Sleeper M/M, muscle

By BigJake003

Published on Apr 14, 1996



This story is part truth, part fantasy. Let me know what you think!


I had really looked forward to graduate school. I knew I would have to work like a dog, but I would finally be getting to concentrate on doing biomedical research, my true love.

The first week there I started classes and was assigned to a research lab.

Labs were shared by 2 - 3 students and were like a home away from home. They had to be since you spent upwards of 80 hours a week there! I found I would be sharing the lab with a second year student by the name of Pete.

I had seen him around some and he seemed like a pleasant guy. And after seeing him play volleyball without his shirt on at the department Labor Day picnic I was even happier we would be sharing a lab!

As I moved my books and stuff into the lab, Pete came over to my side and said how happy he was to meet me. His handshake was warmly firm and his gray eyes were incredibly expressive. He was very handsome in a dark Irish way. I was happy to be met in such a friendly manner. We talked quite a while, sharing our history and interests. It turned out we had a lot in common; skiing, lifting weights, camping, hanging out in bars, girls (I lied). We really hit it off, which was great; by necessity we would be spending lots of time together.

The second day in lab, Pete came over and asked if I wanted to go to the gym with him. I jumped at the chance since I hadn't had a good workout since arriving at the school. Pete showed me all around the gym and hung around while I signed up for a locker. My locker turned out to be right down the row from his which made me smile to myself. Pete worked out nearly every day and it showed. He was about 5'8" and 180 pounds. With no fat. His chest was impressive: hard mounds of muscle with just the right amount of dark hair accentuating the lines of his pecs and his tight nipples. His arms were equally wonderful: hard, big, and well proportioned between bicep and tricep. As we lifted together, Pete told me his goal was to bench twice his weight. At 330 lbs he was getting close! We worked out well together, alternating sets. Pete complimented me on my form, though I couldn't come close to pushing the amount of weight he could. I'm 6' 2" and 200 pounds and real solid, but benching more than 220 is a struggle. My legs, though, proved to be stronger than Pete's which helped to level the 'competition'.

We really pushed each other that workout and by the end of it I found myself developing a real crush on this masculine beauty. As we showered, I stole glances of his hard pumped up body and struggled to keep my cock from giving away my desires.

As the weeks passed, Pete and I spent more and more time together. Graduate students get paid the equivalent of slave wages so we had to be creative in our recreations. We figured out some scams to ski for nearly free, we worked out a lot, and we knew where all the dollar pitchers of beer could be found. Late at night we often ended up at Pete's hole in the wall apartment playing backgammon, listening to music and bullshitting about all sorts of topics. Pete often brought up the subject of women. He had recently started to date one of the women in the department and I had to admit I was a little jealous. Here I was wanting to grab this solid mass of muscle and lick him all over and he was talking about getting it on with this babe. I knew if I made a move on him, I'd likely lose him as a friend. So I suffered in silence and went home at night to jerk off to fantasies of spewing a huge load of cum all over that massively hard, hairy chest.

Spring came and turned into summer. We spent a lot of time at the local swimming hole during the warm afternoons and then went back to the lab to work late into the night. On weekends, we would often go camping overnight in the nearby mountains. I loved to follow Pete as we hiked, admiring his strong back and shoulders as he effortlessly climbed up the trails. We shared a tent at night after long hours talking around the fire sharing a bottle of brandy. Lying next to him always made me fantasize about caressing his body, but my fear of ruining our friendship always beat out my lust. Once I woke in the middle of the night to find Pete's head using my belly as a pillow. I wondered if he was making a move on me, but his gentle snoring seemed to indicate otherwise. I lay my hand across his chest, feeling the wonderful hardness of his muscles and slowly fell back asleep. I mentioned his choice of pillows the next morning and he laughed loudly, saying he had been so tired he would have been comfortable sleeping on the rocks.

A few months later, Pete broke up with his girlfriend. We went out drinking and I helped him talk it through. It was for the best, but Pete still took it hard. We drank a lot that night: many beers and even more tequila. As usual, we ended up back at Pete's. We were both too drunk for backgammon, so we sat on the couch talking and nursing unneeded beers.

The conversation slowly dwindled until the sound of Pete's breathing made it clear he had fallen asleep. I put on another CD and sat back down and just stared at him.

