Sleeping with Royalty

By Nick Pomeroy

Published on Nov 21, 2001


It's me again

Sorry of the long delay but I have been very busy.

I found another Prince William story for you people, it is at

It's not mine it's by P2oldi *************** Copy write N. Pomeroy 2001

This story is fictional and does not in any what reflect the true nature of Princes Williams sexuality. **************

Chapter 7 : The Start of the rumors

Charles and the Queen arrived at the palace at around 11:30.

'I am going to check on Harry and then go to bed' Charles announced

'I am just going to go to bed, good night Son.'

They parted ways Charles heading to Harry's room and the queen heading to hers.

As Charles got to Harry's door he could hear people talking inside, fortunately for us inside he couldn't make out what was being said.

There was a knock at the door, wills swiftly moved next to me, and Charles entered the room.

'Good evening boys, how was your night?'

'It was great' Harry said

'What did you do?'

'We watched a movie and the just chatted.' Wills answered

'How was your night father?'

'It was as good as it could be, entertaining the PM of Australia, pretty boring stuff.'

'Father do you realize that Nick is from Australia?'

'Yes, I am not saying that Australians are boring, but Mr. Howard is so dry.'

'I couldn't care less what you think of our parliamentarians, not all aussies are like that.'

'That's good, I am going to bed, I think that you should o to bed Harry and you two should be heading back to Eton, thank you for looking after Harry.'

'That's ok dad, not like we had anything else to do.'

With that Harry almost blow our cover by stifling a giggle.

'Ok then I will see you later.'

With that Charles left, Harry said good night and we went to the limo.

For the entire trip home we sat in silence.

As we entered our room my phone started ringing.


'It's John'

'Hi John, how are you?'

'I am fine, I am just ringing to tell you that I have a check here for you 10% of the first months takings from the box off of Patriot. Also I have some scripts for you to look over, there is 3 feature films, 3 cameos on some TV shows, when do you want me to give them to you?'

'you'll be at the premier tomorrow night wont you?'


'You could give it to me then.'

'That will be fine.'

'Ok I will see you tomorrow night then.'

'OK, have a nice night.'


After I hung up the phone, Wills had a puzzled look on his face.

'Who is John?'

'He is my agent.'

'What did he want?'

'He has some stuff for me, I will be picking it up tomorrow night, your still coming tomorrow?'

'you bet, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Back at the palace...

Charles was in his study with Sandy, the royal PR gale.

'So did you see the news report the other night Sandy?'

'Yes, have you spoken with Wills about it yet?'

'Not as yet, it was only on that show I have not seen it in any papers or other news programs.'

'I think we should just keep an eye on the media, just in case they are going to print it.'

'That is my thought exactly.'

Back in our room...

'Wills I am going to have a shower and then go to bed.'

'Sounds like a good idea, I shall do the same.'

We both showered, separately. We hoped into wills' bed. Embracing him I kissed him passionately on the lips, the kiss was returned.

'I love you Wills.'

'I love you to Nicky'

With that we drifted off into dreamland.

The next morning was the normal rush to get ready, we seam to all ways over sleep.

Our walk to our first class was interesting. This guy came up to use and started taking photos of us. Wills finally spoke up.

'Excuse me sir but why are you taking photos of me?'

'I am not just taking photos of you, I am taking them off both of you.'

'And why would that be?'

'Because the world has a right to know who the Hair to the thrown is going out with.'

'That is really interesting, because at the moment I am single.'

'Ok then explain the night at the Chinese restaurant, you two were see to be very intimate.'

'What were we supposed to have done?'

'I was told that your friend had his hand in your lap and kissed you on the cheek. Then you both ran out of the back door trying to avoid the media.'

'The last part of the story is true, we did run out the back door to escape the media at the front to the restaurant. But the rest of it is not true, we were just having dinner, as we hadn't eaten all day.'

'Why was that?'

'Because there was a party the night before and we had just gotten up.'

'Ok, I will leave you two to go to your classes.'

'Thank you.'

As the reporter headed off, we headed to class.'

'That was lucky Wills'

'I would have like to just tell the world about us.'

'But then we would have no private time.'

'Exactly, with me being the Hair to the Thrown and you being in the movie industry, it would be very hard.'

'I love you Wills.'

'I know you do honey.'

The rest of the day went by uneventfully.

When we got back to the boarding house we quickly showered and dressed in out penguin suits, we got out side just as the limo pulled up in front of the main door. The driver got out and opened the door for use.

'There is a package on the seat for you Mr. Pomeroy.'

'Thank you.'

As I got in I slid over and wills got in, as the door shut I closed the privacy window between us and the diver, then leaned against wills, he wrapped he arms around me. I picked up the envelope and opened it, inside was five new scripts and two other envelopes, one was the check for the Box Office sales.

