Slender Beggar

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jan 14, 2021



Once again...THANK YOU for all your kind words and all your support in your emails. Each one was read and appreciated.

I'm available for a chat anytime...feel free to send me a few words at

Stay safe, Ryan


In all the things, words, nuances and even the looks that was given to me from my best friend Phil, the only thing that seemed to register inside my ravaged brain right then was that...

...Phil knew. He actually knew.

Fuck. Okay, Max. Calm the hell down. Maybe you can still save this.

No, you can't fucking save this, no matter how hard you try, because you had to be as loud as anything inside that god forsaken bathroom earlier, not caring who had heard you when you told Slender that you were in love with him. Jesus. I was finished. Done. And by the looks of things, so was my lifelong friendship with Phil.

The dude was patiently waiting for an answer as I didn't know what the fuck to say to the guy. I couldn't bloody well deny it...he had actually heard me say it! He didn't hear all of this via rumour or word of mouth...he actually heard me say it.


"What were you doing in the bathroom at that time any way?" I hissed back at him, still mot completely looking in in his eyes.

I was gonna surely lose the last bits of nerve that I had left if I did. I knew it. We have known each other since we were both five years old. His friendship meant EVERYTHING to me.

"That's besides the point now, don't you think?" Phil said gently before sitting down as he did.

His chest seemed to heave up and down a little more heavier than it usually did and I blinked...sometimes he carried on as normal so much that one tended to forget that Phil suffered from epilepsy since the attack on him by the beggars at the pub (chapter 1) and that he still was to completely avoid stressing out by any means for his health.

Finding out that his best friend was gay was bad find out that said best friend was in love with a homeless beggar was the fucking cherry on the fucking cake! I didn't even wanna think about what was going through my mind, with THAT particular probability.

I sighed. The game was up. There was no way I could even try and somehow defend this.

Phil looked me dead in the eyes, but strangely enough, he didn't seem angry. Hopefully I was reading the signs correctly and he was sorta okay with all of this...fuck, who was I trying to kid? I had gotten married knowing full well that I was not into women, and what's more, I had a little girl with my wife Jane, with another baby soon on the way. I can fully understand if he was pissed.

Phil leaned forward and placed both hands in front of his body, binded in a solid fist, onto the table that separated us.

"Don't you think you owe me some sort of explanation? I'd say twenty-five years of friendship counts for that."


I couldn't move. I was shut down. More and more until I started to feel faint. I closed my eyes and then sat down as well.

"Phil...I dunno where the hell to begin, man..."

"I already think I have a pretty good idea what's going on here, Max. I just wanna hear you actually say it."

Oh...he wasn't gonna make this easy on me, was he? And why should he? When I had lied straight to him in his face, in the entirety of our friendship?

Tears rolled down my cheeks and still, Phil didn't show an ounce of emotion or even judgement on his face. Only now I could start and see how handsome my buddy really was. It would have been down right laughable if I wasn't in such a shit situation right now.

With his dark black hair which he always kept neat and spiked in the front and down at the back, complete with the blue buttoned shirt he had on, even more complete with the sleeves rolled all the way up to his elbows so that you can actually see the swallows tattoos on his arms that we both had gotten the day after we graduated college.

Why was I only seeing this now?

Phil was a sexy wonder he had such good fortune with all the ladies at the office all the time, and why they seemed to all fall at his feet the moment he gave them just a smidgeon of attention.

I shook my head and took a deep breath.

"I'm...oh god...Phil...I'm...oh fucking hell, I'm gay! There! I said it! You wanna punch me now or later? This is me! I can't help it!"

Those last two words came out, or rather, splattered out of my dry throat in a mere whisper. He knew the truth anyway, so why I bothered making it such a big deal, I'll never know. I cursed myself for ever going into that bathroom and joining Slender in the shower, which had lead to all of this. thought defiantly.

No, I really don't regret any moment of it.

Because inside said bathroom, Slender told me that he loved me. And even before he had actually said it...I instinctively knew that I felt pretty much the same. The heart wants what it wants...and mine wanted Slender.

So let Phil come for me.

I was ready.

Friendship, or no friendship.


"I know, Max."

I froze.

" know? Of course, you just heard me blubber my fucking guts out to Slender in the bathroom..."

Phil shook his head. He had a smile on his face.

"No, buddy. I've known ever since high school."

