Sloan Cosgrove 2, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Bear

By Sloan Cosgrove

Published on Jul 3, 2024


"Sloan Cosgrove 2, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Bear" is the sequel to "Sloan Cosgrove, Confessions of a Teenage Bear," a novel originally published online in 2001 and currently available at:

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"Sloan Cosgrove 2, Confessions of a Middle-Aged Bear"

Chapter 62: Bigger Daddy

February 2017

"You mind if I turn on the bubbles?"

He had the deep, gruff, but kindly voice of a jolly old grandfather. Relaxing in the hot pool of the Korean spa with my eyes closed, I hadn't heard him walk up to edge of the pool. I opened my eyes and was greeted by the sight of a naked 60-something chubby daddy standing over me. He looked like a beardless white-haired Santa Claus. I'd seen him at this spa almost every time I'd been there, but this was the first time interacting with him.

"Yeah, sure," I replied. I'd been sitting in the jacuzzi hot pool for about ten minutes, but the timer for the jets was only set to five minutes. When they had shut off earlier, I hadn't felt like climbing out of the pool and walking several feet to turn the bubbles back on.

"Thanks," the daddy chub said, and I enjoyed watching him as he lumbered over to the timer dial and turned it. Immediately, the jacuzzi jets roared to life, and I was soon buffeted by a storm of bubbles and foam that made my skin tingle.

I enjoyed watching him return to the hot pool and descend the steps into the roiling water, his chubby body passing mere inches by me as he crossed to the other end of the pool and sat in a corner of it. The pool was only about eight feet long and could comfortably fit a half-dozen guys, so he was still close enough for me to get a good, long look at him.

I'd admired him on my first visit to this spa a few months earlier. At the beginning of the year, I'd found an online blog written by a spa enthusiast who wrote extensive, detailed reviews of Korean spas in the Los Angeles area from the point of view of a gay man. I was interested to read his perspective of the spas that I already visited regularly in Koreatown, but I also wanted to learn more about the numerous Korean spas farther out in the San Gabriel Valley and Orange County.

These spas were too far away for me to visit on weeknights, when L.A.'s infamous rush hour traffic turned a trip to the spa into an hour-plus ordeal, so I decided to try some of these spas on the weekends. By the time I started visiting this particular Korean spa in Norwalk in Orange County, I'd already paid visits to cruisy Korean spas in Hacienda Heights and Tustin.

Even though it was smaller than the other spas I'd visited, I took an immediate liking to the Norwalk spa, which was located in a decrepit strip mall just a couple of blocks off the freeway. The wet area of the spa was actually pretty small, with this hot pool, a tiny cold plunge, a dry sauna, and a steam room that could probably hold a dozen men, except that when the steam generator was on, it blasted out steam that was so scalding that the only bearable place to sit was on the upper level of seating.

The big selling point of this spa, though, was its dark sleeping room, a large room with sleeping mats lined up on either side. From the moment I checked out the sleeping room, I knew that it was a hotbed of naked dudes having random sex. Making it even easier for guys to have hookups in the room was the fact that it wasn't completely dark. There were a couple of very dim lights on the ceiling so that once your eyes adjusted to the dark, you could actually see the guy who you were hooking up with.

Even though I'd seen this chubby daddy at this spa more than a half-dozen times since I'd started coming here on weekends, I never saw him go into the sleeping room. He would always spend at least two or three hours at the spa, soaking in the hot pool for up to a half an hour at a time, and even cooling off in the cold plunge for several minutes, then sitting in the corner of steam room for longer than I'd ever seen anyone endure it. Even as other dudes would inevitably start groping each other's cocks or even start blowing one another, the daddy chub would just stare at his feet as if he wasn't interested in the slightest. His stamina in extreme temperatures at the spa was impressive.

It was too bad that he was so aloof, because he had an incredible body, with a big, burly chest and an even bigger Santa-like belly. He also had a big, round, surprisingly firm ass. It had made me wonder whether he had been a weightlifter or a construction worker in his youth. He was a fat guy who carried his weight around with confidence.

And then there was his handsome, chubby, somewhat craggy face. He had blue collar Irish features, with piercing dark eyes, a pug nose that always looked reddish, bushy eyebrows, and a head of thick, white hair. He had thin lips that he seemed to always keep pressed together as if he were expressing disapproval of everything around him.

Oh, and there was one other notable thing about him: he appeared to have a tiny button dick. Every time I saw him strolling confidently around the spa, it was despite the fact that his penis looked like a gumdrop buried in a pair of swinging, bulbous balls.

