Slings and Shackles

Published on Sep 21, 2023


Slings and Shackles - Chapter 6

Slings and Shackles

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

Warning: This story contains scenes of intense BDSM domination and submission. Please read another of my stories if intense BDSM bothers you.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 6

As I mentioned earlier, Kelly Longmont was standing in the crowd there in The Arena, watching my submission to Master Kent and Master Logan. I mentioned, too that he is a multi-million dollar real estate agent and he is a ‘sub’ to the max. There are a few things I haven’t mentioned about Kelly.

Kelly Longmont and I grew up together. We were childhood buddies. We hung out with each other more than our own families most of the time. I went to Hollywood. Kelly went to selling mega-mansions. He has done very well for himself. In fact, he took notes of my wants and don’t bother withs and he found me a nice little ten thousand acre spread not far from our hometown. He oversaw improvements to the main house and the barns and other out buildings. He oversaw the landscape design. He interviewed, selected and hired full-time, on-site staff. I even told him that if he was interested, he could build a home on the property for himself, on my dime. That’s how close our friendship has been for so many years.

Kelly and I ran into each other one night here in the club. Neither of us had come out to the other at that point. Actually, neither of us had come out to anyone at that point. I confessed that I was an Alpha Top Dom. Kelly confessed that he was a ravenous submissive who loved to be ‘dom’d’. It was a match made in hell, I guess you could say. Kelly loved having his limits stretched and he loved that it was me doing it because he trusted me. He knew that no matter how intense a scene might get, I would always, ‘always’ keep his safety and well-being in the forefront.

Kelly had become my number one go to submissive whenever I was back in town, either here at the private kink club known as ‘Slings and Shackles’ or in the privacy of a play barn out at the ranch.

I know what you might be thinking. But you would be wrong if you are thinking that. Kelly may be a ravenous submissive but he is no wisp of a sub. Kelly played high school and college baseball. He was destined for greatness in the MLB until an on-field collision between himself, a teammate, and an opponent—all converging at second base. Kelly’s knee buckled and snapped and ligaments were shredded. Surgery and lengthy therapy got back a vast majority of his mobility but his recovery was never quite good enough to go after that MLB career. He even knows Master Kent. They played ball together at university level and they were both up for the draft when it rolled around until Kelly had to bow out.

It was a bummer. Naturally. It was devastating. But, Kelly rebounded with a new approach to his life and career. He took on real estate. He got his license. He was taken in by one of the best real estate companies in the state with connections around the country and in select world markets. Like I said, he found me my little ranch back home and I have him sniffing around the Los Angeles and Malibu areas for new digs when I’m doing the Hollywood thing. Our old high school even talked him into taking assistant coaching on for the baseball team. That turned into head coaching the baseball and softball teams. Now, he’s even been sniffed at from a franchise to do regional scouting for their farm clubs and upward to the big league.

He looks real good in coach’s shorts and a tee with a whistle around his neck. Considering all of his suits are handmade, I wouldn’t be surprised if his tailor puts out his coaching wardrobe for him, too.

What I am saying, not so clearly up to this point, is that Kelly is hot as fuck. He’s 5’11” of pure beef. His body rocks. He’s got near grapefruit size biceps, dinnerplate pecs, rippling 8-pack abs, a butt that is so tight it could pop the cork out of a champagne bottle. And for a sub? He has one hell of a cock and set of balls. He’s got a hefty, thick, nicely veined 9+” cock with a mushroom head that could choke a horse. His nuts are like a pair of tennis balls and they’re low hangers. They sway back and forth when he walks naked or when he’s strung up from the rafters or when he’s in the sling.

If Kelly wanted it, he could come out to Hollywood with me and he’d be in front of the cameras in no time. He’s ‘that’ beautiful and studly. But he likes what he’s doing and he’s making a boatload of cash doing the real estate gig.

Anyway, just thought I would give you a little intel on Kelly Longmont.

So, here I am, on my knees in front of Master Kent and he is spreading my lips wider as he feeds more and more of his hefty REAL MAN’s COCK into my mouth. Me, D Boone Mansfield—Dom Boone, to everyone gathered here in The Arena—I’m taking the first cock I have ever had into my mouth. My tongue is swirling around the huge head of Master Kent’s cock and I’m getting more and more of that bubbling precum as it dribbles out of the slit. Inch by inch, his cock sinks deeper into my mouth and so far, I’m taking it.

