hung on for dear life. I'd NEVER felt this good and I've fucked a few cocks to know good. When he was spent he remained in me until he softened. Then he leaned down, tongued me and then he slipped down and took my cock into his mouth and lightly licked the head as he stroked me into giving my load to his hot mouth. He crawled back up to my face and he kissed me and we both ate and licked each others mouths as my cum ran between us. I lay there spent and then we dressed and we did sign language with the help of a calendar and clock to determine when I'd be able to come back. We decided on me showing up next week on Tuesday at noon and that he would show up shortly thereafter. He showed me where he kept the key. And then we strolled outside and around the shaded yard in the cool grass until he pulled me close and undressed me again and took me again in the cool grass. He told me his name was Manual and I told him mine as I dressed to leave.

On Tuesday at noon I was in his yard and unlock the door and went in. I got naked and hard anticipating Manual's arrival. I heard a car door slam and figuring it to be Manual I laid face down on the bed and pushed my butt up for him. I heard the door open and footsteps coming into the kitchen/bedroom. I didn't look back I just shook my ass and I heard a slight moan .. then I felt a rough hand on my ass followed by a hot tongue. This didn't feel like my Manual and I pulled away and turned around to see how was licking me, although it felt good. I'd never seen this guy before. He smiled and said in very good English. "I knew you were to meet Manuel here again. He told me about you. He's very fond of you and I really didn't want to mess with his bitch but you looked so good when I came in, I just couldn't help myself. Forgive me!" "With a tongue like that you need no forgiveness."

"Manual just wanted me to meet you and say he was running late. He said to look for a very good looking white man with a sensational ass and the sweetest lips." "Thanks," I said as I blushed. "I know you two have a language barrier and he asked if I'd stop and also help translate." "We can do sign language pretty good," I said, "but I'd like to know what he's saying when he's making love to me." And then I blushed again. "I understand," "I'd love to stick around and translate AND watch, honestly, we used to be roommates with similar tastes in men, nothing between us and we sometimes take turns watching when each other would bring home a date. Manual and I split when I moved in with a boyfriend a month or so ago, but we've since split up and he found this place and doesn't want to give it up." "I just love this place," I said, "The afternoon shade and the green cool grass as great." "Good place to make love from what I hear." "I hear him coming." And in walked Manual. He and Roberto as I heard Manual call him began to speak in length in Spanish. Then Manual came over to me and leaned down and kissed me. I felt myself getting hard as we tongued each other. "Manual said if you wanted I could stay and translate .. if you don't mind me watching." "Not at all," I said between kisses. "Whatever Manual wants is good for me, anything he wants," I moaned as Manual began to gently lick and suck my nipples as he slowly and softly touched my balls and the underside of my hard cock.

"Anything .." I moaned. Manual said something in Spanish and Roberto translated, "He says he loves to touch you .. he says he loves your scent, your feel. He wants you be totally pleasured." "Oh god," I moaned as Manual moved to between my legs with his hot tongue. "He makes me feel like I've never felt before. He touches me like no other man ever has. I'd do anything for him . tell him ANYTHING!" Roberto translated as Manual listened and then go into position to put his cockhead near it's home! He said something to Roberto as he slipped the head of his hot cock into me. I moaned and squirmed as Roberto said "He said for translating I could participate but only if you want me too." "I'll suck you or fuck you whatever my lover wants of me.

I'm his to command." I moaned. Roberto translated and Manual slid himself into to the hilt. "How do you say I love you in Spanish?" I ask Roberto. He whispered it in my ear as I watched him stand to undress. Next time Manual bent down to kiss me I whispered it in his ear and we tied in a tongue fest and fucking I hoped would never end. Manual lifted himself up onto his hands and began to seriously feed his hot cock into me. I noticed Roberto standing there with his hard cock in hand and stoking himself. "Suck me baby. Manual says you wanted to suck him first time but he wanted to wait to show you his respect for you. While he has the upmost respect for you he said he love to watch you suck my cock and he'll just dream of the first time you do his while he's fucking your beautiful tight ass." With that he leaned over my face and put his cock to my lips. Before I took it I told him to tell my Manual "I will suck this cock like I will soon suck his." And with that I closed my eyes to enjoy the feeling of my Mannie deep inside me and the feel of Roberto's cock as I pulled him close to take him deep. After several minutes Manual began to moan and I knew he was gonna' give me his cum. Then I heard Roberto moan and say, "You are a great catch, take care of my friend Manual, I am jealous and give you my load. NOW!" and with that he pulled back and I began to suck the head feverishly as he said "Eat my cum, my white cocksucker, eat my cum and think of Manual as you do.

