
By moc.loa@1namhbL

Published on May 11, 2002


After my adventure that night with Slim, I began to see a pattern in my sex life. A man says to do something, and I do it.... period. It doesn't seem to make any difference how low or how humiliating it is I still just do it.

I got an the pc when I got home, and saw an email from the guy on the bch, that I had sucked, and it simply asked for my work schedule this week, so he could figure out the best time for me to come to his place for another injection of protein. Well, well, here we go again. Alan, his name, didn't ask, he simply stated his intention. And, to make matters worse, I did as he said, emailing back my schedule. In an hour or so, I got back another email from him, saying, to be at his house the following day, at 7:30 pm. He put directions in his email, and sure enough, I got all tingly inside, thinking about going to his house, and having him use my mouth as a cum receptacle. How did he know I'd be so easy? Maybe because of my smile when I swallowed his juice on the beach? Maybe cause I sucked him off, a complete stranger. Maybe I send out radar, as to my submissive nature. Maybe my moaning around his cock, while it was buried in my mouth and throat was a dead give -away...hehe.

Needless to say, I was at his house, 7:30 sharp, the next night, and was met at the door, by a big, hairy guy, who introduced himself as Sam. He was huge, big boned, muscular, dressed in tight red running shorts, and tank. I couldn't help but look at his crotch. It was full, and I mean FULL, of manmeat. He saw me looking, and smirked, when our eyes met. I wanted to crawl in to the woodwork, but I understood he knew why I was there. Evidently, Alan had brought over a friend to help with my injections.

He told me to go to the back of the house, to the pool area. His stare, behind me, was making the cheeks of my ass burn. I wiggled my hips, with a little exaggeration, to get him going, too, so I did ask for the staring. After all, he was here because I was here, so why not have some fun.

Alan was lying on his back, nude, sipping a drink, when I walked up. He asked me if I wanted something to drink, and I said, "Oh, yes sir, I sure do.", and looked directly at his hardening cock. He actually laughed at that. Then, I said, "A glass of water would be fine, thank you."

"Remove your clothes, Ross," he said. Again, not a request, but a definite order. I did as he said, stripping down, to my bare skin in two quick movements. I was getting boned, as he said, "Now kneel over here, so you can please my cock again, like you did on the beach."

He opened his legs, wide enough for me to slide in between and have access to his groin. I leaned over the lounger and began to lick and suck on his cock and balls. "Nice tongue, slut." I moaned a "Thank you, sir".

His balls were hairless, but very large in relation to his now hard cock.

I tried to get both of them in my mouth at the same time, but couldn't, they were so big. "Thanks Sam, as I heard the sound of glass on glass. He must have brought out my water. Then, I felt a coolness on my pussy, a rush of air. And then, the air got very warm, and very wet, as a tongue started licking and probing my tight little pucker.

Alan turned over and had me clean out his ass, too. I love to suck on assholes, as it's so nasty. His little opening was sweet, to say the least. He must have showered quite recently, as I could still smell the soap...Irish Spring. Anyway, my tongue wanted more, so in and in I went, trying to get my whole head in. His hole was an asslicker's dream, as it wasn't tight, but just big enough to be able to slip my tongue in and almost wiggle it. He pushed back at my probing, letting me know he like what was happening. I pushed back, too on the tongue in my twat, letting him know the same...the feeling was incredible.

Then, the tongue was gone, and the cool air returned, as I was splayed wide open with the breeze cooling off my wet hole. I felt something else, though, in my crack, as Sam knelt behind me, and pressed his hardness to me. Slimy fluid must have been oozing from his cockhead, as it was even wetter, than my existing skin. The slippery head kept pushing at my backside, trying to gain access to my secret inner pussy. Finally, with a grunt, from both of us, he got the head of that monster inside. I moaned from pleasure and pain, into Alan's ass, as Sam slowly pushed in. It took him, at least 2 minutes to actually get all the way in, ever so slowly, forcing his mammoth cock into my wanting pussy. I made a mental note to get a look at the baseball bat that was screwing me. It must have been the biggest cock that had fucked me, and yet it was so gentle.

"Nice, tight pussy you have there, bitch," hissed Sam, as he started slowly removing himself from me. Again, another few minutes, on the outstroke. This guy was a master at "slow fucking". The next thrust however was much quicker, more deliberate, more powerful, which both caught me by surprise, and forced my head damn near up Alan's asshole. I couldn't breathe for a few seconds, from the force.

"Oh, yea, baby, get that sweet tongue way up there. Clean out my hole, real good with your hot mouth," Alan moaned. I had no choice, as Sam had literally force my face into Alan's ass with the force of his lower body.

Now Sam began to fuck me, earnestly. If I weren't enjoying it so much, I would have been in some major pain. His cock felt huge. He knew what he was doing, too, hitting my prostrate every time, he moved that monster inside me.

I was hard as a rock, myself, from the anal punishment I was receiving. As mentioned, I just love being taken from behind, like the bitch I had become.

