Slave to Younger Master

By Max Potter

Published on Mar 12, 2001


Chapter 5

At home with Master

Master told me one day that I would need to take a weekend off work, he didn't tell me anything else, but then his orders were all I needed. At the end of my shift on Friday, I went to a deserted area near the restaurant and waited, as I had been ordered. I waited about two hours, then Master drove up. He popped the trunk. Then he ordered me "In the trunk. And you had better be naked when we get where we are going."

"Yes, Master." I answered. I got into the trunk hoping no one saw me. Once in the very confided space, I struggled to strip as fast as I could. I didn't know how long I had to complete this task, so I hurried. I kept hitting my elbows and knees. I even racked my balls a few times. Master drove on.

Judging from the number of turns and stops, we were in a residential area. Finally I heard the sound of the tires change and it was like we were in a driveway. A pause, then a pull forward, then the car stopped and the door opened. I was cramped in the trunk, when Master opened it up and looked down at me.

"OK, bitch, out." Master ordered. We were in a house garage.

I climbed out. Master snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor before him. I knelt down and look adoringly into his beautiful face.

"OK, boy, here's the deal. My parents are gone until Monday, so you are going to serve me in my own house until then. But the first thing I want to do is fuck you in my own bed." I humbly followed Master into the house and up the stairs. He led me to his bedroom. It looked like any typical teenagers bed room. From looking at it, you wouldn't know he was anything but normal. Messy, yes, but what teenager had a clean room? You wouldn't know he was a Master with a slave some five years older than he was. "Strip me, boy." He ordered. I undid his shirt (what a beautiful chest), his shoes and socks (what beautiful feet), his pants (what beautiful legs) and his shorts (what a beautiful cock). "Get on the bed on all fours, boy."

"Yes, Master." I climbed on the bed, and spread my ass open as wide as I could.

As Master began to fuck me he started to talk, which was unusual for him, as it was almost conversational, not the commands I was used to. "I guess everyone wants to fuck someone in the bed they grew up in. I've had all sorts of fantasies in this bed. I jacked off for the first time here. I've dreamed of fucking here, and once I started fucking I dreamed of having a slave. Now I have a slave I dream of things to do to you. Now here you are, what a fucking dream come true." That seemed to be all the conversation I was going to get, and he began to fuck me in silence. After a few minutes, Master ordered me "Tell me how much you like me fucking you."

"Oh, Master," I said "I love you fucking your little dog cunt slave. I am so happy to be your plaything and to be fucked in your bed. I will do anything to make you happy. I will be your slave, your toy, your pussy. Master, anything you want to do to me is acceptable, I am yours to use and abuse as you wish. I am your slave and you are my Owner. I worship you, Master, you are my god. I am your fucktoy and your slave. I am your boy and your cunt. I am enslaved to your cock and I will do anything to feel your big cock up my hungry, unworthy whole."

"Good boy." Master said, slapping me on my ass. "Keep it up." So I did. For quite a while he took his pleasure with me. I hadn't seen him for a few days before this, and I wondered if he had had sex or jacked off in that time. I didn't think so, because he had never fucked me this long before.

Finally, he increased his pace and rammed his big cock in and out of my abused hole at a furious pace. His fingers dug into his hips as he slapped my hips back and forth. Finally he came with animal lust. I moved out of his way to allow him to lay on his back on his bed. Without being ordered, I reached down and cleaned his cock off with my tongue. Since this was so special for him, I worked slowly and with all my skill. I tongued into his slit, and licked his balls. I cleaned his pubes and licked up his shaft. I applied more suction than I had ever been able to before. I was rewarded for my efforts as his cock began to rise again. Master hadn't said anything, so I continued with my slow blow. I glanced up at Master and he had his arms behind his head and was thoroughly enjoying the gift I was giving him.

I blew him even longer than he fucked me, and I think Master enjoyed himself. When Master finally came, I swallowed it and slid off the bed to my knees beside it. Master dozed. I silently watched his nude form. I was so in love with Master, that I just stared at this body for the half hour or so he dozed.

"Good boy." Master said when he woke up. "This is going to be a great weekend. You can start by cleaning my room." So I began to straighten up his room. It was weird cleaning up a teenager's room and following his little instructions, but I obeyed. Every so often he would tell me where something went. When thing were put up, he gave me instructions on where to find cleaners, and I returned and cleaned and polished things. Then I fetched a vacuum and finished the job. When everything was in order, Master let me suck his toes as a reward.

His room done, Master took me down to the kitchen. There he instructed me on what to make him for dinner with a list and recipes. Then he showed me the dining room. I was impressed with the size of the house and the furnishing of the house, and I figured his parents did fairly well. In the dining room, he instructed me to set the table for one, and to use the best. Then the led me to the living room.

"I'll be in here, slave." He said, as he said down in a comfortable, expensive chair. "I'll ring this." Here he rang a bell "When I want you. You are to come at once, kneel, kiss my feet and say 'I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?' Understand?"

"Yes, Master." I replied, bowing my head.

"Get started on dinner."

"Yes, Master." I said and returned to the kitchen. I started dinner and a few minutes later heard the bell. I rushed to him and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?" His feet were up, and so I kissed the bottom of them.

Master exploded, slapping me in the face, beating me with his fists, and kicking me. "You sorry fuck, that's not the order I gave you.!"

I cowered before Master. "I'm sorry Master, please forgive your worthless slave. I will do better Master, I'm sorry Master. I'm sorry Master."

"You had better do better. I'm going to have to punish you now, and I didn't want to do that."

"I'm sorry Master."

"Shut up." Master looked down at me cowering at this feet and thought a few minutes. "I'll punish you later. Get back to work."

"Yes, Master."

"Shut the fuck up."

I was so upset to disappoint Master. It took me a while to figure out that I was supposed to kiss his feet first. A minute or two after I discovered my error, the bell rang again. Determined to do better this time, I hurried to the living room, knelt, kissed the bottoms of his feet and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?"

"Better, bitch. I just wanted to see if you would do better. Get back to work."

"Yes, Master."

A few steps down the hall, the bell rang again. I hurried to Master, hit my knees, kissed his feet and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?"

"I just wanted to see you do it again. Back."

"Yes, Master."

I got to the door when he rang the bell again. I quickly returned to Master, knelt, kissed his feet, and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?"

"Back." Master said, some amusement in his voice. The game was restoring his good spirits. The bell rang again when I was only a few feet away. I turned around, took the three steps back to Master, knelt, kissed his feet, and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?"


This time I was only part of the way up when the bell rang again I returned my knees, kissed his feet, and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?"

This time there was no 'back', just the bell ringing again. I kissed his feet, and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?"

Master kept this up for a few cycles, never letting me off my knees. Finally he tired of the game and sent me back to work.

After a scant minute in the kitchen, the bell rang. I returned to the living room to Master, knelt, kissed his feet, and said "I am here Master, what can your lowly slave do for his great Master?"

"I want a drink. Get me a coke."

"Yes, Master." I fetched the drink and delivered it. When Master ignored me, I returned to the kitchen to work.

One of the dishes was to be fried, and when I reached for the oil, I discovered a note that read:

No apron, no cover

I was going to get splattered with the hot oil on my naked skin.

Master called me to refresh his drink once, and when I was setting the table for him, to piss. He dropped his cock into my mouth, and I was double careful to swallow it all. I was terrified of what would happen if I spilled piss on the carpet or the chair.

When dinner was ready, I approached Master and knelt. "Master, dinner is served."

"Not good enough." Master said then indicated a box on a side table. "Your uniform is in there. Put it on." I had noticed Master had put a tee shirt and pair of sweatpants while I was in the other room. I crawled over to the box and opened it. I had to open the tissue and saw a dress.