It felt like electric shocks was being sent through me...that was not possible! I had been so careful! ALWAYS!

I even dated girls and fucked them just so I could hide this terrible secret from everyone and of course that included Phil...and because no one ever accused me of being homosexual I thought I had gotten away with it my whole life until now...what the hell?

"Phil, I..."

"Will you relax, man? Geez, you're more blown up than my used condom from last night!" Phil laughed and he stood up from where he had been sitting.

He walked right over towards me, at the other side of the table. When he unexpectedly reached out an arm, I kinda dodged away from incredibly daunted that what we had between us for twenty five years had now all been for nothing.

Instead, he frowned as he saw me dive away from him, as if I had physically insulted him...and with a even more determined look on that handsome face mere seconds after...he placed his hand on my shoulder, reassuringly. that moment any touch or any remote intimate gesture from literally anyone would have been enough to make me bawl my eyes out, I was that emotional, but the fact that it was life long best friend...

"Max...where were you when those jocks bullied me at school?"

I sniffed and wiped my eyes.

"Say what now?"

"I asked...where were you when those jocks bullied me and even waited for me after school so they could fuck me up?"

" wasn't only you. I was there as well. They got me too."

"Correct. And where were you when my sister was diagnosed with leukemia?"

"You said that you had called me first..."

"Yeah, right again...and tell me...where were you when we started this company?"

Knowing what he was doing...and thank god...THANK GOD...he wasn't judging me...I had been so scared...if I dreaded ANYONE finding out, it was Phil...

I stood up and squared up to him.

"I was here. By your side."

Phil had the biggest smile on his dial...and then he solidly hugged me to him.

For a minute there, I was stunned. As close as we were we haven't actually hugged each other since we graduated college and even that was simply to say congrats...this was something completely different. As my arms went around him, I could feel him relaxing almost immediately. As if he too, had been keeping something that had eaten him up inside.

Then it hit me...he said that he had known this whole time...


"When? I mean...I was so careful..."

Phil laughed and poured me a cup of some freshly brewed Mocha Java. Our next meeting was only in the afternoon and we were waiting on Ribbed anyway to give their feedback on Slender's photos and portfolio. Until they approved...there wasn't much we could do.

Phil smiled fondly, as if he was looking back in his minds eye to a certain memory before he took a sip of his coffee.

"Remember when that new kid came along in school? I can't remember his name, but anyway...we were sitting on the hockey pitch during recess going over Maths homework, when he strutted his stuff past us. You literally couldn't keep your eyes off him. That...and when you moaned Gary the bully's name over and over in your sleep, that is. And then when you told me that you and Jane had slept together drunk...I knew for certain. You would never be able to do it other wise."

It was astounding how well he knew me. And what he remembered! Twenty five years. It was a lifetime to be fair.

"God...why didn't you just...I dunno...SAY anything?"

"What was I supposed to say? I know you like to suck cock and I'm okay with it? That actually sounds cool...anyway, J wanted you to tell me yourself. That was the only way you would ever be able to deal with this."

A love for my best friend that I never knew existed shone out of every fibre of my body. I never...I honestly didn't think he'd ever accept my sexuality. Ever.

"Look Phil...I just, I just wanna say sorry. I...believe me there was so many times that I desperately wanted to tell you but I just didn't know how you would take the news. We were and still are very close and some guys don't handle their best friends coming out, you know that. After Molly was born...I just went with it, I sorta just accepted that I would be in the closet forever."

"And then along came Slender, the beggar..." Phil said and his eyes shone.

"Come on, man, don't call him that..."

"I was kidding bro! You need to chill the fuck out. You forget that we were also piss poor, both of us, before we got this company going. We didn't have hand outs, we relied on scholarships and for that we needed to study our asses off whilst everyone else was partying and having the times of their lives. Worked out, though, didn't it?" Phil said as he looked around my office.

The telephone rang and the caller ID showed that it was the CEO of the one and only, Ribbed International. Phil and my eyes met across the table. He was just as nervous as I was, if not more.

"Phil...what if they didn't like Slender...oh god..."

"...then we take it like it is. We did our best. Answer the damn thing!" Phil hissed and scurried towards me, and signaled at me to place the call on speaker phone.

