Slave Shorts

By moc.liam@agemootahpla

Published on Jun 30, 2022


N-WOW – New World Order Wrestling. Fighting, fucking and fleshlights!

Category: Authoritarian. Kinks include, public exposure, Humiliation, Male on Male Sex, Human Fleshlights, Wrestling, Stink

How short is this slave short?

Approx. 20min read

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New World Order Wrestling

The New World Order changed a lot of things. Not just the men of society and their functions, but also the way we all live. Surprisingly, it also changed the world of sport. Many say for the better. Once criminals began turning into sex objects and slaves and faggots began enslaving themselves voluntarily. This saw a huge shift in sporting competitions. It started with many sports players accused of sexual assault turned into fleshlights instead of given game suspensions, and it also saw a lot of those busted for drug possession turned into various slaves depending on how bad their crime was and how lenient the judge would be.

As numbers of competitive sports teams began to decrease due to the apparent prevalence of criminals in their ranks, it also surprisingly saw a rise in closeted faggots opening up and coming out as faggots, just so they could be enslaved. It seemed that all the tackling of men in jockstraps and short shorts and rolling around in the mud under burly beefcakes was a sign of many of these players being gay. From baseball players in their tight pants, to rugby men dacking* each other's pants, and everything in between, there were plenty of gay men amongst them, and when it seemed that the sporting world was in the grip of criminals, these men exposed themselves as faggots. They wanted to be enslaved, and the world went crazy. Many high-ranking players who may have had girlfriends or wives or families were outed, by themselves or others. Some had written `faggot' and degrading messages all over their bodies, holding up their driver's licences so it was clear that they couldn't fight the system if they got enslaved and say that their faces were photoshopped.

From all over the globe, sporting professionals numbers dwindled, and the corporations sponsoring suffered heavy losses in profit. This prompted several cross-organisation and sporting-code meetings and discussions.

After some time of not having any competitive sport aired, and the straight sports professionals left high and dry in being paid, the organisers of these sports decided to put together a new sporting concept. To begin with it would be for wrestling matches. All professional sportsmen were given the choice, compete in the wrestling matches, or face possible enslavement as a debtor slave, as they were now out of work and many were running out of liquid assets. Of course, none of these straight men were smart enough to ask what the catch was, they just saw the chance at doing sport again, and being on television once more and getting paid to do sport, it didn't matter that they had never done wrestling. Baseball players, volleyball players, soccer players, rugby players, actual wrestling players, everyone that came under a sporting organisation that signed up to this new sporting division was signed up to televised wrestling under the new world order.

The contracts signed by these straight men were legally binding and had a clause in them that if the contract was broken, a lifetime of faggot enslavement was given. No one cared, they just wanted to start playing sport again.

And so, the New World Order Wrestling or "N-WOW" for short was birthed. The first sporting competition held in two years since the New World Order came into effect was to be televised globally, with the two wrestling competitors chosen from two very different fields.

These two sports stars from their respective fields had been drawn from a randomised computer-generated AI that chose each wrestling competitor based on a set criteria for their physicality and pre-disposition to being a fag, or not in many cases.

The event of their name-drawing had been a whole fanfare, the N-WOW had put a respectable amount of money into building several new stadiums across the globe, as well as a headquarters where their names were pulled in front of live television to ensure transparency.

The first match would be held in a week to mark the beginning of a series of wrestling matches to boost local economies and start the world's competitive sport once again. The first match was between a Portuguese soccer superstar and an Australian rugby player. The soccer star had a mohawk and beard and one half of his body was covered in tattoos. Though he looked tough, he was a charitable and generous soccer star, more so than any of the others in the field. Once his teammates had started coming out, he was supportive of them, and even tried to help their families financially if necessary.

The Australian rugby player with a blonde hair and a baby face was known as being arrogant both on and off the field. It was any wonder he hadn't been enslaved so far, but none of the charges of sexual assault had stuck and his club's manager had been able to get him out of any trouble before he had seemingly straightened his ways before the slave police caught up with him.