'Is that the amount you get paid for movies, baby?'

'No, there are two different ways you can get paid, one is an up front payment or the second is you get less up front but you can ask for 10% of box office sales, I chose the latter.'

'What in the other letter?'

'Why don't you open it baby?'

'Ok' I handed wills the envelope and as he pulled the paper out, his eyes started looking from me to the paper and back again.

'What is it Wills?'

'I will read it.

To Mr. Nicholas Pomeroy,

Through your performance in the Patriot, we write to inform you that you have been nominated for best supporting actor in an action/drama film...

That's what it said baby'

'I can't believe it.'

I leaned in and gave wills a great big hug and kiss. As we separated, the limo slow down and came to a stop outside the theater. The door was opened and we got out, as the crowd saw me they went wild and ever more so when they saw Wills.

'Excuse me, Nick'

'How can I help you?'

'Where is your date?'

'I have just moved to London, I didn't have enough time to get one, so I brought my room mate.'

'What else have you got planed for the rest of the year, any more movies?'

'Well at the moment I am finishing my studies at Eton and then I will see what I can fit in, I have 5 new scripts for movies and TV show cameos, so we will just see.'

'Hang on isn't that Prince William?'

'Yep it is, hay Wills come here?'

'Prince William, what do you think about Nick here?'

'He is a great friend.'

We continued to walk to the entrance of the cinema, I signed some autographs, so did wills, all thought the walk I couldn't keep my eyes off him, they way he handled the fans, the way he looked in his tux. I could have jumped him right then.

When we got into the cinema, the cast was there plus, the producer and other celebrities, we walked and talk with everyone, they were all surprised that I didn't bring a girl.


'Yep, Mel, how are you?'

'I am good, how did you get Prince William to come?'

'Well, I didn't have a date, and William is my room mate so I asked him to come instead.'

'That is great.'

Just then the ushers, requested us to enter the cinema, we took out seats.

After the movie started I lifted the armrest between Wills and me, then held his hand.

As the movie finished, the whole audience stood and started clapping, /wow a standing ovation/

After they sat back down, walked out the reception area, and waited for everyone to come out of the cinema.

After everyone was out and some of the people were leavening for the after party, I recon that we were told that the movie was absolutely fantastic about 1000 times.

'Nick, are you going to the after party.'

'I don't know Mel.'

'Hey Wills, do you want to go to the after party?'

'If you want to go.'

'We'll be there Mel.'


We then left for the after party.

The after party was great, except the fact that I could not be too close to Wills, with all the reporters around the room. We both had our fill of alcohol.

It was about 2am when we left.

Prince Charles had just sat down in front of the TV after dinner,

'At the Premier of The Patriot, co-star Nick Pomeroy turned up with Prince William by his side, and it is reported that the two held hand trough out the screening of the movie, and also later at the after party. The world was first introduced to the relationship between the pare at the start of the week when they were seen in the Chinese restaurant.'

Charles almost dropped his drink, he placed it down and then picked up the phone and rung the press manager.

Linda the Press manager had also seen the report and was on the way to the palace when Charles had rung. When se got there they went into his study and started talking.

'What are we going to do about the report?'

'I don't know Charles, why don't you talk to wills again and find out whether there is any truth the report, then discuss with him what to do. I do suggest a press release where Wills denies the allegations.'

'I think your right Linda.'

We arrived back at Eton and went straight to bed, we were both really tired and drunk.

The next morning I woke up in the arms of my loved one, I didn't have a hangover I just felt a little dehydrated. I laid there with my head on his beautiful chest looking at his gorgeous face while he slept.

I did this for about an hour just watching he facial expressions, he truly is the most beautiful guy on the face of the planet.

'Good morning baby.' He startled me as I thought he was asleep 'Have you been watching me.'

'Yep, you are the best thing that has happened to me, and Good morning, how long have you been awake?'

'A little while.'

'So you have been watching me watch you?'

'You bet'

'How do you feel?'

'Like my brain is trying to jump out of my forehead.'

'Poor baby, I will get you some painkillers. I will be back in a minute.'

'Ok, thanks sweetie.'

I grabbed a glass and walked out of the door.

'FUCK!!!!' the door had closed and I didn't have a key.

I knocked on the door and the response didn't sound right, the voice was much deeper than Wills'

'Who is it?'

'It is Nick.'

'Just a minute.'

'Dad let him hear this, it involves him.'

'Ok, come in Nick.'

Then I heard the door unlock and Charles let me in.

Take a seat Nick. I handed will the painkillers and the glass of water. Then I sat on Wills' bed. Which in retrospect was probably the wrong thing to do.

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