Sloan Cosgrove 2, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Bear

By Sloan Cosgrove

Published on Sep 6, 2024


"Sloan Cosgrove 2, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Bear" is the sequel to "Sloan Cosgrove, Confessions of a Teenage Bear," a novel originally published online in 2001 and currently available at:

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"Sloan Cosgrove 2, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Bear"

by fratbear (

Chapter 70: Locked Down


April 2020

"So any big plans for your birthday weekend?" Will asked, smirking from the Zoom window on the screen of my iMac. Even though this was technically a business call, he was shirtless on the other end of the Zoom call, his beard and big, furry chest on full display. "Probably safe to say that it's not going to be as exciting as last year."

Just the mention of that brought back memories my 40th birthday orgy in Vegas exactly a year earlier, and my cock immediately began to stiffen. Will probably couldn't tell, but I was sitting completely naked in front of my computer in my living room, just one of the perks of working from home and conducting business over Zoom.

I laughed. "Nah, this weekend's probably going to be like every other weekend this month. Hole up at home, watch TV, try to find toilet paper on Amazon. I haven't even set foot outside my apartment building in two weeks."

"Hey, at least you got your dinners taken care of."

"Damn straight," I replied, and we both grinned.

It was eight o'clock on the morning of April 19, my 41st birthday, and more than a month into the COVID-19 lockdown. Will had wanted to do an early morning Zoom meeting both to wish me a happy birthday and to discuss his New Life Nutrition meal delivery service.

The business had already been doing well before the pandemic, but in the past month it had really taken off, tripling its number of customers. The comonay was barely able to keep up with the number of meals being shipped out across the country every day. With all of his New Life gyms closed for the indefinite future, the meal delivery business had not only saved Will financially, but had also become such a pandemic success story that articles were being written about it in newspapers and business blogs.

As one of those customers, I felt a little guilty about eating so well while confined to my apartment during lockdown, with nutritious, gourmet meals delivered to my door every day.

"So the suppliers are saying that they can handle the increased demand for ingredients for the time being," Will continued, "but if we continue to take on new customers at this rate, we may have to halt taking on new subscriptions in about a week, at least until we find additional suppliers and food prep facilities." Will suddenly chuckled as a look of disbelief crossed his face. "Sloan, are you jerking off?"

That's when I realized that I'd been absent-mindedly massaging my erect cock. I laughed. "Hey, it's nothing you haven't seen me do before."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mind." Will then looked over as if he was saw something over my shoulder. "But he might."

I turned around to find Bobby creeping up behind me, stretching his arms while yawning. He was clad only in his boxer shorts, the rest of his hulking, furry body on full display. He'd obviously just gotten out of bed and was confused to see me on a business Zoom meeting so early in the morning with my cock in my hand.

It'd been nearly a year since I'd gone back to Cicero to bury my Dad. Nearly a year since I was reunited with my old high school buddies Bobby and Tony. Nearly a year since I finally realized that Bobby, the first guy who ever fucked me way back when we were just teenagers, the guy I kept coming back to... Bobby Bickner was the guy I wanted in my life. He was the love of my life.

When I stood naked before Bobby that day, with an equally naked Tony at my side, and asked him to leave his life in Texas and move to L.A. to be with me, of course he was stunned. And of course he immediately looked over at Tony and said that he didn't want to abandon his lifelong best friend and business partner.

"Bobby, you have to go," Tony replied forcefully. "I have my kids, I have the business. My life is here. But you've been stuck here for forty years. There's nothing here for you. We both know it."

Bobby's eyes filled with tears, and both Tony and I could see that an enormous weight had been lifted from his broad shoulders. He was finally free to go off and do anything he wanted with his life.

Two months later, after Bobby had finished packing up and saying goodbye to his life in Cicero, he made the drive across the Southwest to Los Angeles, the same drive I had made eighteen years earlier, and moved in with me in my seventeenth-floor Koreatown apartment.

Of course, we fucked like rabbits that first month, and I could see the old brash, confident Bobby I knew from high school re-emerging after twenty years of hibernation. We started working out together at New Life, and Bobby was regaining the burly build of an offensive lineman that he had when we were in high school. It wasn't long before Bobby had joined me in having sex with my regular gym buddies-- yes, even Will-- in the showers, sauna, and steam room at New Life.

There was one thing that both Bobby and I agreed on when he moved to L.A. to be with me: we acknowledged that we were both horny, middle-aged men who wanted to fuck as many bears as we could while we were still physically able to, and we weren't ashamed of it. This was especially important to Bobby, who'd spent his entire life unable to fulfill his sexual desires in conservative Cicero. Now, he was free to go wild, and I was excited to help him and join in whenever possible. I'd started taking him to gay bathhouses and Korean spas, where he had sexual experiences with more men in one month than he'd had during the previous twenty-five years.