I still enjoyed looking at his face and body. And besides, in all the hours I'd seen him at the spa, I never once saw him speak to anyone, let alone show any interest in playing. He genuinely seemed to make regular visits just to enjoy the spa amenities and nothing else.

It didn't matter to me. There were plenty of other opportunities to get my rocks off at the spa with other guys. In fact, I had kind of a regular thing happening with a cute, stocky, middle-aged cubbish guy with a furry, muscular chest and a crewcut and tattoos on his bicep and pec that made him look like a Marine. He was at this spa almost every Sunday morning, and almost every time, I'd find him sitting casually in the steam room with his dick hanging out. I learned that all I had to do was to go into the steam room and start sucking his cock, and within a minute or two, I'd be rewarded with a mouthful of his cum. And every time, as soon as I'd made him cum and swallowed his load, he'd go shower, get dressed, and leave the spa. It was like he was just waiting to unload down my throat.

I'm sure the chubby daddy sitting in bubbles of the hot pool was aware that almost every other guy in the spa was getting off, but I never saw any evidence that he was interested in that. Which is why I was completely surprised when a Latino daddy strolled up to him at the edge of the hot pool and started conversing with him.

"Hey Jim, how's life?" the Latino daddy said cheerfully.

The chubby daddy, who I guess was named Jim, looked up and smiled. "Can't complain."

"Still got the auto parts store?"

Jim nodded in response. "Yeah. Thinking of retiring, though."

"Aren't we all?" The Latino daddy leaned down and patted Jim's big, round shoulder, then strolled away.

So in this short exchange, I'd learn that the chubby daddy was named Jim and that he managed an auto parts store. Interesting to know, even if it gave me no information about whether he got off with other guys. For all I knew, he was married with kids and grandkids.

The jacuzzi jets suddenly shut off as the timer ran out. I'd spent enough time soaking in the hot water, anyway. As I started to climb out of the pool, I looked back at Jim and asked, "You want me to turn the timer again?"

"Thanks!" he exclaimed in response with a surprisingly big smile.

I nodded and smiled as I went over to the timer and turned the dial. I looked back to see Jim engulfed in bubbles again.

About half an hour later, I was resting on a sleeping mat in the dark sleeping room. Since it was an early Sunday afternoon, the spa wasn't very crowded, and there were only three other guys in the room with me, though two of them were a chubby Asian guy and a muscular Mexican jock who were busy blowing one another. The third guy was an Asian daddy who was lying on his stomach and appeared to be actually sleeping.

The door to the sleeping room opened, a shaft of light from the hallway outside piercing the dimness of the room. The chubby Asian and Mexican jock stopped playing and pretended to just chill on their sleeping mats, a ritual that happened every time someone opened the door, just in case the new guy entering the room was either a patrolling spa attendant or the rare straight dude who would be scandalized by seeing gay sex happening at the spa.

I looked over and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was chubby daddy Jim in the doorway, the first time I'd ever seen him in the sleeping room. He took a moment to look around the room to see if there were any open sleeping mats before entering, closing the door behind him.

And then he lumbered over to the sleeping mat next to mine and laid his immense body down on it. He let out a big sigh as if he were settling in for a long nap.

Once it was dark and quiet again in the room, I looked over and saw that he was lying there, looking like he was already fast asleep, with his eyes closed and his big belly swelling and falling slowly.

The chubby Asian and Mexican jock cautiously reached for each other and started to discreetly feel each other's cocks, being sure to remain silent. I figured that they'd never seen Jim in the sleeping room before, either, and they were unsure whether it was safe to openly play in front of him.

I just stared at Jim's prone body next to me, and the sight of him, even in the dim light, made my cock stiffen. I knew that he probably had no idea how much he was turning me on, not with his eyes closed, his breathing heavy as he just lay there. I wondered whether I could jerk off next to him without him even knowing it.

And then he suddenly lifted one of his meaty hands and brushed it over his cock and balls, like he was adjusting them. I couldn't help myself. I placed my own hand over my hard cock.

Even though his eyes were still closed, Jim seemed to react to me touching my own cock. He suddenly let out a big yawn, then ran his hands over his big stomach and chest, eventually letting his hands come to a rest on his belly, which continued to swell and fall with his deep, slow breaths.

He opened his eyes, and he seemed to stare at the ceiling for a while. Then he slowly turned his head towards me and saw me looking back at him. And almost imperceptibly, he nodded his head at me.

That was the signal I'd been waiting for. I sat up and turned to face him. I wanted to feel his big, burly body in my hands, so I began to run my right hand over his chest and belly while I reached down with my left hand and rubbed his nub-like cock head with the tips of my fingers.

