Slave to Love

By moc.loa@taRylliSenO

Published on Apr 3, 2023


This story deals with sex among males. If you shouldn't be reading this, don't. It's a fantasy, set in a time when sex was safe. It isn't now, so don't be a risk to yourself and others. Always play safe. The copyright for this story lies with the author.

Virtual chocolates & chard to my friend Tim Mead without whose help and encouragement I couldn't (and wouldn't) have done this. You can't imagine how patient he has been. He beta'ed this thing, but of course I fiddled around with it afterward, so any remaining faults are mine. This goes also for the plotholes. Greetings to the rest of the Nifty Six: Patrick, Evan, Ash, and Mickey.

I want to dedicate this part to the staff and dancers of the Lindenbrauerei in Unna.

So, have fun, everybody, and let me know how you liked it under OneTommyW(at)aol(dot)com - yes, it's a new addy.




Malik is no child. Not only not "just a child", or "a mere kid", as I put it so casually, when I saw him for the first time. Now I rather think Rikk's first assessment of the brat was correct. He's a demon, a spawn of hell. I commanded him to go and spend the night in Tarik's tent - after all Bolgar, Rikk, and I wanted to celebrate our reunion - and the brat refused to go. He said I couldn't order him around, and he wanted to sleep with Rikk. Then he choked and pressed two tears out of his black eyes, and just like that Bolgar was bowled over. I can't believe it. Rikk and I looked at each other in amazement.

"Should we go and sleep with Tarik instead?" I murmured toward him, not really meaning it.

"No," he replied, "we'd better not leave these two alone."

I thought he was making a joke, and grinned. He didn't^Å

The four of us cuddled together under the blankets. No sex, of course. There was a child present, after all. And to be truthful, we were kind of tired. So we slept peacefully and undisturbed. Until the morning, that is, when I was awakened by an almighty roar. Bolgar's. He was sitting up, with his hair standing on end, a wild look in his eyes.

"He . . .he . . !" he sputtered, glaring at Malik, who was crouched between the giant's legs. The boy had a most satisfied smirk on his face, and worse, drops of pearly white cum on his chin, clearly visible against his dark skin. Rikk tried to suppress his laughter, but in vain. I didn't even try; I was howling with it. Bolgar threw us a baleful glare. Then he directed his glower at Malik, who was still licking his lips and looked like the cat that got the cream.

"You, boy!" Bolgar growled, pointing with one majestic finger at Malik's chest.

"Yes?" Malik asked, trying to sound innocent, but failing completely.

"Don't you ever do that again! I don't have sex with children!"

"I'm no child! I'm old enough! And I have sex with who I want! And I wanted it!"

"But I didn't want it! You can't just go and jump unwilling people!"

At that point Rikk exploded. "You talk about consent, Bolgar? You're such a hypocrite! Remember what you did to me!"

Bolgar shouted right back. "You were a slave! That's different!"

"You think so? And how are things now? If I refused you now, what would you do? Tell me, Bolgar! Would you just go and take it from me? Would you?"

Bolgar had gotten very pale during Rikk's outbreak. Now he took a deep breath and , looking into Rikk's eyes, he said, quietly, "I would never hurt you, little one. Not again. You must know that in your heart. Don't you?"

Rikk lowered his gaze. He was silent for a while, then he said, "Yes, you're right. I know that, Bolgar."

"Well, come here, cub. Let me hug you. If you want, that is."

Rikk practically threw himself into Bolgar's arms. I, however, turned toward Malik. I wasn't very happy with his behaviour. On one hand, I liked his brashness, on the other hand, he seemed like trouble to me, and I figured Rikk, Bolgar and I would have enough to do just trying to make our triad work.

I nodded at the boy. "We need to talk. Let's go outside." When he didn't move I took him none too gently by the arm and dragged him to the edge of the camp. He fought me all the way. He'd have some bruises on his arm afterward. When we reached the trees I let go of him. He threw me an evil glance and rubbed his arm. I just looked at him until he began to squirm. Didn't take long.