One thing never changed, though. Bobby and I were in love, and no matter how much wild sex we had with other men, nothing would ever change that. We would always love each other, we'd never get jealous, and every night we'd return home to hold one another in bed.

I was excited to introduce Bobby to all my friends. My old roommate Gabe was especially happy that I'd finally found someone to settle down with who could also join me in my sexual adventures. Bobby was thrilled to meet Gabe, who he'd seen on TV and had heard so much about from me. Bobby and I went out on dinner dates with my old friends Dylan and Bruce and attended their wedding in early 2020. And then there was our night with my co-worker Reggie, which ended with me and Bobby taking turns fucking him. We even had a romp with Jon the shot putter when he passed through town for a track and field competition.

As a licensed plumber, Bobby kept busy with plumbing jobs on Taskrabbit and was in the process of properly creating his own plumbing business. When the pandemic shut down the world in March 2020, and I had to start working from home, Bobby jokingly remarked that now that we were stuck together 24 hours a day for the foreseeable future, we could make up for lost time. Leave it to Bobby to view COVID lockdown as a mixed blessing.

"Hey, Will," Bobby said as he saw who I was talking to on my computer. He stood behind my chair and leaned over to wrap his thick arms around my chest. "You do know it's his birthday."

Will laughed. "I wanted to get this out of the way early so you guys could have the rest of the weekend without Sloan having to worry about business crap."

"Happy birthday," Bobby said with a big smile, then kissed me as he moved his hand down my chest and belly. He grasped my erection and began rubbing it.

"You guys are so fucking cute together it's disgusting," Will said, but then it became obvious that he had his own hand on his cock and was masturbating.

Bobby was stroking my cock at a steady rhythm as we looked at my computer screen, where Will had a big smile on his face as he moaned and jerked his cock just below the view of his webcam. He then pushed himself back from his computer a few feet so that more of his furry, mountain man torso was visible, and we could see the tip of his erection and his fist pounding on his shaft at the very bottom of our Zoom window.

Bobby kissed my neck as he jacked me off, and I growled to match Will's moans coming from my computer speakers. Bobby's strokes became more fervent as my cock became even stiffer in his very skilled bearpaw of a hand.

We cuddled together every night in the same bed, and we never tired of exploring every inch of each other's bodies. I enjoyed running my fingers and tongue over the curves of Bobby's thick muscles, which were also covered by a layer of fat that made him soft and huggable. He'd already been a big, burly bear of teenager in high school, and he'd only grown heftier and bulkier over the past twenty-five years.

But he still had those sad, dark eyes and perpetually forlorn expression, even when he was happy. It was an adorable look that made me just want to take care of him for the rest of my life.

Our mutual knowledge of our bodies meant that we knew how to provide maximum sexual stimulation to each other. Bobby was so good at stroking my cock that it took only a minute or so before I felt my orgasm building inside me.

"Oh fuck, you're gonna make me cum," I groaned as my body began to tense up, my toes curling on the carpet under my computer desk.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, too," Will grunted as his fist bounced up and down on his cock at the bottom of the Zoom window.

"Yeah, cum for me," Bobby whispered in my ear as he pounded on my shaft. "Shoot it all over your chest so Will can see it."

And that's exactly what I did. I groaned as a long, white ribbon of cum shot out of my cock and splattered across my belly and chest. It was joined by a half-dozen shots of sperm that splashed across my torso.

"Aw fuck!" Will cried out. On my computer screen, white jizz exploded from the tip of his cock and splattered across his own furry belly and chest. His body was shaking as more blasts of sperm spurted onto his belly and dripped over his fist.

Bobby grinned and chuckled wickedly as my orgasm subsided. "Thanks for the show, Will."

"God damn," Will muttered, panting as he caught his breath. "We should have more Zoom meetings like this."

"Just don't tell HR," I replied.

"Happy birthday, Sloan."

"Thanks, Will. I'll talk to Gavin about how to spin the suspension of new subscriptions, and we'll chat again on Monday."

Will waved at me with his big paw of a hand, which was still glazed with semen, and then ended the Zoom meeting.

I sighed as Bobby leaned down and kissed me deeply before raising his hand and licking off my jizz.

"You're naughty this morning," I said.

"You still haven't told me what you want for your birthday," Bobby replied.

"Ah, don't worry about that," I said. "It's not like you can go out and get me something, anyway." I grinned. "All I want is you." I paused. "And maybe a load of your cum in my ass."

A mischievous smirk appeared on Bobby's face, and he pushed down his boxers and kicked them aside. His big cock was hard as stone and already dripping with precum. I turned my chair to face him and swallowed his erect rod. Bobby moaned as I slid my mouth back and forth across his shaft, sucking on him happily.