Except that it didn't remain nub-like for long. Because from the moment I started massaging his cock, it began to slowly swell and extend. Jim moaned and breathed even more heavily as the shaft of his cock seemed to grow like a tree. Soon I was able to wrap my fingers around his expanding shaft and began to slowly pump it with my fist.

I watched a smile spread across Jim's handsome face as I gently jerked on his growing cock. I then looked back at his cock in amazement as it reached its full hardness and length. It must have been ten inches long, bigger than my old roommate Gabe's cock and one of the biggest I'd ever seen in person. I was astonished by how Jim's nearly non-existent nub of a penis had grown into a rock-hard monster cock.

I knew I had to taste it. I leaned down and engulfed the end of his cock in my mouth. I could only get my mouth a little more than halfway down his thick shaft, so I wrapped my fingers around the bottom half of the shaft and pumped the base of his cock as I sucked hungrily on the top half.

Jim didn't say a word, just letting out soft moans and sighs as I sucked lovingly on his enormous erection. I continued to run my other hand over his big, round, soft belly and brawny chest, enjoying the feeling of his smooth, fleshy body.

But I enjoyed the feeling of his massive cock in my mouth the most, and I could sense the immense pleasure I was giving this chubby daddy who was probably about the same age as my Dad. I wondered whether this was the first time that Jim was getting a blowjob at the spa.

I swirled my tongue around Jim's shaft and cock head as I bobbed my head up and down while continuing to pump the rest of his shaft with my fist. I heard his breaths beginning to become louder and more jagged, his moans of pleasure louder. I knew that he was about to cum.

Jim suddenly groaned, and his huge cock pulsed in my mouth and in my fist, and his hot cum poured into my mouth. I sucked on his cock head, sucking down the sperm out of his shaft and swallowing it down, savoring each gulp. His body shook, his big belly jiggling, as orgasmic waves of pleasure crashed through him.

I pulled my mouth off his cock and laid back down on my sleeping mat, looking over at Jim to watch his big chest and belly rising and falling as he breathed heavily after his orgasm. He stared straight up at the ceiling, his wide-eyed expression one of disbelief.

And that's when I noticed that his cock was still hard as rock. His huge erection wasn't going down. He wrapped his fingers around his shaft and began pumping it again. He clearly knew he had another load in him.

Jim turned his head to look at me, an intense look of concentration on his face. He then rolled over onto his side, pointing his swollen cock at me. He took his hand off his cock and pushed on my shoulder, signaling to me to turn onto my side and present my ass to him. I realized that he intended to fuck me.

I rolled onto my side with eager anticipation, and Jim slid his body up against mine, guiding the head of his cock to my asshole. With a soft grunt, Jim entered me, pushing his gigantic rod deeper and deeper into my ass. I let out a little yelp at the size of him. I hadn't felt anything like it since I was last fucked by my old roommate Gabe.

I felt Jim's big, soft, Santa-like belly pressing against my back as he sank the entire length of his cock into me. He then placed a strong hand back on my shoulder and began to hump his body, steadily fucking my ass with his massive erection. He grunted each time he thrust into me, his sweaty belly shaking.

My own cock had been swollen and dripping the entire time, and I grasped it and began jerking it furiously. I couldn't believe that this 60-something big-dicked chubby daddy was fucking me passionately after I'd just made him cum minutes earlier. I could only hope to have that kind of stamina when I was his age.

I pumped on my dick fervently, hoping to cum and have my contracting sphincter muscles trigger Jim's second ejaculation of the day, but I underestimated how ready he was to cum again. Jim's breaths became more ragged, and he began to growl as he humped his hips more violently.

"Aaaaah!" he bellowed as I felt his huge cock pulsing inside my body, his cum spilling into my ass. Jim's body was pouring with sweat as he shook and heaved against my back.

Feeling him fill my ass with his seed caused my cock to throb and begin spurting out ropes of thick semen that splattered onto my sleeping mat.

Jim let out a jagged cry as he felt my ass muscles contracting around his still-pulsing cock, as if my ass were trying to suck the sperm right out of him. He spurted a few more jets of cum into my ass before both of our bodies went limp, and we both lay side-by-side with his giant cock still inside me.

I felt Jim's spent cock begin to soften in my ass, and he gingerly pulled it out of me and rolled onto his back. I rolled over to look at him and saw him looking back at me with a big, satisfied smile on his face. I smiled back and began to run my hands over his big, sweaty body.

I also watched as his enormous erection beginning to soften and retreat back into his body. I just hoped that I'd get another chance to make it grow again.

Next: Chapter 63

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