He just told me to tell you he loves you also .." I thought I'd heard that in something he'd said to Roberto. I looked him in the eye after Roberto pulled away after giving me his sweet cum. I said it in Spanish and in English. Manual slipped out of me and took my cock in his mouth and sucked my load and we shared it and Robertos as we both spoke our I love yous in Spanish and English over an over.

Manual took me into the bathroom and cleaned me and then dried me and sent me out as he cleaned himself. I sat on the sofa and drank some water as Roberto came back in. I'd thought he'd left and thought maybe I should put clothes back on but before I could Manual came out and said, "No, when you here be naked. I don't care who else is here. Be naked unless I say different. And come over here and sit beside me with your hand on my crotch." Roberto translated. I did as told. Manual volunterred to go after some beer and he said something to Roberto before leaving.

Roberto told me that the protocal from now on was to be, sort of in the tradition of Mexican men and women, in this case me being the woman. I am to be subservant to him, wait on him unless he would choose to do for me, like wash me in the bathroom, sit next to him and not speak to others unless instructed to do so. And above all else do as I was told without ever being told a second time or questioning my directions unless to clearify or reiterate. I knew I could follow that and that I would love to do whatever my Manual wanted of me. As Roberto finished telling how I was to act Manual came back and gave Roberto a beer and took one for himself. He said in Spanish and motioned for me to put the beer in the refrigerator. No mention of me having one so I did as told and put them away and returned to my place beside Manual.

That was months ago . I stay at Manual's at least 3 times a week and every weekend. We still don't have totally communication between us, I understand some Spanish and he understands some English but when it's time to go to bed or just have some sex mid day .. no verbal language is needed. I can almost read his mind where sex is concerned. We still have our mis-communications from time to time like the other day hs mentioned his patron, and I knew boss, was to stop by for something. I thought I was to be nice to him, provide sex, probably just suck his cock, but when he arrived I'd just laid down in the grass on a blanket and he took that for an invitation to slid his big old fat cock in me. He slammed me pretty hard and then when he was done . he turned me over and made me suck his cock until he blew another load. Manual was very mad at him, not me, he quit his job but found a better one the next day. He said it was because of me that he found this better job. I was still sore from his boss' rough treatment when Manual came to me for making love. He was so gentle I sucked a load from him, I usually had to beg him to let me suck him but I knew he did loved when I did it. Then we shared his load with some kissing and then he pulled my legs up in the air and put himself home.

I love to just lie there with my Manual deep inside me! I love to have him cum in me and them lie there as I work my muscles to get him hard again. I love to hear him moan as he hardens and does me again. Roberto comes over every once in awhile. He hadn't found another full time boyfriend, so I usually sit on the floor in front of his chair and pull his cock from his pants and suck his load at Manual's instructions.

Then Manual wants me to come back to him and we kiss and I lube his cock with that cum He'll make love to me in front of Roberto or as a surprise last time, he told me to keep sucking him and Roberto came up behind me Totally shocking me, I was not prepared, and slid himself in me to the hilt. He drove me down on Manuals cock and Manual held me there as he moaned in Spanish I was the best thing that ever happened to him, then he let me back off and take his cum on my tongue. We shared it while Roberto finished unloading himself in my ass. I love my Manual and enjoy the company of Roberto when he's here. We're to go to Mexico next month. Manual told me he has a very big surprise. I got it out of Roberto that he's going to have a ring put in my nose and one just back of my cockhead so he can attach a chain to show me off in Mexico to his friends. He'd attach a small link chain between my nose and cock and then have it attached to a leash. As I said before, whatever my Manual wants . WHATEVER is what I want. He loves my soul and my body like no one ever has or could.