All bets were open for these two competitors. The world went hysterical in placing their wages and the N-WOW watched as their money came pouring back in by the truckload. Their losses of the last two years seemed like a distant memory. The two competitors researched one another and began learning wrestling moves in preparation for the big event.

By the day of the match, the odds were bet that the soccer star would be going down. He was lean muscle, not beefy thick-legged muscle like his rugby player competition. Though he was picked to have higher speed ability, the world couldn't overlook how much stronger and heavier the rugby player was. The day of the big match, the first newly-built and specially designed stadium was packed full of ticket-holding spectators that were eager to see their first competitive sporting match in 2 years.

The two players were sent specially-made wrestling singlets designed for every competitor under the N-WOW contract the day they were announced as competitors. They were a sleek charcoal black and hugged every nook and cranny of their athletic bodies. The material was cut low, so their chests were exposed, the straps of the singlets thinner so their nipples protruded out the sides. They weren't given any more gear and were told it would be banned, to make the competition fair so there were no thongs or jockstraps or speedos underneath.

The Aussie rugby player had been known to the world as having played with dirty tricks, a wedgie here and there, a rogue finger sticking up the backside during a scrum, or a hard tug at an opponent's nutsack. They all helped him during his rugby matches. This time he couldn't do that. Instead, he decided to wear his singlet out and about for the entire week, only taking off to shower, and even then, he made sure he didn't clean himself as deeply as he otherwise would. He wanted his singlet to reek of his musk. He wanted to throw off his opponent if during the wrestling match he could pin him down and break his focus through his wafting man scent.

The soccer star did not have dirty tactics in mind when he was chosen to compete. Instead, he was prepared to win no matter what. He had seen his opponent's matches, he had studied his dirty tactics, and he was prepared to avoid any humiliating manoeuvre he was sure his opponent would throw at him. Both men knew there was money involved, and they both wanted to win, one so he could help others, the other so he could help himself.

The noises of the crowd and the excitement level in the stadium was electric as they took in the sight before them. A large wrestling ring took up the centre of the stadium, the white deck and the black ropes surrounding it. It was being broadcast across all television stations. The N-WOW spent big money to stream this across the entire internet as well. However even bigger money was coming their way through all of the advertising companies fought for.

The time came for the big event. The stadium lights dimmed, and the crowd roared with applause as the announcer took to the dangling microphone in the middle of the ring. He welcomed everyone to the stadium and gave a brief background of the N-WOW and thanked them for their contribution to society. Eventually he finished the formalities and announced both competitors to the ring one at a time. Both men began their journeys on to the ring with the crowds going into a frenzy. They each wore their singlets, those closest to the Aussie keeping their distance due to the wafting smell. The opponents stared each other down as they entered the ring and stood like stoic heroes. The nose of the soccer player wrinkled. As did the announcer.

Fans of both across the world watched as the cameras zoomed in and out and around each star's athletic body. You could see staining of piss and a bit of pre on the Aussie's wrestling singlet around his bulge. It was tucked downward, and he was clearly soft from the cold air in the stadium. His circumcised dick head could clearly be seen under the tight-fitting lyrca. His rugby thick built arse cheeks had a nice curve to them from the wrestling suit riding all the way up his crack. He had also gone to the trouble of removing all his body hair, and with his baby face he looked younger than he was.

The soccer star on the other hand had kept all his hair, and his lean muscular body accentuated his abdominal muscles through the singlet. His bubble butt was perky in the suit and his leg muscles were looking pumped.

The announcer asked the audience for some silence while he explained the rules. "Our two competitors tonight are ready for their big match. As are the countless others that have been signed up to our legally binding contracts under N-WOW. What the world doesn't know is that these contracts provide a clause that states if any part of the contract is breached, the breacher will be in violation of New World Order laws and will subsequently be issued to a life of servitude without freedom. These sports stars used to love being in front of the world competing against one another, and they loved getting paid. Tonight, we begin a new age of professional sport, whereby these two men from different sporting fields will wrestle for the chance at winning two million credits.