"Mr Fokuyoko? Good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon, Max. I am stunned. Where did you possibly find this incredible fine specimen that you sent us? And why wasn't he included within the original set list in the first place? Who ever he is, he is perfect! You can get to work immediately. We're giving you and Phil a blank check and an open budget. That man...that model...he is our guy."


"Don't you fuck with me! Don't you FUCK WITH ME!!" Slender screamed as he held his hands in front of his face and seemingly lost the will to actually stand on one spot, after I had given him the good news.

"Better believe it because they want me and you and Phil in Mauritius by the end of the week!"

Slender finally came to a stop...and he wiped the sweat that had accumulated from his forehead.

"Liewe donner (holy crap) I've never even been out of bloody Cape Town, never mind go overseas! the hell do I ever say thank you? For all of this?"

"What did I do? Dude, look at you! That hot body would have convinced anyone to hire you. Sexy man, you..." I choked as Slender came closer before he literally PICKED me up from off the ground and swung me around in sheer happiness. As he put me down, I kinda lost my balance and he held me tight before staring lovingly into my eyes.

" did I get so lucky? What did I do?" he whispered before be placed his lips onto mine.

I gave as good as I got before pulling him to me and embracing his back muscles with the palms of my hands. We kissed for about a minute or so...lord...swapping saliva and allowing our tongues to tango in unison before children's voices could be heard. Maria and her kids must be close by, Slender did say they went to the shops. I leaned my head onto his strong chest.

"Have you told them yet?" I asked, caressing his left hand's knuckles with my thumb.

A redness enveloped on his face and he giggled.

"I wanted to have clarity first. They so aren't gonna believe this. Max...I can finally give my sister and her kids a better life! And it's all thanks to you. Dude...I...I know I said it before and I meant it. Every word. I love you. I love you so much, my actually hurts. I have NEVER been this happy!"

A final kiss onto my forehead and a bright, beautiful smile from my dream guy and I smiled sadly as he jogged on back to the small room behind the pub where they were still located.

Pretty soon...that tiny space where four of them were now cooped up, would all be just a distant memory. I know what models were paid, especially ones who were ambassadors and faces of a certain product.

I loved him.

I had tried so hard to keep this a secret. To live a "normal" life with Jane and Molly and now especially with the new baby that was on the way. I tried. Lord knows I gave it a good go.

I smiled sadly...I would never feel about Jane the way I feel about Slender. It just wasn't in my DNA. It wasn't something I could control. My heart was ablaze as I watched from afar how Slender picked up both Maria's kids and playfully swung them around, just like he did me. They loved him, that was clear to see.

Until now, I had chosen to leave whenever Maria and the kids were home. I just didn't feel right to stay when she was there. I respected her and I also knew they went through a tough time when Slender's boyfriend Ricco, died of a crystal meth overdose years before. I was still married...and I'm pretty sure Maria knew that.

Every time Slender spoke about Ricco, he tended to cry, so I stopped asking about him. I literally had no right. I wasn't even out of the closet yet and I was still fucking married as we speak.

I gotta be honest with Jane. It was gonna break both me and her, and I didn't even think about what this was gonna do to Molly...but for years I had placed myself second. I allowed others to be happy. I ignored my own yearnings to allow my family to happy and secured.

It was time.

Time, to end things with Jane.

For good.


"I should do what?"

"Max, don't tell Jane! Not yet! Please tell me you haven't told her you're gay yet and that you in love with a homeless model!"

Smooth, Phil. Real smooth.

"I just came from Slender's and no, I haven't, I was planning on doing it tonight..."

"You might wanna wait on that. I was your best man at your wedding and this afternoon it hit my brain like a cock in a virgin pussy. You and Jane were married in Community of Property, weren't you?"

"Yeah, but what's that got to do with anything...?"

I could actually hear Phil kicking something in the background.

"Because! If you and Jane get divorced NOW before Ribbed gives us this huge contract and all the money from the advertising campaign...think, Max! She will take you to the cleaners, dude! She entitled to half of everything you own, remember?"


I didn't even think about that. He was spot on, unfortunately. Jane would get half of everything, including my shares in this company, if we get divorced.

How could I have missed that?


I told Jane me and Phil had an emergency meeting with the Ribbed executives. I even phoned Phil in front of her and being the good buddy he always was...he confirmed it on speaker phone for her to hear. Jane lovingly kissed me goodbye and promised that she would keep dinner for me warm in the oven.