He was out cold and I was drunker than usual. Lust finally won. I slowly reached out and lay my hand on his chest. His chest slowly rose and fell under my hand. I traced my fingers around and under his pecs. I squeezed his massive arm with my hand. My cock was rock hard. I undid the top few buttons of his shirt and ran my fingers through his chest hair. I could feel my cock leaving a wet spot on my underwear as the precum flowed. I twirled my fingertips around his hard nipples and gave them a little squeeze. He stirred a little but his breathing didn't change. I sat back and stared at him. His handsome face, his chest peeking out the opening in his shirt, his crotch looking full in his Levi's. I reached out and placed my hand on his crotch, feeling the warmth. I gently rubbed it, feeling the outline of his balls.

Lust had completely overwhelmed me now as I undid the button of his jeans and felt for the tab of the zipper. I slowly pulled it down and revealed his white jockey shorts. I cupped his cock and balls through the fabric. I was in heaven! My gentle massage didn't stir his cock or cause him to wake up. I bent over and put my face near his warm crotch to smell the musky odor of his balls. I pulled down his jockeys a bit to reveal the hair surrounding the base of his cock. I pulled them down further to expose the rest of his cock. I had seen it many times before, but always from a distance in the shower at the gym or while skinny dipping in a mountain stream. It was completely soft and not huge. But it hung nicely over his ample balls and the cut head was in perfect proportion to the thick shaft. I lifted his cock with my fingers, enjoying the weight of it and the smoothness of the flesh. I looked up at Pete's face to see if he was really out of it. He was. I took that cock head in my mouth and gently licked and sucked. I ran my tongue along the sides of his shaft and then took all of his soft cock in my mouth and furiously worked my tongue. The taste of salty flesh was wonderful, and after a minute or so of this Pete's cock had gone from completely soft to about a quarter hard.

It was clear though that he was too passed out to ever get a full erection. I slowed my action and just nuzzled his cock, enjoying the feel and smell.

My cock was bursting out by this point. I had to get release. I left my buddy's crotch and unbuttoned his shirt all the way. There was Pete, exposed from head to balls, oblivious to the world, snoring away. I knelt on the coach next to him and pulled out my dripping cock. With my right hand I felt the hard curves of his chest and with my left hand I stroked the length of my cock. Within 20 strokes I was at the point of no return.

I rubbed the head of my cock against Pete's left pec and exploded, sending thick streams of cum onto his chest hair. Spent, I leaned back. He looked so peaceful lying there practically naked with my cum all over his chest.

Reality returned and I started to fear what might happen if Pete woke up at this point. I quickly cleaned off my cock and put it away. I put Pete's cock back in his underwear and did up his jeans. I couldn't resist licking my cum from his chest. I did up the lower few buttons on his shirt and made sure it hung naturally. He was still snoring as I went over to his bed and lay down. I was asleep in 30 seconds.

The next morning I awoke to the sound of Pete pissing. It went on for what seemed like a minute and made me realize how much I had to whiz myself. I got up and was greeted by a pounding head telling me how much we had drunk the night before. Pete came out of the bathroom looking mighty hung over and playing with the hair on his chest. He had found something crusty in his chest hair and was pulling it out and examining it closely. He saw me and smiled, saying "Quite a night last night, huh? I haven't passed out like that in years!" I said, "Yeah, must of been the worms in the tequila." We pulled together a breakfast of sorts from the meager offerings in his kitchen. He seemed completely comfortable but hung over and I was sure he had no knowledge of the events of the night before. But having seen him so close, my lust had only gotten stronger.

About a week later, we were out drinking again. We had a bunch of beers, but nothing too radical. We again ended up back at Pete's and played a few games of backgammon. He had taken his shirt off as he often did at his place and I was enjoying the sight of his body. Whenever he shook the dice, his pecs flexed in the most remarkable ways. I won, as usual, and Pete soon seemed to tire of the game. He got up and asked if I wanted another beer. I replied that it would be great. Instead of going to the fridge, he went to the bedroom area of his one-room apartment. "These jeans are uncomfortable," he said as he opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of gym shorts. In full view of me, he shucked off his jeans and jockeys and pulled on his shorts. He went over to the fridge and pulled out 2 beers and sat back down on the couch. We continued talking about life and love and cars and baseball. He seemed to tire rapidly and sank lower and lower in the couch. His breathing shallowed and he seemed to fall asleep. "Yo, Pete," I said, "am I boring you?" No response. I poked him in the arm. Again no response. I didn't think he had had that much to drink. I got up to leave, but as I looked back down at him, my cock began to stir. This muscular beauty was stretched out in front of me, his thick thighs and tight abdomen accentuated by the green shorts he was wearing. "Yo, Pete." I said again, a little louder. No response, just gentle snoring. My lust returned full force. I reached out for those massive arms, caressing the mounds of his biceps. My hands found the firmness of his furry chest and the ridges of his abdomen. His thighs were rock hard under my touch and still he breathed with the rhythmic sounds of sleep. Exploring his body caused my cock to grow hard. I unzipped my jeans and pulled it out and wiped the precum off the head with my fingers. I used my now slick fingers to rub Pete's hard, tight nipples. My attention turned to his crotch and I was surprised to see the outline of his fat cock laying across his thigh.