Then I said, "Listen, boy. I won't watch you messing with what's mine. Bolgar and Rikk are mine. If you want to stay with our group, you better keep away from my guys. We don't need a fourth, much less a child. Of course you don't have to stay with us. You can go wherever you want. I won't stop you. But if you stay, you gotta behave. So, what's it gonna be, boy?"

Malik's eyes were blazing. I just knew he'd have loved to tell me to go to hell. But there was no way he would make it on his own, whatever he wanted to do. I knew it, and so did he. He swallowed his pride, looked up at me resignedly, slightly pouting, and said, "Okay. I'll be good. I'll try to behave."

I nodded. "Well then. I'm going to give you to one of my men. See that you get along with him. If it doesn't work out, you'll have to leave. Understood?"

"Yeah," Malik replied morosely. I smirked. I knew just the right man to deal with this willful little wildcat. At least I hoped I did. Tarik was the son of my older sister, not twenty yet, but after Bolgar the one of my men I trusted most. He was reliable, courageous, and usually had a firm hold on his temper.

I walked Malik back to the camp. When I spotted Tarik, I waved him over to us. "Yuck! What happened to HIM?!" Malik whispered when Tarik came closer. His steps faltered and I had to practically drag him the last few feet. Well, I had to admit Tarik's face was not a beautiful sight. Not since its encounter with a Scarsian battle axe that pretty much smashed its left side. An ugly twisted scar ran from his cheekbone down to his chin pulling his mouth slightly down on that side. He had been lucky to keep his left eye, but his mouth seemed to be drawn in a perpetual sneer. Together with his coal black eyes and long dark hair it made him appear quite intimidating. I ignored Malik's struggles and addressed Tarik.

"Tarik, I've got a special task for you. This boy was a slave of the people who attacked us. He escaped them and helped Rikk to free us last night. I need you to keep an eye on him. Keep him out of trouble." I turned to the boy. "Malik, I'm not giving you to him as a slave, but you have to listen to this man and absolutely obey him! You can learn a lot from him, too. Understand?"

Malik nodded, reluctantly.

"Tarik, is this okay with you?"

The tall youth had listened silently, never showing any reaction at all. Now he nodded at me. "Okay, I'll take him."

"Take me? I hope you don't mean that, like, sexually, scarface!" Malik sneered at him. "There's no chance I'll ever let you touch me, ugly mug!"

Tarik looked at me, one eyebrow arched, then down at Malik as if the boy was a particularly nasty insect. Narrowing his eyes, he grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him along with himself. "Come, boy. You've got work to do." I saw Malik fighting his grip, as they went. Five minutes later, though, the boy was sitting before a giant heap of blood-encrusted swords that badly needed to be cleaned and polished, and I allowed myself an evil giggle. Come evening Malik would be in no mood to harass innocent people. Tarik was probably safe from him anyway, and Bolgar, Rikk and I would finally be able to celebrate our reunion properly. I must say that I got a very insistent hard-on at that thought.


I barely noticed Malik and Ragen leave the tent. I was completely lost in the blissful feeling of being held in Bolgar's powerful arms. How I had missed this!

"It's good to hold you again," Bolgar growled softly into my ear.

"Glad to have your fucktoy back?" I asked.

"Very much so," he replied, after a tiny pause.

Damn. That was nice, yes, but not what I'd hoped to hear. For a moment I stiffened in his arms, then I relaxed back into his hold, resignedly. I was where I wanted to be, wasn't I? It was better not be bitchy.

"Rikk, look at me," Bolgar continued. I did. His eyes bore into mine. "Last night you freed us and saved us from being sold as slaves, or worse. We'll be forever in your debt for this. You're not a slave anymore. You don't have to stay with us, either. If you want, we will escort you home to your folks, or wherever you want to go. But I'd rather you stayed here, with Ragen and me. And not as our fucktoy, either. What do you say?"

I tried, but I couldn't say a thing. I was so choked up, and tears were streaming from my eyes. Here it was, everything I'd hoped for, and there I went, crying again. "Yes," I said in between sobs, " yes, I want to be with you. Any way I can."

