Slender Beggar

By Ryan White / Licious Ryan

Published on Jan 9, 2021



Sorry for the long ass wait but its finally here. Chapter four...and it's gonna be an emotional one.

I'm always up for chats so feel free to email me about the story or whatever at

Stay safe, Ryan


"Is there someone else?"

I froze.

My hamburger and fries that my pregnant wife Jane had so lovingly made for me especially, and which had been on it's way into my open gullet was suddenly not looking so tantalizing anymore.

To say the very least.

"I'm sorry?"

Jane walked over to me and sat down next to me at the kitchen table. With her right hand she started caressing her three month old baby bump, hardly yet a visible thing by any means of the imagination, but she strangely liked to call it that way...funny how quickly in the heat of a certain moment, all those good memories can be forgotten...Jane looked me straight in the eyes.

She wasn't messing about.

"Don't lie to me, Max. I can take and forgive an awful lot of things but the one thing I can't or won't forgive is lies. Tell me the truth. Is there someone else?

Yes, there is. But you'll never believe me who it was, even if I told you.

Only one other person in this whole entire world apart from me knew my deepest darkest secret and I was more than just a little attracted to one of them. Who happened to be a homeless beggar called Slender.

She's gonna think I'm totally taking the piss if I told her.


", Max. Don't think I'm being neurotic or paranoid just because I'm three months pregnant, because that shit just ain't gonna fly. You never give me any sort of attention anymore, I can hardly even believe we made this baby to begin with, and apart from that I am running out of excuses what to tell Molly why the fuck her Daddy is never home these days!"

I sighed.

I loved Jane. I really did...she was the mother of my child and of course of the little runt that was on the way. The one thing that I couldn't tell was going to break both her and myself...was that I have been gay all my entire life.

I have been living a shit lie all these years. I married Jane knowing full well that I couldn't...wouldn't ever love her the way that a woman deserved her husband to feel about her. Being gay was part of my DNA...and there was nothing I could do to change that.

I was coping with life just fine until I of course had met Slender...the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my entire life. Homeless, like I said. Jobless. Never seen the inside of a house like mine, in his life. But...I had a connection with him that simply dwarfed anything I had ever experienced with anyone else. Including Jane.

Last best friend, my confidant and my partner in business, Phil, saw me meeting with Slender at our offices and quite honestly, he thought that Slender was the replacement model that I had hired for Ribbed, one of our biggest clients, and for their advertising campaign to promote their brand new summer swim range here in sunny South Africa.

I hadn't had time to ask Slender what he felt about doing this yet...the possibility of being a model had to be way out of his comfort zone and I meant WAY...but lets be really honest... if someone with an experienced eye such as Phil could mistake Slender for a handsome ass model, there had to be others who would buy that as well. He had the looks and the body for the job.

I had one more day.

Just send the final list of candidates to Ribbed...and as I said in chapter three, out of a damn twelve possibilities they only were interested in ONE of our models. They needed at least one more and we didn't have any others on our books, not matching what they wanted anyway. Slender was the only person that could save our asses with Ribbed right now. Lose that account and we might as well close our doors for good.

"See? You're not even close to listening to me! I know you're under severe pressure at your job, Max, but come on! I'm here! I'm your wife! Don't shut me out!"

I felt like an absolute scumbag for perving over other men when in reality I had such a good and faithful wife at my side. Being pregnant made her look even more beautiful, if anything. That wasn't even the issue! She...Jane...good and kind and fabulous as she was...she simply wasn't male.

Oh god...she wasn't Slender.

I willed that thought out of my head before gently taking hold of her hand across the table. Her wedding ring shone in the evening moonlight.

"Baby...listen to me. I'm sorry, okay? How about this, the second when the Ribbed account is finally finalized, how about you and me go away for a romantic weekend. We can ask your folks to babysit Molly so we can be on our own. That sound good?"

Jane wiped away a few tears and tried to smile. She knew I was spit balling here. Work kept me so busy I had hardly time to spend with Molly, never mind her, but I could see she at least appreciated me saying all this.

