Slave to His Parents

By moc.liamtoh@70luosydospahr

Published on Mar 7, 2023


Part 2 ended when Nigel was instructed to stay in a kneeling position as a punishment and Paul went up to his room)...enjoy reading.

Paul lie on his bed, thinking of the day's events. Something so wonderful had happened to his life. He thinks about Nigel, his firm, taut and youthful body, his handsomness, his submissiveness. However, most importantly, he loves his boy so much and although now theirs was a master/slave relationship, he wanted it to be based on love and pssion and not a relationship that is based on sadistic cruelty. Paul never want it to be this way. As he thinks, he starts to wonder whether it was too much of him to be so harsh to his boy.. He thinks of Nigel's body in position, kneeling down there with tears running down his eyes, he couldn't felt more ashamed of himself. How could he let his mind being overruled by his own excitedness. As he ponders further, he couldn't resist it but to run down the stairs to the living room. He needs to see Nigel in the eye at this very moment. As he runs out of his room, he knows that Nigel certainly means more to him than any other person/things in his life now.

Nigel was still in position as Paul had instructed him. He is kneeling down, naked, with his hands placed behind his head tightly, all the while his eyes still focusing on the camera's lens. Tears are still flowing down from his eyes, his whole body feeling almost numb now, especially his arms. He wanted to stretch himself but he knows that he can't. He wanted to be truely sorry for his mistake earlier. Then he heard Paul's footsteps. He quickly alerted himself, wanting to present the best of himself to his master.

Paul saw Nigel in position and he was pleased that the boy had obeyed his commands. He walked past him to the sofa and and took up the camera. He pulled out the film and expose it to the light, then throw it into the dustbin.

"Boy, stand up, into position, come nearer to me"

"Yes sir!"

Nigel stood up, his body was tensed in every parts. He walked akwardly towards Paul and stand besides him in position.

"Look, boy, i shouldn't have used this camera to take down yr movements. I should have trusted you, our relationships should be based on trust and love. im sorry, u understand?"

"Sorry sir, im sorry to had f**ked up, please don't say sorry to me, i understand that you love me alot, i love you too, sir!"

Paul was totally melted by what Nigel had said. All throughout his experiences with other boyslaves, he never said sorry to anyone before. Now he knows that Nigel will be the jewel in his crown, the pride of his whole life.

"Come, come and sit down here, right besides me!"

"Oh ca..can i do that?" Nigel hesitated for a moment, he thought that he should have respect for his master, how can he sit down together with him.

"Why not, you are my dearest slave that i could ever have, as long as you obey and respect me and not take my love for granted, you can...come here or else i will get angry!"

"Yes sir, thank you sir!"

Nigel went and sit besides Paul, still a bit stiff, he didn't know how to react but just to sit down on the sofa, back still arched, chest out and hands still above his bums.

"Relax, boy, off with the formalities!"

Paul shifted nearer to his slaveboy. He tooked off the nipple clamps. Nigel's nipples are now stiff and hard. Paul stroked on his nipples gently and caress it, trying to smooth the pain.

"Still hurts?"

"No" Nigel replied!

"Come, lie on my lap."

All the while, the two men gazes into each others' eyes. Paul starts to caress gently his boy's body. As they sit there in the couch comfortably, the evening sun setting, both locked lips. Paul begin kissing his boy, Nigel responding too. Both men embrace one another and ended up slouching in the couch for the whole evening. As Nigel and Paul both drifted into blissful dreams, Nigel still resting down on Paul's laps, night had already creeped in.

Paul then tickle nigel on his abs and asked him to wake up. "Wake up, boy, let's go out for dinner!"

Nigel went and have his face washed and in no minute at all appear before Paul, standing in position once again. Paul was pleased to see Nigel in position, this shows that he still understand that Paul is his master despite their love for one another. He thought to himself that theirs was truely a relationship based on love and respect.

"Stay here, i'll go upstairs to take the necessary clothes that you will wear out."