He smiled, and from the shine in his eyes I could see that he was really glad about this. His hold on me tightened and I was pressed against the hard, muscled planes of his body. It was so good to feel his power, his strength. I sighed contentedly and lay my head back on his shoulder. A long time we just stayed like that, unmoving, just being together.


Well, I'd never say no to uncle Ragen, but what the hell had he been thinking saddling me with that brat?? My fingers were still itching to give that boy the spanking he deserved! But having him clean the weapons wasn't bad, either. He'd be feeling those muscles for days. Just the right training for such a spoiled pet slave. Yeah, I knew that kind. Always crouching at their masters' feet, getting hand-fed with tasty morsels or sucking their masters' cocks under the table. Weaker than women, and even more moody. I despised their ilk. Right then I swore to myself that I'd toughen him up! But take him? In his dreams! He was a slut. Everybody knew that. Everybody'd heard Bolgar's yelling this morning. Actually I'd found it all quite funny, then. It didn't seem that funny to me now. Mentally shrugging my shoulders I strode over to the group of chained-up prisoners in the middle of the camp. I had some unfinished business with one of them.

It was midmorning, and we'd be leaving about noon. They'd lain there since the night, bound, unable to move. The flies were already swarming around them. Nobody was hurt real badly, but there was enough blood and muck to attract them. Ragen had announced we all could choose one of the prisoners for ourselves, if we wanted. That was not what I intended, though.

The miserable wretches snarled and tried to kick at me as I made my way between them, looking for the one who had defeated me two days ago and taken me prisoner. He was easy to find. Even though speckled with brownish clots of congealed blood his wheat-blond hair stood out. And he recognized me, too, if the gleam of his eyes was any indication. The long, wavy hair, these bluegreen eyes, together with his tanned skin were a striking combination. I'd seen people with this coloring before, far away from here on the coast of Brygia. Two days ago, his looks had made me hesitate just long enough to give him the advantage he needed over me. I resented him for that. He'd knocked me out with a club - yes, with a bloody friggin' club, for Luki's sake! - and I had awoken, my hands and feet bound securely, to a stream of hot piss directed at my face. His piss. For that, I resented him, too. Now, he scowled up at me as I approached. I just smiled.

Slowly, deliberately, I took my cock out, aimed, and let loose. Hot steaming yellow piss poured down on him, hit his wide-open eyes, and when he screamed with rage, it flooded his mouth. Soaking him from head to toe I watched him sputter and cough. My bladder had been so full, it fuckin' hurt, but by Bilari's guts, this was worth it! Finally my piss petered out; I shook the last drops off, and tucked myself back in. I was about to turn around and walk away from him, when he hissed at me, "Pissing's surely the only thing you ever get to do with that pathetic thing!" And I froze, swallowed, and slowly turned back.

I didn't stop to think about what I did then. I just took out my knife, stooped down to him, and holding his head immobile by that flaxen hair of his, I carved a big "T", for Tarik, right in the middle of his forehead. I didn't cut very deep, but nonetheless blood began to well up.

"What have you done to me?" he grated, blue eyes blazing.

"Just gave you a little something to remember me by," I said.

"Bastard!" he hissed. And then, in a deadly, low voice, "I swear, I'll get you for that! You'd better kill me now!"

I smirked. "I'm not worried 'bout you. I'm letting you go now, but I won't be so lenient next time. If you're smart you'll stay away from me." I got up, and walked away toward my tent. On my way I passed Malik, who was still polishing weapons. Not surprisingly, he threw me a dirty glare. I stopped to check his work. Not bad at all.

"You're doing well," I said.

"Fuck you, scarhead," was his reply.

"In your dreams, boy." Another one of those death-glares. I guess I was pretty safe from his advances. Behind me, I could hear Ragen snicker at our exchange. He and Bolgar were supervising the loading of the horses. We had lots to pack though we hadn't taken everything from the slavers, only the best stuff. Furs, all the coins and jewellery they'd had with them, and the best thing of all, a load of spices: nutmeg, vanilla, ginger, assafaran, cinnamon, and a yellow powder we couldn't identify, but whose smell made my mouth water. We'd be able to sell the spices further north for at least the double of their worth here. I bet those slavers were already cursing the day they'd attacked us.