"And Jane...don't ever think I will ever trade you in for another woman. That simply won't happen. Ever."

Of course it won't.

I didn't want a woman, any woman at that.

I couldn't stop thinking about Slender. Not for one fucking moment.


I stopped at the now reopened bar where Slender and his twin sister Maria lived and worked...or at least I hoped they were still residing here.

Me and Slender had no contact for about two months after he had asked me to stay away before, and if it wasn't for the fact that he and Maria had started a business selling samosas and Slender just so happened to visit our offices without knowing this was where I worked...I didn't even wanna think about it.

Lord knows why I had such a connection, felt such a strong bond with him. There was literally men of all shapes and sizes on our books. Looks...good potential...all of them better off than what Slender was.

It was the latter's personality and stunning down to earth nature that I loved. That I completely yearned to be close to. I couldn't think of a more deserving person to get ahead in life. I just hoped that he would accept the offer that I was about to make. My job depended on it.

I knocked at the back of the room where I hoped they still were. Relief flashed through me, as one of Maria's little boys peeked around the corner of their inside area.

"Hey buddy! Is your Uncle Slender around? I really wanna see him."

The kid pulled a face like he was confused and that he didn't know what I was saying...oh fuck...of course...he was Afrikaans. He probably didn't understand a word I just said. Afrikaans was rusty at best.

"Slender? Oom Slender?" I said, knowing that was the correct lingo and suggested with my hands that I didn't know where he was.

"OOM!!! OOM!!!"

Lord almighty, the kid had a voice on him!

I nervously looked around at who might be watching or listening in, or who might be thinking that I meant harm to this sweet little boy, who was still screaming his tiny little head off at that point and time.

"LUKAS! Wat skree jy so?" (Why are you screaming?) came the one voice that I wanted to hear more unlike any other.

The body I wanted to see more like any other appeared from behind the pub and...I swear his eyes lit up the moment that he saw me standing there.

"Max? This is a surprise, for sure..." Slender said, but I also knew, for sure, he was happy to see me as a slight smile was created near the corners of his sexy ass mouth.

"Lukas, gaan speel. Ek en die Oom wil praat," (Lukas, go and play. Me and the uncle want to have a chat) he said as he ruffled the young boys hair.

The latter little tyke gave me a broad smile in which three of his teeth were missing and then suddenly he was gone as quick as he came.


"Cute kid," I started things off nervously.

"Yeah man...I don't think I'll ever be able to have kids of my own someday. I'm gay, as you know and the whole surrogacy thing is for rich people like you, I suppose."

He must have seen my face at that, and he playfully slapped me on my shoulder.

"Learn how to take a joke! Come inside. There must be some Coke or something in the fridge."

I didn't reply as I followed him into the same room where I had seen him semi naked only two months before. I could still see that wonderful image inside my minds eye...jesus, how in the heavens could I ever forget it? I knew he had a beautiful body. His buzz cut was much better than his long mop of hair that he previously owned. that I thought about it...why did Phil have to bring it to my attention about Slender doing modelling? Why couldn't I see it myself?

The dude was stunningly beautiful. He could pass for a model any day of the week.

The question was...would he agree?


"So...I'm pretty sure you didn't come all this way from your fancy ass office to come and have a coke with me and complement my nephew...?" Slender said with a twinkle in his eye.

How can one man be this handsome? It wasn't actually fair LOL.

I placed my can of coke down on the table and sat down on the torn and depleted couch in the corner of the room.

"Slender...please, don't say anything until I'm finished. I beg you. Lemme speak, and then you can decide."

"Yes, master. Anything else, master?" Slender joked and took another sip of his own Coke.

I took a deep breath...did he have to look so damn dangerous and bad ass with that new hair cut of his and what's more...wearing a sleeveless white shirt that perfectly showed off his arms and biceps...sigh.

Well, here goes nothing.

"One of our biggest clients, they are called Ribbed, we are doing a marketing campaign for them. They have designed a summer swim swear range and out of all the models who we sent them, they were only interested in one of them. They want at least one more but we are stuck there. remember the other day when you were at my office? Phil had burst in, and he saw you there."

