Slave to Friends Brother

By John Elliot

Published on Jun 26, 2008



This is a work of fiction, and those people who are prevented from reading such fictional works either by age, by preference (homosexual content), or by law should stop reading and go back on your browser.

All of the characters presented here are fictional representations.

It's just a story. Please enjoy.

Chapter 1

The party was hopping, and I had already had too many drinks. The place was fairly crowded, but it was hard to tell in the dimmed lighting. I grabbed my beer and made my way down into the basement. There were some cute girls dancing down there before, and I wanted to check it out.

The party was at my friend Brett's house. We had just finished our junior year in college, and we wanted to celebrate. The party was originally pretty small (just a close group of our friends), but then his brother showed up with a bunch of people. Brett's brother Matt was a sophomore in highschool. He was 16, had long curly blond hair, and a thin swimmers build. He was mature for his age, but still boyish looking, lacking facial hair with smooth legs and arms. He had a light bronze tan.

Brett was 20, and had a similar build to his brother. He kept his hair relatively short though, and didn't really have that surfer look. We had been friends since the 7th grade. We hung out together all the time, and he was definitely my best friend.

I made my way downstairs, but was disappointed to see that it had emptied out. The music was still playing down there, but no one was dancing. A fuzzy couch was placed in the corner with a few people chilling on it. I walked over to it, and saw that it was Matt and a few of his friends. Two guys sat to his left, and a small young looking girl sat to his right.

"Hey man", said Matt as I approached.

"Hey", I responded.

I was bordering on drunk, and I felt the need to sit down. I sat on the floor facing the couch and took another sip of my beer. The girl next to Matt began rubbing his shoulder and whispered something into his ear. From my viewpoint on the floor I had a direct view of Matt's crotch area. Matt was wearing plaid shorts that went up to his knees. As she rubbed his shoulders, I noticed a tent building in his pants. I could also see slightly up his pants now, to his blue boxers. A cell phone rang, and the girl next to Matt ran out of the room. She ran back a few seconds later and said that her parents wanted her home. She apologized and left the room.

"That sucks man". Matt's friend Daniel said. "She was definitely going to go down on you". "I know man", said Matt. I could see he was still really horny though. A few minutes of silence passed. "You can stop looking at my crotch man", said Matt staring at me. I quickly moved my head embarrassed. I didn't realize, but I had been staring at his crotch for the last two minutes. I wasn't gay at all, but I was really drunk and horny.

"Sorry man", I said.

"No problem", said Matt. "You can see I'm really horny". He gave me a long stare. "Go get me a beer". I ran upstairs and grabbed a beer. I raced back down and handed it to Matt. Both of Matt's friends had left the room now. I went to sit down on the couch, but Matt stopped me. "Sit on the floor again". I was drunk and embarrassed from before, so I listened to him. Matt leaned back, opened the beer, and spread his legs. He brushed his blond hair back. "You like that view?". I was silent.

"Yeah", I replied. I don't know what I was thinking, but the alcohol definitely had a lot to do with it. Matt pulled his shorts down, and then his blue boxers. His dick was standing semi-hard.

"Smell my boxers", he commanded. I obliged. I stuck my nose in his blue boxers and inhaled deeply. It was a sweet sweaty smell, and it really turned me on. I looked up at him with what must have been pleading eyes. "Okay, suck it", he said. I slowly moved my head close to his crotch. His penis was a nice 7 in., and was a beautiful specimen. I licked the tip of it, and savored the sensation.

Matt had put his head back on the couch now and closed his eyes. I stuck my nose in his bushy pubic hair and took a deep breath. It was the same smell as his boxers, but more intense. I started at the base of his penis and licked up to the head. I then wrapped my lips around his head and licked his pee hole. There was a slight salty taste. I could hear Matt let out a low groan.

Suddenly Matt bucked his hips, and sent the full length of his penis into my mouth. I gagged a little, but was able to take a good 5 in. I bobbed my head up and down on his smooth delicious shaft. I could taste his pre-cum.

I removed my mouth from his shaft and stuck my nose on his balls, which were stuck to the couch with sweat. I sniffed, and then began licking them. They tasted really sweaty, and I was in ecstasy. I put my mouth back on his penis, and began massaging his balls with one hand. Matt moaned again.

Matt placed one hand on the back of my head and pushed me all the way onto his shaft. He began fucking my face, and I could feel his penis twitching in my mouth. I prepared myself.

I had known this kid since he was 8 years old, and had always thought of him as my friend's little brother, and here I was being fucked in the mouth by him. I looked up at him. He had his cell-phone out and was about to take a picture.

With one final thrust into my mouth, Matt came. I could here him groan, and the click of his cell-phone camera. My mouth filled with cum, and I tried my best to swallow all of it. I had never done anything like this, and the taste was something new. It actually tasted better then I thought it would, maybe it had something to do with Matt being a vegetarian. Either way I swallowed every last drop.

I could feel Matt's penis shrinking in my mouth, and I slowly removed my head from his crotch. I looked up to see Matt smiling back at me.

"I didn't know you were such a good cocksucker", he said. "I hope I tasted good". He gave me a little pat on the head. I could still taste him in my mouth. "My friends are going to love you", Matt said. I was taken aback. As far as I was concerned this was a once in a lifetime thing for me. I wouldn't want to go down on a group of kids almost 5 years younger then me anyway. I began to protest, but Matt interrupted me. "I have a great picture of you sucking my cock, so it would probably be in your best interest to listen to me man. Besides, I know you enjoyed it". Matt got up and headed to the basement stairs. "Daniel and my friend J.J are waiting outside. We can go somewhere more private".

I had little choice in the matter. I stood up and followed behind Matt up the stairs. I was now looking at him in a completely different way. He had a really nice ass in those shorts, and it kept my attention as we walked up the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, I passed Brett.

"Where you goin?", asked Brett. I explained that I left something at home and that I would be back. He gave me a pat on the back and I continued to follow his little brother outside.

Like Matt said, Daniel and J.J were waiting in a red car in the driveway. Matt got in the passenger seat and then motioned to me.

"Get in", he said sternly.

Copyright 2008, X-Brand productions

Hope you liked it. I'll post Chapter 2 soon. Please e-mail with questions, comments, or requests at

Next: Chapter 2

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