"Ragen," I asked, "will we leave before noon?"

"Yeah, I want to be off as soon as possible. It's still at least four days till Aquilegia, if the weather's holding. We can get rid of all of the furs there and buy cotton cloth, wine and oil."

"Uh, Ragen, I know you said we'd send someone from the next village to free the prisoners. I'm not so sure if that's a good idea."

"Yeah, I've thought about that, too. Why should they set people free who very probably attacked them before and will do so again? We need to take one of those bastards with us instead and send him back to free his folks tomorrow morning. That should give us enough of an advantage. After two days lying in the cold without food they won't be much of a menace anyway."

And so was it done. One hour later we set out south. I was eager to go there. This was only my second journey, the other one had been a winter trip to Seria, and now I wanted to see a sea that was warmer than the Northern Sea, a land where they grew wine and olives and spoke a language that sounded exciting and melodious and so different from ours.


Damn, but it felt good to be on the road again! Rikk was riding between Ragen and me, and a few rows behind us I could hear that boy Malik bitch at Tarik. I didn't envy Ragen's nephew his task of keeping the boy under control. As I made a respective comment to my men, Rikk frowned and remarked, "Malik's not a bad one, you know. Remember, he had to serve his owner as a sex-slave. That must have left traces. And I suspect he's used to being spoiled rotten. We gotta cut him some slack. I hope Tarik won't be too hard on him."

"Well, let's just hope he keeps him away from us tonight," I muttered. "That's all I want!"

Ragen and Rikk snickered as we rode on. We were heading straight south, and with every mile of progress we made out of the mountains it seemed to become warmer. Our destination for today was the Lago Rubio, and we reached its shores just before it became too dark to travel further.

Great fires were lit and we made camp. It was so mild and the sky was so clear we didn't bother with the tents. Instead, we just laid out our blankets. Ragen, Rikk and I carried our stuff more to the edge of the camp, a fact the men commented on with lewd remarks.

We baked our simple bread on flat stones in the fire, and grilled freshly caught fish. It was companionable and easy, just like I remembered the south. Still, I couldn't wait for the evening to pass, for the fires to die down. By Luki's two tails, I wanted my men!

When finally the circle around the fire had become smaller, and more and more of our band had retired to sleep, or not to sleep, and Ragen had named the guards for the night, he, Rikk and I went to where our things lay. I got naked in no time, and Ragen and Rikk smirked when they saw just how hard and ready I already was.

"My, my, Bolgar! So eager, and you came already today!" Ragen taunted, undressing himself.

"That doesn't count!" I growled. "That was the kid from hell, and I was asleep when it happened anyway! I want you guys, and now!"

"How about a swim first? The water was nice when I scrubbed our bowls, and we're all pretty grimy," Rikk proposed. He was naked now, too, and Gods, his slender, boyish body looked so good to me!

"What did he just say?" Ragen cast me a flabbergasted glance. "He wants to swim?"

"Yeah, that's what I heard, too." We both frowned at him.

"What's the matter? Why do you two look at me like that?"

"We don't swim," Ragen declared. "We're from a nation of seafaring men. We use boats."

"You don't swim? Like, in, you can't swim? What do you do when your boat sinks?"

"Go to Valhalla fast and brave," I replied, " not flee our death by splashing around cowardly."

"Besides," added Ragen, "our boats do not sink!" Shoulder by shoulder, we stood there, letting Rikk see our disapproval. Swimming, really! I shook my head. No self-respecting Norseman swam. Ever.

"Well, I can swim, and now I'll go and do so!" Rikk said, pouting a bit, and naked as he was he strutted over the short distance to the water's edge, and jumped into the lake. He came up, swam and splashed, mocking us, while we ignored him. Until suddenly, with a strangled gasp, he went under. I thought my heart was going to stop then and there.