It was a french maid's dress. I picked it up and held out. It was a transparent black number with a even more transparent while apron permanently attached to the front. I swallowed and pulled it over my head. There was no arguing with Master. I was relieved the box was empty, so I wouldn't have to ware the stupid hat. The dress was transparent, and one layer, except for the part with the apron, so it hid nothing. It was backless, and my tits peeked out beside the straps over the shoulders. The skirt part was crinkly like a ballerina's and stood out and was so short that if I were to bend over my ass would be totally exposed.

"Now, tell me again."

I crawled over to my original spot and announced "Master, dinner is served."

"Led me."

I started to walk to the dining room before Master.

"Sway your hips like a slut."

How embarrassing. "Yes, Master." I began to sway my hips back and forth like a cheap hooker. That way I led him to the dining room. Master stood my the head of the table where I had set it. I pulled the chair back for him and he sat down.

Master snapped his fingers and pointed to the kitchen. I turned to go.

"What, no curtsey?" Master grinned at me.

I turned back around and delivered a deep curtsey. I felt foolish and stupid. Master grinned at me. I entered the kitchen and brought him the soup. Master had ordered a several-course meal, so I was sure he was going to play with me for a while. I served the soup in my best waiter (waitress) mode and stood back. Master snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor. I knelt. Master ate some of the soup, then snapped his fingers and waved over it for me to take the soup away. I picked up the china bowl, curtseyed and brought the next course.

This pattern continued for the light courses, and when I brought the main dish I knelt beside him again. Before starting, Master looked over at me and said. "Blow me." I crawled under the table, pulled the waistband of his sweatpants down and began to blow him. I did the best I could, but I couldn't see anything but the underside of the table. Master was ignoring me except for the growth of his cock.

Master took some time on this dish, and I thought to myself it was because he was pleased with the head I was giving him. When he was ready for me to take this one away, he delivered a kick to my stomach and ordered me "Up, take this away." I obeyed, with the curtsey. I brought the next dish and knelt, not knowing if he wanted more head or not. He ignored me, and I wasn't sure if I was wrong or not. Master finally waived this away. I brought the desert.

"I want to be entertained." Master said. "Stand on one foot. Take the other and suck your toes."

"Yes, Master." And I followed this order. I felt more foolish doing this in the ridiculous costume. Master ate the desert and watched me. About half way through the dish he ordered me to switch feet, so I obeyed.

When he was done, Master waved the dish away. As I took it he said "I'll have coffee and a cigar in the living room."

"Yes, Master." I took the dish into the kitchen, poured a cup of coffee and took it to the living room. Master was there first. He was sitting on the couch. I curtsied and handed him the cup. He had already lit a cigar.

I hadn't had time to kneel when Master looked up at me and said "I need a place to put my feet up." I took his meaning and got on all fours. He put his feet on my back like I was a footstool. I heard him puff and sip the coffee like I was a piece of furniture. Then he spoke again. "Oh, I don't have an ashtray. Boy, put your and up so I can use it as an ashtray."

It was tricky and painful to move my hand up to let Master use as an ashtray. It was like twisting my arm behind my back. Master flicked some ashes into it and continued to smoke. Master enjoyed his cigar for some time, and I was in increasing pain in the position. At one point, he took one foot down and batted my hard dick a little. I was hungry. I had fed Master, but not eaten myself.

Master finished the cigar and I felt the heat of the stub over the palm of my hand for a few seconds. He wouldn't put it out in my palm, would he? Yes, he would. I prepared myself for the pain. I knew I couldn't flinch or discomfort Master. I felt the heat get closer. Then the cigar end crushed into my palm. I felt the skin burn. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, the cigar was mostly out and there was a lot of ash in my hand. It still hurt, and I screwed my eyes closed. Master stayed put a few seconds longer, then stood up and said "Get up, dump the ash and wash your hand. I'll meet you in the kitchen."

When I rejoined him in the kitchen, he was looking around. "Bit messy." Master said.

"I'm sorry, Master." The kitchen actually fairly clean, as I had washed the dishes as I used them.

"Does slaveboy want to eat?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master. If Master wants, Master." I hoped Master wanted.

"Well, lets see what we have." Master wandered around a bit and picked up a plate. He slid various parts of the dinner he had returned to the kitchen on the plate. When a goodly glob was on the plate he put the plate on the floor in front of him. "Eat." Master ordered.

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." I knelt down and ate without hands. The food was good, but all plopped together was not appetizing. I ate with relish anyway, as I didn't want to disappoint Master. That, and I was afraid he wouldn't feed me otherwise. I finished by licking the plate clean.

Master looked approvingly at the clean plate. "Now clean up the rest of this mess." And he left the room.

"Yes, Master." I stood up and cleaned the kitchen. Master came back in as I was finishing, and put the dog collar on my neck.

When I was completely done, he asked "Get out of that dress." I pulled the dress off. Master took it and tossed it on the counter. Master also had the leash, and he attached it and pulled me toward the back of the house. "I bet you have to go to the bathroom."

"Not yet, Master."

"Good." Master took me into the back yard. It was dark, and the yard was screened. Master took me over beside a shed. Master attached my leash to a stake in the ground. He just dropped the loop over it. It would be easy to lift it off, but I wouldn't without Master's orders. "Now stay here until you go. Both kinds. And be prepared to prove it." With that he casually walked back to the house, leaving me cold and alone.

I was naked in a strange place. Ordered to piss and shit in the backyard. And prove it. I looked around. There was a small can up against the wall of the shed. I could piss in that. I waited some time, and finally got the pressure to go. I pissed into the can. I was about to take a dump when I was suddenly realized I could get in trouble if I shit on Master's lawn. I looked around and found a spare, old, shingle. I took it up and shit on that.

As I finished up, I saw Master standing before me. I was amazed, how did he know?

"Wipe." Master said.

I picked up some leaves and did so.

"Good slave. Leave them." Master picked up the leash and led me back to the house. Just a few steps into this, Master looked back at me and said. "Carry me up to bed."

I certainly couldn't take him up in my arms, so I got in front and let him climb onto my back. I carried Master up to his room. As I undressed Master, he gave me instructions for the morning. Master had me suck him a while, then he fucked me and fell asleep. I slept at the foot of his bed, on the floor.

In the morning, I snuck out and made coffee. I carried a cup up to his room and entered. Following orders, I stuck my head under the covers and took his beautiful cock in my mouth and began to gently suck it. I continued to suck until Master woke up, a little after his cock responded. He sat up and began to drink the coffee. I kept his cock in my mouth and gave him a long, slow blow job.

After a while, Master got up and ordered me onto the bed were he fucked me. When he was done, I cleaned him off. I then crawled after Master to the bathroom, he walking. We got into the shower and I showered him. At the end of the shower, I gently dried him off. Master and I then went to the kitchen, were I made him breakfast. As he ate, I was under the kitchen table, blowing him again.

Over the Saturday, Master had me do several chores. I was allowed some thin, skimpy shorts while I mowed and raked the yard. I swept the walk and drive. Then I mowed and raked the back yard. Every so often, Master would let me in to drink water from the toilet bowl, lapping it up like a dog. Once, Master had me 'take a break' by blowing him again. Finished with those tasks, I was sent to the attic, a hot, airless space, to move boxes around at Master's directions. When I was finished, sweat dripping off of me, the boxes were back pretty much were they had started from.

"You stink." Master said to me.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry, Master."

