Sleepover: A New Beginning

Published on Sep 5, 1998



"sleepover? That's something kids do" his Dad yelled at him. Kenny didn't care. He had his backpack ready and left the house while his father was doing what he did best, yell. His mother tried to calm the man down but gave up. He was in one of his moods. "Why don't you just move out and find out what the real world is all about??" the voice followed him as Ken got into his car and drove away. He still lived at home while going to night classes and working in a video store during the day. Many of his friends had left home but somehow he couldn't figure a way to afford it. Maybe he was lazy, confused or just not ready. Dave, Mel and some others had already been drinking and eating pizza when he arrived. Most had stripped down to to their skivvies already. Kenny tossed his backpack on the floor and pulled his tee shirt off downing a beer as soon as he arrived. Jokes, porn tapes, stories, arguments about sports and a coupe of joints later, the group began to doze off. Sleeping bags and blankets were tossed around the room. "You know Kenny, you got a nice ass, why don't you sleep near me?" the usual jokes about Kenny's bubble butt filled the air and others added "you wouldn't know what to do with it even if he let you near it". The jokes died down and the night air soon filled with snoring and little sounds from the sleeping group. "Kenny" the whispered voice stirred him "you awake?" Davie the host shook him. They crept upstairs onto the roof and sat there smoking a joint. Staring into the starry skies, they talked about their parents, school and their friendship. "Man you're my closest friend" Dave said. "Got to tell you something" Kenny listened to Davie's confession and didn't respond. "It's cool man" he finally said. They had sat side by side with their bare legs rubbing together as they jacked off as adolescents...again and again. Now Davie was saying he was gay. Kenny didn't know what to say. He wasn't ready to confess his own sexual thoughts and feelings. "Let's go back" Davie said "Thanks man..I knew you'd understand" After he used the bathroom, Kenny returned to the darkened room. The silhouettes told him that something had changed since he and Davie went up to the roof. The unmistakable sound of cock sucking..the dim but visable white jockey shorts moving told him that guys were butt fucking too. He found Kenny. "What's going on?" he whispered. "Thought I told you" Davie said "We all get together and mess around. I'm sorry, you can go upstairs and sleep alone in my room if you want" Davies hand was on his chest and then moved away. Kenny knew it was time...he was ready..maybe long overdue. He found Davies hand and pulled it towards him...resting it on his crotch. Davies hand moved under the cloth and began to massage his cock and balls. Another pair of hands slid the jockeys off. Kenny let it all happen..his butt be fingered, his cock be sucked, his mouth be filled with other cocks, his ass screwed..but first he whispered..."Davie I want you to be the first" Bodies moved and the familiar voice in his ear told him he was getting what he asked for.

His Father starred at him. "It's about time..." and went back to reading his newspaper. Kenny carried the boxes to his car and kissed his mother goodbye. Davie and two others were doing the same...and soon all four converged to their new apartment near the college they attended. Kenny knew he was ready now...and for the time being at least...knew what he to afford it..and where he was supposed to be.

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