"Okay, but I was just there selling samoosas. I didn't even know that where you worked. If it was a problem for him that I was there..."

"...NO! God, no. He just...afterwards he asked me if you were the new model I had gotten for Ribbed. He didn't know you were the samoosa guy."

Slender choked as he swallowed some coke down the wrong way down and he coughed slightly, a few tears gathering at the corners of his eyes. He smiled and laughed as he tried to catch his breath.

"Me, a model? Was he drunk? I'm sorry, Max and I know he's your best friend and all that but that is's insane! Wait until Maria hears about, a model? Oh my word..."

It was then that I stood up, and placed the empty can of coke down. I walked slowly over to Slender, who was watching me like hawk...still with a smile very much evident on his beautiful face.

I reached out and ever so slightly...just with the tips of the fingers...I glided my touch across his cheekbones on his left hand side.

His eyes closed.

As if he hadn't had any physical affection in a long time.

His skin was hard...rough...I didn't for a minute expect it to be soft, not with him being in the sun begging for money, and now selling samoosas outdoors all day. He shuddered with my touch. He clearly wasn't used to this.

Physical affection. At all. At least, not anymore.

" gotta stop this..." he whispered so softly I could hardly hear him.

"I can''re so beautiful..." I replied back, meaning every word I was saying.

He finally opened his eyes and I saw something in there which I hadn't seen in a long time...vulnerability. He was literally scared shitless right now.

"Slender...I'm gay. I have been my whole life. If it wasn't for a drunken one night stand between me and Jane...look, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade Molly for anything in the world. I love that little girl more than life itself...but...I want a MAN. In every fucking sense of the word...jesus Slender...I want...I want you..."

Slender's eyes flashed as he stared at me in utter shock. For the first time in his life he literally didn't know what to say. Or even how to say it.

I took my hand from his face and stood back, giving him some much needed breathing space.

"I'll understand if you say no. But...if only you can see what I see. If Phil thought you could pull off being a sexy male model...I really think you'll be perfect for Ribbed! I know their brief, and you're exactly what they want. An undiscovered diamond in the rough. That's you. That's totally you!"

Slender stood where he was. It didn't seem like anything I had said had gotten into his brain.

"Slender? Dude, talk to me!"

"You want" softly spoken I had to maximize my hearing.

Jesus...he didn't believe me...

"Slender, did you hear anything I had just said..."

" can have anyone. You're rich, you're good looking, you drive a nice have a pregnant can have anyone and you just said..."

He remained silent for too long. I finished the sentence for him.

"...I just"

Tears was streaming down his face.

He didn't even bother wiping them away. He then finally had the guts, it seemed, to actually look at me. There was a gentleness and a softness in his eyes that I wasn't quite sure of what it meant. Those beautiful blue eyes. Just as perfect as the first day I had seen them.

"Oh god...goeie moer (holy crap), sorry...didn't mean to swear..." he said as he shook his head in utter defiance.

Words departed me. There was only one thing left for me to do.

I reached out yet again and took his entire face inside the palms of my hands. He swallowed if he couldn't believe what was happening.

As if in slow motion...and it was literally as if time had stood face and my lips came ever so closer to his.

A moan as loud as ever escaped his mouth as I finally...FINALLY...kissed the man of my dreams.

Fucking long had I dreamt of this moment? He tasted fantastic...he must have cleaned his teeth with Colgate Peppermint toothpaste this morning...the familiar flavour seemed to simply dance on my tongue and taste buds as he melted into the kiss.

His hands gently reached behind me and he held me towards him. He caressed my back and spread his hand across the muscles he found, perhaps to feel every bit of me that he could. I groaned desperately... right into Slender's open mouth and deepened the kiss.

He was holding me so damn if he was afraid that I will run away somehow if he even dared let go. I bit his bottom lip as I released him from the kiss to actually come up for some air...and I emphatically hugged him to me. He, in turn, was giving as good as he was getting, burying his head inside my chest and his smile...was as wide as the fucking Sahara desert.

