Slings and Shackles

Published on Sep 21, 2023


Slings and Shackles - Chapter 10

Slings and Shackles

© 2021


Jonathan Longhorn

Copyright © 2021 by Jonathan Longhorn (jonathan_longhorn at yahoo dot com). All rights reserved. Except for the use of less than two pages in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means is forbidden without the express written permission of the author. Express permission is granted to The Nifty Erotic Stories Archive for storage, indexing, retrieval, and display of this work.

Disclaimer: The material in this work is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content and language. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older. All of the characters in this work are assumed to be at least 18 years of age.

Warning: This story contains scenes of intense BDSM domination and submission. Please read another of my stories if intense BDSM bothers you.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. In the real world having sex without using a condom can be very dangerous to your health. Don’t ruin your life or your future. Slip it on before you slide it in.

All trademarks used in this work are the sole property of their owners and have been used without permission or endorsement.

Chapter 10


That is the only way I could put it really.

I had just been cherry popped and fucked by my former sub. Kelly Longmont had just fucked my brains out. And, he had done it in front of a boisterous salivating crowd that rabidly cheered him on. It was obvious that they wanted more. They wanted to witness my total destruction as a Dom. They wanted any evidence of my former self obliterated. They didn’t realize that by now, it was already pretty much a done deal. ‘I’ was beginning to realize it however. Even in the swirling haze of my mind, I was realizing the cold hard fact. I would never ‘Dom’ again. I would never ‘Top’ again. I was toast. I was done. I was a pussyboy sub from here on out.

But the crowd wanted more. They paid for my total submission. And ‘more’ they were going to get. My two closest friends were yet to come. Master Kent and Master Logan would be fucking me next.

Again, I had nobody to blame but myself. I had volunteered to sub for them to fulfill the sales job we did on those ticket holders. ‘Stay for the Grand Finale’ the advertisements said. ‘Watch as a Celebrity Guest subs for the first time and has cock in his mouth for the first time and gets fucked for the first time,’ the advertisements all said.

Yeah. And I was the celebrity. I would be subbing. I would have a cock in my mouth for the first time. I would get fucked for the first time. And it would all take place in front of those five hundred plus ticket holders.

I still had two fucks to go. Hopefully no more surprises.

Another interesting feature with this particular halter sling that I was currently strapped in, is that the ‘subject’ can be positioned in several different ways. Face up, legs out—as I was now. Upside down so that you could fuck the subject doggie style. Straight up-and-down as if almost standing so that the subject could be fucked ‘standing’. The ‘head’ of the halter sling can be raised and lowered to bring the subject’s mouth in perfect position to be fucked or skull fucked. The halter sling itself can actually pivot—the subject being moved around in a circle for a cock of the moment kind of thing. It was a perfect setup for a gang fuck.

Or a spit-roast as I was soon to find out.

It didn’t take much time for me to find out who would fuck me next.

Master Kent stepped up to the head of the halter sling and he removed the monitor from my eyes. I blinked into the harsh spotlights briefly before I gazed at the hard cock and massive balls that were just inches from my face. Master Kent took another step forward and bent at the knees to lay his sweat soaked balls over my nose and mouth. I inhaled without instruction.

The monitor might have been taken away, but the cameras were still soaking it all in and sending the images to those huge screens around the room. Everyone was getting a bird’s eye view of what was going on.

“Good boy,” Master Kent praised. He patted my head like I was his dog. “Breathe it in. That’s it.” He allowed me to inhale his essence for a minute or two and then pointed his throbbing, drooling cock downward and rubbed it across my lips. My tongue darted out immediately and began to lap at the globs of precum that were dripping from his slit. “You’re hungry for it, aren’t you, boy?”

“Yes, Sir,” I said between licks and slurps.

“Yeah, that’s it. Kiss it. Lick it. Feast on it. You’re born to worship a REAL MAN’s COCK, aren’t you, boy?”

Yes. Yes, I was. Whoremaker scooped his words up and lay them on my peeled open brain. They sank in, were absorbed, took hold and became truth. ‘My’ truth.

“I am born to worship your REAL MAN’s COCK, Sir.”

Master Kent chuckled.

“Maybe not ‘born to worship it’ but definitely ‘transformed to worship it.’” He pressed the tip of his cock flush against my lips and my mouth opened automatically for it. “Good boy. Get it nice and wet. My REAL MAN’s COCK is going to be fucking that new pussy of yours very soon.”

Yes! Oh fuck yes! Master Kent was going to sink his thick, throbbing cock into my hungry pussy. He was going to fuck me.

I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his drooling cock. My tongue explored his glans and the slit that was pumping his precum out like a leaking water faucet. I licked and sucked and slurped on it hungrily. The head of the halter sling lowered slightly more, giving me an even better angle to worship his cock.

It was over far too soon, though. Master Kent had other plans for his cock.

He pulled out of my mouth and patted my head once again. He stepped back and walked to the ‘butt end’ of the sling and stepped between my legs which were cuffed upward on those chains. He rubbed the head of his cock along my ass crack and he actually used some of Master Longmont’s freshly deposited cum that was leaking from my pussy to lube himself. He looked up to me and grinned.

And he plunged.

Ten thick, throbbing inches of Master Kent’s REAL MAN’s COCK impaled me in one single thrust. His large, egg size balls smacked against my upturned butt cheeks. One thrust and he owned me.

“You have permission to look in my eyes, boy,” Master Kent said—commanded—as he withdrew and plunged in again.

Our eyes connected and I fell into them. I fell deep into them. Oh yeah. He owned me. I knew it. He knew it. His grin evolved into a smirk. He now had what he had wanted for a long time. My ass. My freshly minted pussy. And he was going to fuck my brains out.