"We're going to have to clean you up." Master led me out to the back yard. I was nude again, and felt very miserable. Master took up a hose and turned on the water. He began to spray me. The water was cold. I stood as Master sprayed me over. He spent time playing the water on my cock and balls. The water caused pain. "Turn around." Master ordered, and I did, glad to have my cock and balls out of the way. Master sprayed me all over. "Bend over and pull your ass apart." I opened up my asscheeks. Master sprayed the water into my asshole, like a violent enema. I felt humiliated to have this happen to me out in public, even if no one could see. Master turned the water off. "Run in place to dry off." I began to run in place. "Higher." I lifted my knees higher as I run in place. Master put the hose up and wondered back into the house. I kept running in place until Master returned. He looked at me and ordered me to stop. "Heel." He then commanded and I followed Master took me into the kitchen. "Here are your orders for dinner." He pointed to some papers on the kitchen table.

"But you owe me some punishment for last night." I had forgotten I had kissed his feet in the wrong order last night. Master took up a tube and squirted some of the contents into his hand. He rubbed it liberally onto my cock and balls. It was Ben-Gay, I saw from the tube. My heart froze. The cream burned into my cock and balls. I cried out. Master slapped me across the face. It stung more because of the cream. And the sting stayed, as the Ben-Gay burned into my cheeks. "Grovel." He commanded angrily.

I fell to my knees, I kissed and licked his sandled feet. "I'm so sorry Master. Please forgive me, Master. I am unworthy to be your slave. Oh, Master, I am but a sorry cunt for you. Please forgive your worthless slave. I am your slave, your property. You are may great manly Master stud. I am but your whore. I am not worthy to suck your cock or rim your ass. I am nothing but dirt below you. I am nothing. I am your plaything. Your fucktoy. I am your boy and you are my great Master. I will do anything to make it up to you, Master. Please give me any punishment you desire. Master, I worship you. Master, you are my god. Please Master, punish me long and hard for disobeying you. Master, oh, Master, please do with me what you wish. Master, I am your whore and will obey. Oh, Master, my little cock and balls are on fire with your punishment, and I will take more and more. Master, please hurt me and teach me to obey you better. Master, great Master, I will grovel at your feet forever. Master, I will do anything to make my Master happy. Please, Master, I cannot live without your. Master, I am your unworthy slave, your pussy, your cunt, your fucktoy, your plaything, your property. Master, please do whatever you want to me. Master, you are my owner and I am nothing. Master, I am your whore, your slave. Please put me in my place. Master, oh, Master, I'm so sorry."

"Enough." Master said, kicking me in my face away from his feet. I stopped and looked up to him pleadingly. Master looked down at me and still had disapproval in his face. My eyes pleaded with him. Finally, he spoke again. "I have not forgiven you. You will have to work very hard to please me. I will consider more punishment for you. For this, you will have to have punishments until I decide to forgive you."

"Oh, thank you, Master. I will be happy for all your punishments. I will do anything for my owner, my Master."

"Good slave. Remember that. You are my fucktoy, and you are my whore. I like that. Now get to work." He left.

My cock and balls were on fire. And I was as hard as a rock. I was hurt that Master had had to discipline me, but I was excited that he had done so. In great discomfort, I started dinner.

Master called me a few times. Twice, just to have me come in and dismiss me again. Once to fetch him a drink. Once, he called me to piss in my mouth.

I put the pornographic maid's uniform on before I announced dinner was served. Master had me go down on a candle to entertain him dinner, then take another and fuck it in and out of my ass, so I was getting it in both ends.

After dinner was the same, with me acting as footstool and ashtray at the same time. He wasn't as gentle snuffing out he cigar as he was the night before. After his cigar, Master had me give him a slow blow job. After I had cleaned him up he ordered me to stand before him nude.

"I have been equitable until now. I have only punished you when you needed it. Isn't that true?"

"Yes, Master."

"But you balked at it, so I think you owe me something, don't you?"

"Yes, Master."

"What do you have that I can take?"

"Anything, Master."

"What do you have that I don't already own?"

"Nothing, Master."

"Then what can I take to punish you?"

"I don't know, Master."

"Slap yourself, hard."

"Yes, Master." And I obeyed.

"Again, again, again." I kept it up. "I know what you can give me, boy."

"Yes, Master. Anything, Master."

"You can give me punishments. Or take punishments, rather. I have only punished you when you screwed up, now I will punish you when I feel like it, Do you like that?"

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master."

"Beat off." Master used the remote control to turn on the TV. I beat off. When I came, I spurted on the carpet. "Lick it up." I did. "Beat off." My cock was still burning from the Ben-Gay, but some of that had subsided. It took quite a while to cum, and I had to lick it up again. After the fifth time, my dick was so tender that hurt to touch it. And it still burned from the Ben-Gay. I came, put nothing came out for me to lick up, I looked at Master. "Dry, eh? Pose for me."

I was exhausted. I had worked hard all day, I had been humiliated and groveled at Master's feet. I hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and my dick was in agony. I began to flex my muscles and pose for Master.

"Keep your dick hard." Master said. I had to struggle to do this on top of everything else. "Stop." Master said after I had been posing for nearly an hour. "Is the bitch hungry?"

"Yes, Master."

"I think you have to earn dinner. Do 100 pushups."

I don't know where the strength to do 100 pushups came from, but I did them. Towards the end, my form was not perfect, but Master didn't say anything to me.

When I was finished, I just lay on the floor. "Kneel" Master said, and I knelt before him. "Go clean up the kitchen. Throw the food away." Master went back to watching TV and my heart sank. Last night he had given me scraps from the table, was I not to get dinner tonight? When I had finished my chores, I returned to Master and silently knelt. Master got up and said "Heel." I followed behind him as he returned to the kitchen. It was getting late, and my stomach was growling. In the kitchen, Master pulled out an unmarked container and undid the lid. I couldn't see into it. "Kneel." I went to my knees.

"You have been bad, slave. Instead of scraps, you get this." Master upturned the container and the contents fell out, scattering all over the floor. It was dry dog food. "Eat it all up, Fido." Master called me Fido again, so I knew I was his dog, and couldn't use my hands. I got on all fours and began to pick up the kibble with my mouth, chew and swallow the dogfood. The canned stuff had been horrible and squishy. This stuff tasted even worse and I had to work to chew it. "Thirsty, Fido?" Master asked. I looked up and put my tongue out in a panting motion. Master undid his pants and I drank his piss.

I had to crawl all over the kitchen to get all the kibble. Master then had me carry him up to bed. He had me strip him. He put my collar on and a leash, which he attached to the bed. I blew him and when he came he told me not to swallow. He then fucked me dry, long, and hard. When he was done he had me swallow his come.

The next morning, when it was time to wake him I couldn't make coffee without undoing the leash, so I just started on his cock again. When he came in my mouth he said "No coffee?"

"I'm sorry, Master."

"You had better be." He undid the leash from my collar and pulled the covers back up. "It's Sunday, and I'm going to sleep late. Your chores are on the desk."

There was an list on the desk.

  1. Put on the shorts. 2. Wash the windows. 3. Do 100 pushups on the front walk, with a hard-on. 4. Strip. 5. Mop the kitchen floor. 6. Do 100 sit-ups in the back yard, with a hard-on. 7. Vacuum the downstairs. 8. Do 100 deep knee bends in the back yard, with a hard-on. 9. Kneel in the corner of my room by the desk, face to the wall.

If you are thirsty, you may drink from the toilet bowl downstairs. You must be naked anytime you are in the bathroom or the kitchen. If you take the shorts off you cannot put them back on.

So I wouldn't be able to get a drink until I had finished the push-ups, or I would be bare-assed for the world to see. The shorts were next to the list. They were white, very short, very tight, and didn't obscure much, being almost transparent. I obeyed Master's instructions.

After I had been kneeling in Master's room for about an hour, he woke up and I heard his say "Blow me." I crawled over and gave him head. When he was ready, he had me kneel on the bed and he fucked me.

