
By moc.loa@1namhbL

Published on May 3, 2002


As usual, if you're not old enough, 18+, don't read this as it's an adult themed m/m, control, story, based on fact, but mostly fiction. Any duplication/use must be OK'd by me, the sole author.

My Encounter With Slim

Well, here I am, writing another story relative to my newfound episode of being a pussy. A little info about me, I guess is necessary, to give you the whole picture. I'm 55, tall, thin, and ok looking, with a 6"thin. cut cock. I have known from a very early age that my sexual preference in life is to please men, and up until about 6 months ago, completely orally. I sucked any and every hard cock that was presented to me, loving the feeling of power it has over me.

My friend, Bob, who I have written about, took my anal cherry, back then, in an another episode of my life. Once he had violated my asshole, I wanted more and more, and became a true bottom, wanting to be fucked in either orifice, or both, all the time. My life used to be just cocksucking, and now it has grown to being a pussy slut. I can't help it, anymore. Oh, yes, I do have some limitations as to whom I will let have my body, but, after last night, I'm not sure, anymore.

Sexually, I'm very submissive, giving in to most men, who "take charge", and especially when they talk dirty to me. Oh, my, do I love being called dirty names, when in the throws of sex...whew.... It's a major turn on. It might also be good to know that only 3 men have been in my pussy, each of them, more than once, but, just those 3.

I met this guy, about 4 months ago, thru a friend, (who has had me, btw).

At our first meeting, I gave him a very slow, deliberate blowjob, swallowing his entire precious cum, after he shot in my mouth and throat. His name is Slim, and he's a hunk. He's a black man, like Bob, but, not the class that Bob presented in life, about 6'3", 250lbs, 8"cut, thick cock. Well, I went thru a bout of depression, and haven't done anything, I mean nothing, for a few months, and we both just drifted apart. He was going thru some shit too, so; it was like it was meant to be.

I've come out of it, now, mostly, and got an IM from him, asking me to go to the car races, and then back to his place. Now, I also need to tell you, he knows of my submissive sexual nature, and also knows I want him, badly.... hehe. We've chatted/talked enough, in the past, that he's totally aware of my needs.

Well, his request was like music to my ears, and my pussy started to twitch, just thinking about him. I was afraid I would have to work, starting a new job, but, turned out I was off, so, I emailed him back the next day, saying I would love to go with him.

I had planned to go to the beach, on my next day off, and this would be perfect, as I'll be able to get a little tan, for our "date". I wear thongs, at the gay beach, and love the lines it leaves on my body, with that little patch of white, up the crack, against the tan cheeks of my butt. Being the slut I am, too, I did suck a guy there, right on the beach. I mean, what's a cum slut to do, when a good looking guy shows me his hard cock, out there, just begging me to suck it. He filled my mouth in less than a minute, with a salty, yummy load, that I just swished around in my mouth, while he watched, and swallowed. I saw a snicker on his lips and face, and he knew he had found a cocksucker for sure. Hopefully, I'll see him again, or go to his place for some more protein. We did exchange names, email addresses, and phone #s, so maybe I'll hear from him.

Please forgive me, as I tend to ramble just a bit, while telling a story, because I think of things that are relative, or just come to mind as to the events...sorry if it seems to be out of sync.

Anyway, I came home, bathed, shaved my face and pubic area, and pussy, douched, and applied my favorite lotion, Caress to my entire body, in anticipation of my night. I felt sooooooooo sexy, just thinking about the potential night, and what to wear. I chose a thong pair of white panties, 501 shorts, and a tank top.

We were going to the car races, so, I figured I better not dress too slutty, but, I sure wanted to wear a pair of my women's jean shorts, that hugged my frame, like a second skin, and a silky blouse type top, that shimmers in the light. Oh, my I do love the feeling of that blouse and the shorts are much softer and more comfy than the mens. But, I needed to be a little less daring, based on our surroundings.