However, due to the N-WOW's new legislation of which we as a society are grateful for, what these two men standing beside me don't know is, the winner will receive a brand new fleshlight, courtesy of one of our sponsors tonight, The Jerk-In-A-Box Fleshlight Co." the crowd cheered and settled once more. "The fleshlight will be made from tonight's loser. Here on stage. This will begin once the winner gets a chance to plant his dominant seed inside the loser. If the seed isn't planted, then the winner will also be turned into a fleshlight, and the winnings be placed into the kitty for the next competitive match. And for those superstar players at home watching this, remember, you can't back out now!" The announcer had a grin and pointed at the television cameras with such glee in his movements he could barely contain himself. This was going to make the N-WOW very rich and therefore the show's hosts.

The crowd went wild. The two opponents' eyes widened. This wasn't in their contract. Was it? Surely not. Their managers or legal team would have told them. They can't do this! A fleshlight! But it was for money and for glory! No one told him he would have to fuck another straight guy. Right in front of the audience! "Contestants to your corners!"

The two men turned, both now more nervous than they were when they entered the ring. The stakes were high, and it was going to be a match like no other. But in this new world, they weren't able to hold their dignity, no matter how hard they tried.

The men stared at each other with conviction and the sounding bell started. They lunged forward to one another over the ecstatic roar of the audience. They grappled one another and tried to grip one another tightly. The smell of a weeks-worn wrestling singlet by the Aussie watered the eyes of the soccer star, but he kept his focus as he tried to force his legs behind his opponent to throw him backwards to the ground. The Aussie kept himself upright, his beefy hands gripping around the biceps of the lean soccer star. Their cocks rubbed against one another as their grappled embrace got closer. Each man was too nervous to get a boner, but they could feel each other's bulges press into them. The stench of week-old piss wafted from the Aussie's wrestling singlet as his meaty thighs firmed up and he got his opponent off balance.

The soccer star went down under the Aussie who twisted his beefy body on to the lean bearded man and sat his arse on his face. The wrestling singlet dug deep between his thick cheeks as the man below him struggled not to breathe in his scent while the rugby player pulled the soccer player's legs up so only his back was on the ring. The soccer player was forced to breathe in his opponent's arse sweat as the cheeks continued to smother his face while his cock began to shift in his tight wrestling singlet. Both men were beginning to sweat from the physical exertion. The referee began to count down on the mat as the soccer player struggled and wriggled. The crowd was erupting in cheers and jeers, but the soccer player could only hear his opponent.

"Your tight arse is mine, you'll be my fleshlight in no time," This spurred the soccer player into action. He bucked his hips under his opponent, enough to get his hand up under him so that he could do one of his opponents' dirty tricks on him – something he would never have done in a normal fight, but this was for his very survival. His hairy tattooed hand gripped the ballsack of his opponent and his thumb went between the cheeks of the singlet. He felt the sweaty crotch of his opponent and he gripped it like a talon and twisted. The Aussie yelped in surprise and bucked forward, loosening his opponent enough for the soccer star to push him face first on the ground and quickly sit on top of his opponent, he held both the rugby players' legs behind him, his legs and cheeks spread, his feet touching his arse cheeks. The legs of the soccer star had straddled the Aussie's top half with his muscular calves and shins pinning down his opponent's arms above his head. The Aussie struggled. He was fighting as much as he could in his locked position. "No, no! Get off me you fuck! I can't lose! I won't lose!"

The referee counted down on the mat. The Aussie continued to struggle but his bulky size was his downfall, he could barely move a muscle against the speedy soccer star who had him pinned face down in a starfish, the soccer stars' arse sitting on the back of his head. The sweat forming between his cheeks in his lycra wrestling suit. His hairy uncut cock was pressing against his opponent's back as he laid his whole weight down on him.

