Slings and Shackles

Published on Sep 21, 2023


Slings and Shackles - Chapter 2

Slings and Shackles

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

Warning: This story contains scenes of intense BDSM domination and submission. Please read another of my stories if intense BDSM bothers you.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 2

Almost before I realized what was happening, Logan had me pinned to the back wall of his dressing room. I let out a little yelp as the air was forced out of my lungs by the impact. I felt his hot breath crashing against my face. His eyes were locked on mine so completely, I felt captive. He could have taken his hands off me just then but I would not have been able to move. I would not have been able to break free from that stare.

Out of the corner of my right eye, I could see Kent moving toward us. I don’t think it was a preemptive move. We both knew that Logan wasn’t going to hit me. Or at least, I hoped that he wasn’t going to hit me.

“Are…you…insane,” Logan forced the words out. It was unclear if that was an actual question considering how harsh it was.

Was it? Insane, I mean? I was probably as unsure as either of them at the moment.

“It isn’t about me,” I choked out. Logan’s arm was pressed against my throat possibly a little more tightly than was comfortable. Okay, a lot more tightly than was comfortable.

“Like hell it isn’t,” Logan snapped. “You’re an Alpha Top Dom. Just like me and Kent. And you’re offering to ‘sub’ for us? Are…you…insane?”

Logan removed his arm from my throat. Finally. Thankfully. I was beginning to see stars. I reached up to rub my throat and neck softly. I sucked in air to be sure my windpipe wasn’t crushed. Okay, he didn’t have his forearm pressed that hard against my throat but I’m an actor if you will remember. I can take license now and then. Embellish here and there.

“Maybe I am,” I said finally. “Insane. Maybe I will be sorry I made this offer. Later. Tomorrow. Monday. Next week. Who knows,” I croaked. I’m sure my facial expression right then was showing that I was as bewildered as they were. “But this isn’t about me, Logan. It isn’t about you or Kent or Sam or anyone else. This is about that LGBTQ+ Center. This is about those kids and new adults it serves. This is about our part to make this charity event epic.”

Logan just stood there. It was like he was searching my soul. The intensity in his eyes seemed to go from extreme to get the fuck out of my way. Finally, he sucked in air and held it for a long moment before letting it sizzle out of his nose. He stepped back after attempting to smooth out the handprints that had suddenly appeared on my shirt.

“If we do this,” Logan said flatly. “And I am not saying that we are going to do this. I’m just saying ‘if’….”

I nodded my understanding. Kent was now at my side checking my throat, too. He seemed satisfied that I wasn’t going to asphyxiate any time in the near future. He took a step back and turned his attention to what Logan was going on about.

“‘If’ we do this, we need to lay down some rules. Rules that all three of us will adhere to at all times,” Logan said as he looked between Kent and me. We both nodded our understanding. “You will do what I tell you, when I tell you. You will do what Kent tells you, when Kent tells you. You have no say in the matter of what we do to you or when we do it once the scene starts. We call the shots. We are in control. The ‘only’ time you take control is if you have had enough or you cannot take something. Then, you will use your safe word. Then, and only then, do you have a say in any of this. Got it?”

I nodded.

“I understand.”

“Okay, keeping rule number one in mind, your safe word is…?”

I looked at Kent. I looked back at Logan. That was a no brainer from my point of view. I would use the same safe word that I use with my subs. There is no sense in getting things jumbled.


I looked at Kent who nodded his acceptance. I looked back to Logan. He nodded his as well.

“Rule number two,” Logan said as he looked me up and down. “Kent and I are going to use you. We are going to torture you to some degree. You will trust us and you will take it.”

I looked back at Kent and he had a smirk on him that I partially wanted to wipe off his face but also admired the fuck out of for some reason. It was the same smirk that the cameras focused on when he stepped into the batter’s box and stared down the opposing team’s pitcher. The smirk said ‘I got this’ and then evolved into complete, total, focused concentration as he smacked a fast ball over the center field fence—Grand Slam homerun. Game over. World Series in the bag. ‘That’ kind of a smirk was what I was seeing just now.

I looked back at Logan and nodded.

“I understand.”

“You will have my cock in your mouth,” Logan said next. “You will get a load of my cum down your throat.”

Logan looked at Kent who stepped up to the plate, so to speak.

“You will have my cock in your mouth as well. And I will cum in your mouth. You will swallow.”