I met him at his house, and hugged and kissed him, hoping to give him some head, before we left for the race. He told me to hold on, as we had better get going, and there was plenty of time for that, later. His voice was somewhat stern; giving me chills, good chills, I might add...hehe.

Leaving his house on the way to the track, he unbuttoned his jeans, and said, "Is this what you were after earlier?" My only response was to lean over and hold his manhood, casually stroking it as it grew, slowly but surely, in my hand. "Oh, yes, sir." The windows in his car were tinted, quite dark, so no one could see as we drove. I leaned over and kissed the head, removing a large drop of pre-cum that had formed from my hand movements. He moaned a bit, saying, "That s right, you little pussyboy, you love that cock, don t you?". "Ummmmmm" was all I could say with my mouth around his hardness. "I don't want to cum, now, so, just mouth me. Just make love to your Master, cunt", he ordered. His words made me feel so good, as his cock was my master, at the time, and we both knew it. But, for him to actually say it was so cool. And, calling me a "cunt", was so humiliating, it made me tingle inside, feeling so used, by this man's, man. I felt so lucky to be here, I would have done anything he asked. Little did I know what he had in mind, and how far I'd go for him.

When we got to the race, he got himself together, and told me to go and get the tickets, as he had some friends he needed to talk to. I did as he asked, and upon returning, I saw him with 4 guys, of all sizes, ages, and body types. They looked me up and down, as I walked up to them, and he said, "Ross, this is James, Andrew, Billy, and Sonny. They will be sitting with us." I was ok with that, as they seemed to be nice enough, and were friends of Slim, so what the hell. I knew I would get laid tonight, anyway, later on, so no big deal, if his friends were here at the race with him. I could share him, for that, no problem.

After sitting down, we all started watching the time trials, and Sonny announced he was heading to take a leak, so got up and left. Slim leaned over, a few minutes later, saying, "Sonny needs a blowjob, and he's waiting in the restroom for you." I was shocked, looking at him, saying, "What?" He gave me a stern look, saying, "You heard me, you dirty little cocksucker, go get some cock."

I sat there for a few seconds, contemplating what to do. I knew if I didn't go, I'd never get Slim's cock up my mancunt, so, decided that giving Sonny a blowjob was a small price to pay. "Ok", I said, as I left to go. "Oh, one more thing, Ross. Don't swallow, till you get back here, so I can be sure you actually got him off, in your mouth. I want you to show me his load." Well, needless to say, this was a shock, as I couldn't believe my ears. I thought for a second, saying, "Yes, Sir", figuring, what's the diff, if I don't swallow, right away. I wanted to swallow it, anyway, so, waiting till I got back was no big deal. I got up, went to the men's room looking for Sonny. He was standing at the trough style urinal, holding his cock, not peeing. He signaled me to go to the toileted area. I went in, sat down, and waited for him. On cue, he opened the door, closed and locked it, pulled out his semi hard cock, stepped forward, and placed it on lips. "Put your feet up, so only one set can be seen from the outside, and I'll feed you." This matter-of-fact attitude took me aback, a bit, but, I did as ordered, and he swayed his hips towards me, filling my mouth with his now erect, 6" male member. He was in total control, and began to fuck my face, with long slow, deliberate thrusts, that slowly but surely, ended up, just in my throat. We had to be quiet, in this tight cubicle, but, he was moaning under his breath, how good my pussy mouth felt, and how he was going to fill it with his cum. I wanted it, badly, so, worked as hard as I could, finally feeling him stiffen, ever moreso, and shooting his seed across my tongue, and into my throat. His manner changed completely after he had finished, thanking me, profusely for a great blowjob, and hoped we be able to do it again. I assured him, I would be happy to oblige him, when ever he wanted.

We both went back to the stands, and I showed Slim my mouth full of Sonny' s cum. The other 3 guys also saw me show Slim, and started clapping. I turned five shades of red, knowing the guys had seen, and reacted to my mouthful. Thank goodness everyone around thought they were clapping to something on the track, not my cum filled mouth.