"Shit! We have to get him out!" I shouted.

"Yeah," Ragen agreed, breaking into a run, "come on, Bolgar, hurry!"

We jumped into the water. I went under like a stone. Flailing around wildly, I came up again, coughing my lungs out. At my side Ragen sounded like he was doing the same. Then I saw Rikk's head, maybe ten feet away from us.

"He's over there," I sputtered, trying to point the direction, which promptly made me sink under again. When I came up next time, Ragen had inched closer to where Rikk had been. Only Rikk wasn't there anymore. 'Oh Skadi of the Scythe,' I prayed, 'spare him!'

"Help!" it gurgled faintly from behind me. Splashing, Ragen and I managed to turn around. But there was nothing, was there? It was hard to tell in the dark.

"I can't see him anymore," I shouted, getting desperate.

"Me neither!" Ragen shouted back.

"Over here, guys!" Rikk's voice.

"Rikk, dammit, where are you?" And then I saw him, his pale, lean body, glistening wetly in the light of the dying fires. Standing near the shore, waving with both arms, and decidedly not looking like a man who had nearly escaped drowning. I couldn't say for sure, but it seemed like the asshole was even grinning at us.

In my surprise I forgot that I still had no firm ground under my feet, and spluttering I went under once more. Ragen pulled me up this time; he seemed to have gotten the hang of this swimming thing faster than me.

"He's been having us on," he stated, his voice dangerously low, while he dragged the two of us toward the shore.

"He's going to pay for that!" I snarled, feeling beyond mad now.

Rikk must have seen something in our faces. He bit his lip. "Hey, at least you two can swim now!" he yelled, before turning round and dashing away from us. Ragen and I exchanged a grim glance.

"Wear him out?" Ragen proposed.

"Nah," I said. "He'll only break his stupid neck in the dark. Besides, we want him lively for later, don't we?"

We chased him a bit, then we brought him down. We threw him onto his back, I held his arms, Ragen kneeled on his thighs.

"Tell me, Rikk," I inquired sweetly, "do you happen to be ticklish?"

"Uh, no?" he tried, but the look in his eyes gave him away. I grinned at him. Taking both his wrists in my left hand, I reached with my right for his ribs.

"Shit!" he screamed, jerking away from my touch. "Bolgar, I'm sorry! Ragen, help me, dammit!" We just laughed at that, heartily.

He fought like a wildcat, but he had no chance against us. We only stopped when he seemed close to suffocating. Leaning back to survey our work, we saw that Rikk was bathed in sweat, breathless, wheezing from laughing and crying at the same time. He didn't even try to stand up. He lay there, spread out for us like a feast, not cheeky or cocky anymore, rather, well, pliant. It reminded me of the second night we three spent together, when Rikk had lain there so submissively and had let me rim him, and later had asked me to fuck him.

"Already he looks well-fucked, and we haven't even started yet," commented Ragen.

"We should remedy that," I agreed.

Rikk moaned and spread his legs. Ye Gods, when he's like that I find him absolutely irresistible.

"Who's first?" I croaked.

"Wait, let me get the oil, we're gonna need it," Ragen murmured, jumping up.

"Bring a blanket, too", I yelled after him. Then I knelt down at Rikk's side. I looked into his big, shining eyes.

"You," I said, pointing with a finger on his chest, "have been a very bad boy!"

"Yes, Bolgar," he whispered, spreading his legs a bit more. His cock was hardening under my gaze. Lovely.

"You need to be taught a lesson, don't you think?" I asked, settling between his thighs.

"Yes, master. Please teach me!" he moaned, pushing his hard-on up at me.

I couldn't resist. I sucked it all in, deep into my throat, and kept him there, swallowing around him, as he screamed and bucked under me. In no time he yelled that he was coming. Suddenly a hand appeared between us, tugging Rikk's balls down none too gently, and Ragen's voice growled, "Not so fast, boys!"