The Aussie begged more but the soccer star kept him pinned. This was for his survival. Both men were sweaty and began to musk up the stadium ring as the crowd roared in excitement. Across the world audiences were getting close-up shots of the Aussie rugby star's blushing red face as it looked like he was going to cry from losing.

The referee counted down and called it. The soccer star had done it. He had won the two million credits, and a new fleshlight.

The rugby star resisted but the soccer star didn't get up, he continued to squirm until he was breathless and crying, red-faced and his resistance had been depleted. The referee held up the soccer star's arm in triumph while the rugby star lay on the ground crying.

The soccer star's cock had been rubbing against his opponent, and it seemed he had gotten semi-erect, right on live global television. The announcer came back on stage and held the dangling microphone. "Your first N-WOW wrestling champion, ladies and gentlemen! Now for the fun part, as the victor in this match, you get to fuck your opponent right here in the ring before he is converted to a fleshlight, so please, strip down and show the world your masculine pride. Remember, if your seed doesn't impregnate your opponent, the money will be kept, and you too will be converted for our entertainment." With his stomach in his mouth the Portuguese soccer star slipped out of his sweaty wrestling singlet. He was given a towel to wipe his face but declined wiping down his sweaty hairy body. His lean muscular build accentuated the 9" uncut thick cock he was sporting. He thanked the crowd and the audience in the announcer's microphone and said that the money he would win would go toward helping the citizens in his hometown with their slave quarters.

The rugby player, completely spent and crying, was stripped by handlers on the ring and was forced to show his naked muscular but hairless body to the world. He covered his manhood, but it was clear he had been compensating with all his arrogance. His cock was small and would be three inches at best while it was in its soft pathetic state. His beefy muscular thighs that reeked of his singlet made the well-below average pecker more obvious.

The opponents faced off against one another again and the rugby player was spun around by handlers before he was forced to his knees and bent over. Cameras across the globe showed his hairless pink pucker, just a tiny little hole that was about to be stretched like it hadn't before. The soccer star was offered lube if he so wished. He declined as he wanted to make sure his opponent felt every vein in his cock for being such a pig.

His nine inch began to push into the rugby player's tight hole, cameras were flashing, and the crowd was cheering him on as he entered, and the Aussie whined and whimpered in pain. The announcer narrated the penetration as though it were a game of soccer describing every detail of each of the men. The rugby player was held in place by the handlers as he writhed to get the enormous cock out of his new cunt, but he could not move, he was crying too much and too spent in energy as his arse was stretched to its limit.

The soccer star got all the way in and moaned in delight, he'd never felt a cunt so tight in all his years. He began to thrust in and out, loving the resistance the rugby player put up. Though he was straight, he appreciated a nice tight hole to stick his cock in. He began to thrust as the world watched these two straight men function as though they were in Ancient Rome or Greece and were Spartans or Roman soldiers. The rugby player's man cunt being stretched made him cry out in pain but after a while his crying turned to moans that could have been interpreted as pleasure as he got used to it.

The soccer star fucked for longer than the announcer thought was necessary. The gestured to the organisers in their VIP box and a countdown started on the giant monitors above the crowd. "If our winner here doesn't blow his load in thirty seconds he will be converted like his opponent. Better hurry up super star!"

The crowd, and the global audience began to count down as the same time as the announcer. The soccer star could feel himself getting close, but he was still too far off from cumming, it was still too weird for him to cum inside another man, though he enjoyed the tight cunt, it was still a man he fucked, no matter the sounds of his now girly moans.

The countdown reached fifteen and the soccer star's uncut cock was still pounding away. He began to play with his nipples, the scent of the two sweaty straight men fucking helping his horniness, and the feeling of the sweat in the Aussie's hole helping to function as lubricant. The thrusting continued and hit eight. The soccer star began to feel his balls tightening. Five. The soccer star pinched his nipples. Three. His cock was starting to get close. Two. The soccer star's moaning got rapid. One. His cock erupted and he screamed out a mighty bellow that the audience went wild for.