That done, we headed for the bathroom. Outside the door, Master pointed to the bathroom floor. I noticed it was wet. "I had to take a piss and you weren't there. You had better clean it up. Lick it up." I was already on my hands and knees so I crawled to the door and began to lick up his cold piss. Master was nude in the hallway and stood watching, his arms folded over his beautiful chest. When I had finished my task he looked at me and said "Good boy." I showered and dressed him.

He had me make him a late brunch and again I was under the table blowing him as he ate. When he as done, he scrapped his left-overs onto the floor and ordered me to eat. When I was done, he had be lick the kitchen floor up. He had me lick up a wider area than I had eaten off of to be sure it as clean. I crawled after him to the living room. Master removed his pants and lay down on the couch. "Rim me." He ordered. I dove for his ass and licked at his hole. I tongued deep into his ass and around his hole. I kept is up for some time as he enjoyed himself and bucked his hips in pleasure. Finally he came, rolled up on the back of the couch and I swallowed his cum. "Clean that up." He pointed to the stain on the couch and I licked it up the best I could.

Then Master ordered me to the floor with my face in the carpet and ordered me to get a hard-on. He left the room. I didn't have to get a hard-on since I already had one, but I kept it up.

When he returned Master said "Kneel up." I did. "We are going to play a game." I saw he had several large rings in his hand. "We are going to play ring toss. Here are the rules. I am going to throw a ring. You are going to catch it on your dick. Every time I get one on your dick, I get a reward, and you have to do something for me. Every time you miss one, you get punished. Does that sound fair?"

"Yes, Master."

He sat in the chair and said "Stand up over there." He pointed to a spot on the floor. I stood there. "Wait, are you thirsty, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

"Go get your piss from the other day." I had to go into the back yard with a raging hard-on to fetch the can with my piss from two days ago. I returned and stood in my spot before Master. "Drink it." I drank the cold two-day old piss from the dirty can. I had grown to love Master's piss, but mine tasted different. Plus it was cold and had been outside for two days and was in a rusty can. I almost gagged. When I was finished, I was ordered to throw the can away. When I returned, Master said "Ready to play?"

"Yes, Master." Master tossed the first ring to me. I could tell he was trying to get it on my dick, but he wasn't trying too hard. I moved to try to catch it, but it hit the floor.

"Too bad, one punishment." Said Master, and tossed another one. I missed that one as well. "Two punishments." He tossed again, and I managed to get this one on my dick. "Good bitch, I get one reward. Leave the ring on, every one that falls off is another punishment for you and a reward for me."

Master played for some time, he enjoyed seeing me run around the room trying to catch the rings. Master had 10 rings, so that was a round. We played 10 rounds. In the end, I was to be punished 88 times and give 42 rewards, it was more than 100 because I had dropped so many.

For my first punishment, Master took a think rubberband and wrapped it several times around my hard shaft. "You keep that on, and stay hard until I decide to let you stop." The band was not all in one circle, but over an area of my small dick. For his first reward, Master had me give him a long, slow blow job. For my second punishment, Master produced a vibrating dildo and harness. He had me strap it on with the large dildo inserted into my ass. He then turned it on. "You'll keep that on until I decide otherwise."

"Yes, Master." The dildo was even bigger than his cock, so it stretched my ass. And the vibrations were great for a while, then they began to ware on me.

For his second reward, Master had me lick his arm pits. He had sweated some since I had showered him, so he wasn't as bad has it could have been, but I spent 10 minutes in each pit. My nose was full of his man-scent and my tongue was raw from the hair by the time I was done. When I was done, the phone rang. As Master went to answer it, he ordered me "Stand at attention and move your hips like you are fucking." I obeyed. Master answered the phone and had a fairly long conversation with whoever called. My dick hurt from the rubberband. My ass hurt from the dildo. I felt like an idiot standing at attention with my hips fucking air. Finally the call was done, and Master returned to his chair and just watched me for a while.

"Put your hands behind your head." I did and continued the fucking motion. "Stand on your toes." I did this, even thought it changed my balance and I almost fell over. Keeping the motions up while I was on my toes caused strain, and it was getting more and more difficult to obey.

Master tired of this, and decided to watch some TV. He had me fetch him a drink, then return to be his footstool. Master decided the vibrations from the dildo bothered him, so he turned it off, but left it up my ass.

Finally it was time for me to start dinner. Master turned the vibrator back on and ordered me to the kitchen, where I found the list and recipes. He arrived a few minutes later and handed me the tube of Ben-Gay, but didn't say anything. I looked at it with dread, then opened it and applied a lot to my cock and balls. The fire rapidly began to burn my cock and balls. I humbly handed the tube back to Master who said. "Good boy."

Dinner was like the night before, only I used a cucumber to blow and fuck myself. The only part of my dick that wasn't on fire was the part covered by the rubberband, and that part hurt in a different way. I was in agony and misery. But I loved Master and would do anything for him.

After I had disposed of the ashes from my hand (he had another cigar after dinner, and my palm was badly burned), Master produced a string with a bell and handed it to me. "Put this on and show me how you have practiced." I attached the string behind my hard dick-head and began to move my dick muscles to make it ring in a song. Master watched with a grin on his face. I had to look ridiculous. Belled dick, vibrating dildo up my ass. After I had been playing for a few minutes Master held up his hand like there was a remote in it and acted like he was pressing a button. He said "Pause." I stopped and didn't move. Master got up and left the room. He returned a few minutes latter and I hadn't moved. Master then attached two clothes pins to my chest, one on each nipple. The bit was painful. He griped a good bit of my tit when he did this, so my tits were sore on top of everything else. Master sat back down, repeated the gesture, and said "Play." I resumed my ringing.

When Master had enough of this entertainment, he had me remove the clothe pins, dildo and rubber band in that order. Then he ordered me to dance. He hit another remote and some middle eastern music started. I began to sway my hips and gyrate as I had been taught in belly-dancing classes. This was the first time I performed for Master even though he had ordered me to start over a month ago. I had already had about half a dozen lessons. I wasn't very good, but I didn't suck. Master watched me for a while then turned off the music and had me dance without it. Finally he said "Stop. Boy, are you ready for dinner?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then get your shit from the other day and meet me in the kitchen."

My heart froze. Was he going to make me eat my own shit? I went into the dark back yard and found the shingle with my shit on it. I picked it up. I carried it to the kitchen with growing dread.

Master was waiting there for me, young and glorious. Tears welled up in my eyes. Master just looked at me. I walked before him and knelt, putting the shingle on the floor between us. I looked up at Master begging with my eyes. Master looked at me with a stern expression. I was petrified. Finally he spoke "Kiss it."

"Master?" I asked, not sure I had heard him.

"Kiss it. You've tasted your shit off my cock when you suck me, so kiss it."

I looked down. It had begun to disintegrate in the two days it was outside, but I lowered my head to obey Master's order. He was right, of course, I had tasted my shit when I cleaned him up. But faced with this my stomach turned. I kissed the rotting pile and knelt up.

"Good boy. I'm glad you are willing to listen to me and obey. You must always obey, right, slave?"

"Yes, Master."

"Good. Now take that out back and toss it. I'll get your dinner ready."

I was so relieved to obey this command I fairly ran into the back yard. When I returned, Master had a plate on the floor with his leftovers and some dry dog food mixed in. He snapped his fingers and pointed. I got on all fours and ate my dinner.

After I ate and cleaned up the kitchen, Master introduced me to a new pass-time called "Flick the Dick" I stood over him while he sat and watched TV. He would flick his middle finger at my hard dick and make it bounce. The little flicks would have been uncomfortable in the best of times, but after all the torture my dick had undergone, it was pure hell.

When Master tired of this he had me suck his feet for a while. Soon, it was getting late, and Master decided it was time to take me back to my apartment. He took me to the garage and ordered me into the trunk and told me to dress.