The rest of the evening, went the same way, with the other 3, except, I had to drink Andrew's piss, b4 he would let me blow him. I had no choice, as I had to show Slim his cum, and the only way he would cum, was to pee in my mouth, first. It was very bitter, and tasted bad, but, I did it, unhappily. Wow, what the fuck was I doing, here. And, Billy wanted some ass action, me sucking on it, that is, so I obliged his desire, tonguing him, the best I could before he turned around and fed me his sweet baby juice. He really liked my ass-licking, and wanted more. Again, I said, "Anytime you want, stud".

After the race, on the way home, Slim again, had me just mouthing his cock, as we drove, not wanting to cum. "You did a good job today, with my friends, so I'm going to reward you. I'm saving it", he said, "for your pussy." Oh, my, that's what I've been waiting for.....that mancock, inside me, fucking me, filling me, and cumming in!!!!

After getting to his house, he told me to strip, get in the bed, and wait. This was not a request, btw, but, a definite order. When he came in the room, he said, "Kneel, bitch." I got off the bed, and knelt in front of him looking up, at his stern face. His eyes, looked different, almost glassy, as he pointed to his crotch, saying, "Your master is needing some attention, and you're just the pussy slut to make him happy." I reached up, and started to undo his buckle, feeling a glow starting in my crotch, and going all the way up to my face. His jeans were tight, and his cock, was starting to harden, beneath their covering, making a nice bulge. I got his buckle undone, and undid the buttons on his 501's, exposing my master, his wonderful, strong, manly piece of cockflesh. I couldn't help myself as I leaned in and kissed the head, gently, lovingly, letting him know I was surrendering, completely. He knew I was in my place, giving in, to his every whim, earlier, sucking off, and swallowing four loads of his friends cum, eating ass, and swallowing piss, just so I could have my master have it's way with me.

"You are pathetic, you manpig. Look at yourself, just sitting there, waiting, begging for my cock to use you. Only a lowlife cunt would let that happen. Only a faggot whore would want it to happen, like you."

"I'm going to fuck your white pussy, tonight, bitch, and you're going to want more, beg me for more. Once I've taken that cunt of yours, you're going to want your master to be inside you, all the time, filling you with it' s power and strength."

"That pussy hole and mouth of yours are going to want their master all the time. I'm going to impregnate you with my juice, making my mark on your bowels, forever. You will live to be my cuntboy, my slut, my bitch, craving my cock, anytime, and all the time. Do you understand me?"

"Oh, please sir, I need your hard cock inside my mancunt. I need to feel it's power inside me, it's cum, the juice of the Gods. I'll do whatever you ask if you'll do that, if you'll fill me up. You can do that anytime you want, taking your bitch, and fucking me, using me for your pleasure."

I had stooped to the lowest form a man could possibly go-----begging for a man's cock to be inside me, to be used by him, whenever he wanted, to be his cunt, his pussy, his whore, his cum receptacle, his boy, to be had at his beck and call.

His grin made my knees go weak, as he looked down at his subject, knowing he has found a perfect specimen for his using. From my view, I was also very happy, deep inside, to know I had found a master to make me HIS, allowing myself to totally be subjected to his desires and wants.

"Turn over, bitch, and get on all fours. Bitches get fucked from behind, like the lowly dogs they are. I'm going to fuck you good, tonight."

I did as instructed, getting on my hands and knees, and pointing my hairless pucker at him, waiting for his entrance to my soul. Btw, that is my favorite position, to be fucked. I didn't have to wait long, as he applied some lube to his very hard cock, and put it at the entrance to my deepest hole.

He grabbed my hips, letting me know it was coming, and pushed in, feeling my asslips surround the head of his shaft. I grunted with force of his thrust, but, felt very little pain. What pain I did feel, was overcome by the knowledge that he was going to go deeper and deeper inside my canal. He moaned just a bit, and started to slide in, more and more, until finally his pubes were tickling my pussy cheeks. He held it there, for what seemed like hours, just ever so slowly rotating his hips, making me completely aware of his control of the situation.