We stayed like this for a while...I would kiss his shoulder a few times and simply whisper how beautiful he was in his ear...and every time I spoke, he would squeeze me tighter...his thanks for my compliments, I supposed.

As I pulled away, he moaned. I chuckled and kissed the top of his buzz cut, where his hair was starting to grow back up at a rapid pace once more.

"Max...Max...oh boy, what just happened?" Slender asked with a wry smile which reached his eyes...he was happy.

Not to brag, it was the gods honest truth. He looked more happy than I had ever seen him.

I took hold of his left hand and held it solemnly in mine. He blushed as he saw me holding damn cute. The smile never once left his face.

"What just happened? I'll tell you what fucking happened. I...just kissed the man of my dreams..." I said, pretty much like a pure boy inside a Laser Tag game for the first time. Nervous as hell...but more excited at what was about to happen.

Slender suddenly stood up, and although he didn't let go of my hand...his ever present smile suddenly evolved into a worrying frown.

"'re married. I mean...look what we have just done? You cheated on your wife!"


That was the downside of all of this. Jane...she didn't deserve this. Not one second of this.

"What do you see in me anyway? There are plenty of guys out there, hot guys, who actually have homes..." Slender muttered as he turned away from me and tossed his now empty Coke can into the trash.

"Hey...look at me."

Hesitantly...he turned around and once more his royal blue beautiful eyes were solidly on mine. It was like neither of us could look away, nor did we want to.

"I don't care that you're homeless. A beggar. Let's just get that straight. Dude...tell me to go. Tell me to go and I'll do it. Come on. I wanna hear it."

I could see a light shaking in his hands. His face was distorted. He then shook his head in the negative...slowly at first...but then he stood his full height and sighed.

"I can't..." he whispered. Defeated.

I stepped towards him...gosh, he was so damn tall. So lanky...blond and beautiful. So powerful, muscular...and a fantastic kisser.

"Kiss me. Please, mate...kiss me..." I pleaded, and to my shock he literally pushed me against the wall of the small room and ravished me.

He damn well kissed all over my face, he leaned down to kiss my neck...he drooled all over my Adam's apple before he surged upwards and claimed my lips for the umpteenth time. I ran my fingers across his hair and pulled him even closer. I could actually feel his dick brush against mine...and sure as hell he did too because he growled at me like a wild animal...his lips still against my neck.

"Not here...not here..." I pleaded with him, and he immediately stopped...simply placing his arms protectively around me and held me to him.

I quite literally never felt so much love. So incredibly looked after. Inside the arms of the most wonderful man I had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

"The shoot. Are you gonna do it? Because if you say no, you and Maria might just be getting a roommate..." I joked.

I was deadly serious but I didn't wanna put too much pressure on him. I understood that this was a very difficult decision and I wasn't about to pressure him.

"Will you be there?" he murmured against my neck, all the while rubbing my back as if he had been doing it his whole life.

"Course. I'm the boss, I have to be there."

Slender withdrew from the hug and suddenly we were face to face.

"You really think I can do this? Modeling...that's for people like David Beckham and those kinds of guys..." he said his voice breaking.

I caressed the side of his face, and once more leaned in for a kiss. His lips was more than just a little rough in closer inspection, but that was a thrill on its own, to be honest. Leaning my forehead against his own...and closing my eyes.

"I know you can do this. Hey...I'll be there all day. I won't leave you for even a second..."

There it was again. That precious smile that I had come to love so damn much.

"Okay then...I guess I'm gonna be a model!" he said in sheer excitement, as if he was a little boy on the way to his first day at school.

Every time that smile reached my eyes...a certain warm feeling was spreading through my entire body.

I didn't even wanna contemplate...not yet...what that could mean.


"PLACES! Where is the male talent around here? Come on people, we have work to do!"

"You're taking one hell of a chance here, my friend," Phil said as he stood next to me where I was not, so patiently waiting for Slender to finally make his appearance.

I literally didn't have any nails left to chew off...this shoot had me so worried and I didn't want it to...I had full confidence in Slender but Phil was right.