Getting undressed in the trunk was hard enough, getting dressed was almost impossible. I allowed modesty to rule and worked on my pants first. It took me most of the trip to get them on, so when we got to my apartment, I hadn't finished with my shirt. Master told me to carry it, not wear it. I obeyed and alone went to my apartment as Master returned home.

Chapter 6

Entertaining a Friend

One day I was leaving work to go to the bus and return to my apartment when I noticed Master's Camaro drive into the parking lot and come up by me. I noticed there was someone in the passenger's seat. With Master here, in public, I wasn't quite sure what to do, so as I stood on the driver's side, I held my hands clenched before me and bowed my head. I was worried what someone would think if they saw me, so I didn't kneel, but I couldn't be so close to Master without showing some respect.

The window rolled down, and Master said. "Get in, we're going for a ride." With that he jumped out and moved the seat forward so I could get in the back. Silently, I obeyed. I was a bit worried about what would happen, as Master had never really associated with me in public before, and I doubted he would treat me as just a friend. I had a feeling I was going to be on display. I was right.

As soon as Master got back into the seat, he took off. Once on the road, he looked at me through the rear view mirror. "Tell Tim who I am to you." Master grinned, knowing it would embarrass me. Tim, as that was apparently the passenger's name, looked back me with some expectation in his face.

I bowed my head in embarrassment, and I'm sure I turned red. But loudly enough to be heard I said. "He is my Master, my Owner. I am nothing but his slave."

"Fuck." Said Tim.

"Told you." Responded Master.

"Damn, you mean he really does anything you tell him to?" Tim asked Master.

"Sure, try it, he'll obey you too, won't you boy?" The last part was directed to me, and I answered.

"Yes, Master."

"Fuck." Tim looked at me a moment, then continued "Suck your thumb." That was childish, but I stuck my thumb in my mouth and began to suck. I felt like a baby, and doing this in front of two younger men heightened my embarrassment. "Fuck." Tim said again. Master gave a half-laugh and looked at me with a smirk.

Tim watched me for a few minutes, then issued another order. "Take off your shirt." I obeyed, removing my thumb from my mouth. "Suck your thumb some more." I did. "Now, with your other hand, pinch you nipples hard." I obeyed, and it hurt. "Harder." He commanded, and again I obeyed. "Use your fingernails." I began to use my fingernails to pinch my tender nipples, leaving little marks in my tits. "Hump your hips like you are fucking." I did this as well. I was looking at Tim and occasionally at Master, but I was sure people in other cars could see me. The idea of such public humiliation bothered me. But I would glance at Master and know I had no choice. "Are you hard?" Tim asked me. I nodded. "Fuck." He said, and watched my performance for a bit. "Take your dick out." I stopped the sucking and pinching to open my pants up and free my dick. It stood straight up.

"Hey, he didn't say you could stop." Master interjected a few seconds later, as I hadn't resumed my performance.

"I'm sorry, Master." And with that, I started again. Tim was fascinated at my performance, amazed that he could get me to do this. Tim looked a bit taller and was thinner than Master, with short brown hair and brown eyes.

A few minutes later, we pulled into a parking lot, and I noticed it was my apartment building. God, I didn't want my neighbors to see me like this.

As and Tim got out of the car, Master said "Leave your shirt off, and only button your pants, don't zip up. And Heel." I buttoned my pants but didn't zip up. I followed Master and Tim to my apartment. Master naturally had a key, and we entered. Master had given me standing orders to be naked in my apartment, and as soon as I closed the door, I began to remove my shoes, socks, and pants. Master and Tim had turned to watch me, superior looks on their faces. Once I was nude, I began to fold my clothes, so they would be neat. Finishing, I knelt, put my hands behind my back and bowed my head, awaiting Master's pleasure.

"Fuck." Whispered Tim again.

"Want to?" Asked Master of Tim.


"Fuck. You can fuck him if you like.

"In a bit. I want to see what else he does."

"OK. Let's start my tiring him out a bit. Boy." Master addressed only the last word to me.

"Yes, Master." I replied.

"Are you ready to amuse us?"

"Oh, yes, Master. Anything I can do for your pleasure is my fondest wish."

"Fucker talks good." Tim noted.

"Sure does," replied Master (and I loved hearing that I was doing well) "he crawls, begs, and talks a good game. Now, boy, push-ups for a bit."

"Yes, Master." I began to execute full push-ups while Master and Tim sat down on the couch and watched. I guess for real men (I consider myself a mere boy compared to men like my Master and his friends) that it was pleasant to watch someone work out, especially if you commanded them to. I continued with my exercise. After a while, I began to flag. I continued to do the push-ups, but where I had tried to regulate my speed from the beginning, after all this time, I was having trouble continuing. I continued, but I was sure they noticed.

"Boy, you are getting sloppy." Master said to me as I was having a particularly hard time raising up.

"Yes, Master. I'm sorry Master. I'll do better Master." I said.

"Fuck." Said Tim.

I tried, and under his command, did few more, but began to fail again.

"Boy, can't you do anything right?" Master asked me.

"I'm so sorry Master. I'm trying." I responded.

"Get us something to drink. Crawl, boy." Master ordered. I stopped the pushups and crawled to the kitchen. Then I returned on my knees with two beers. Master had orders for me to keep beer for him since he was underage and I wasn't. "Now, boy, stand up and do some switching deep-knee bends."

I stood, put one foot to the side, did a deep knee bend, brought it back, and put the other leg out, and did another deep knee bend. I continued to do this as they both took a drink.

"We've got to think up a punishment for him for failing." Master said to his friend.

"We could spank him." Tim answered.

"Go ahead." Master said to Tim. Tim stood up and removed his belt. "Make him beg for it."

Tim looked at me with a gleam in his eye. "OK, boy, beg me to whip you."

I stopped my exercises and crawled over to Tim's feet. I began to kiss and lick his shoes "Please, Sir, I have been so bad, please punish me. I am just a screw-up who has disappointed his Master and you. Please, Sir, I beg you to whip me as I deserve. Please teach me to do better for you and my Master. Please show no mercy and use your belt to do as this slave deserves. Please give me pain so I can pay for failing you and my Master. I beg you to put me in my place and show me who is boss. Please, I beg you to spank me so I can learn to be a better slave."

"Fuck it." Tim said. "Stand up and bend over, grab your ankles." I obeyed, positioning my self so my ass was toward him.

Tim arranged the belt in his hands and swung, striking my bare butt across both cheeks. It stung bad. I gritted my teeth and kept my hands on my ankles, although I wanted to use my hands to protect my butt. Swack, came the next strike, and again, and again. I got about twenty swats when Master spoke up. "Aren't you going to thank him for teaching you, boy?"

"Yes, Master, I'm sorry, Master. Thank you, Sir." I said.

"You want me to stop?" Tim asked. I didn't think the question was directed to me, so I didn't answer.

"No," said Master "I think you just needed to warm up. How many do you think he should get for not doing his pushups?"

"I don't know, 50?" responded Tim.

"Sounds good." Said Master. "We'll do something else to him for not being respectful enough."

"Here goes." Said Tim, and began in on me again.

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Sir. Thank you, Sir." I repeated for some time as the belt hit my ass.

At one point, Master said "How many is that?"

Tim stopped his work and looked at Master. "I don't know, I haven't been counting."

"We'll just have to start from scratch, then. Boy, you had better count."

Tim started in on me again, with renewed vigor, he seemed to enjoy the fact I was still at square one in my punishment. "One, thank you, Sir. Two, thank you, Sir. Three, thank you, Sir. Four, thank you, Sir." My ass really stung, and Tim had begun to add my upper legs to his target area. God, what pain I was in. I could see my Master smile at me and I knew he was happy at my misery, so that was all that mattered. Finally I said "Fifty, thank you, Sir." I had expected it to stop, but Tim struck me again. I was startled, but fortunately didn't do any more than flinch.