I gulped noticeably. Things were getting real, quickly. Faster than quickly. Quickerly? Thank goodness this is a private, invitation only, elite club. Thank goodness what goes on in this place stays in this place. I could just imagine the headlines or the video feeds if this got out. Hollywood Heartthrob Takes Cocks Down His Throat During BDSM Charity Event – Click Link To Watch.

I nodded.

“I understand.”

“You will get fucked, Boone. I will fuck you,” Kent said. He looked at Logan who nodded. “Your sweet ass will be a pussy cunt when this is over.”

“Needless to say,” Logan added. “I will fuck you as well. I will breed your ass. If there is any doubt after Kent is finished turning your ass into a pussy cunt, I will make sure there is no doubt when I am finished.”

What could I say to that? Nothing really. I expected it but hearing them verbalize it just made it all the more real.

“I understand.”

“Do you accept that? Do you accept that you are going to get fucked by both of us?”

I nodded.

“I accept it.”

“We’re down to,” Kent looked at his watch. “Just two hours before the Gala event in ‘The Arena’.”

I nodded.

“Kent and I need to sit down and put together an agenda of what we are going to do to you as your Doms.”

I nodded. Probably a good idea.

“Yes, you should. Who does what, when. An agenda is always a good idea going into a ‘scene’,” I said. And it really is a good idea. I always have an agenda before I take a sub into a play room.

“Do you want us to go over it with you beforehand, or…?”

My eyes darted between Logan and Kent.

“No. You will be my Doms. I will be your sub. I trust you to decide what to do to me and when.”

“Good boy,” Logan said with a faint grin. “Strip. Completely. Now.”

My head rocked slightly and then tilted. Um ‘kay. I hadn’t expected that. Not this early. Not before we headed for ‘The Arena’.


“I want to see what Kent and I have to work with,” Logan said matter-of-factly.

I chuckled slightly.

“You and Kent have seen me naked hundreds of times.”

“As a Dom, yes,” Logan said as he looked me up and down. “Never as a potential sub. Don’t make me tell you again.”

Logan’s words spun in my head.

As a Dom, yes. Never as a potential sub.

I couldn’t really argue with that philosophy. Actually, I completely understood it. However, I could try to reason with him. Fat chance that would get me anywhere other than possibly a fist to the jaw. But, if this was going to work, from any and all fronts, my trust in my two soon to be Doms needed to start now.

I began unbuttoning my shirt. Their eyes were glued to me the entire time as I finished unbuttoning and slid it from my shoulders. I understood their devouring every inch of me with their eyes as this proceeded. I am a hot piece of property. I am the prince of stud puppies, as one entertainment reporter put it in an article and follow-up interview. I worked very hard to keep my looks and my body in top notch, peak condition. I worked just as hard to not let all of that go to my head. In fact, right now? I felt more like a shy virgin bride rather than said ‘prince of stud puppies’.

I started to turn to put my shirt on a small table within arm reach but noticed that Kent had a hanger in his hand and held out his other to take the shirt.

Where did the hanger come from?

I handed over my shirt and he smoothly wrapped it onto the hanger and hung it from a hook on the wall. Next, I toed off my shoes and bent to pull my socks off my feet. I took a moment to straighten them right side out and then folded them in half before placing one in each of the shoes. Kent bent down and grabbed them to move them out of the way. I unbuckled my very expensive Italian leather belt and whipped it from the loops of my slacks. I held it out and Kent snatched it from me.

He is really enjoying this.

I unclasped my slacks and slowly slid the zipper down. Once it’s descent could go no further, I slid my slacks down my powerfully muscled thighs and stepped out of them. As I straightened back up, I flipped them to take out any ruffles and then held them out for Kent to take them. He already had a pant hanger at the ready. He carefully slid them in the bar and smoothed them out before they were slid onto that same hook as my shirt.

A slight shiver went down my spine as I realized that Logan and Kent were eyeing me like a piece of meat. I guess with what we were about to do that was a good description. Logan’s eyes went down my smooth chest and over my rippling abs. They lingered on the large bulge in my silk boxer briefs before they went on down my thighs and calves. All hairless.