“That’s it, boy. Take my cock. My REAL MAN’s COCK. Lick it. Suck it. Taste it. Explore it with your tongue. Give into it all as I turn you into the cocksucker that you’re meant to be,” Master Kent said in a tone that I’ve heard before but only when I was watching him in ‘Dom’ mode with a sub. Except this time, I am the sub. I am the cocksucker on my knees for him. I am the one worshiping that perfect, beautiful cock of his. I am the one that he is dominating.

While this is going on, and I can only conjecture here for a lot of it as I am kinda busy here on my knees in front of Master Kent, Master Logan on the other hand, has drifted out of my limited line of vision and he has actually gone to the edge of the stage. He makes eye contact with—wait for it. Wait for it—Kelly Longmont. ‘My’ submissive high school and beyond buddy. When Kelly realizes that Master Logan is looking at him, he does one of those fingers pointing to himself ‘me?’ kind of gestures, to which Master Logan nods and then points to the far side of the stage. Kelly nods and heads over to the steps on that side of the stage and they meet.

Here is where I do a lot of conjecturing but let’s play like I know what I’m talking about.

“Kelly,” says Logan as they bump fists.


“What do you think of the scene so far?”

Kelly gazes across stage and watches as more of Master Kent’s throbbing, drooling, cock sinks into my mouth.

“It’s been mind-blowing so far,” Kelly says as he looks back at Logan. “The flogging? The boot worship—the kissing and licking of Kent’s boots? And then burying his nose in Kent’s balls and forcing him to breathe it all in? And now, fucking his mouth? It’s amazing. It’s hot as fuck amazing.”

Logan grins as he turns to watch for several seconds as Master Kent takes my mouth’s virginity.

“Let me ask you something?”

“Sure,” Kelly says as he shifts his focus to deep concentration.

“How would you like to be a part of tonight’s scene?” Logan pauses a moment to watch Kelly’s reaction. So far, so good. “How would you like to be onstage with us, having our ‘boy’ over there also be your submissive.”

Kelly’s eyes go wide.

“What, you mean, I could…? I could, um…. I would be the Dom and he would be the submissive?”

“Exactly,” Logan said. He could tell then and there that Kelly was hooked. “You can totally dominate our ‘boy’. You can make him kiss and lick and worship your boots. You can skull fuck him. You can cum down his throat or all over his face. Mark him as yours. You can fuck his pussy cunt and breed him. Sound good?”

Kelly swallowed hard and turned to again gaze across the stage. He watched as Master Kent sank another inch or two of cock into Boone’s mouth. Tears were streaming down Boone’s face and he was coated in a layer of sweat at this point. But, he was taking it. He was taking that cock. Kelly probably didn’t even realize that he was nodding his head to that idea.

“Yeah, I would love to flip on him tonight or however long I could. I would love to be the Dom for once and have him be my submissive.” He laughed as he watched that hot pink nebula in Boone’s butthole glow and pulse as Master Kent played with the two remotes. Even this far away from the action, he could hear Boone’s whimpers caused by the vibrating plug suddenly being joined and then overwhelmed by intense moans and groans as Master Kent hit one of the buttons on the remote for the clit cage. Electro-shocks bolted through Boone’s clit and sack.

“Fuck, you guys are gonna fry his cock with that electro-cage.”

“Has he ever used something like that on you?”

Kelly nodded. And, gulped.

“Yeah. It’s intense. I think you could actually kill his cock and turn it into a limp clit if you kept it up long enough.”

Logan grinned. Yeah, they could at that.

“So, you in?” Logan held out a hand to shake on it if Kelly agreed.

“I am totally in,” Kelly said as he grasped Logan’s hand and they shook. “Tell me what to do.”

“Good man. This is going to be intense. Those slacks and that shirt are gonna get sweat drenched before the night is over. You wanna go change into some leather? Jeans?”

Kelly looked down. He studied the form-fitting tailor-made black slacks that were loose enough to move around but hugged all the curves and muscles of his thighs and clung perfectly to his butt and crotch. His shirt, too, was tailor-made. A dark gray silk that hugged his abs and biceps and chest and shoulders beautifully. It really showed off the powerful body he possessed. And, to top it off, he was wearing hand-crafted Italian leather, hand-buffed loafers that cost nearly $1,000.

Yeah, things could get very intense up there on that stage. And yeah, he would be drenched in sweat before it was over. But what was a couple of thousand for an outfit and shoes getting drenched with sweat and whatever else if it came from dominating D Boone Mansfield.

“I’m good,” Kelly said finally. “It’ll be hot as fuck watching him kiss and lick these hand-crafted Italian loafers.”

Logan laughed. Yes, it will be hot to watch that. Even hotter, watching the submissive rise up to totally dominate the Dom into submission.