"Oops, didn't stop in time." Tim said, but he didn't sound sincere.

"That's OK," Master said "I'm sure boy liked it. Didn't you, boy?"

"Oh, yes, Master. Thank you, Sir. It was like a gift."

"Fuck." Said Tim.

"Boy," said Master "stand up." I obeyed. "For not showing respect to Tim for teaching you a lesson, you need another lesson. Tim, can you think of anything else to whip to teach him some respect for his betters?" Master put his hand in his crouch and wiggled his pointer finger a bit. He had a wicked smile on his face.

"His dick?" Tim asked, a bit amazed.

"I think that's a great idea, don't you boy?" Master looked meaningfully at me.

"Oh, yes, Master. I think whipping my cock would be a good way of teaching me a lesson. Please Sir, please teach me my lesson." I said.

Tim looked a bit puzzled at how to do this, and so Master helped out. "Boy, put your hands behind your back and lean back so Tim can get to your dick easy."

My dick was still hard (wasn't it always when Master was around?) and I was a little unsteady leaning back. I was worried that I would lose my balance when Tim whipped my dick.

Tim's strikes to my dick weren't as forceful as the ones he delivered to my ass, but they hurt me to no end. I had to grip my hands tight to keep them behind my back and my face grimaced up. "One, thank you, Sir."

God, what pain. "Two, thank you, Sir. Three, thank you, Sir." It's bad enough to get your balls racked, but this was rack after rack, and I couldn't do anything about it. Well, I could, I could thank my torturer.

After seven, Master said "What, you think two more?"

"Sure." Said Tim and delivered them.

"Eight, thank you, Sir. Nine, thank you, Sir." I said.

"Well, one more to make it even." Said Master.

"Yeah!" said Tim.

"Ten, thank you, Sir." I hoped they would decide to stop now. They did.

"Hey, Jack, can he blow me now?" Tim asked.

"Sure, blow him boy." Master agreed.

"Yes, Master." I replied. I knelt and turned to Tim. Tim was anxious, and had his pants undone before Master could suggest I do it for him. Tim fished his cock out. It was a little shorter then Master's, and thinner, giving it more a narrow appearance than the perfect proportions of Master. Tim's cock was still bigger than mine.

I didn't use my hands, but only my mouth. Master like me to deep throat him, and I figured Tim would be the same. I had moistened my mouth as much as possible in the little time I had, and I when down as deep as I could (a few inches) before pulling back and diving deeper. Each bob of my head when further down his shaft. Tim thrust his hips back and forth as I worked, and I tried to match his movements. I think he figured out what I was doing, and kept changing rhythm. The result was that I was sometimes lost his cock out of my mouth, and sometimes gabbed down to his pubes. Tim and Master appeared to enjoy my struggles.

Finally, Tim grabbed the back of my head and thrust me down on his shaft. I choked, and then felt his cum spurt into my mouth. I swallowed. I had been drinking Master's cum and piss for a while, so I was getting better, and none leaked out. Tim pushed me off and breathed deep.

Tim stumbled to the couch and flopped down. I stayed on my knees until I received further orders. Master smiled at Tim as Tim caught his breath. As Tim's breath returned to him, Master said "You whipped him pretty long and hard. I bet your arm got tired."

"Nah, it's all right. It was fun." Tim said.

"Yeah, but you had to stand up and teach him a lesson. And your arm had to get tired. I think the boy ought to do something to make it up to you." Master said back.

"Make it up to me for whipping his ass?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, he put you out, so he has to put out." Master said.

"He's already put out." Tim slightly batted his dick.

"Nah, that was just fun. Now he's got to make up for your effort." Master said.

"Sure, whatever. What do you want him to do?" Tim asked.

"Ever had your ass eaten out?" Master asked.

"No. Will he do that?" Tim asked.

"He'll do anything I tell him to. Won't you boy?" Master asked.

"Yes, Master." I said.

"Fuck. He is a slave, isn't he?" Tim asked of Master, who didn't answer back.

"Rim him, boy." Master said to me.

"Yes, Master." I said. I crawled over to Tim on the couch. He stuck his legs up and I dove for his asshole. I didn't hesitate and began to lick at the tight circle of his anus. I like around in his sweaty crack getting his sweat and the musty taste of his shit. I probed deeper into this hole and gently pushed as he puckered back.

"Ffffuuuuccckkk." Tim groaned. I kept up my work. Tim puckered his ass and I managed to get my tongue into his ass and probe around. Tim wiggled his whole ass around, and I worked to keep my mouth where it belonged.

I kept up my work for some time, until "Fuck, I'm going to come again." Tim said, and gyrated around so that I lost my contact with this ass. He had cum.

"Clean him up, boy." Master said.

"Yes, Master." I said, and began to lick the cum up from his cock and pubes. When I was done, Tim put his hand in my face, and I licked up the cold cum on his fingers.

When I was finished Master said "Corner." And I crawled to a corner, and knelt-up with my face in the corner.

Tim breathed deep for a while and then I heard him whisper "Fuck."

"You like playing with my slave, do you?" Master asked.

"Oh, fuck yeah! You must keep him busy." Tim said.

"I do OK." Master said.

"How long have you had him?" Tim asked.

"I've owned him for a few months now. It's great having a cocksucker around." Master replied. With that, they moved on to other topics: school gossip and sports. I listened but didn't understand the names from school. After they talked for some time, Master asked Tim "So, do you want to fuck him now?"

"Fuck, yeah!" Tim responded.

"Boy." Master snapped his fingers. I turned around on my knees. Master pointed to the middle of the floor. I crawled over and lifted my ass up. Tim stood up and began to move over behind me. As he did, Master said "You can dry fuck him if you like, that's what I do. Or he can get you some lube."

"Dry fuck...Fuck." Tim responded. "I want to try that. All the dudes I've done want to be greased up." Tim hit his knees behind me, and began to push the head of his cock into my asshole. My ass was still tender from the whipping he gave me, and his hands were roughly pulling my cheeks apart, hurting me more. Tim continued to push his cock into me, and I puckered to help. Tim wasn't very gentle, and quickly ripped into my ass.

Tim began to thrust in and out. The friction was painful for me, but I didn't cry out. "Fuck this feels great." Tim said.

Master watched from the couch for a minute, then approached my head. I head him undo his pants and unzip. Then he knelt before me and I automatically took his cock into my mouth. I sucked and sucked and Master moved his hips in a lazy, carefree pattern in and out. I could look up at my Master and see his eyes half closed as he watched Tim.

Tim had already cum three times, and Master not used me yet today, so Master came fairly quickly. I swallowed his cum and cleaned him up. He left his cock in my mouth, and I gently massaged it while it deflated. Master pulled back and watched Tim fuck me.

After what seemed next to forever, Tim's pace took on a final urgency. His last thrusts were violent and hard. He grabbed my hips and rammed my butt back and forth with passion. With a load "Ffffffuuuuuccccckkkkkk!!!!!!" Tim came in me, falling over my back to support himself. As he caught his breath, and disengaged he ordered "Clean me off, boy!" Tim was getting into ordering me around. I humbly turned around and cleaned him off, tasting my shit on his dick. Tim also lay back, and both my Masters looked at each other.

"What to get something to eat?" Master asked conversationally of Tim. Master and Tim got dressed and left, leaving me kneeling on the floor.

Chapter 7

One Night

One night Master and Tim were visiting a friend of theirs named Barry. Barry's parents were out for the evening and Master and Tim went to hang out. The conversation turned to sex, as it usually did with teen-age boys and Barry admitted to Master and Tim that he was a top-virgin. He had been fucked, but he hadn't fucked a guy. Master and Tim were good friends and didn't rib him too much. Both Master and Tim were "Tops" and not interested in getting fucked, so there wouldn't be a three-way. When this came out about Barry Master looked over at Tim, smiled and said "Know what I'm thinking?"

