Sleepless Nights Series

By One Shy Rugrat

Published on Aug 16, 2023


Warning: This is a story about two boys falling in love. If it offends you, please don't continue reading.

Copyrights@ 2001. One Shy Rugrat. All Rights Reserved.

Thanks to everyone that has responded to my last chapter. Oh yes, that was a painful experience and it would be for someone that loves a person that would never love him back. But life always work like that. Can't have everything we want it to be, right? I'm still dying for more comments from everyone, so if you guys have anything to say about the story or if you just wanted me to answer a few questions about my life, you're welcome to contact me at or =)

Sleepless Nights Chapter 8

Night after night I've been continuing the dream during my sleep. The dream continues to foreshadow my future and I hated every clip of it. It was like I was watching a rerun version of a mini soap opera each night. And this time the dream was even more confusing as it showed a million pieces of what seemed like jigsaw puzzle scattered all over the ground. Attempting to assemble a clear picture to view the final image, I was running around trying to fetch the required pieces, but failed miserably. When I woke up I instinctively ran to my cell phone to check for messages. None. My heart ached. Why did he do this to me? I don't deserve such a treatment. I thought I was more important than a bunch of stupid errands. If he had asked, I would have went with him to deliver them. If Kerry finds out I ditched them to go to a comic fest I didn't attend but was left stranded at the subway station, she would probably be awfully pissed. After having breakfast I decided to just relax and stay at home today as I was off of volunteering for the day. But at around 2pm, the phone started ringing. I picked up the phone and it was Kenneth. My heart lit up but also glared when I recognized his voice over the phone.

"Joe. I know you're really pissed of at me but please forgive me. The things I were doing for my dad were really important and there was no way for me to get out of it. I really wanted to go to the comic fest with you. I couldn't contact you because the reception in the subway was horrible, you know that. I swear to God! I tried many times. Please say something."

The long pause was deafening.

"Are you still mad at me? I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you today. Just tell me where you want to go and I'll be here to pick you up."

"No...I'm not mad. But I'm busy today."

"Come on. Give me a chance to make it up to you. I know you don't have to go volunteer to you. Are you trying to avoid me?"

Another long pause.

"No! I'm just going to my cousin's house for dinner today, okay?" I lied. In fact, I was free as a bird.

"How about after dinner? Let's go for drinks or something."

"No. I'm sure I'd be tired after dinner. I haven't been sleeping well these past few days."

"Oh... alright. Maybe some other time then. You're sure you're not mad at me, right?"

"Um, I guess."

"I'm really sorry about yesterday."

"Um, sure."

"I really am..."


"Alright, have a good day."


Though I was deeply hurt by the incident that happened yesterday, I was touched that he called and apologize. Sometimes, I think I'm such a softy that anybody can make me forgive them after doing something horrible to me. I knew I had already forgiven him but I still wanted to pretend I was someone important and needed my dignity. I couldn't just smile and open my arms for a big hug finale. It just wasn't my persona doing that.

For the whole day, I just sat at home reading. After five non-stop hours of digesting my novel, I decided to go out for a walk at 7pm. After strolling through the streets, I headed to the park to swing at the swing for a while. Ever since I was a child, I've favored swings over slides and see- saws. I'd head straight for the swings whenever my mother used to bring me to the playground near our house. The wind would hit my face softly and gently and I'd be in paradise. Today, I was a bit depressed over Kenneth and needed the extra gentleness that the wind could provide. As I walked towards the playground, I saw children running around playing soccer, riding their bikes and skating their roller-blades. I smiled as I remembered the days when I had no worries over a romantic relationship that haunts me today. I was carefree and did everything a kid should have done. There were no obligations or heartaches over someone you can love. I desperately needed the time in solitude so I could relax. As I approached the empty swing that I was accustomed to for so many years, I slowly rocked myself into the air. In the wind, I gradually forgot my anger and was once again indulged in the beauty of my Kenneth. His face. His arms. His legs. His chest. Everything was perfect about him, except his personality I guess. While I was imagining Kenneth in my mind, I suddenly remembered that my legs have forgotten to propel the swing higher, yet I kept moving. Then I realized someone was pushing me and that person's hands gave me a push every time the swing came down. I turned around to peek at who it was and found Kenneth giving me a huge grind.

I was immediately embarrassed and jumped off the swing. "What are you doing here?" I said sheepishly."

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same question? I thought you had a barbeque to attend. Good thing I took a walk and found you here trying to avoid me."

"I'm not avoiding you. You're not that special. I ate and decided I needed to take a walk to digest the food."

"Well, if you're not avoiding me and you're free now, you want to walk together?"

Hesitantly I said, "Sure."

Though I could swear his face lit up like a lamp, I remained silent and walked down the path with the guy I was falling deeply in love for, with no recollection of selfish behaviors he exhibited yesterday. All I felt was love. I guess love does make people blind of bad attitudes and qualities.

Thanks to everyone that has responded to my last chapter. Oh yes, that was a painful experience and it would be for someone that loves a person that would never love him back. But life always work like that. Can't have everything we want it to be, right? I'm still dying for more comments from everyone, so if you guys have anything to say about the story or if you just wanted me to answer a few questions about my life, you're welcome to contact me at or =)

Until next time, One Shy Rugrat =)

Copyrights@ 2001. One Shy Rugrat. All Rights Reserved.

Next: Chapter 9: Sleepless Nights 9

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