Both men howled as the nine inch thick cock drove deeper and blew its hot spunk inside the man-cunt. The rugby player's own cock had now gotten to its full five inch erect size as it leaked on to the wrestling ring floor. The soccer star slowed his thrusting as his cock continued to spray inside the Aussie. His hands released his nipples and his sweaty body beat loudly to the audience applause. The announcer congratulated him once more and the handlers helped release him from his opponent.

The rugby player started to cry once more after being overcome with pleasure from the intense fucking. He was hoisted up and away from the centre of the wrestling ring. His pussy hole dripped with Freeman spunk. The centre of the ring was lowered below the stage and in its place a pod arose that some people at home might recognise as the fleshlight converter. The announcer grabbed his microphone once more. "Well folks, that was quite the sight for sore eyes, and sore holes everywhere. Now that he has officially been bred for the first time in his life, our loser of the match will now be placed into our very special fleshlight maker to be converted forever more as a sex object. Watch with me now as he is strapped in, and the process begins."

The Aussie cried but didn't put up any resistance as he was hoisted into the machine and the process of his conversion began. The global audience were stunned but loved every moment of it as the man that entered the machine left it as a double-ended fleshlight. The still-naked Portuguese soccer star with a dripping semi-erect uncut dick held the fleshlight and smirked at both holes that were for his personal use. He wiped his hand over the flesh lights pussy hole and gathered some of his jizz that was leaking out. The Soccer star then fed the fleshlights' top cunt his free man's spunk. The new fleshlight could taste the Freemans cum and was struggling mentally adjusting to its new reality.

He grabbed the microphone from the announcer and thanked everyone once more and thanked them for the money and for those that believed in him.

"If you're ever in my hometown, please look out for my opponent, here, I will be leaving him in the care of one of our community centres for the low paid and homeless, so that the world may enjoy him, and not just myself. Peace and love to all, goodnight!"

And from then competitive professional wrestling matches were held for global entertainment. Each week four games of wrestling were played out at each of the new stadiums across the world. There were eight contestants and up to four winners and at least four losers at the end of each week. Following this first match the process was changed as those that were in legally-binding contracts were now aware of their obligations to fight. Therefore, the N-WOW decided that each opponent should be cleaned out with dignity before the match to be ready if they lose. Sometimes the winner would not be able to impregnate their opponents, some didn't make it in time for the countdown, and others could barely get hard at all in stage fright. This led to the prize money changing every week and more humiliating endings for our favourite sports stars. This was our new global sporting entertainment, and we loved every second of it.

This story was written by fag t and edited by Overseer D. The concept of the story was shared.

We are now both taking active roles in writing and editing in order to create the best short stories within the little universe we have created. Please feel free to drop us a line. We would like to hear your thoughts about these short stories. Which one is your favourite? Who is your favourite reoccurring character? Anything really!

People have been asking about certain parts of the universe and want to hear more about the trivia little things that are mentioned from time to time. Such as, what are milk boys? Has anyone been to the torture rooms? Will we visit The Victorian Urinals again? Did the bell hop find a clean pair of trousers? The answers will come in time.

We love our stories and hope you do too. We have enough ideas for these shorts to last for a while.


Thanks for reading.

Please understand the stories are in the same universe and although some characters will reappear and there is progression, they can be read in any order that you wish. If a kink does not float you boat the next one may. Hold on.

Next Slave shorts: A decent Proposal : A rich fag makes a proposition to an Alpha friend that the Alpha can not refused.

Check out the earlier stories that are related.

*Dacking is an Australian term referring to when another man pulls down another mans pants for fun, usually associated in sport environments such as Rugby.

Next: Chapter 15: A Decent Proposal

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