"Yes sir!"

Paul then reappear with a set of clothes for his boy. A ripped army tank top in green, a pair of levis denim cutoffs, and a pair of black jockstrap. In no time at all, Nigel dressed himself up. Truely, he was an impressive sight, his biceps exposed showing defination rather than bulge, his butt was firm against the material of the cuttoffs. He's now ready to go off. but before that, Paul removed the dog collar from his neck annd replaced it with a stylish, thinner metal choker that looks more like a fashion accessory rather than a dog's collar. He did this because he doesn't want Nigel to be embarrassed also and at the same time, still reminding him of his position.

Paul kissed Nigel on the cheek and both of them went out of the house into the car.

Paul wanted to take Paul to a posh restaurant to celebrate their new found relationship with one another. Within ten minutes, they arrived at the restaurant. The place was upscale classy and posh. Nigel felt a little ashamed. He doesn't feel right in this kind of place with what he is wearing. Paul notice nigel's uncomfortableness and asked him what's wrong.

"What's wrong? You don;t like this place?"

"NO, master, its ookk with me.....!" Nigel replied, as he doesn't want Paul to be dissapointed.

"Then let's go."

Paul walked towards the restaurant with Nigel following him behind slowly.

They entered into the restaurant. Indeed the place was posh. Victorian decorations with several chandeliers along the ceiling, impressive bar and a rich clientele.

"hi, good evening sir, may i help you?" a waiter at a door attending to Paul.

"A table for two please for me and my boy."

"alright sir, please proceed in!"

Nigel follow closely Paul noticing eyes roaming on him. He felt thoroughly uneasy. Paul sat down on the chair. The waiter wanted to show Nigel to the chair but Nigel didn't dare to sit down, he keeps his eyes on Paul.

"Sit down, boy!"

"Yes, SIR"

"Give me two sets of sirloin steaks, wine for me and juice for the boy!"

The waiter took the order and proceeded to process the order.

Soon, they finished their dinner. While walking out of the restaurant, eyes were still mingling on Nigel, giving him a disapproving look on their faces. Paul realised that and took Nigel by the hand and exited quickly.

They got into the car and Paul drove them to a nearby park. "Boy,i realised that you have been uncomfortable all night...would you want to tell me why?" paul asked gently but with a firm tone to it.

"Sir, I jus felt uneasy with all those eyes peering at me, its not like the feeling in college whereby i..i noe that they are admiring me, this time round, i can feel the tension in their eyes. I felt ashamed and embarrassed..sir, i noe i shouldn't feel this way but i..." As he answers, his voice turns into little sobs.

This is what makes Nigel wonderful, although he's a grown up man but he's able to let his emotions run free....Paul thought to himself, a true slave material, not just that but a man who is truthful and honest with his emotions. He loves him so much....

"Look boy, you should not be ashamed at all, those people have no place in our lives, u understand, we don't need their approval. A slave is not lowly, a slave is someone who is proud and confident enough to hand his life over to a master completely and love him with all his heart. You are one yourself, you are my slave, my boy and you must realise deep inside you, what matters most in your life is that YOUR MASTER LOVES YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD, and i do, u understand?"

Paul speaks assuringly all the while looking into Nigel's eyes and stroking his hair.

Nigel upon hearing this couldn't resist anymore but to embrace his master. He put his strong arms around his master's equally taut body and they locked up there in each other. Paul contiue to stroke Nigel's hair and that moment seems to be forever.

Nigel was glad and assured. now he knows that what he had been thru so far is more than worthwhile, he knows in his heart that he had found a pillar of strength in his master, one who will never let him down.

Paul was glad too. Nigel is the best thing that ever happen to him. He will cherish and nuture him into the perfect slave.

As both men sat there in each other arms, they begin to dream of what lies ahead in their life.

Soon the dawn breaks and the scene was beautiful....they both woke up.