"Nice tight pussy. MMMMMMMMM, you were meant to be fucked weren't you? You have known all along that my cock was meant to be buried inside your asshole, didn't you? Yep, you're sure a pussy boy, at heart, letting me just stick it to you, like this, begging me.......hehe. This big black weapon is going to make you into my white slut."

His words were totally true. I was meant to be a bottom, in the most sincerest, sense of the word. I'm only happy when a cock is in me, filling my bowels, or mouth with the salty essence of mankind.

With that, he started to make his words come even more true, as he started to fuck me, slowly, deliberately, in a rhythm that was as close to heaven that is humanly attainable. His movements were like a lovemaking idol, knowing exactly how, when, how much, and where to move. I did my best to move with him, wanting more and more of his hardness to entirely take over my body.

My moans and his moans were almost simultaneous, as his pistoning increased to a tempo that had me being pushed towards the head of the bed. The shear force of his thrusts had my head banging against the headboard. All I could do, was hope I didn't have bruises, but, in my blissful condition, didn't care.

He was a stud, a male fucktool, bound and determined to deliver his baby seed to his bitch, so he was pounding away, caught up in the adrenaline of the "fuck". And, I was his bitch, meeting his every thrust with my own, so he would fill me with his precious fluid.

I can't tell you, or explain in words the feeling I get, when I'm being "taken", in my pussy. I'm sure there are a few bottoms out there that understand what I was going thru. That complete, total, full feeling, that I get when a man has himself buried up deep in side me, is one of bliss, of wanton, of desire, of lust, of wholeness, of fulfillment, of inward satisfaction, that is not even approachable from any other level. If you can, put all of the good, no great things that have happened in your life into one feeling, and that's the way I feel when he's in me.

His pace quickens, and I know what's about to happen, and pray it will. I 'm so ready for his ejaculation, and yet, don't want his fucking to ever end. But, I also know, there will be a lot more in the future, and that his orgasm is not something that is debatable. He WILL cum soon! And soon is now.... WOW, is all I can say, as his assault on my cunt completely stops, and he unloads what seems like gallons of hot, slimy goo into my clenching ass.

"I'm filling you up, bitch, giving you what you need...a nice load of my spunk."

His movements slow down, but he's still fucking me with his hips. The "slapping" sounds of hips meeting asscheeks have stopped, as his orgasm ebbs.

He has been in the throws of his relief for a minute or so and finally, slumps a bit, breathing heavily, in the aftermath. My pussy is all wet and slimy now with is cum lubricating me even more. The force of him shooting is still etched in my memory, knowing I'll get a bunch more of those.

I back up my hips to his crotch, rotating them just a little, to let him know that I want him to stay inside me, and that I loved what just happened. I here a slight laugh, as he says, "Oh my, you do like to be fucked don't you, my little cunt?"

I moan, "Oh, yes, sir. You make me feel wonderful. Thank you."

I'm thanking him for fucking me.... What a low thing to do. I'm thanking him for using me, for making me into a bitch, a lowly fucktoy, and a cunt for his pleasure. Well, I guess that's me, and he knows it.

He is softening, and slowly his slippery cock comes out of my well-used cunt, with a slight plop. I feel empty but satisfied, scooting back to try to get him inside me again. Chuckling, he says, "See I told you you'd want more. You can't get enough can you? Now turn around here, like a good pussy boy and clean up your master, now."

Again, this was not a request, this was a demand. He lay back on the bed, spreading his legs, as I took his semi hard member into my mouth, tasting his cum, and my ass. I'm sucking my ass juice from his cock!!!! That 's something no one does, do they? The craziest part of the whole thing is, that I'm getting and erection as I'm doing it. I'm beginning to wonder what I WOULDN'T DO for him? What else is there that's more humiliating than eating your own ass fluid? I guess I'll find out, huh?

Any comments, suggestions, are welcome to

Next: Chapter 2

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