Sleepless Nights Series

By One Shy Rugrat

Published on Jun 23, 2023


Warning: This is a story about two boys falling in love. If it offends you, please don't continue reading.

Copyrights@ 2001. One Shy Rugrat. All Rights Reserved.

It has taken me awhile to finally get my act together and write this. The story will develop slowly to make it as realistic as possible. Hope you enjoy it!

Sleepless Nights Chapter 3

What is happening with me? What were those electric shocks about? No, it can't be. Kenneth? No guy who used to wrap his arms around my neck and attempts to strangle me? Oh my god! Actually, when I come to think of it, he is a stud. Smart, tall, big round eyes, luscious lips, and a beautiful face. Not to mention his long legs, round buns, and strong arms. Even his scent is starting to appeal to me. No, it can't happen. We're both popular people in our school. What will people say? Our fan clubs of young freshmen would totally despise the both of us. They'll label us 'fags'. I'll never become head prefect and he'll never fulfill his dream of student council president. Hey, what am I saying? It's not like we have anything going on yet. Stop dreaming Joseph Huckins! You're screwing with your own head!

Suddenly someone tugs on my shoulder. It was Kenneth.

"Hey, Joe. Are you alright?", he stares at me with concern while I blush.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just tired I guess.", trying to avoid eye contact.

"Well, we still gotta take more pictures. A dual of just you and me."

"Um, sure. I gotta get a drink first", I head off to the Second Cup close by without giving him a chance to respond while taking Kerry's arm. "Kerry, come with me."

"What's the matter with you? You seem all freaked out all of a sudden. Is Anthony and Edith's smooching giving you a hard time." Kerry asks.

"Nah. I'm just tired I guess. Its been a long day."

"Okay.", says Kerry knowing I'm lying.

After getting a cup of hot mocha. We return to the group as I see Kenneth taking a picture with Eddy. See, guys always put each others' arms over each others' shoulders. What's the big deal? You're thinking too much. As Kenneth's eyes starts moving towards me, I look away to avoid meeting his gaze. I quickly start engaging in a conversation with Yvonne.

"Von. Where is Potatoe Head? (her boyfriend, his real name was Andrew)", I asked while trying to keep my back to Kenneth.

"He's working. He never has time for anything nowadays. Not even me.", Yvonne whines.

"Well, at least you get loads of phone calls."

"He still hasn't called today. Its kinda pissing me off."

  • Ring ring ring! *

"I wonder whose calling?", I teased, not knowing I'll be left alone very soon.

"My honey!" after looking at the caller display on her phone.

Yvonne quickly leaves the crowd to squirm about how Andrew hasn't called him for the whole day, leaving me alone. I quickly start searching for a replacement party that I can talk to. First I look at Fanny and Jean, who seem to be discussing about going to church. Definitely not my topic. As I turn my head to another direction, there stood Kenneth all smiles looking at me. I blushed.

"Hey, you lookin' for the birthday boy?"

"Um, not really. I was looking for Lily actually."

"Oh.", says Kenneth with a sad puppy face. It was sooo cute!

"Well, yeah."

"Anyway we still gotta take a picture.", his smile returns and grabs my arm and drags me towards our camera boy, Eddy. "Eddy, we're ready!"

"Kerry! Ada! Come over! Time for a picture.", I quickly scream Kerry and Ada over.

I could tell Kenneth wasn't too fond of me calling the ladies over. But I didn't wanna seem all odd in the picture. After Kerry came over, I quickly put my arms over her shoulders so I'd be 'occupied'. The few snapshots were taken of the four of us.

"Joe. Its time for just me and you.", asks Kenneth.

Why does he keep insisting? After all, we weren't the best of friends or anything. I just like picking really cool presents. Doesn't matter who it is. Is it possible that he's had feelings for me? Ha! You must be joking Joe! Rumor has it he likes Jean. Well, might as well take the stupid picture with him. It is his birthday. Its just a picture, doesn't mean anything.

"Alright. Alright.", I surrendered.


Again, he puts his arms around my shoulders sending me off to wonderland. This time, I wrap my arms around his waist. At least I'll get a really memorable picture with this stud muffin. * snap! *

After that day, Kenneth and I started hanging out a lot. We had lunch together nearly everyday because we were both volunteering at the same hospital. I got to know the real side of him, not just the selfish side that many people usually described him as. We became close friends with him not knowing that lusted over him every night while I jacked off. But knowing that such a relationship would never work in this society, I continued to pretend that I was interested in girls to protect the both of us. A part of me still believed I liked girls because I get hard saying both sex naked. I guess that would make me bisexual, won't it? I truly believe that I can get married and have children one day. That's what I really want, a boy and a girl and a wonderful family life. But if I ever start dating a guy, I'll never have any children. I know I could always screw a girl and get her pregnant and have children that way, but with my high moral standards I'd never hurt someone so deep leaving her in pain. That is why I've never attempted to date anyone still. I hate giving false hope to anyone, even myself. I guess I'm always in denial of affirming the same sex. I knew I would deeply hurt my parents if I started dating a guy. I'd like to consider myself bisexual since I do get aroused seeing a naked woman, or do I get hard because I immediately picture her sucking on a guy's cock? Hmmmm.. My mom occasionally questions me why I still don't have a girlfriend and all I can say is, "I'm focusing on my studies now. No time to date and waste my precious time." She seems satisfied with my answer so I don't try going over board with my explanations.

Sometimes I think she still suspects, her and my sister Kelly knows that I'm a fashion nut case. I takes longer for me to shop than my sister. Can you believe it? Its usually the guys that are begging to leave, but in my case, my mom and sis are literally dragging me out of the stores. I'm also their fashion adviser. 90% of their clothes are scanned by me before they buy them. Taking a glance in my room, the first thing you would notice is my collection of hair care products, facial cleansers, and moisturizers. You'd think you walked into a girl's room without all the teddy bears and cute decorations.

For the next few weeks, all I could think of was Kenneth. It was like we were best buddies for years, except I liked him in a different way than he did I. Sometimes we would go to a mall after our volunteer shift was over and he would put his arms around my shoulder and window shop. It was like we were really dating and I'd be too embarrass to look at him and stare straight ahead. I often felt that eyes were staring us all around the mall. Every time we walk pass a couple, they'd look at us and see Kenneth's hands around my shoulders and the girl would either grab onto her boyfriend's arm or the boyfriend would immediately put his arm over his girl's shoulders. Jealousy is so amusing when others are jealous of you.

Next: Chapter 4: Sleepless Nights 4

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