I have never felt so guilty and excited at the same time, ever in my entire life.

I then drove to the nearest hotel situated in Cape Town, as the two of us had planned, and I paid for a single room for the evening. The bellboy as well as the concierge was absolutely faultless in their duties.

Everything was going too well. There was a niggling feeling in the pit of my stomach all the way here.

I have never, ever strayed, cheated, whatever you wanted to call it...until tonight, that was.

I entered the hotel room and without even checking it out, to see if the room was to my liking or even to my taste, I literally threw myself onto the bed in utter giddiness.

My heart was beating about a million times a minute, I swear. A text message came through to my phone.

"Room number?"

As planned. Perfect.

It was only then that I saw that my room had a fantastic view over table mountain. I made an effort in passing, specifically, to ask the concierge if there were many other bookings on this floor and he assured me they weren't fully booked on this floor.

Like I said...everything was going according to plan. So much, so, that it had be worried as hell for me. You just never knew.

I texted my room number to Phil and told him that Slender needed to ask for a room overlooking said mountain...and now...I had nothing better to do than to simply wait.

Wait for the love of my life to arrive.


It had been Phil's plan. An excellent one at that.

He wanted to give me and Slender a decent night out without anyone suspecting anything.

I would arrive at the hotel first and then book a room, any room. I would then text Phil my room number and he would drive Slender to the same hotel, where he had given the latter a company credit card to pay for his own room. Slender would make sure he asked for a room close to my own and once he was settled, he would get his sexy ass over here and we could spend a couple of hours together in each others arms.

Phil was literally the best friend I could ever have asked for.


A knock on the door was heard.

I already had butterflies inside my stomach and this was it...I wasn't sure how far we would end up going in these two hours and I literally didn't care. I was allowing my hormones to do the talking, I'll be the first person to admit that!

Slowly I opened the door of my hotel room...jesus...there he was.

Phil...Phil must have loaned him some clothes. Must have. There was no way he could afford what he was wearing.

My cock hardened instantly. My mouth watered like a hungry dog. I suddenly felt goosebumps spreading out across my skin.

Slender was dressed in a tight fitting black jean, complete with a featured limited Billabong belt which I KNEW was Phil's. He was also sporting a freshly ironed white sleeved buttoned shirt, neatly tucked into his jeans. He had on a stunning black jacket and only then I saw that the first two buttons of his crisp white shirt had been could literally see his caramel sunburned skin underneath the expensive material.

He smelled...fucking hell...where did Phil get this expensive cologne from...he was beautiful. Stunning. And his smile...kill me now. I could die happy.

"Hey you," Slender whispered, quickly checking the corridor if anyone was there. He was nervous, as was I.

"Hey beautiful..." I smiled and pulled his arm inside into the room.

For only a second...we were both staring into eachother eyes before we literally jumped each other. I couldn't believe for the life of me that this was the same exact man I had given a R200 note to as he was begging for money on the streets only months ago. It was surreal.

We both ripped each others clothes apart in the process of trying to find the bed, with our eyes closed as we kissed, and when we eventually did, neither of us were willing to stop for shit.

Slender's lips was on my neck...and I was suddenly so scared that he would give me a hickey...he was sucking my neck so damn hard that I actually grabbed the back if his hair and held his face to my body. He growled like an injured animal and continued to kiss across my what he found.

I wasn't gonna have that.

With immense power where I didn't care where it has came from, I managed to flip Slender over so he was bottom and beneath me...and I dove in to make love to this beautiful man.

His shirt came off flying to a forgotten corner of the room. Within seconds my lips and tongue was on his skin...tasting...caressing...slurping every single piece of Slender I could find. My fingers danced over his six pack as I gripped them into my palm, which he yelped to in sheer approval.

Lower and lower I travelled until my tongue were at those six blocks of pectorals that was spread and dashed across his stomach. Hungry as fuck, I kissed each and every one of them, one of Slender's hand having travelled down to grab my hair in sheer ecstasy, whilst my tongue glided over those ridges that I knew made him look so good. I gripped the Billabong belt in my grasp...slow down...Phil would literally kill me if I damaged this thing ...and it was with great concentration and gritted teeth that I finally managed to remove it.

I didn't even bother to unzip his jeans. I grabbed the sides and damn well RIPPED them off him.

