Slave to His Parents

By moc.liamtoh@70luosydospahr

Published on Dec 1, 2000


Slave to His Parents

Nigel was a kid that had lost his biological parents at a tender young age of 6 years old. After both of his parents died in a tragic car accident, he was sent to an orphanage located in the outskirts of town. As Nigel was relatively scrawny and weak as a child, he was often bullied by boys twice his size. As time goes by, Nigel was resentful of himself and the situation that he is in. For every day of the one year he spent in the orphanage, he often has to fight the urge to end his life. All this ended when he just turns 7, a couple decided to adopt him.

After so many years, Nigel can still remember the day that had brought him out of misery into happiness. One fine day on a hot summer afternoon, a relatively young couple in their late twenties came into the orphanage. The man was handsome with well-defined features. Though not much of a pretty boy, he exudes ruggedness and manliness of an intelligent man. The lady beside the man is elegant but slightly big boned. She carries with herself a sense of dominance and authority. The man's name as Nigel later gets to know is Paul and the lady's, Marilyn. After hours of careful discussions and open talk with the nurse in charge, they finally chosen Nigel to be their adopted son.

After the nurse broke the news to Nigel, he was at a loss of words. At long last he will have a real home. At the same time, he was a little apprehensive, not knowing how will the couple treat him. However Nigel had managed to clear away all fears and doubts when he gets to know the couple better through more in-depth communication. He felt true love since a very long time. He was overjoyed and was waiting earnestly for tomorrow as the couple will come and fetch him.

Nigel spent the next eleven years of his teenaged life in the love of Paul and Marilyn. They treated him like their own child. They gave him the best education they can afford, bought him lotsa clothes, gave him lotsa of freedom and independence. Through all these careful nurturing and caring, Nigel grown up to be a healthy boy, both physically and emotionally.

Nigel was really a handsome boy. He is someone that people will call a "genetically blessed" specimen of a human male. Though only 18 in age, he has broad tapered shoulders that drop to a slim waistline. Pectorals are formed firmly resting on an equally impressive ribcage. His abdominal muscles were also well cut into his flesh. He is 5 foot 7 tall, though not considered tall but that does not tamper the charming image that college girls have for him. Nigel enjoys having all these attention splurged on him and he often felt proud of himself and his body.

Hot summer vacation has arrived and Nigel has nothing really significant to do this summer. He decided to chill out at home and play his playstation games throughout. During summer, Paul and Marilyn are also quite free as they are teachers of a junior school. Thus they will be having their vacation as well. The family decided to stay together this summer vacation and Nigel was excited about it because he knows that his foster parents are a fun loving lot and they will never run out of things to do and places to go.

"Hey Nigel, take out all your dirty clothes in your room and put them in the bin on the kitchen floor!" Marilyn exclaimed.

"Yah Mum, I will do it in a second"

You better be quick, I won't be at home for long. Me and your dad are going out tonight." Marilyn replied in a slightly annoying tone.

"K, sure!" Nigel shouted back, "oh ya, by the way where you guys will be going?"

"We will be going to a friend's house for a small gathering, you wouldn't be interested to go."

Nigel upon hearing this went sulking away. Looks like he have to spent his evening alone again.

At around evening time, Paul arrived home and met with Marilyn. They went off in a jiffy, leaving Nigel all alone by himself.

Nigel tried to call some of his friends out but most of them are not in. Dinner time soon approaches. With his stomach growling and the boredom increasing, he decided to go out to town and grab a bite and see what's happening around there.

He grabbed a pair of sweats and a tight fitting black muscle tee and went out leaving his usually well-combed blond hair tousled and free. He spotted a restaurant that sells wonderful italian pasta and he went in without any hesitation. In about half an hour time, he finished his meal and came strolling out of the restaurant. He keep on walking down the streets until he come upon a familiar looking car. He glanced nearer and he found that it is actually Paul's car. He was puzzled as the car was situated along a stretch of pubs and clubs.

"Well, maybe they change their venue for their gathering, I suppose!" Nigel thought to himself.

He was about to walk away from that street as it is bored going to parties alone. Turning back, he suddenly changed his mind. He felt especially horny today and maybe he could meet some girls in the pubs and he can chat them up. So he walk down the road. None of the pubs fazes him at first until he came upon this one with the name "SM Utopia". He was curious with this name and he decided to check into the pub. The pub's entrance was a bit on the edgy side with chains hanging around.

"this place seems bloody and gothic..." Nigel thought, while walking forward.

Soon he arrived at the reception area. He was more shocked to find that the reception table was made out of a cage and a very handsome man around the age of 22, sits behind the reception half naked with a spiked collar on. He look at the man and he saw a tattoo on his left chest. The tattoo writes "Slave Marc". Nigel at this point of time already knows what is this whole place all about. Upon realizing this fact, he decides to turn away because he is neither queer nor into SM stuff. However he spotted himself with a hard on as he keeps his glance on the slaveboy behind the reception table. This keeps him on a dilemma, he doesn't know what to do, to go further into the pub or to retreat home. Soon, not long after, his horny self has taken complete control over his mind, he decided to move on into the pub......

When he walked further in, he could see more male flesh exposed. There does not seems to be a significant number of ladies here, he thought to himself. More men that are dressed like the slaveboy behind the reception were walking around. They were accompanied by man wearing leather harnesses and tight leather pants. These men look fierce while the half naked boys are more subservient. He walked further in then spotted a door that is not locked fully. From about ten metres, he could see images of long strings flinging in the air. He walked nearer, tried to peek into the room. As he focused his sight more clearly, he saw a woman sitting cross-legged on a high stool sipping wine and besides him was a man standing. The man seems to be sweating profusely. As the room was dark and dim, Nigel could not really make out the faces of the people in there. However he could see a boy kneeling down and receiving whips to his body. In another corner, another naked boy was hanging onto the ceiling with a gag in his mouth. Nigel was turned on and he was surprised himself. However he does not care that much and he began to wank himself off.

As Nigel was looking in, a man approaches him and grab hold of his hands and lock it behind his back.

"Hey, what the f**k are you doing?" Nigel exclaimed.

"Looks like a horny young man is interested in what's happening in the room and desiring to find out more, am I right?" a man said in a sly voice.

"Are you mad or wat, LET GO of me!!!!" Nigel shouted.

Nigel struggled for a long time and he flings his arms and legs about furiously, trying to break free from the man's grip. But to no avail, as the man was just too strong for him.

"LET GO, YOU BASTARD!!!!!" Nigel shouted at the top of his voice this time round.

The man strengthen his grip harder saying "Let's see what you are made of, little boy!"

The door croaks open... "What on earth is happening around here, which little slaveboy is making so much noise?" a voice appears as a blur image of a man begin to evolve as the door slowly opens.

Nah, it's just a little boy wanking himself to the hot scene in the room, that's all." The man grabbing Nigel responded.

"Oh really, let me see how this little horny looks like." The man behind the door slowly appears...


The man behind the door was shocked. What on earth are you doing here, son?" he said in a splattering yet angry manner.

"What are you doing here instead? Nigel shouted loudly.

The man is still grabbing Nigel forcefully.

The commotion outside attracts the crowd to it. Soon a elegant lady appears.

"Oh my gawd! Nigel, why are you doing here?" the lady spoke.

Nigel was totally shocked and was at a loss of words, even after knowing that the lady is Marilyn.

Marilyn stared down to Nigel's sweats and he found a raging hard and wet stains on it.

"And why are you horny and what causes you to have wet precum on your trousers, son?" Marilyn changes her tone to a sly voice now...

Nigel look down at his trousers, He was shocked and too ashamed of words already.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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