Slave to Young Stud

By fetishguy

Published on Mar 18, 2023


This story is generalized fiction with elements of real scenes included. Contains references to ws, authoritarian, and other m/m sex scenes.

Contains strong references to ws, authoritarian behavior. DO NOT READ if you are not permitted to read such material. Constructive comments appreciated to FLAMES will be IGNORED.

Slave to Young Stud


None of my coworkers at the electronic publishing company I owned would dare imagine where my mind wandered on Friday afternoons as I listened to reports given by our sales force from all over the world. I'd founded this business, and at 38, was considered a boy-wonder. I worked hard to keep my body in shape, and at 5'9", 160 lbs., I had minimum body fat. I worked out regularly to stay buff and ward off the stress of 14-hour days. I'd even had a mini-gym installed in my office for times I couldn't get to the gym or make it home. But I had one reason and one reason only for staying in the best shape possible: Master Robert.

Florida Vacation: Becoming a Whore

Master Robert always liked change and he was slowly but surely bringing them to me and to our relationship. He still was the top, the master, the devious torturer with his flogger and whip at the ready for our weekend relationship.

But he wanted something different from me in the past few months, something more soft, less threatening. Gone were my septum and nipple rings, their holes closed up. My brown hair was allowed to grow in some and he wanted me to get bleached highlights. My workouts weren't so much designed to build muscle mass as to define my body tone--to reduce my body fat to as low as possible and most important to show him a well-defined ass. That was most important as was his new insistence on complete hairlessness from nose to toes.

Every Friday, I brought in a woman or guy who specialized in complete body waxing. Every hair had to be removed by waxing for Master Robert: chest, bikini area, legs, feet, ass, crack, balls--even my dick. It shocked the person doing the waxing when they saw me naked because Master had also taken to making me adopt full chastity. I wore my steel cock sleeve 100% of the time now and it was torturous to undo it without feeling the need to jerk off. I kept a bowl of ice water nearby, dowsing my cock to bring down my erection. It cost me a $50 extra tip to explain this procedure. As of this writing, I had spent 76 days in the chastity sleeve. I had become proud of my accomplishment. Thank god for slackers' pants that allowed me not to show off my steel encased cock at work.

But this was a special getaway Friday: Master Robert was taking me to a gay resort hotel in Florida to celebrate our relationship. I had packed a small back of things--he said he would take care of the rest. Meet him at his place for a limo ride to the airport. My cock pressed against its enclosure more than ever, all during that Friday.

Normallly we were in sexually charged situations; now during the plane ride we were just two ordinary guys, buddies, dressed in preppy clothes, off for a visit to grandma, for what anyone could tell. Master even wore dark framed reading glasses, looking studious as he perused magazines all the way down on the flight--ignoring me.

We made it to the resort--a spectacular place that must have cost Master a fortune and our first meal was a delicious room service dinner.

Then Master Robert's cell phone rang.

"Yeah. $750 for two. $500 for one. $3,500 overnight for both; $2,000 for one." Ok. Meet where? Jay's? 16500 Boulevard East. 12:30? Green pillar? Ok, dude."

"What's going on," I muttered.

"You may have thought I had lightened up, but I've only changed my ways, boi," said Master Robert, approaching me with that threatening look that I hated and loved.

He reached into his satchel and pulled out an amazing outfit he must have just bought off the Web: Boots, rubber chaps with a yellow strip down the outer leg, and a codpiece with a bold yellow stripe down the middle.

"Strip and put this on. We're going to a piss club. I'm pimping you out tonight and for every minute possible over the next week. You're going to be fucked, pissed on, fisted--and I want to watch, take part, and make a lot of money off your whore body. I'll show you the ad I took out online advertising our services."

Once again, Master Robert had thought of everything. How could I get to the club bareassed in these chaps--he would be in master's uniform, but not butt naked. Well, he'd paid off the hotel to find a service elevator, where a gay-owned limo service picked us up and delivered us to the club.

I spent the ride over getting used to the sensational feeling of the outfit Master had bought me--the tight rubber against my completely hairless skin. The feelings overwhelmed the fact that I had taken off my chastity cuff.

Master and I entered the club to quite a few stares--most people get dressed, or undressed inside--not daring to come in as we did. There we met Carlos, a sexy young latino guy, who quickly made talk with Master Robert. Carlos peeled away a lot of bills and handed them to Master.

"You belong to Carlos until 10:00am tomorrow, boi," said Master. I will watch you here for awhile, get my rocks off and you'll be delivered back to the hotel tomorrow. Be ready. I have you booked for 2:00, 4:00, and 7:00 already. With that Master turned away and disappered into the crowd.

Carlos had striking black hair and not quite the body of Master Robert. But Carlos was an in-charge guy, dressed in tight washed levis and an open leather jacket.

He sized me up, running his hands along my smooth butt, grabbing my packaged cock and balls inside my codpiece, brushing up against my waxed, hairless chest. Carlos stared at me for an instant, then grabbed my hair and drew my lips close to his. A kiss? Instinctively I closed my eyes. Instead I got a huge hock of spit. I savored it and swallowed.

"On your knees, dog, and lick my boots."

I did as instructed. Carlos never changed positions as I moved from one to the other.

He again grabbed my hair and moved me toward his crotch. A wet spot appeared--piss--on his jeans and Carlos rubbed my face in it.

"Ok, we're going over there." Carlos pointed to a little concrete stage area and just as I looked over, he kneed me in my crotched. I winced at this kick in the balls and pushed me to the stage.

I'd recovered a bit and Carlos said to me, strip off everything and kneel on the stool. Stare at the floor until I'm ready.

A crowd began to gather as soon as I began to take off my things. I assumed a doggie position, looking down at the floor. It seemed like minutes.

Carlos approached. He unzipped. "Don't look up 'til I say so."

He pissed a hot stream all over my back and head. When he told me, I pushed the chair away and lay on the cold floor. Carlos continued pissing all over my front torso. "Open your mouth." I eagerly did and drank his sour piss before quite a gathering crowd.

But Carlos had saved enough piss to have a final touch. He ordered me to my hands and knees. Using just spit, he entered me and with his seemingly endless amount of piss, he filled my ass. I enjoyed the warm, burning liquid sensation up my butthole and the excitement of being shown off in public.

When he had finished pissing, Carlos waved the onlookers onstage. He told me to assume the sitting position and mass pissing began, pissing from dressed, half-dress, and naked guys. I was getting gang pissed. A few aimed for my mouth and I drank what I one point opening up to a flow of several guys at once.

Then someone strapped on a piss funnel. I had seen one, dreamed of using one, and here it was. It went on fast and the tube fed right down to the back of my tongue and into my throat. A camera went off--I barely recognized. It was Master Robert.

Streaming piss began down the funnel. I gasped and gulped piss. I had to chug it to keep up. It was a scene I had witnessed once and now I was doing it! Piss from everywhere, piss from a wild mix of gay guys, all swirling together, down my mouth.

The gang piss continued for twenty minutes or more as guys dropped their beers and stepped up. I loved it. I was a toilet, with Master Carlos' piss in my ass and the piss of many guys' on me and in me. And I was a whore, having my services earn two grand for my Master Robert.

If only those who served me in my real life could see me now.

Master Carlos ended the session, and with me dripping, had me put back on my rubber gear. He drove me to his house. I was rewarded for my services by being allowed to masturbate by the side of the highway as he kissed and licked me. Master Carlos said that Master Robert had given him permission for me to cum after my long celebacy.

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