"Hey, Pete!" I said loudly. No response. I reached out and stroked the length of his cock through the material of his shorts. It was not fully hard but felt wonderful. I couldn't hold back. I grabbed the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down to mid thigh. His semi hard cock begged for my attention and I quickly grabbed it and gave several gentle strokes. It rapidly hardened to its full glory. This was the first time I had seen his cock hard and it was a beauty. Just 6 1/2 inches but very thick and very hard. The head was full and gracefully shaped with a perfect bead of precum forming at the slit. I couldn't believe Pete could sleep through this, but he hadn't moved or changed the rhythm of his breathing. Lost in the magnificence of what was before me, I dropped my head to his cock and started licking the precum off the head. It was as sweet as any I had ever tasted. I felt his balls which were lose in their sac and rolled nicely under my fingers. My lips stretched to take in his swollen cockhead, my hand ran over his thighs. As I took the length of that wide shaft in my mouth, I reached under him and felt the perfect hardness of his well formed ass. His cock was now impossibly hard and I concentrated my attention on that veiny shaft, running my tongue and lips up and down it, pausing at that wonderful spot right below the head. I must have played like this for ten minutes, once in awhile pausing to make sure Pete was still asleep. I love the taste of precum and Pete was supplying me with copious amounts. While I ministered to his cock head with my mouth I began stroking his shaft with my hand, both up and down and in a twisting motion. He began to move his hips slightly in response and I felt his balls begin to contract. Suddenly a gusher of hot cum exploded into my mouth followed by several more. I took it all, savoring the flavor. He moaned a little as he came but didn't really move. Again I wondered how he could sleep through it. I sucked his balls completely dry and licked his cock shaft clean. I loved the feeling of his hard cock slowly softening in my mouth. I gently pulled his shorts back into place and stood up.

My own cock was still sticking through my pants fly and dripping. I knelt next to Pete and started stroking it while running my hands over his chest and abs. In no time my cock burst and I took care to spew away from his chest hair and onto his 6 pack abs. My cum somehow looked so natural there. As I had the week before I licked him clean and put my cock away. I stood up to leave and as I headed for the door said softly, "Good night, Pete." His god-like form remained inert of the coach, but his breathing seemed to have taken on a very satisfied tone.

The next morning in the lab Pete came by my desk and said, "I had a great time last night. We should do it again soon." I didn't know if he was talking about the bar-hopping, the backgammon, or the sex. I said, "Sure, it was great for me, too." He smiled heartily and went back to work.

A few nights later the scene repeated itself: we went out drinking and then back to his place for games, music and conversation. As soon as we walked in his door he shed his shirt, saying how hot it was in there. I agreed and feeling bold, followed suit. He grabbed a couple of beers, tossed me one and went over to his bedroom area. He grabbed his gym shorts off the floor and walked over in front of the couch. "I'm going to change if you don't mind," he said. "Whatever floats your boat," I replied. He proceeded to pull down his jeans as he stood right in front of where I was sitting. Then, facing me, he slowly pulled down the red jockey shorts he was wearing. His cock was not 2 feet from my face and it was definitely not completely soft. It wasn't hard but the head was slightly swollen and the shaft a bit thicker then it normally was at rest.

It swung invitingly as he stepped out of the jockeys. He had to bend over toward me as he picked up the gym shorts off the arm of couch and I caught a whiff of deodorant, sweat and the unmistakable aroma of male crotch. I was speechless as he stepped into his gym shorts and pulled them over his massive thighs. He allowed the waistband to lift his cock to vertical so that his cockhead was the last thing to disappear as he brought the shorts up to his waist. He then reached into his shorts and lazily rearranged his meat to a more comfortable position. This was by far the most suggestive action he had ever done in front of me and I'm sure he had to notice that my sight never left his crotch during his performance.