To throw someone who wasn't used to all crew, make up crew, casting agents, casting directors, photographer, not even to mention the co-owners of the company all in attendance...maybe I did ask a little too much of him...

"No. Phil, would you just trust me? I know this guy. He wouldn't back out now. He wouldn't do that to me."

"Wow...geez, if I didn't know better, I'd have bet you're fucking this beggar dude," Phil chuckled and patted on the back.

He was joking, I had known Phil long enough to appreciate that.

What he was saying tho was hitting all too close to home. This is why...see, THIS is why I haven't come out to him yet. You just never knew how he was going to react to this.

I nearly swallowed my tongue as Slender finally emerged from the dressing room.

Kudo's to hair and make up, my god, they have done a STELLAR job! All that he had on was a...lord help me...a very, very small sized Ribbed Speedo. Looking around, I wasn't the only one impressed and salivating. Man...his powerful chest heaving ever so slightly, his six pack abs all in knots as he was nervous as hell, was even more flexing than usual. If you looked carefully, you could easily see the outer ridges of where his dick was situated. The perfect, perfect male specimen. Jesus.

I had to take a deep breath. He was...jesus...angelic was the word. He looked macho...majestic...stunning...I ran out of words to describe him. His eyes searched frantically for mine and he eventually found it. I swallowed and gave him a wink, to which he grinned like a naughty high school boy.

I had high hopes for him but not even I could comprehend what I was seeing as the shoot was taking place.

Even Phil was near stunned in silence and believe you me, that didn't happen very often. Slender listened carefully to every single piece of direction he should pose, how to maneuvere his facial to make the camera fall in love with him.

In the end...he was a born natural. The director and photographer was more than satisfied with what they had shot and I ordered them as fast as possible to get the proofs emailed to Ribbed for approval ASAP.

Once everyone was out of the studio it was only me and Phil left, and I saw him chatting very energetically to one of the crew members.

A strange feeling of wonderfulness came over me...I didn't know what it was...I just...this is the last place where I wanted to be right now.

"Phil...could you finish the arrangements outside? I just want Slender to fully understand all the pro's and con's one more time. Poor guy probably thinks his in Hollywood right now!"

Phil looked at me funny but in the end, he shrugged his shoulders and lead the crew member out of the studio.

Finally...I was alone.

Not quite.

There was someone in the shower, situated in his own dressing room, that I desperately had to see.


The water was cascading off that beautiful, muscular body. He had no idea that I was in here.

Silently as I possibly could, I removed my expensive jacket, my designer's jeans, my gold watch, my tie, as well as my underwear.

My brain wasn't operating in the right frame of mind. God knows...I literally had no control over my own body.

I walked ever closer to where HE was...and I gently reached out a hand and touched his shoulder.

He swung around with his fists at the ready...he grew up on the streets, it was only natural, ready to attack...and once more his eyes softened as he saw it was me.

His pupils flickered down to my hard as nails seven incher hard penis...and he backed off a little. He looked up at me with fuck...was it, hero worship? I couldn't tell.

But that was nothing compared to what the hell I was being put through.

Because he was naked.

And what I couldn't see months ago when he was standing before me in nothing but towel...was finally mine to touch and play with...mine, at last.

I stepped into the shower area...water drenching my body immediately. I didn't care for shit. He surprisingly made the first move and pulled me towards him. The kiss he gave me was everything I could have dreamed about and even more.

He was gentle...yet needy and animalistic at times. I smashed my lips against his and I melted into him. We didn't stop kissing and making out for even a second. He tasted great...clean...freshly washed...his muscles were rock hard...his smile was infectious...and the way he grabbed me and pulled me up the moment everything had gotten too much and my legs had given way from under me...and hugged me to him...

I think that's when I knew what this really was.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck..." I hissed as he took the initiative and grabbed both of our stone hard dicks into one of his big, callused hands and started to rhythmically jacking both off at the same time.

We were literally dick to dick...they were honestly making out...just like their owners were. Slender ran his fingers through my wet hair and down to my neck as he continued jacking our dicks together as if they were one fine phallus.