"Look, boy, look at the morning light, its so beautiful, come lets take a jog back to the car.!"

"yea, its really beautiful especially in yr arms, sir!"

Paul smiled..."come lets go, but first take off yr tank top first, i will want to see my boy's body glistening in the morning glow!"

Nigel stripped off his tank top w/o any hesitation, flex a little to his master and started jogging.

They got into the car and halfway thru' the journey, Paul decided its time to go shop for new clothes for his boy as he turned into the shopping area.

It's saturday morning as the shopping area in town is always filled with people, especially with youths hanging around the malls. It is not a beachtown so everyone will be in their casuals. Seldom, people will be shirtless here. As Paul was turning into the carpark, he had a glimpse at Nigel and he thought that this will be a good time to see whether how has last night's talk at the park help him.

The morning sun was shining brighter and as they got out of the car, Nigel stood there half naked awaiting Paul's instuction. Paul went over and tugged at his cutoffs playfully and drag him along. Along the way to the mall, there had been unwanted stares from the youths. However this time round, Nigel never even flinch, he still continued to walk behind Paul. Nigel was comfortable and Paul knows it and he was proud of his boy.

They first went into a sports shop. There were several athletic college types trying out jerseys, caps and stuff.

Paul went straight to the saleslady and ask her for some running shorts. The lady in no time at all presented to Paul some designs. Paul looked it over and found one that he particularly like. It is made of light material and its color is of the skin color. He took that and ask Nigel to try it out at the dressing room and wear it out afterwards...

Nigel tried it and he found it to be pretty nice as it had a nice feel on his skin. He looks himself at the mirror and find the combination of black thongs and running shorts to be rather weird but nonetheless he came out of the dressing room.

"Hmmn, its pretty fit on you, yea, come turn around for me to see, well the slits at the side are high enough, your butt fills the short rather well" Paul commented as he tapped a few times on Nigel's butt.

The saleslady was abit amused and she giggled a bit.

Nigel knows that and he begin to tell himself that it does not matter. Although there's not a strong struggle anymore but he stills feel embarassed and shy. He guess that it will takes time for him to be totally at ease and until that, he will try not to be ashamed, as he will not want to disappoint his master.

"ok boy, why don't you put yr arms behind your head, i want to see how it looks when you flexed yr muscles..." Nigel obeyed and immediately placed his arms behind his head and showed it to his master.

"ok, good, i will take this one for you, go and change now!" Paul slapped Nigel on his sides to signal him to get moving.

After that Paul decided to move on to the real "shopping" deal. They got into the car and started on their journey to the a specialty area selling that shld really be his prime interest.

They soon arrived. The area was quite big, and here its quite different form the earlier mall. There are noticebly lots of gays around. The shops here are pretty different as well. One particular shop looks pretty strange to nigel. there were whips and chains, and some other stuff which nigel had no idea of. Of course, Paul knows it too well.

Paul decided to skip those shops first...and went into a hair salon. It's not like a normal salon at all. first the walls were painted a dark shade, on the walls there hang paintings of masters punishing their slaves.

"Welcome sir, have a seat here, what would you like to drink?" A man in his early twenties approach Paul and showed him to a large sofa.

The young man was dressed in black boxer and nothing else.

"Gimme a cuppa of coffee!"

"Yes, sir, it will come up pretty quick!" the young man responded.

Nigel meanwhile was standing in "position", with his back arched, chest out and hands above his bum. He saw the young man's body and was surprised that there aren't any traces of body hair on his body, even his pits. He alwasy thought that men must have at least some hair, as a sign of manhood, but after seeing the young man, he had a different view now. He never knew that hairless man looks good, in fact better as the shape of a man's bodyline accentuates further without any hair.

He stand there while his master is sipping the coffee, and soon it was his turn.

"Hey, Paul, how are you?" A man that is his forties appeared and begin to embrace Paul. "what brings you here?"

"Oh, i bought my boy here to have his "hair" done...!"