Alan then turned over, presenting his hot, hard, dripping cock to my waiting, wanting lips. I devoured it in one stroke, not wanting to go into any preliminaries. I wanted his cum, deep in my mouth, so I went after it with a vengeance. All of us were moaning, loudly, by this time. Alan, from my oral talents, Sam, very close to his explosion, and me, being in the middle of these two studs, being totally used by them. We were all in our own little sexual world, and just about to give into the overwhelming desire to orgasm.

Sam was the first to indicate he was going to cum, as he began to moan loudly on each thrust into, my cunt. He was actually moving me, pushing me onto Alan's cock, with each of his pushing movements.

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS", he announced and his cock got harder, swelled a bit more, (didn't seem possible), and fired his first shot of his juice into me. I could feel the force hitting my anal canal, as he shot off. I tightened my hole, to give him more pleasure. I could also feel my sphincter being opened and closed a little with the surge of his cum, up the tube on the underside of his dick as he filled me.

I couldn't believe how much of his precious juice he shot, because he kept plowing me with each squirt, what felt like a dozen times. My asscunt was sloshing, it was so full. Seeing him get off must have spurred Alan on, too, and he filled my mouth and throat with his hot seed, almost making me gag. I tried to pull off, so I could taste it, but he held my head down as tight as he could, until his spasms subsided. Only then, did he loosen the grip on the back of my head, to allow me to slide off and tongue out the last few drops.

Neither man moved, keeping me full of cock, one in each hole. I was in total, complete bliss, feeling them still inside my slut body.

"Enough, now, I'm getting sore", Alan announced and pushed me off his deflating cock. My lips made a smacking sound, as I was still trying to milk out the last few drops remaining in his semi hard meat. One drop was left, as I leaned in and licked it out of his pisshole. He chuckled, saying, "My, my, you sure are a cockhound, aren't you?"

Sam also retreated, again with a slight plop, leaving totally empty of cock. I wanted more, and said, "Yes, Alan, I am, and you can give me your juice any time you want."

I turned around, wanting to see Sam, wanting to see just what he had put up my pussy, as he leaned in, and kissed me. I was surprised, at this, but returned his caress, willingly. He then stood up, presented his softening member to me, which I gladly, slurped in to my mouth, cleaning him of all his cum, and my cuntjuices. The combination was exquisite, a perfect blend of sweet and sour. I was right, he wasn't only huge in the body department, but also huge in the cock department. Only at half-mast, he was a good 10 inches, and fat, about the size of a glass Pepsi bottle.

My pussy lips were tender and swollen, I noticed, as I sat down, but realized why. LOL, that monster had been inside me, thru my little pucker. No wonder I was sore. But, that small amount of discomfort was a small price to pay, for the fucking Sam had given me.

"Thank you, very much", I said, as I began to get dressed.

"You're thanking us? Now that's the sign of a true slut, thanking us for filling him up with two loads of cum. You really like us using your body, huh?" Alan quipped.

"Oh, yes, I did like it very much. Alan, that is my calling, to please men, sexually. I have to. I live for it, as if my body craves the ` injections' that only men can deliver. I am so content, inside, knowing I was able to satisfy you both. The man I'm with now, has taught me that his cock is my master. I do whatever he wants, cause then I get to have his dick inside my body, shooting his creamy spunk. I'm addicted, I think to that fluid."

With that, I reached back, with my fingers and scooped up, some of Sam's cum that was oozing from my love hole, and brought my fingers to my mouth, sucking off all of the liquid, and smiling.

"Wow, I've never seen anyone do that before", he said. "I bet you'd like to be able to suck your own ass, after you'd been fucked."

"Oh, yea, that would be great", I said, getting another glob of cum, and sucking it down. I closed my eyes, relishing the moment, licking my fingers of his tasty spunk. I was in my own ecstasy, especially with them watching and getting such a kick out of it, and knowing how nasty it was to be sucking the cum from my own ass. I continued to get all of the slimy juice until it was gone, at least gone to the point, where it wasn't sliding out, anymore.

"Well, we'll give you what you want and need, slut, no problem. You'll have to prove to us, however, that you're worthy of our cum, so we'll have some challenges for you to overcome. When you accomplish your tasks, we'll give you your required shots, got it?"

I had no idea what they were dreaming up, but, figured I could always say no, and not go on with those "challenges". HAHA, to that. I know I'll do it, so I can get more of their baby batter. I can't say no. I'll give in to their every whim and desire. There is no, "I'll think about it". I'll do it, no matter how humiliating or debasing the order/request is. I've become that person; now, willing to do whatever it takes to get cum.

"Yes sir", was my only response.

I got my self together and left, thinking how much I enjoyed my last hour with them. Another feeling hit me, as I was walking out.... that slimy, gooey, freshly-fucked walk, that kept me reminded of the fuck. My pussy lips were oozing, making it very squishy as my inner cheeks slid together with the slimy cum, each time I took a step. What a tremendous feeling, I thought, smiling a big grin, feeling great, inside. I wanted to get my fingers in there, again, but waited till I got home.

Next: Chapter 3

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