Sleeping Beauty's Guard

By moc.oohay@4002165recnad

Published on Mar 9, 2008



It was on this dark hectic evening, that one of the good fairies awakened me from my slumber, and instructed me to go the top most tower of the castle to watch over the lovely princess, who was fast asleep.

I was chosen out of the many because of my valiant past, as well as devotion to duty. The good fairy said that they would have to leave in order to save Prince Philip from his bondage with the evil queen, and that they would prefer to have a lone guard watch over the sleeping princess while the three fairies were away from the castle.

Without question, I grabbed a long spear and headed for the castle tower. I opened the creaky door, and saw what looked like a shimmer of gold from the heavens loom over the sleeping princess, alone in her bed holding onto a single rose. Other than the shining bit of golden ray, the rest of the room was dark, and very quiet. I immediately shut the old wooden door tight, and bolted it from the inside. Needless to say, the place gave me the creeps.

After setting the long spear on the side of the wall next to the closed door, I sat down on a wooden bench to make myself comfortable, but I was uneasy and very squimish. I had an unweary feeling that something evil was afoot, this battle with the queen of another dark and sinister castle. It all gave me the heebee geebees! And no one else was awake. That was spooky, me being the lone survivor of a hidden curse.

Hours went by, and it seemed like days, when I overheard a beastly roar from the outside castle walls. I couldnt leave my post and abandon the princess, so I stayed close, no matter what battles I overheard not far away. Suddenly, a loud shrilling scream could be heard echoing throughout the land, as if bouncing off the dark clouds themselves.

And then it was quiet, except for a final rumble of the earth.

Minutes passed, and I wondered to myself what had happened. I simply stayed limp on the wooden bench, not quite knowing what to do next. Just then, a light knock was heard on the door. "Who goes there?" I asked firmly. "It is I, Prince Philip, and I've come to save the princess from her evil spell." I grabbed a hold of the spear in one hand and unbolted the door with the other. Before I had a chance to look out, the Prince (whom I immediately recognized) bolted his head in thru the door's opening. It was most certainly him. I know, because I've had a crush on him since I could remember, but I never had seen him so up close before, just only from a crowd's distance. He looked tired and sweaty, but eager to accomplish what he had set to do. I let him enter the room, and allowed him to gaze on the pure figure of the sleeping princess on the royal bed.

The Prince said, "I can't tell you how appreciative I am that you have looked over her like this. I can't believe a guard like you is so purely devoted." With that said, the Prince began to take off his red cape, and threw it casually on the floor. It seemed as though he was doing it out of fatique. "How long have you been up here?" he asked me. I said, "Sire (I'm not even sure that is the proper responce to a prince, but it just came out like that), I have been here many hours watching over her, and it's been exasperating to say the least."

"I would like to thank you again, and before you leave, may I shake your hand?" the Prince asked me calmly. I set down the long spear against the stone wall, and took his hand. His hand was big and muscular, and I never knew the Prince could be so much better looking from up front, than the distances I was so accustomed. I don't know what happened, but while we shook each other's hand, he gave me a long hard quiet look, straight into my eyes. I am sure he saw me responding with a slight gasp, and I know I inadvertantly gave way to the feeling I have kept to myself about him. It was then, I noticed he had not let go of our firm caring grip, and he gently moved in closer with his tall frame.

For some reason, and beyond my own comprehension, I abruptly moved forward a few inches to him. Normally I would have shyed away from such a move, but his move towards me registered an alternative move in me. Both of our hands still lay grasped, and he slowly moved closer to me yet. I could see his powerful legs in his famous green tights silently crawl towards me. By now, I'm sure I was beginning to sweat, as he reached over and gently gave me a kiss on the side of my left cheek. My lips kissed him back on the side of his other cheek. "Your highness, what about the princess?" I asked. He was breathing heavily, and said, "I don't want to know about the princess right now. Can you kiss?" "I can kiss," I responded right back. "Then, shall we?" he nearly breathed that request into my side.