Tim smiled back and said "I think so."

Barry asked "What."

Master replied. "You can fuck my slave."

Barry said "You have a slave? Like in the movies.?"

"Depends on what movies you are talking about." Master said. "I have a faggot who crawls on the floor and kisses my feet. You can fuck him."

"You have got to be kidding." Barry said.

"He's not. I fucked the bitch a few days ago." Tim said.

"I'll get him." Master said, and rose to go. "Get ready Barry, you can fuck him all night if you want."

Master left Barry's house and drove to my apartment. He entered without knocking. I in the kitchen when he arrived. I went before him, knelt and said "Master."

"You're going for a ride. Get your collar on and find the leash." Master said. While I obeyed, I heard Master going through my clothes. He returned with a loose, baggy pair of shorts. He tossed them at me and said "Put those on." I obeyed and he attached the leash to my collar. He then headed out the door, pulling me with him. Master locked the door and led me down to his car. I was terrified someone in my apartment building would see, and I'm sure someone had to. Master pushed me in the passenger's side, and drove off.

"We're going to my friend Barry's house." Master said to me, not like I had any say in the matter. "Barry has never fucked a guy, so you are going to get fucked."

"Yes, Master." I had always hoped Master would keep my slavery private. But he had done a few things to me in public, and I was humiliated by it. A few days ago, Master had shared me with his friend Tim. I was so embarrassed to be used and shown in public. But I had to obey Master.

"You had better show him a good time. And you had better do whatever he tells you."

"Yes, Master."

We rode in silence, except for the radio. When we got to Barry's house, Master took me by the leash and led me to the front door. He rang the bell. I stood there beside him burning with shame as anyone could see me.

The door opened and it must have been Barry. He had a swimmer's build and light brown hair. Master roughly pulled me into the house.

"This is my faggot, Barry." He indicated me. I stood with my head bowed. He jerked the leash cruelly. "Stupid faggot. Lose the shorts and kneel." I hurriedly obeyed.

"Damn." Barry whispered.

"The bitch will do anything you tell him to." That was Tim's voice.

Master handed the leash to Barry. "Here, take him up to your room. Tim and I will watch TV until you're done with him."

"Thanks Jack." Barry said. He tugged on the leash and I rose to follow him.

"And be as rough as you like." Master called.

"OK Jack, I will." Barry replied.

Barry led me upstairs to his room. He closed the door and I knelt.

"This isn't some come-on, is it?" Barry asked me.

"No, sir. I am a slave. I will obey you. Master has told me to show you a good time, and I will do anything you want. I want to please my Master and I want to please you." I replied.

Barry undid the leash, but kept the collar on. I could see his cock growing in his pants. "Crawl this way." He said, beckoning with his finger. I crawled to him as he backed up to sit on his bed. I crawled to between his knees. "Wow." He said.

I lowered my head and began to mouth his cock through his pants. It responded. I continued my efforts. Barry undid his pants and pulled his cock out. I looked up at him. "Please, Sir, may I suck your cock?"

Barry looked at me for a second amazed. Then he said "Yeah, suck it." I did. I didn't work too hard because I knew the idea was for him to fuck me. I could feel Barry really getting into it. Afraid he would blow I stopped and looked at him. I said "Please sir, would you like to fuck my ass?"

Barry took a second to register my question, then said. "Yeah." I crawled up on the bed and presented my ass, Barry pulled off his pants and mounted behind me. "Do you want some lube?" he asked.

"If you want to, sir. But you are welcome to dry-fuck me if you like."

"OK, I'll try that." Barry tried to press into my asshole, but found it difficult, even with me helping him. He reached into his nightstand, pulled out some lube and spread it on his cock. He slid in after that and fucked me.

I moved to help Barry out so he would enjoy himself. But since this was his first time, he came pretty quickly. When he pulled out, I went down on him and cleaned his cock off. Barry lay there, staring at the ceiling for a bit. I slid off the bed and knelt, head bowed, for my next command. Barry lay still for some time, then his hand reached for his dick and he began to fondle it. He got some hardness back and looked at me. "Blow me again."

"Yes, sir." And I did. I got him to full hardness, then he pulled out and lubed up again. I crawled up and he mounted me.

He fucked longer this time, and with more variance. He was slow, he as fast, he tried moving some. It took much longer for him to come, but come he did. I cleaned him off again, then knelt by his bed.

Barry recovered, got up and dressed himself. "Lets go back down." He said to me. I followed him. Master and Tim were watching TV.

"How'd you like it?" Tim asked.

"It was great." Barry replied.

"Was the faggot a good boy?" Master asked.

"Yeah, Jack, he was great." Barry said. "What are you watching?"

"Corner." Master said to me, pointing. I knelt facing the wall in a corner. Every so often, I was sent for drinks or snacks.

When it got late, Master and Tim got up to go. Master put my leash on, but didn't say anything about my shorts. I wanted to wear the shorts, but Master didn't tell me to put them on. He did pick them up and toss them to Barry. "Here you go, a souvenir."

"Thanks, Jack." Barry said

That left me wearing only a collar. I followed Master and Tim outside. The stopped and talked beside the car, leaving me bare-assed in the open. They talked about the stars, and how dark it was. I know they were just trying to embarrass me. It worked. Finally we got into the car. Tim looked back at me and said. "You know what to do." I did. Just like last time he rode with us. I began to suck my thumb. With the other hand, I pinched my nipples. And I bucked my hips like I was fucking.

Master and Tim didn't pay me much attention, they were happy just to know I was doing this to myself in the back. They talked like I wasn't even there. But every so often the would look back and smile. We were not headed back to my apartment, so I didn't know where we were going. We finally pulled into a public park. Master pulled the leash to get me out of the car. We were parked by the restrooms. "Run around the building." Master said, as he took the leash off. When I completed my first circuit, he waved me to do more. I kept running around the brick bathroom. After about 10 trips, Master stopped me and ordered me to do jumping jacks. I did this while Tim darted inside the Men's room. He came out with a load of wet tissue paper that he stuck in my face. I sputtered but keep up the jacks. "Stop." Master said. I stood at attention.

Master then took me into the dark and dirty men's room. He tied my leash to one post between the commode and the urinal. I could reach either. When I say tie, I don't mean in a knot. He just pulled a loop through so it wouldn't slid off the pole if it were pulled. A child could have undone it. I knew from before that I could not undo it by command. Master snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor, I knelt.

Master spoke "Tim and I want to start a collection. We want to collect nickels. We want you to get us some nickels. Now, to get these nickels, every time someone come in you have to offer to do whatever they want if they will give you a nickel. When you get the nickel, toss it into the urinal." Master pointed to the urinal I was near. "And don't let them untie you. Make sure your contributors are satisfied and show them you are happy to serve them."

"Yes, Master." I said. My heart was in my shoes (which I wasn't wearing). I loved serving Master. But doing this for others like Tim or Barry was horrid. And doing this in public was so degrading. But I would do anything my Master commanded. I had no choice.

"Have fun." Added Tim, in a sarcastic voice.

"Yes, sir." I said, defeatedly.

Master and Tim left the room, leaving me naked and kneeling on the dirty floor. I know this park this late at night would attract a bad element. I heard them get into the car and drive off. I was alone. Kneeling, I looked at the leash looped around the pole. I could so easily undo it and walk out. But to where? I had always wanted a Master, and now that I had one, I had to obey him. I didn't like the commands, but I had no choice.

I heard someone approach. A man entered and looked at me. He was in his late thirties, with a pudge. He was dressed in ripped clothes that were too young for him. "Please sir, I'm collecting nickels. If you give me a nickel, I'll do anything you want." I was humiliated saying this.

