Sleepless Nights Series

By One Shy Rugrat

Published on Aug 17, 2023


Warning: This is a story about two boys falling in love. If it offends you, please don't continue reading.

Copyrights@ 2001. One Shy Rugrat. All Rights Reserved.

I'm still dying for more comments from everyone, so if you guys have anything to say about the story or if you just wanted me to answer a few questions about my life, you're welcome to contact me at or =)

Sleepless Nights Chapter 9

Life is so confusing. One day you hate this person, the next you love him. I find it quite hard to believe how much I was actually falling for Kenneth. I mean I've had crushes on girls before, as I said before, I'm not sure if I'm completely gay yet. But he just gives me this tingly feeling when I see him. I just couldn't bear to hate him when he flashed his gorgeous smile at me. After all, he excuse was valid. His father's errands are quite important. I won't want him responsible if his father loses a deal with a client. Its not like he purposely ditched me and left me there.

The next day, Kenneth called me and asked me to go to the mall with him after his meeting where we volunteered. He told me to wait for him at home and told me he'd call me when his meeting is over. Once again, I found myself waiting for the whole afternoon for Mr. No-Show. At 5pm, I got so impatient I couldn't wait any longer, I had to call him. For god's sake, I was even dressed waiting for his call! After dialing his cell phone number, I 'patiently' waited.

Ring, ring, ring...

"Hello" There was a lot of noise in the background, it sounded like things were being knocked down.

"Is Kenneth there please?"

"Yes, speaking. Is this Joe?" I swear I heard a faint 'oh shit' coming from the other end.

"Yes, it's me. How's the meeting?"

"Oh, its finished."

"Oh... Then where are you now?"

"With the guys from the committee."

"Oh... where are you guys?"

"We're at the bowling alley."

"Oh? I thought you were going to call after the meeting. I thought you wanted to go to the mall, I guess not, huh?" I was furious! How could he do this to me? Again! And this time its not about errands! Its with a bunch of fools! For all I know, that committee is nothing but an excuse to hang out with a bunch of goofs! God! What the hell am I doing waiting for him all afternoon! Kerry wanted to go see a movie and now I'm stranded at home, once again might I add, because of this selfish bastard!!! I was so angry I thought I was gonna blow up. Then I realized Kenneth was still speaking on the phone.

"Hello? Hello?"

"What!" I snared.

"The guys wanted to chill. How can I refuse? Some of them are jocks that can get the athletes to vote for me for SAC president in the fall."

Oh, everything is about you isn't it? Everything single thing has to revolve around you and work in your favor, doesn't it! What about me? What about your freakin' friend here who have waited for you all day! Huh! I swear I wanted to throw a fit and strangle the bastard. He suddenly became very ugly to me. Not externally, but internally. He was a selfish bastard. He was. He was. HE WAS!

"Joe, I can't talk now, I got to bowl now. It's my turn."

Click! I was so mad I just hung up. I'm never talking to him again! NEVER! (Half knowing that I was lying to myself) I was just deeply hurt he had hurt me once again. He didn't even think of me as a friend, but just some kind of gofer or bus boy he's using for entertainment purposes! Forget it! Why am I even putting time on this 'relationship' or should I say 'slavery'!

Once again, he called me again in the morning trying to apologize but this time I didn't buy any of his crap. All I was filled with was anger and hate, well, maybe still a bit of liking for him but still.

"Come on, Joe. You know how important being SAC president is to me. I'm just trying to get more votes. I've wanted to be president forever."

True. He did want to be president ever since I knew him back in Grade 7, but why does life always have to revolve around him? Yeah, I should ask him that question. "Why does everything always have to be about what you want? Huh? Who do you think you are?" I snapped. I totally lost myself in anger.

"Its not all about me. I just needed the extra connection. You know Jonathan and his friends are like athlete pros at our school. He can easily persuade his friends and the chicks to vote for me."

"Why don't you just ask me to ask for their votes? I know Jonathan. I know almost everyone he knows. Plus I'm popular enough in school to get all the votes you need."

"I just wanted a sure win. I know you'll ask your friends to vote for me and all. I know you will, right?"

"You know what? I'm not. I'M NOT! I really don't want to help you become more selfish than you already are. You know what? I've decided to run for president myself! Just so that you don't win!"

There was an awkward silence. I knew I over did it this time. My heart immediately started to hurt. I just didn't have anything else to say for the moment. I was just plain pissed off at the bastard for the way he treated me today. I wasn't going to let him off easy this time.

"Joe...I...I...'m sorry about what I did today but..."

"Enough! You're just trying to make me help you win! No way Kenneth! You've just pushed it too far this time!"

With that said I hung up/ Soon finding myself in misery I just stayed awake all night thinking how we ended our friendship. It was over, all because of me. I wanted to cry, but my hatred won't allow it, not even a drop of tear. I just looked up at the ceiling and pictured how he would hate me like he did in my dreams. I regretted what I said, or should I be?

End of Chapter 9

This chapter was about revenge. And I think its part of everyone and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you don't do anything horrible I guess. Anyway, I'm dying for more comments from everyone, about this chapter, so if you guys have anything to say about the story or if you just wanted me to answer a few questions about my life, you're welcome to contact me at or =)

Copyrights@ 2001. One Shy Rugrat. All Rights Reserved.

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