The sheer feelings that shot through me was exquisite. Being taken care of so lovingly by another man, was what I always wanted, always craved and always dreamed off. And long last it was finally coming true.

Slender nibbled at my ear as our dicks danced into mid air. His fingers were going crazy jacking off both of us but he was a big boy. In every sense of the word.

He could handle it.

My fingers and palms roamed over his strong chest and upper body...his arms felt like tree trunks. I wanted them around me in that moment for fucking eternity, it felt.

His six pack abs glimmered in the soapy water that was still flowing freely over our bodies and his own nipples were both standing on end. I felt goosebumps on his skin as he once more embraced me and REALLY went to town on both our dicks.

"Ah...holy shit dude...I'm gonna c...gonna c..."

"I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence.

Weeks and weeks of pent up sperm was launched from my blue balls straight into the palm of Slender's hand. If anything, his big eight incher hardened even more as he smeared what was left of my cum onto his big dick and continued his own assault on his powerful weapon.

His abs flexed. His entire groin seemed to run on steam. His hips pumped forward as he masturbated his dick before it catapulted several white ropes and ropes and MORE ropes of cum.

If I was sucking on that thing I would have surely drowned! All of that delicious thick and natural protein splattered across my chest and stomach...coating it with Slender's man juice.

Not that I minded. Not at fucking all.

Slender seemed to fall forward as a result of his powerful orgasm and this time it was me who held him upright...water still ploughing on top of us. Second by second he managed to calm down...and I took his hand in mine.

The smile on his face grew...until that gorgeous man I had come to adore so much was back in his full mental capacity.

I gently reached out and turned the water off.

Now it was just him and me. Nothing else existed.

He kissed softly and tenderly I honestly didn't think I'd survive.

When he released my red, tired lips from his own...there was no laughter...just...warmth, and so much more.

"You're amazing. I love you..." he whispered.


My heart swelled.

He said it. He actually said what I was too afraid to admit to myself.

It had been some time coming...but God knows I didn't think this moment would ever happen. How could it? When he had such a different life to mine?

But when I reached behind him to ever so gently run my fingers through the short hair on his head...I replied...and I meant every word...

"I big beautiful man...I want you too. I need you, jesus, baby, I love you so much!" I of my voice...without a care in the world who could be hearing me.

At that point nothing else mattered. It rarely did, when love was concerned.

"We gotta get dressed. We've been in here such a long time..." Slender whispered before happily kissing my forehead.

"Yeah, you're right. You go out first. I'll follow, so it doesn't look suspicious. Did you tell Maria you'll need to stay until close of business?"

Slender nodded and got dressed in record time. He only had his tank top, underwear, shorts and sandals to change into, but still.

"I really don't wanna leave you..." he jokingly sulked as he caressed my bare shoulder.

"Oh, we're doing that now? Haha, don't worry, beautiful. I'll make it up to you. I promise," I said...before he pulled me into another hug.

No kissing. No words. None were needed. He simply held me...doing what lovers do.

"See you in a few," Slender said, kissing my cheek, before finally exiting the bathroom.


There is an old saying...

...when something seems or feels too good to be usually is.

I was busy making coffee for me and Slender when Phil walked in to the office.

"Happy with the shoot?" he asked.

"More than. I think my gut feeling was right. Slender is a born model. He can do this type of job easily for years to come. It will totally change his life. And of course that of his sister and her kids. God...makes you feel wonderful, don't you think?"

Phil nodded and remained silent.

That wasn't like Phil at all.

I should have copped on then, but my mind was totally on Slender...he loved me...he actually loved me...that I never saw it coming.

"I'm happy for Slender and for his family too. The person who I feel sorry for, is Jane."

The coffee spilled out of hands and splattered all over my desk, immediately turning it into a utter black mess of watery sweetness.

I didn't dare look at my life long buddy.

"Yeah. Jane. Your wife. Pregnant and with little Molly in tow, as well. Quick question...where does both of them fit in the equation of you telling Slender...the the bathroom, that you're in love with him?"



Ooooooh shit. Phil knows!

What now??

I need some feedback, my friends. Tell me what you thought xx

Next: Chapter 5

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