He looked down at me and gave me a cruel smile. "Hey, I like it. Beat off."

I began to pull on my dick, which was erect. "Moan some." The man said and I began to moan. "Loader." And I increased the volume. "Play with your tits." I fondled my tits. "Stick your finger in your ass." I did so. I had one hand beating my dick and one finger in my ass. "Do another one." I stuck a second finger in my ass. Soon I was up to four fingers and then I shot all over the floor. "That was great." The man said as he used the urinal further from me, zipped up and headed out.

"Sir, please may I have my nickel." I smiled a pitiful smile at him.

"Oh, yeah, right." He dug one out of his pocket at tossed it to me. I caught it. I looked at the coin. I had done all that for 5 cents. How low would I go? I put the nickel in the urinal.

A little while later a two kids came in. They looked like the kind of punks who left high school to experience the world and then discovered it wasn't all that great. When they saw me, they laughed. I said "Sirs, I'm collecting nickels. I'll do anything for a nickel."

The shorter one pulled a nickel out of his pocket and held it out to me. "You want this?" he asked.

"Yes, sir, please. I'll do anything." I said.

"Shit, for a nickel?" The shorter one asked.

"Yes, sir." I said.

"Why." The taller one asked.

For a second I didn't know what to say. Then I decided I had to tell the truth. "My Master wants me to collect nickels. I was told to do anything to get a nickel."

"'Your Master', what are you, some kind of fucking slave." The shorter one said.

"Yes, sir." I said.

The shorter one approached me, nickel still in his hand. He took a small skid on my cum on the floor. He looked down. "What is that?"

I'm not sure the question was directed to me, but I answered. "My cum, sir."

"Your cum." The shorter one said. "What's it doing on the floor?"

"The last man to come in wanted me to beat off for my nickel, so I did." I replied.

"Where's the nickel?" The taller one asked.

"In the urinal." I answered. The taller one checked and nodded to his friend.

The sorter boy looked at me and said. "You're going to have to do a lot of work for this nickel. You can start by licking your cum off the floor."

"Yes, sir." I answered and bent my head to do it. The floor was filthy with cum and piss and dirt, and I don't want to think what else. I choked and gagged as I licked my cum off the floor. When I was finished, I leaned back up on my knees.

The shorter boy now showed me the bottom of his shoe. "Better clean that too, it's got your cum on it." I began to lick the bottom of the boy's shoe. I cleaned the entire sole. When I was done, he said "Since you're at it, clean the top too." So I keep on licking until I had cleaned the shoe. I knew I would have to do the other, so I got started without being told. I sucked down the dirt and mud and my tongue was dry. When I finished the top, he presented the bottom to me and I cleaned that as well.

"Me now." Said the taller boy, and I worked on his shoes next. When I was finished, I noticed a man had joined us, early thirties, by my guess. The shorter boy was talking to the man.

"Yeah, he's a slave. Give me a dollar and you can piss on him." Without a word, the man handed the dollar over, pulled out his dick and pissed all over me. He then left.

"Please, may I have a nickel?" I asked the boys.

"Hey, you didn't say 'sir'." the shorter boy said. "That's going to cost you. Give me the nickel you have in the urinal."

I was almost ready to cry as I stuck my hand in the urinal to retrieve my hard-won nickel. When I held it out to him he said. "God, clean it off. Suck on it in your mouth."

"Yes, sir." I cleaned it off and handed it to the shorter boy.

"Now here's the deal." The shorter boy said. "You've just lost a nickel because you didn't say 'sir' remember that. Now, to earn this nickel." He waved his nickel in front of me. "You have to do anything I want. Well, I'm only getting started. Once I feel you have earned this nickel, you can started on the next one. But not before. Got that, fucker?"

"Yes, sir." I said. I was defeated. There is no telling how much I would have to do to get one nickel, not to mention any more.

"What's this?" Another stranger had come in.

"Give me a dollar and you can do anything you want to this slave." The shorter boy said.

The stranger gave the boy a dollar and had me suck his dick. I swallowed some of his cum, but he pulled out and spilled the rest on the floor. Done, he left.

"You've made a mess, clean it up." The shorter boy said. I leaned down and licked up the cum.

"What a fucking asshole." The taller boy said.

When I was done the shorter boy stepped outside for a minute. When he came back he said "I don't see anyone else. We've got to do something to keep him occupied. I know. Blow me." The shorter boy took out his cock and I blew him. He also pulled out so I would have to lick the floor again. Then the taller boy took advantage of me. As I was still licking this last set, a thirty something Hispanic entered. He was offered me for a dollar, paid up and pissed all over me. The boys thought that was fun so they pissed on me as well. Then they had me clean up the floor of all the piss. My tongue was getting a real workout on the floor.

Next in was a dirty older man who wanted to fuck me. He paid up and I got on all fours. I was used to being dry-fucked by now, so it didn't hurt as much as it could. The old man had some stamina, then finally came inside of me. Finished, he pulled up his pants and left, leaving me humiliated on he floor.

The boys then wanted some more fun, so while the taller one pinched and abused my tits, the shorter one used his belt on my ass. I was told to get on my feet, bend over and count. Taller boy brutally pinched my nipples the whole time. "One, Sir. Two, Sir. Three, Sir." I counted up until someone came in, at about 70 or so. He wanted to beat me too, so the belt was handed over and Shorty got his dollar. This guy gave me about 20 whacks then stuck his dick in my ass and fucked me. During this fucking, someone else came in, and was offered my mouth for a dollar. They took the deal and I was getting it from both ends. The ass guy finished first and left, and I was able to concentrate on blowing the guy in front of me until a new arrival took my ass. The second guy on my ass was a stayer and I finished the guy in front and two more before he filled me with his cum.

Finally left alone for a moment, I collapsed on the floor. My mouth ached from all the head I had given. My ass hurt from the fucking. My tongue was bitter and dry from licking the floor. The boys were merciful, and gave me a few minutes to rest. Then they ordered me to clean the floor again. Shorty got behind me during this task and slid his dick into my abused hole. "Keep licking." He ordered. I did, and he fucked me while I was doing it. He held on longer than I thought, but then he had already been blown once. I had finished the floor, and the taller boy fucked me next.

The next guy who came in wanted to see me lap at the water in the toilet, so I did. That gave the boys the idea to have me lick the urinals before my next customer. The next guy wanted a rim job. He bent over and I lapped at his asshole until he was satisfied. He was satisfied all over the floor. I cleaned up after his under the boys' watchful eyes.

I was on my feet and bent over again while Shorty and his friend explored my asshole with their fingers when Master and Tim returned. Shortly looked at them and said "Buck a piece, he'll do anything." I was turned the wrong way and couldn't see who had come in.

I heard laughter. Someone walked near me and I heard Master say "Where are the nickels, boy?"

The boys stopped fingering my ass and Shorty said "He's your's?"

"Yeah, and he was supposed to be collecting nickels." Master said.

"Master, I..." I started.

"Shut up." Master said.

"We've been charging people a buck to use him." Shorty explained. "He's been doing it to earn his nickel."

Master and Tim broke into peels of laughter. Tim said "Still working on the first one!"

"Well, no." Said Shorty. "He had one. But he didn't call me 'sir' once, so I took it away. He's been working hard for his nickel."

"Took it away." Laughed Master. The two boys joined in the laughter. Finally, it died down and Shorty gave Master the nickel I had earned that night. Master got Shorty's telephone number. "For later."

I was put in the back seat, but with papers under me so I wouldn't mess up the car. I had to hump my hips like I was fucking and use both hands to pinch my nipples. That left my mouth free to tell Master and Tim my adventures for the night. When we got to my apartment building, Master escorted me to my apartment, since I had no key with me. I had a raging hard-on the entire time, and I'm sure someone saw me.

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Next: Chapter 3

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