When we got to Mexico several weeks later Manual took me to a small shop and pulled up in the back. I was nude from the border to this place as Manual had requested. I laid on the seat with my head in his lap and even managed to pull his cock out once and suck on it before he stopped me. I got out of the truck on his side and followed him into the building. It was a dirt floor shop and he instructed me to go to the corner and lie down on a cot face up. I did as told and an old man came over to me and tickled my balls until my cock began to swell. He wasn't interested in having sex, he just wanted to get me hard to make sure of where Manual wanted this ring. It was only about a half inch or less round gold ring. When they had discussed it the old man came over with several ice cubes. My cock was starting to soften and he said something to Manual and Manual came over and tickled my balls and I got hard again as the old man rubbed the ice on my cock. Manual moved above me near my head and began to softly speak to me and kept my eyes on him as the old man put a hole with a ring in my cock. I didn't feel a thing. Then he spoke to Manual again and Manual told me to close my eyes and lie very still. The old man began to rub the smaller ice cubes up each nostril. I knew what was coming and Manual held my hand and in his broken english whispered in my ear, "I'm so proud of you my white beauty", he called me that constantly, "When we are finished here I will buy you the best gold chain in town. I will lead you around and be so proud you are my white beauty. My cock is getting hard just thinking about it. Here, feel it." He took my hand and put it on his crotch. He was hard and I wanted him badly but knew I had to stay still. I felt a slight pinch and knew it was done. Manual told me to open my eyes and I could look down and see the ring in my cock and the one in my nose. "Show the man how much you appreciate his work." Manual said, I wasn't sure how he meant until he said something to the old man and he pulled a shriveled cock from his worn pants.

He put it to my lips and I began to suck the old man's smelly cock as it grew. It grew to almost 10 inches and he said something to Manual as I was sucking several inches and then Manual whispered in my ear "you must take it all, this may hurt but it'll help you take his whole cock. This man taught me how to treat a man to be my mate, it's important that we show him my respect." With that he tugged on the ring in my cock.

It hurt so bad that I opened my mouth to scream but was greeted with more cock ... til he was totally in me and my throat. He didn't last long and Manual whispered in my ear as I felt the old man cum down my throat. "As always you make me proud, you show respect for me and I will reward you with a good slow love session when we get home. Continue while we are here to show respect for those I choice for you to do so." I wasn't sure if I was to do this again on this trip but time would tell. I finished off the old man and we got back in the truck and was given a bottle of wine to serve as a reward until we got home. I hadn't eaten much and was feeling tipsy by the time Manual stopped the truck. "This is my farm", he said as the truck stopped.

"My brother keeps the animals and does some planting in return for staying here.

Unless he has found a wife, you will show him respect whenever I say so, understood?" "Of course," I said, "As usual, my love, whatever you want me to do." He seemed to be a little more authoritative here but it didn't matter I always listen to Manual. Go into the barn while I find my brother in the house. Pet and make friends with the animals. I walked into the barn with my new rings and chain between them. I saw several small ponies, a horse and was greeted at the door by several dogs. I bent over to pet the doors and must have been too close one of the ponies. It ran it's tongue between my legs and it's rough tongue found my bud. I shivered it felt so good. I wasn't sure if I was to service the animals but decided to see if a pony/horse cock was as big as I'd always heard. It's true. A horse cock is about 2 feet of hot blood filled meat. As I was stroking it Manual and his brother came into the barn and smiled as they saw I was working the horses cock.

They said something I didn't understand in Spanish, then Manual came to me and said "my brother wants to see you suck the horse until it cums. You won't be able to eat all the cum but take as much as you can. This again is a respect thing so do me proud." I'll suck it as if it were your tasty cock and take as much cum as I can. Do you want me to save some to share with you?" I ask. "Just save some for another treat I have for you." I began to suck on the horse. I could only get about 2 inches in my mouth as it was at least 7 or 8 inches around!! I didn't have to wait long til it blew its load all over me. I saved a mouthful as Manual had told me to do and when he say I still had it he instructed me to put it in my hand and rub it over my ass as the dogs came in. The began to lick me all over and then Manual told me to get on all fours and they each took a turn at my ass. Dogs have very skinny cocks but their knots are very large and fill an ass easily. They had their way with me and then when I thought I was done, Manual's brother stepped up and showed me his cock. The largest cock I'd ever seen on a man. Thought it was the horse again. He smiled as he got behind me and slammed into me to the hilt. As he forced me down onto the ground I looked at Manual who winced but said nothing. It was a matter of pride and I couldn't let him down. I sleep most of the way home. He stopped several miles from the border so I could get dressed. When we got home he washed and dried me and put me to bed. In the morning he thanked me and gave me the slowest sweetest fuck ever.

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