"Ya well, you always do with yr other slaves, so this yr new acquired slaveboy."

"Oh yes, he's not any other slave, he's my foster son and only recently my boy...!"

"Ohhhhh...ermm...pretty goodlooking and look at his pecs, they are so taut and firm, only that the small amount of hair tracing the middle should be trimmed really got yrself a great deal here huh..."

The middle aged man exclaimed as he traces the muscles of Nigel's pecs and the visible crevice in the middle of his pecs.

"you certainly got a good sense of humor huh, Joe, ok get on with yr job!"

"oh ya certainly, you can't wait to see this fit young slave in his glorious hairless body rite...Come lets proceed to the "shaving" room...!" Joe slapped Nigel on his bum and proceed to the room.

"Come pretty boy, lets go!"

They went into the room and first Paul went on and introduce the middle aged man to Nigel.

"Boy, this Sir here is my friend, you shall address him as "Master Joe", he will "cut yr hair" for you, make sure you obey and follow his instructions, is that understood?"

"Yes SIR..."

"I will be goin to do some stuff and i will return later to fetch you, joe i will live my boy in yr hands, make sure you do a good job!" With that, Paul walked out of the salon.

"Strip, boy!"

"Yes Master Joe!"

Nigel stood of his cutoffs and pull down his thongs, he stood there now completely naked with his hands rested above his bums.

Master Joe then went forward and played with Nigel's nipples...circling them and working into his pecs.

"you got quite alot of hair but it will all be gone, ok come and placed your arms behind yr head, don't even flinch!"

Nigel did as instructed.

Joe then took up the razor and started shaving Nigel's pits, chest, the naval area, the crotch and finally his ass crack. In no time at all, nigel was as hairless as the day he was born. Joe then begin to check for even the slightest trace of hair but he found his skills to be perfect.

"ok come over here!" Master Joe then begin to run his fingers over nigel's hairless bod. He begin to admire the musculature. He cupped nigel's balls in his hands and begin to pinch it softly, moving to his cock.

"Bend yr ass for me!"

"Yes. master Joe"

"ermm...good, no amount of hair left....!"

"Thank You Master Joe!"

Nigel was left alone standing there in his new glory while Joe went about clearing up.

Paul returned and upon seeing Nigel went and touch him. "Oh mine, you look gorgeous, boy!"

"Thank you Sir."

With that he ordered nigel to dress up but this time w/o the thongs, then he went and thanked joe for the help and paid him.

They went out of the salon and into a supposedly tattoo shop.

"Hi boss, i would you like you to mark my new boy!"

The boss nodded and went around preparing for the job. He did not even checked out nigel's body as joe did.

"One on the left pec, the name on the right pec, and one on the right upper arm, pls, the same intitials, the boy's name is nigel"

"No problem, jus rest yrself over there and yr boy will be ready in a split second."

The man went abt searching for the stuff and proceeded to do it. True enough, it was all done. The tattoos were still fresh and red but it already stands out on nigel's youthful and taut body. On his right pec "Slave Nigel", on the left pec, there's a barcode picture, and on the right upper arm writes "Property of Master Paul" on top of a picture of an eagle (Paul's initial).

Paul admired the handiwork and smiled to nigel. Nigel felt his master's approval and smiled back radiantly. With that they kiss each other briefly and went out of the shop.

With that, Paul decided it's time to go home. Its been a long day for nigel and himself. As both master and slave sat in the car, they were proud of each other. Paul's proud of his slaveboy and Nigel's proud of his master. Both men are truely deeply in love but as the journey continues, however Paul knows in his heart, its not gonna be "lovey-dovey" forever (he gotta start training Nigel)- afterall theirs was a master/slave relationship. As he drove on, he was excited abt the days ahead but he is sure, no matter wat, love will always be an important part in their relationship.....

(Please send your comments, opinions about how the story should proceed/how slaveboy nigel should be trained, etc in my mailbox.)

Next: Chapter 4

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