"" I I discovered what had to be Phil's final gift to me that night.

Sldnder was going commando all this time.

"I...I hope its's kinda big..." came the shy reply of a red faced former homeless beggar.

Are you fucking kidding me? This guy!

As if I was hypnotized in an actual trance, I reached out...slowly, as if it would burn me...I had seen it before of course in Chapter 4 but was here before me.

He wasn't jacking both of our dicks in his big hand this time tho...his was open wide and ready for attention. The thing looked like a mini Apollo gosh, it was so hard it honestly bobbed around in mid air. Slender hissed through his teeth as I encircled his big dick with my can something this stiff, his warm...this beautifully could it feel and look as if it was actually alive?

I looked up as I slowly masturbated his cock in my hand. His foreskin was still fitted his exposed red cockhead like a velvet glove. I watched as if in awe as I retracted that piece of skin...that piss slit looked like it could honestly fire at any moment. My eyes returned towards his and I saw nothing in there but the greatest respect and love for me. He caressed my hair and I kissed his palm as it crossed my cheek.

Although he didn't actually say it, his eyes did. I knew what he wanted.

I scooted downwards and lied on my stomach on the king sized bed. That big cock of his had my name in it. I felt his whole demeanor change as I stuck out my tongue inches of that big phallus...

"Okay, Max, you really don't have to if you don't wa...HOOOOOLY SHIT!"

I playfully punched his lower rock hard abdomen to quiet him down as I finally after all these chapters, FINALLY actually tasted that homeless dick. I really shouldn't call it that but there was something so powerfully naughty and forbidden about saying stuff like that I really couldn't resist. Plus, his dick tasted wonderful.

I savored every bit of that eight incher that I could get into my right hand playfully rolling his balls around in my that moment he really went almost berserk as he nearly kicked me with his long legs at the sheer feelings travelling their way through his groin. I wish you readers could feel what I did...his iron hard penis inside your mouth...his juices streaming from his cockhead delighting your pallet with pre cummy goodness.

As my I allowed his cock to bob out of my beak...I grabbed it and allowed that hardness to rest against my was like a oven against my felt the blood PULSE through his solid erection and I STILL couldn't get enough.

His balls were jiggling underneath my touch as I took only the head inside my mouth one more time, whilst urgently jacking off the remainder of his length as quickly as I possibly could. I flicked my tongue over that wide flaring piss slit ad if to coarse the sperm from his heavy balls. When was the last time this beautiful beggar actually came?

Was I about to be drowned?

I could feel his knees shaking. His groin was following the age old instinct as it gyrated on the bed in a desperate need to cum. His piss slit shook with anticipation and his cock suddenly felt like lava was travelling through it...

"Gonna cum...Here, ek gaan kom!" (Lord i'm cumming) he screamed out in his native Afrikaans, as his sperm was spat out right into my throat.

The thickness...fucking hell...I couldn't get it all down...two more shots coated my esophagus with thick white beggar protein...I swallowed his homeless sperm as much as I could be there was simply too much. My mouth flooded open to release the sheer amount of thick goo that was still being fired of that red angry big phallus. It dribbled from my mouth onto his lower stomach and pooled there

Above me...Slender was going crazy. He gripped the sheets of the bed with closed fists and he seemed in some kind of a trance. I didn't worry about it as much, because I took it as a sign of a well orchestrated orgasm on my part.

And then...that nagging feeling I had all afternoon of things being too perfect...too right...too everything...was shatteringly proved correct.

Slender heaved and his eyes were closed. The last bits of sperm was still leaking from his cockhead so I leaned in and gobbled it up. Watery, this last few drops but still good. Sour...metallic...not everyone's favorite flavor of man juice, but it was mine, because it had come from him.

I smeared the left over sperm between my fingers, admiring the texture of the sauce that same straight from his balls and at last, ate the now cold substance, smacking my lips for effect.

It was then...out of no where...that my heart was smashed into a zillion pieces.

Slender still had his eyes closed shut and he was still lingering after effects of his orgasm. I took his hand in mine and he valiantly squeezed it back.

"You're amazing...oh my god...Ricco...Ricco...I love you...Ricco..."



Slender said the name of his deceased ex after his orgasm!

Can their relationship survive this??

I need feedback, my friends. I need to know if you are still enjoying my story lol.

Next: Chapter 6

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