"Fuck!" yelled Rikk in frustration. "Exactly," said Ragen, who had dropped the blanket and was now towering over us, arms folded in front of his chest. "Not only did you start without me - you, Rikk, nearly finished without me!" he groused. I snickered. Ragen was magnificent, all naked, still wet and glistening, all muscles and smooth planes, his cock an angry, urgent red pole waving before my nose. I reached for it.

"Uh uh," he said, taking a step back.

"Ooh, come on, I gotta have it!" I pleaded, knowing that he'd like that.

"And you're gonna get it," he growled. "Right up your ass, Bolgar, my brother. Here -" he threw me the oil -"get yourself ready for me. Hurry up!"

Rikk's eyes got big as he saw me coating two fingers with the oil and jabbing them up my arse, eager for Ragen's cock. When I could take three without too much discomfort, I put my head down on Rikk's stomach, pushed my arse out at Ragen and said, "I'm ready."

Ragen entered me mercilessly. He knew very well what I could take. It hurt some, but the stretch was delicious and even with the first push he hit the good place inside me dead-on. Caught between pain and pleasure, I jerked my head up and howled like a hungry icewolf. Above me, Ragen laughed in satisfaction and pride. No one else could take me to that place, and he knew it.

He stayed motionless inside me. I was so tight around him, I could feel the blood pulsing through his weapon. I thought I could come, just from this. It was maddening. "Move, dammit," I ground out.

Slowly he pulled out, just to slam back into me, fast. "Yes!" I screamed. Under me, Rikk was panting just from watching us. His eyes were dark with need and I wanted to take him, fill him up, but I knew I couldn't, not when Ragen was fucking me like this.

But Ragen had watched Rikk, too. "Better get yourself ready," he told him, "because you're next!" Rikk's breath hitched in his throat and he hurriedly grabbed the flask with oil and set to work. Our gazes locked as Ragen grabbed my hips firmly and started fucking me into oblivion. It was hard and fast, and I yelled with every thrust. He kept on hitting my love nut and then I was coming and he just fucked me through it, fucked the cum out of me, and it splattered all over Rikk.

When Ragen pulled out, I collapsed next to Rikk, suddenly feeling completely limp. Rikk lifted and spread his legs till his knees were practically at his ears. His hole glistened wetly and he was the picture of submission. Still, I could see him worrying his lower lip and wondered if he might be a bit afraid.

Ragen bent down and kissed him, tenderly, for a long time, until Rikk was responding just as eagerly. Then he put the tip of his cock at his entrance and asked him, "How do you want me, sweet thing?", and Rikk blinked and replied, "Go slow, please. Slow and deep." I could only watch in awe as Ragen complied and sank into him slowly, agonizingly so, and Rikk's eyes closed in pleasure and he sighed, "Oh, yes, just like this!" Ragen continued to take him slowly, on and on, and I could see how he ground his teeth together from trying not to come before Rikk was there, too. I couldn't take it any longer. Leaning over Rikk's prone body, I took hold of his weeping dick and began to swirl my tongue around the juicy head.

"Yes, Gods, yes!" moaned Rikk. "Just like that, Bolgar! Fuck! Fuck me faster, Ragen! More! More, dammit!"

"You want more?" Ragen gasped. "You're gonna get it!" And he sped up until he was really slamming into him and Rikk was yelling and Ragen was huffing, and then Rikk's cock pulsed and he started to shoot, huge amounts of hot tasty cum, and I caught it all in my mouth. One breath later Ragen spent himself inside Rikk, his arms trembling from the exertion, shouting out his completion in a hoarse voice. I waited till he'd got a bit of his breath back. Then I leaned over to him, and kissed him deeply, our tongues playing with Rikk's cum, swapping it back and forth between us. At last he pulled out and broke down between Rikk and me. I'll never forget how heavy the air was with our combined smells on him. I remember thinking at that moment that I was his, just like Rikk was. And that he was ours. We pulled the forgotten blanket over us and fell asleep right there, under the stars.

To be continued in part three, which is mostly written and will be posted soon. Really!

Next: Chapter 3

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