“Let’s have a quick chat backstage,” Logan advised. “Let’s go over the do’s and don’ts, his safe word, a quick ‘Dom 101, 201, 301’. And of course, Master Kent and I will be right there with you if you need advice or direction.”

Kelly nodded his understand. He licked his lips. This was going to be so….

“Thanks, Logan,” Kelly said. He looked back into Logan’s eyes and smirked. “I think I’m gonna enjoy this.”

“If the tent in the front of those slacks is any indication, I think you’re gonna enjoy the hell and fuck out of this.”

Meanwhile, back on stage—

I had begun sucking and slurping on Master Kent’s massive cock like a hungry bitch. I couldn’t get enough of it as I licked and explored every vein, every curve, the ridge around the head, the slit. I lapped up every bubble and drop of his precum as it appeared. I held it on my tongue or slurped it around the shaft of his cock and then sucked it up a second time.

“That’s it, boy,” Master Kent said as he gripped a handful of hair and stroked his cock in and out of my mouth. He was starting to hit the opening of my throat but I was so engrossed in sucking his cock, his REAL MAN’s COCK that I didn’t even realize it. That, or I was totally succumbing to the Whoremaker that was flowing through my system at this point. Yeah, that was probably it. Whoremaker was turning me into a whore. “That’s it, boy. Take it. Suck it. Slurp on it. Let that ravenous cocksucker that you’ve kept buried for so long come out. Reveal to everyone here the ravenous cocksucker that you truly are.”

At this point, Whoremaker was really doing its job. Not only was it turning me into a ravenous cocksucker but it had started rewiring my brain. It was erasing the part of me that was an Alpha Top Dom and it was replacing it with the submissive bitch that I was fast becoming. I didn’t realize it at this time, but I was going down—hard. I might have still been resisting the idea that I would become a submissive pussy cunt—especially when they started taking turns fucking and breeding me, but Whoremaker was already laying the ground work. My brain was being rewritten. And at the same time, Master Kent kept hitting that remote button, frying my cock and balls more and more. By the time they were finished with me I would truly believe that they had castrated me and left me with a limp clit that was worthless for anything other than peeing.

I could feel Master Kent’s thighs flexing and tightening. I could feel his massive balls thickening and I could swear I could hear the cum inside boiling and churning, making ready to erupt out of his cock like a volcano. Having watched him in numerous scenes with his own submissives, I knew that he came like a dam bursting. Copious amounts of cum came out of these balls. Not only that, he could repeat cum with the best of any porn star. I have been witness to an easy half dozen in a row out of these balls of his.

His power strokes were becoming more direct. More insistent. ‘Cum’ time was getting close. And, I wanted it. I truly wanted it. I was his cocksucker. His sating was my purpose. I wanted Master Kent’s cum.

I wasn’t aware of it for the moment but Master Logan and soon-to-be Master Longmont had returned to the stage. Kelly Longmont had loosened several buttons on his shirt, his smooth powerful chest exposed a little more fully. They were standing either side of Master Kent as he continued his assault on my mouth and throat. Master Logan took the remotes from Master Kent and handed one to Kelly. He kept the one that had been frying my cock and balls all evening and when Master Kent let out a growl, Master Logan began pressing the remote over and over and over.

I moaned and groaned but couldn’t call out from the searing electro-charges bolting through my balls and my cock because my mouth was stuffed to the hilt with Master Kent’s rapidly erupting cock. Wad after wad of his thick, creamy, sweetly salty cum blasted the roof of my mouth, my tongue, my throat. After a good six, maybe seven blasts, he pulled his cock from my mouth and came all over my face. Coating it. Claiming it. Claiming me.

“Yeah, take it, cocksucker,” he gasped between blasts. “Take my cum, cocksucker. Seal it in. Seal it in. You…are…a…ravenous…cocksucker, boy.”

I am a ravenous cocksucker. I am a ravenous cocksucker. I am a ravenous cocksucker….

Whoremaker imbedded that reality into the part of my brain that had been wiped of Alpha Top Dom and was fast becoming submissive pussy cunt boy.

Before I could recover much at all from my first outing as a cocksucker, my chain was tugged and I was turned to face a pair of rich, handmade Italian leather loafers. Rich handmade Italian leather loafers that I recognized instantly, even through the haze of Whoremaker and a face covered in Master Kent’s cum. I ‘knew’ these shoes. They belonged to my number one submissive for so many fuck sessions. They had brought Kelly Longmont up on stage to participate in my complete submission.

Oh. No. They. Didn’t.

END of Chapter 6

To be continued . . .

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 7

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