I could tell from his increasingly loud moans and the trembling of his big frame that he was only seconds away from blowing his load down my throat, so I pulled my mouth off his cock and looked up at him.

"Come on." I stood, now realizing that the front of my body was still streaked with cum from Bobby's handjob. I walked across the living room and opened the door to our balcony, stepping out into the crisp morning air, still completely naked. It was a typical April morning in L.A., overcast and a little chilly.

Bobby stopped at the doorway. "I don't know about this." Bobby and I had been naked on the balcony plenty of times when it was dark outside, but never during the daytime.

I walked up to the balcony railing and looked down. "Come on out. No one's watching."

It was true. Because of the pandemic lockdown, the streets below were almost completely empty, and it was eerily quiet. It also helped that the railing was made of dark tinted glass panels, so no one who happened to look up at our balcony could tell that I was standing there with my dick hanging out.

Bobby took a hesitant step out onto the balcony, then joined me at the railing to look out over the city. I saw his body visibly relax as he took in the view. I could tell that after spending forty years in a mid-sized Texas town, it was still a rush for him every time he stood at the railing and realized that this immense metropolis was now his home.

I noticed that his cock was still rock hard and dripping, and I reached over and massaged it for a little bit before looking at the blissful expression on his face and declaring, "I want you inside me."

Bobby gulped and nodded as he moved behind me while I leaned forward, resting my forearms on the railing. I felt Bobby pressing the tip of his cock against my asshole, and I sighed with contentment as he pushed into me, as he had dozens of times by now. This time, though, he lovingly and patiently slid his cock into my ass millimeter by millimeter, knowing that I savored the sensation of being slowly penetrated. I was brought back to that night in the tent a quarter of a century earlier, when Bobby had gently slid his teenage cock into my virgin ass and gave me the first fucking of my life.

He paused when he had his cock fully inside me. I loved the feeling of his soft, furry bear belly against my back. It was a familiar and comforting feeling. And then Bobby began to fuck me, pulling his shaft out and then smoothly pushing it back into me.

I grunted with each of his loving thrusts as I looked out over the city, which looked like it was abandoned and frozen in time. It truly seemed like Bobby and I were the only people in the city.

"Oh fuck, Bobby," I groaned as he began to hump his body with more force, pounding his stiff rod into me with increasing intensity. "I fucking love you."

Bobby leaned forward and kissed the back of my neck. "I love you, too, Sloan," he growled as he reached around me and wrapped his hand around my dick. He began jerking on it until it once again became fully hard. "I've always fucking loved you."

Bobby continued to pump my cock with his fist as he slammed his meat into my ass over and over. By now, we were both letting out grunts and cries of ecstasy as Bobby plunged his shaft into me, his hairy belly cushioning his thrusts. We were so lost in our passion that we just didn't care whether anyone could hear us.

I felt a pressure building in my balls as Bobby masturbated my stiff cock with his meaty hand. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum," I whimpered as I turned my head to look back at him, "you're gonna make me cum again."

Bobby pressed his mouth against mine, our bearded faces pressed together, and I moaned as my second orgasm of the morning surged through my body. White jets of sperm blasted out of my cock and splattered across the dark tinted glass panel of the balcony railing.

"Oh fuck, Sloan," Bobby cried as he felt the muscles of my ass contracting around his pounding cock. "Here it comes!"

I felt his cock swell and begin to throb in my ass, and then I felt his hot jizz erupting deep into my guts. Out in the crisp, chilly morning air, I could feel his load warming my insides. Bobby's burly frame shook and trembled as he emptied his balls into me. He whimpered as he pressed his mouth against my back, kissing it while bathing it with hot breaths and scratching it with his thick beard.

My own body was quivering as my orgasm subsided, my ass squeezing Bobby's pulsing cock a couple more times before I relaxed and rested my sweaty forehead my arms, which were still draped across the top of the railing. I looked down and watched my cum dripping slowly down the glass panel.

I felt Bobby's cock shooting a few more spurts of sperm into my ass, and then he rested his body against mine, pressing his sweat-soaked chest and belly against my back as he breathed heavily on my neck.

"Happy birthday, Sloan," he sighed.

I smiled as we just stood there, enjoying having Bobby's cock still buried deep in me, connecting us.

In my post-orgasmic haze, I only had one clear thought running through my head. I didn't need Bobby to buy me a birthday gift. Just having him here with me was the best gift of my life.

Author's note for those who've reached the end: This is technically the final chapter of "Sloan Cosgrove 2, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Bear." However, there's an epilogue coming in a couple of weeks!

Next: Chapter 71

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