I was a competitive swimmer and diver in high school and college. Shaving my body had been as common an occurrence as slipping on a pair of Speedos. To this day, I keep my body cue ball smooth from the nose down. I still swim and dive but now it is just for the sheer enjoyment of it. It is a great way to just let go and relax and become one with the water. There is no competition now. Just ‘me’ and ‘the water’. Also, that training and conditioning didn’t hurt any when I had to dive off a cliff into the ocean to escape a band of enraged smugglers in one of my action movies. No body double in that scene, let me tell you.

“I said everything,” Logan reminded me with a commanding tone. “That means ‘everything’.”

I understood.

I nodded.

I slipped my thumbs into the waistband of my briefs and in one quick swoop, they were down my legs and I was stepping out of them. I folded them in half, lengthwise and then folded them over once. I held my hand out to my right and Kent’s fingers brushed mine as he took them from me. Another shiver went down my spine at the innocent touch of his skin on mine.

There has been internet speculation as well as whispered comments about the size of my bulge in slacks or shorts or Speedos. Or underwear. Those who have seen me totally naked either in a movie scene or a locker room or wherever know that the speculation is accurate. I’m hung quite nicely. It hangs a good 6” flaccid. Hard, I push 9.5”. It isn’t the biggest. It isn’t the smallest. Compared to Logan and Kent? I’m the ‘junior’ in the cock department. They are both enormous. Elephantine.

“Good boy,” Logan said as he placed a hand flat on my smooth chest and he backed me up against that wall again. He looked sideways to Kent and gave a nod.

When have these two had the opportunities to start practicing silent communication?

Logan reached up above me and pulled down a chain with a wristband on it. He proceeded to secure my left wrist in the band and pull it tight. Kent matched his movements and secured my right wrist. Next, Logan reached to a small shelf to my left and grabbed a remote. He pushed a button and my arms started rising above my head and kept going until I was almost on my tip toes. Satisfied that I wasn’t going anywhere, he pushed another button on the remote and I heard a very distinct clicking sound above me. I looked up to see a clamp with gator teeth had bitten into the chain. Basically, yeah—I wasn’t going anywhere.

“Hang tight,” Logan said with a smirk and a gentle slap to my face.

Kent stepped in front of me and I felt his eyes raking over my nakedness. I was beginning to feel more and more like those comments about my perfect ass were more than just admiration. I was beginning to feel as though Kent was seriously looking forward to going all ‘Dom’ on me and fucking me. Turning my ass into a pussy cunt. Breeding me.

His eyes finally rose up my body to my face.

“You need anything? Something to drink?”

I nodded.

“I could use a quadruple double of that very expensive bourbon you keep in your dressing room for special occasions,” I said as I let my eyes wander down his baseball player’s body. He was an impressive specimen even still with his clothes on.

“You got it.” He looked up at my arms secured above my head. “I’ll get it for you and have it ready when Logan lets you down from this contraption.” He offered a genuine grin. I returned it.

“Thanks. And, hey,” I said. His head tilted. I motioned with my head as best I could for him to come closer. He leaned in so close I could feel his breath sliding down my chest and abs. “This is 100% new for me. I’ve never been a sub. I’ve never had a cock in my mouth or in my butt. I could use a little something mixed into that drink. You know, to uh, make me more compliant. Expand my horizons. Blur out my boundaries, if you get my drift?”

Kent studied me for a long moment. He knew what I was asking him.

“How compliant? How blurred do you want your boundaries?”

Fuck! What am I doing?

“I trust you and Logan not to let anything happen to me.” Kent nodded. “Obliterate my boundaries. Make me the most compliant bitch on the planet.”

Kent’s eyes widened for a brief moment as my message sank in. He knew what I was saying. He nodded.

“I know just the thing.”

“Thanks, Kent,” I said. ‘Kent’. Probably one of the last times I would be calling him that tonight. Before too long, when the scene got underway, he and Logan would be directing me to refer to them as ‘Sir’ or ‘Master’ or ‘Master Kent’…‘Master Logan’.

“You got it, Boone. You won’t know what hit you,” Kent said with a wink.

I wondered what that meant, exactly, as I watched him walk out the door after telling Logan he would be right back.

“You need anything? Something to drink?” Logan looked up from the desk where he was already writing notes for tonight’s agenda.

“Kent is getting me something to drink for after you let me down from here,” I said as I gently pulled on the chains that had my arms stretched over my head.

“We’ll let you down in a while. You look good naked and hanging there, Boonie.”

Boonie? Nobody has called me that since I was a kid.

END of Chapter 2

To be continued . . .

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 3

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