He withdrew and he snapped his hips, impaling me again and again and again.

“Oomph! Oomph! Oomph!”

He motioned with his right hand fingers for me to keep my eyes on his. I obeyed.

“Take it, boy. Take my cock in your pussy. You need cock in your pussy don’t you?”

“Oomph! Yes, Sir! I need cock in my pussy,” I choked out as he thrust into me as deeply as he could go. With each thrust, his mighty balls slapped against my butt cheeks. The sound seemed to echo around me and throughout the room. And, in fact, they did. The strategically placed mics picked up every sound, every grunt, every anything.

The crowd roared louder than ever in their frenzied, rabid approval of the scene taking place before them.

The next thing I knew, I was looking up the long, muscled torso of Master Logan. He was standing at the head of the halter sling. He shook his head slowly as though he was trying to wrap his head around my submission. He smirked down at me before he lowered his fat, twin lemon-sized nuts over my face. He rested them over my nose and mouth and my thoroughly fucked brain immediately sent the message to my nose and lungs. Inhale. Inhale. Inhale. And that is exactly what I did.

“That’s it, boy. Breathe it in,” Master Logan said with a command in his tone that sent shivers down my spine. “Breathe in the essence of a ‘real man’. Breathe it in and let it flood your senses.” He moved his hips to rub his nuts over my face, my nose, my lips and mouth. “‘This’ is what a ‘real man’ smells like.”

“Oomph! Oomph! Oomph!” I moaned out the exclamation with every thrust. And I inhaled Master Logan. I drew his thick, musky aromas into me and let them flood through me just as he had commanded. I sniffed and snorted and inhaled until I thought my lungs would burst and then I took in more. I couldn’t get enough of his aroma.

Master Kent increased the snap of his hips and the driving force of his cock into me. My newly drilled pussy was hungrily opening up for it and taking it. The walls of my pussy massaged it and gripped it and milked it and begged for more.

Master Logan raised up and then lowered the head brace of the halter sling so that my head swung down. He held it with one hand so that my neck didn’t snap. I don’t think that would have happened, but I was so lost in my sex lust right now anything was possible.

Next, when my head was where he wanted it, he began rubbing his cock head across my lips. It was massive, like everything about Master Logan. The head was like a huge plum, and right now was glowing just as purple as a fresh crop that I had seen in the grocery store recently. A steady stream of precum bubbled out of his slit and across my lips.

I started to lick but pulled my tongue back at the very last moment. I gazed upward.

He nodded his approval.

“Good boy,” Master Logan praised. “You may lick it after you kiss it.”

I craned my neck to reach it and then worshipfully kissed the moist head of his cock. I kissed it and then began licking at it. I scooped up and sucked in his heady precum like it was a nectar from the gods. It was tart and had a pineapple taste to it. That wouldn’t surprise me really; Master Logan ate pineapple like crazy.

“When you are ready, nod,” Master Logan commanded. “I’ll feed my cock to you.”


His cock was huge. By far the biggest cock of the three of them. To be honest, the biggest cock I had ever seen. It was well over 11” and as thick as some wrists. Add that to the plum-sized head and it was a massive undertaking. But I was so hungry for it I was willing to die of suffocation if that’s what it meant to get it in my mouth.

As if reading my mind, Master Logan stroked my hair a few times and then fingered my chin to look back up to him.

“It’s big, boy. Don’t try to take it all this first time. There will be plenty more opportunities from now on.”

I nodded and gazed upward into his eyes for another moment before shifting back to stare at the huge cock before me.

Master Kent shifted his stance and whatever he did sent shockwaves through my entire body. My toes curled and my muscles shuddered, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

“Mmm…. Ooo…. Ohhh…”

“That’s it,” Master Logan croaked out. “Show the pussy cunt what it was built for. Show it its true purpose. Fuck that pussy cunt with that beautiful, monster cock. Use that pussy cunt for your beautiful cock’s sating.”

And Master Kent did just that. He increased his strokes even more and pounded into my pussy cunt. It seemed that he was jarring my soul into oblivion.

I opened my mouth and sucked Master Logan’s cock inside with a renewed hunger and I sucked and worshiped, worshiped and sucked. I was ravenous for his cock and for that thick precum dripping out of his slit.

My entire body was convulsing from the pounding coming from Master Kent. Every inward thrust seemed to hammer my love nut deep inside. His cock was ravaging my pussy cunt and my pussy cunt was milking his shaft for all it was worth.

And there were those white hot lightning bolts shooting into my junk from that electro-cage. Bolt after bolt after bolt. They matched Master Kent’s thrusts, thrust for thrust for thrust. I moaned and whimpered but couldn’t call out because my mouth was full of Master Logan’s huge cock.

A few more earth-shaking thrusts and electro-cage lightning bolts zapping through my junk, Master Kent made one final plunge, burying his cock deep inside me and his balls erupted, sending his cum spewing into me…breeding me. It was mind blowing to an already blown mind. I could feel each pulse from Master Kent’s cock, and I could feel each volley of cum as they poured into me. I could ‘feel’ him breeding me.

All too soon, Master Logan withdrew his cock from my mouth. I looked up and saw it glistening with his precum and my spit as they combined to coat the entire length. More precum was already forming at his opening and was ready to bubble over and down the shaft.

I whimpered like a little bitch when his cock left my mouth.

He slapped my heaving, sweat soaked chest as he smirked down at me.

“Don’t worry, boonie boy,” he said as he gave his throbbing cock a loving stroke. “It will be in your pussy cunt in just a moment.”

END of Chapter 10

To be continued . . .

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Thank you to those of you who have taken the time out of your day to write me about my stories. The thoughts, comments, and feedback are VERY much appreciated.

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Next: Chapter 11

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