SLEEPING PRETTY": A Romantic Tights Tale

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Jan 29, 2006



Once upon a time in a far off kingdom lived a medieval society of people who could appreciate each others differences, and ways of life. There was no segregation here or rules for governing how each person should live. Just one valid rule applied: to help each other out! Therefore, in this quiet kingdom, lived a handsome prince, 16 years of age, who shared his bed with no one and waited for his love to someday arrive. One sunny day, a son was born to the adjacent kingdom across the miles and was christened Prince William. The handsome prince Phillip was so glad and knew at once that this male was destined to become his lover and other half. He knew because he was of royal blood of which there had been no births since he could remember. The prince was excited and went immediatley to the royal party of introduction to the kingdom's palace. On his way over, walking thru the woods, he was confronted by an evil sorceress who challenged him to ignore this child, to give him up so he could marry and settle down with a woman and have many children. But the prince refused her jesture and went on thru the woods towards the palace. There he met a crowd of royal guests enjoying a huge celebration to announce the new heir to the kingdom. Just as the party had got going with revelers cheering and giving a toast, the evil sorceress, Queenella, appeared to condemn the celebration, for she knew the handsome young prince had sights on adopting the new heir for his own love. She therefore put a curse on Prince William to eliminate him from life on his 16th birthday as well, and she disappeared out of sight! The kingdom was stunned by this and knew not what to do, but three Drag queen fairies known for their goodness and prosperity, came up to offer to help. The one fairy known as Flower, said they could take care of the child out in the deep dark woods and hide the child until he reached his 16th birthday safely. The reluctant king and queen agreed that this was the best course of action and allowed the three fairies to leave the fair kingdom with their child and dwell in the woods for sixteen years. The prince was moritified at the proceedings and decided to carefully follow the three good drag queen fairies to thier proposed hideout. Once there he would occasionally look after the child in secret throughout the years and kept a vigilant eye for any wrong doings. Soon it was the boys 16th birthday, and both kingdoms began to rejoice! The prince remained at home in his castle room, primping and wearing his finest red tights and red prince outfit. The king and queen of this kingdom knew that he was gay and wanted dearly to fall in love with the newly crowned Prince William, and to greet him on his arrival at the local kingdom. There the prince was hoping to unite the two kingdoms with a royal wedding and to propose marriage in front of the other king and queen on his knees. But disaster struck with news that the new Prince and royal heir to the throne had been taken hostage by a tribe of ugly ogres out in the woods. The three distraught good drag queen fairies delivered the awful news that they had been overpowered on the way thru the woods, and Prince William was taken from them. The handsome prince wasted no time and hopped on his trusty steed towards the evil castle which Queenella had been said to live. However, on his endeavor to overtake the thwarty army of henchmen, he too was taken prisoner and kept shackled in the dungeons at the bottom of Queenella's dark castle. The three good fairy drag queens, impatient as to how long it was taking to hear news on the recent rescue mission, went to a magic room in the king's castle where they could summon images at the home of the evil Queenella through a pool of water. The three of them gazed into the vast magic pool and saw a horrible sight to behold. Prince Phillip had been put in shackles and when they gazed at the proceedings of Prince William he was being put under the witches spell and was being hypnotized. Prince William, with no look in his eyes, walked towards the evil witches throne and a curtain was drawn beside her revealing a lone sewing spindle device. The unthinking prince walked towards the spindle, touched it, and fell into the arms of awaiting henchmen. All three good fairy drag queens grabbed the wands kept hidden behind a stone in the wall, and placed magic wings on themselves to transport them to Queenella's castle. But before they left, they thought it a good idea to put the entire two kingdoms to sleep, while they attempted to straighten out this devastating matter. The deed was done in a near blink of an eye as they scurried in a flash of colored light through both kingdoms and headed towards Queenella's dark hideous castle. Once there, they released Prince Phillip from his bonds and bestowed on him a shield, helmet, and a magic sword. Prince Phillip was in charge now and told the three drag queen fairies to follow his lead. They headed towards the top most tower where he suspected Prince William was being kept since it was the only one lit with illumination amongst the entire dark area of the evil castle. On thier way through the darkened courtyard, they were met up with none other than Queenella holding strongly onto her huge wand. She was being backed up by her evil henchmen and ugly ogres, but she demanded they leave this triumph all to her own. With a huge swish of her magic wand Queenella transformed herself into a fire breathing dragon. Prince Phillip and the three good fairy drag queens were overcome with fear and Flower used her wand to unleash the chains to the courtyards exit where they took to the hills being followed by Queenella's dragon. Once they arrived to the hill's cliffs and caves, Queenella had thought sure they were trapped. The evil backup of henchmen and ogres were right behind Queenella, as the "dragon", rooting her on. Prince Phillip and the three good fairy drag queens ducked into a hidden cave as Queenella was acknowledging her captive audience and turned to them bowing her head slightly. Queenella saw the four intruders duck into the cave and belted her own head into the darkened crevice. An unfortunate move for Queenella as Prince Phillip, ready inside, pushed his magic sword right between her eyes making her squeal with a firey breath that nearly missed all of them inside the cave. As Queenella succumbed to the sword placed in her, the army of ogres and henchmen fell to thier knees and turned into rubble. The evil empire that had once existed had been overthrown and the four were able to venture back to the darkened castle to free Prince William. When they finally reached the tower, they saw Prince William surrounded by candlelight and was sound asleep in a soft satin bed. They tried to wake him up, but he would not awaken. Prince Phillip began to cry and weep, wiping the tears falling from his face. The three good fairy drag queens shook thier heads not knowing what to do now. As Prince Phillip looked closer to Prince Williams sleeping face, he could not believe just how good looking he was in his quiet sleeping stupor. The prince ceased to cry for just a minute, as he knelt down by the sleeping prince's bedside on one knee of his red tights. Prince Phillip was a big muscular man, awaiting for his true love to appear and at 32 years, had made him lift heavy weights in the enduring time. His legs were massive and meaty, bulging vibrantly within his skintight red garb. He got hold of Prince William's soft limp hand and held it. He could feel another surge of welting tears form, but before it overtook him, he decided to lean over and kiss Prince William lovingly on his lips. He leaned over and exposed a nice firm butt in his tights that could make any girl swoon and rested his longing lips onto Prince William. With no further action required, the sleeping prince's eyes opened and he placed his arms around the muscular shoulders of Prince Phillip as he took him in his big arms, and walked down the stone staircase. Prince William felt a deep confidance and reassurance that this too was his true love, as he rested his weary head against the man's heavy nearly exposed hairy chest. The three good fairy drag queens saw this and began sobbing with joy. Prince Phillip, in his red tights, and Prince William, in his green ones, got engaged and lived together in the adjoining kingdom's two awakened castles, and of course, LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

The End

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