Sleepless Nights Series

By One Shy Rugrat

Published on Jul 1, 2023


Warning: This is a story about two boys falling in love. If it offends you, please don't continue reading.

Copyrights@ 2001. One Shy Rugrat. All Rights Reserved.

It has taken me awhile to finally get my act together and write this. The story will develop slowly to make it as realistic as possible. Hope you enjoy it!

Sleepless Nights Chapter 4

I was a happy man. The only thing I was jealous was that I didn't have the same privilege as Eddy of knowing who Kenneth 'liked'. I've asked him several times, but nothing would come of it. Unlike I, Eddy already knew his little secret. Of course, our new found friendship cannot be compare between him and Eddy's years of bonding and companionship. I couldn't blame Kenneth though, Eddy has been his loyal sidekick for years now. No, actually, I pity him because ever since I entered the picture Eddy has to find some other things to do with the group. I know Kenneth still chills with him once in a while, but I still feel guilty of being the 'friend snatcher'. Sometimes I wonder why Kenneth wouldn't tell me. Is it because he thinks I would tell Ada? Rumors has it that he is interested in Ada. But only Eddy would know, and he certainly isn't the type to spew anything. Aren't all guys suppose to take pride in whoever he liked? You see all the guys in school, even the geeks and nerds, literally advertise the girl they have a crush on around the school as if people haven't heard enough of what they've said the first time. Even Eddy, being a beautiful young man himself but too short to meet the standards of most girls, talks about his infatuations. But Kenneth was different, though he was a stud and all the girls flock around him, he never mentioned one thing about his admiration of anyone. That is the main reason why I thought he was 'my type', not that I wouldn't fall head over heels for him if he was straight. I kept bugging Eddy asking him who Kenneth really wants, which kind of puts me in a vulnerable position if I keep insisting to know, but Eddy would just say, "You'll see. Time tells all." Eddy is one of my good buddies too and I was a little angry that he refuses to tell me one little secret. Haha. I really shouldn't be complaining, it is PERSONAL! But I really really want to know, and soon too!

It was another boring day volunteering at the local hospital and I was running around doing all kinds of chores to 'help out' the nurses. After I 'helped out' they had nothing else more to do. Absolutely nothing! When I finally decided to sit down and take a break, I felt someone sneaking up on me in the staff lounge from behind. Honestly, I was scared. After all, I did work in the psychiatric ward! Suddenly, someone puts his hands over my eyes, blindfolding me and asks in a rusty voice, "Don't move! I just want to be your friend!" I panicked and didn't move. That person starts caressing my face and continues, "You know, my girlfriend ditched me, my business collapsed, I have nothing else left. Would you be my friend?"

Terrified, I managed to squeeze out, "Yeah. Of course." I gulped.

"Great! I'm gonna cuddle you and squeeze you and love you into a million pieces.", the stranger replies before giving me a huge hug. When he hugged me, I smelled a familiar odor, a sweet aroma that I dream of day and night. I knew I had to be Kenneth. I decided to keep playing his little prank and turned around to hug him back. I hugged him aright! With one of those deadly wrestler bear hugs! I tightened my grip around his arms and squeezed hard. I could almost hear his heart beat as I placed my face into his chest. I felt the warmth of his body and I could hear him breath hard. I decided to let go before I get a hard on and endangers our friendship, I dug my fingers into his waistline to tickle him. He falls on the floor laughing, "Hey! That tickles!"

"You think I didn't know it was you? Well, you must think I'm stupid or something! Kenneth!", I said while continuing to tickle him with all my might.

"Stop! My stomach hurts from laughing!"

"Well, that will teach you a lesson for messing with me!"

"Okay. Okay. Sorry buddy."

"Well, you better not do it again", I said while making a last attempt to tickle him.

After we both stopped laughing, Kenneth came beside me as I continued to do my chores "So, how was your day, handsome?"

This comment made my day. I was in heaven. Stop verbally harassing me like that!!! While trying to stay calm, "Um, not bad. Just the same old things to do like every other day. What about you, stud?"

With that comment made, he blushed bright red, "Well, um. Yeah, the same as you. Just another boring day." While he was saying that, I tried to study his pretty face for any clues of liking me, but couldn't really identify anything that I haven't seen before. After I was done, we left for the day.

"Hey, do you think I should change my name to 'Kenny'?", asked Kenneth.

"Why would you want to do that? Kenneth is good enough. A sexy name if you ask me."

"Well because I wanna sound younger. Kenny sounds fresher and younger."

"You don't care if people start making fun of you about being on South Park?"

While laughing, "No. I've thought long about this, I won't literally change it on my documents, but tell others I meet to call me Kenny."

"Alright. As you like."



"So, have you set your eyes on any chicks yet?"

That comment, as always, made he a little embarrassed. "Um, Joe, please don't ask me again... I'll tell you when the time comes."

"Why? Why can't you just tell me? Do you think you can't trust me?", getting a little angry since it's the millionth time I've asked him already.

"Its not that. Please don't be offended by this.", trying to defend himself.

"Well, how come Eddy knows and I don't! I know why, you don't trust me and think I'll tell everyone!" The sudden anger in my voice frightened him and me. I couldn't believe I was getting so upset. I was afraid I was getting too obvious that I wanted him and be in his arms.

"Come on, Joe! Can't you let me keep something to myself for once? How do you know Eddy knows huh? Maybe he doesn't!" Kenneth's voice was getting real upset now, but I didn't care, I just wanted to know.

"Well, he told me he knew but as your best friend and all, he won't spill a word! He knows and you know it!" I stormed off and he came running over to me.

"Its not that I don't want to tell you, Joe. Just give me some time, okay? You're one of my best buds too."

"Yeah, always second best to Eddy." As one of the most popular guys in school getting the highest mark, I've grown a personality to always want to be number one in everything. When it comes to being friends, I also want to be someone's number one friend, especially Kenneth's. It just hurts me that I will always be second in his heart and that Eddy will always be above me. Don't think I'm being cocky, I just have an ambitious soul and wants a lot of attention.

"Well, I've known him for so many years though. He tells me his secrets and I tell him mine. That's how it works."

There was silence several minutes. I was heartbroken that he declared my status in his heart, always second best to Eddy. I felt a frozen sensation in my stomach. It hurt. I decided to reply, "Well, I don't have anything to say to you. I'm not like you, full of secrets and shit! If you asked me anything I would have told you. But whatever, I'm tired I'm going home."

"Come on. I promise I'll tell you when the time comes. I promise on your birthday I'll tell you, okay?"

Half satisfied with this last remark, I said "Whatever. I'm going home now. Bye." Though I knew he was a pretty good liar and was probably lying to me, I was happy that he made me a promise. I left him there without looking back and went on the bus to go home.

After that day, we stopped talking for several days and every time I see him at the hospital I'd look away and go off somewhere. I knew I was falling for him the time he put his arms around my shoulders. I just didn't want to accept the fact that he can't even trust me as a friend. I knew my love for him is doomed to end up a tragic story that would ruin my popularity at school. Worse, it would be a joke for everyone to talk and gossip about, Kenneth's hope to become SAC president would be shattered forever because... of me...

Well, this is Chapter 4. You guys liked it? Remember to send me some comments, I'm always happy to hear them. Yes, even the bad ones. Not too harsh though. If you'd like, give me some suggestions on how the story should progress. There are many characters read for development. However, many of them are not gay. I hope you guys still want to learn about them. I'm ready to take in suggestions now.

Until next time, One Shy Rugrat =)

Copyrights@ 2001. One Shy Rugrat. All Rights Reserved.

Next: Chapter 5: Sleepless Nights 5

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