Yes I kissed him, and it didn't take long for our lips to meet each other's. At first it was an opened mouth "wanting" kiss, and then the tongue came out to touch mine. Right there, at the foot of the doorstep was the Prince, and the guard. . . . making out.

He was every inch the man I always thought he was, and although he had just been in a battle, he smelled like honeysuckles. In one surprise move, he felt his hands over my arms, and embraced me. From there the two of us got very close standing in that upright position. I eagerly tongued the side of his strong neckline, as he kissed the side of my hulking shoulder. And then, for some reason, he got on his knees, and began to hold me. I couldn't believe it! Here was the absolute Prince Philip embracing my waistling with secretive anguish. I could hear him moan silently. Then he got up, and said to me, "Let's go to the bed." I couldn't believe he was asking me this, but I thought that a chance like this would not come around anytime soon, if ever. So he took my hand, as if wer were secret lovers, and walked me over to the side of the sleeping princess. On one side of the bed, was plenty of room, and I sat on the end of it, while Philip took off his shirt. There he was,

like a marble sculpture, half naked with only his green tights to enclose him from the elements.

His brownish hair was mussed at this point, which actually made him look sexier, and he moved in closer to me by proping his right leg on the satin sheet bed. He let me touch his strong abs, and hard nipples, and I immediately put both of my wanting hands around his strong firm buttocks, and squeezed them. He let out a strong gasp, and I think even put his head upward while I did this. I have always wanted to touch his legs, and now I was doing it with no complaint from him. He was enjoying every moment of my exploration of him, and I felt like a hungry visitor at an open banquet. KING size, of course.

After several minutes of frollicking, he turned down to me and asked me, "have you always felt this way about me?" I nodded an affirmative, "Yes, I've always thought you were the most handsomest thing I ever saw. That doesn't bother you does it?" Trying to act innocent, I thought.

"No. In fact, I have been thinking about men quite recently, even thought I know I had a duty, and was currently betrothed. I don't know how to explain it, but I know it sounds funny, but I have noticed you also, for some time now. It's just plain coincedence that you were here when I arrived. Strange isn't it?"

"Oh, your highness, i wish we could have gotten to know each other sooner, or better, but I'm sure after this, we can never be together again ever. Do you think?"

He looked silent, and began to kiss the side of my cheek again. "I don't know," he said, "but whatever it is, I'm enjoying the moment. Shall we?" Needless to say we made love. In spite of the endearing presence of the princess, the two of us.. . got it on! And we didn't just make love, but we made animal love. Both of us, becoming half naked with lust, found ourselves on the thick rug floor, and made heavy breathing animal love lust.. .just the two of us. It seemed like hours, minutes, seconds, but the event kept on and on throughout the night, and I was at the bottom of his seething top. Those strong legs of his went to work on me like he had never had a relationship before, and I let him have all of me, and whatever he could take, because he was gentle, as well as strong. His tights were off, and his sweaty body stroked up and down against mine. Then I could hear it, the sound I am sure many a soul would have killed for. The sound of the handsome Prince beginning

to cum, in darkened room ecstacy. Both his luscious eyes were closed and his head held upward, as his buttocks pressed themselves into mine, wanting the ultimate feeling of making love.

And I let him have it! I allowed him to squirt his hot juicy cum all throught the top part of my body. He bent his head downward as it was happening, and the long part of his hair brushed against my forehead. He was sweating profusely, as his hulking fucking motion drove itself to the hilt into mine, with a slowing grace.

He swiftly got up on his feet, and without hesitation, said, "THANKS!"

There I was, laying on the rug, dumbfounded, and not knowing what to say.

"Now, about the princess", he said, as he quickly attempted to dress. Just then, the two of us overheard a loud female yawn. We looked over, and to our astonishment, the princess had already gotten to her feet in full gown. The Prince looked shaken, not knowing what to say. "Princess," he said, "I thought you were asleep!"

The princess still stretching and yawning said, "who could sleep through all that."


(Please submit to sexual gay fantasy stories, thanks.)


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