"Winner take all?" he asked as he pulled out the backgammon board. I snapped back to reality and said, "You're the boss!" We played 2 games, I lost both badly. My thoughts were elsewhere; somewhere between his thighs and chest, I guess. "Well, loser, get me another beer!" he ordered. I got up and got us each another. When I came back to the couch, he had stretched to the full length of it, leaving no room for me. "Guess you'll have to take the floor," he grinned. I smiled, called him an asshole and sat on the floor at the middle of the couch. We talked for a while about our usual subjects, laughing quietly at shared jokes, talking in the shorthand of good friends. My head was right near his crotch and its aroma wafted my way whenever he shifted slightly on the couch. After a while he started drifting and was soon asleep. I poked him in the thigh to rouse him to let him know I was leaving, but he didn't respond. There was no way he had had enough beer to pass out, but he would not wake up. I looked at that massive chest and wanted to touch it, but I felt that 3 times would be pushing my luck. I got up to leave but couldn't resist taking one long lingering look at him before I left. His face was very handsome in sleep, even without the sparkle of those incredible gray eyes.

His thick neck melded so nicely into broad shoulders and that wonderful chest. The hair on his chest tapered down between the ridges of well formed abs. His abs in turn flowed down into his shorts where to my surprise I saw the outline of his rock hard cock pointing down, the head poking out the bottom of his shorts. "Pete!", I said. No response. I couldn't resist. This was just meant to be! If he caught me, I would take the consequences. I dropped back to my knees and placed my tongue on that cockhead peeking so coyly at me. My tongue swirled all over that head as my hand went up his shorts to caress the shaft. I reached up and pulled down his shorts, exposing the full length of that beautiful cock. I felt like I was really getting to know it and I liked that feeling. I took the full length of the meat down my throat and caressed his balls with my hand. Just then he let out a loud moan and I felt his hand on the back of my head. I pulled off and looked him in the face. His eyes were wide open as he said, "Please don't stop, it feels wonderful!" I smiled broadly and returned to that hard piece of manhood. His hands rubbed my shoulders and then went to my hard biceps. His hips were moving rhythmically in response to my tongue. His hands found my own hairy chest. "Nice pecs, man," he moaned. I worked his cock furiously with my hand and mouth. He loved it. I could tell he was close and planted my lips on the underside of his cock just below the head. My hands worked all over that shaft. I wanted to watch this fat cock shoot its load. Within a minute I was rewarded by the sight of streams of cum arcing through the air to land on Pete's chest and abdomen. His face was twisted in ecstasy as his cock spasmed.

After he caught his breath he said, "Thanks man, that was even better than last time!"

"You knew, huh?" I replied, not really surprised.

"Yeah, I dreamed about you sucking me the night I passed out. When I woke up there was dried cum on my chest. It really turned me on so I pretended to pass out last week to see what would happen. You didn't disappoint me!"

"You're evil, buddy!" I grinned.

"Let me see your cock, stud boy," he said.

I was on my feet in a second. I slowly dropped my jeans giving him a show. I was wearing a jock under them which was stretched to the limit by my hardon. He sat up on the couch which caused the cum on his chest to begin flowing toward the floor. I stood right in front of him while his powerful hands felts my bare ass cheeks and hard thighs. "I've always admired these legs of yours," he said. I replied by shoving my sweaty, precum soaked jock in his face. He nuzzled my crotch taking in the scent greedily. He chewed at my cock through the fabric and then ripped down my jock, letting my cock flip free. He stared at it while he took its heavy weight in his hands and stroked it. This stud seemed to love the feel of this meat but he was clearly inexperienced.

"Concentrate on the shaft. Light pressure on the head. Yeah, right there!" I instructed. "Lick the head, taste that juice." He did as told and was rewarded by several drops of precum. "Twist your hand around the shaft. Yeah, nice!" I was in heaven. The object of my desires was enjoying the taste of my flesh! It was all I could do keep from cumming. Pete was obviously enjoying this and finally I could hold back no more.

"I'm gonna cum," I warned, not wanting to scare him with a mouthful of cum. He moaned and pulled back. His fist worked faster as he rubbed the head of my cock through the hair on his chest. With a cry I began spewing. Pete watched with fascination as my cock spit out its load. After the third healthy spurt he returned the head to his mouth and sucked the rest out of me.

"Hey, that tastes pretty good!" he said as he looked up at me.

"Glad you like it! There's more anytime you want it." I replied. Pete, the matte of hair on his chest shiny with cum, a bead of that pearly liquid on his lips just smiled. I was right, grad school was going to be a lot of fun!

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