Slave Processing and Training

By James Wilson

Published on Jul 3, 2023


Slave Processing and Training ? Chapter 2

NOTE: Whilst this story is about the processing and training of a slave, it also features heavily my other fetish ? nylon jackets and their abuse. Please send any comments to I am always interested to hear what guys think of my stories and would love to hear suggestions, requests, amendments or ideas for other stories.

I picked up the jacket and put it on followed by the shorts. When I was dressed in my uniform, one of the guards walked over to me and ripped the tags off the jacket and spat on my face and on my jacket.

?Don?t think you will be nice and clean for long pig. You are nothing. You are worthless. You don?t deserve this uniform and we will show you what happens to worthless pigs in nice clean uniforms.?

?Take this pig to sty one. His training starts immediately.?

At one side of the room was a big metal door. It slowly opened and I was led through it. The clean sterile nature of the processing facility was left behind.

?Welcome to the sty little piggy? said one of the guards guiding me by the arm.

A young guy with a buzz cut wearing an Alpha Industries green MA1 jacket (my favourite) and the cargo pants in the same material, like the guys in reception, approached us. He was ruggedly handsome and I was attracted to him.

One of the guards addressed him ?Sir, we have a new pig for your sty?.

He looked me up and down.

?Pigs in my sty are shaved smooth on their heads, hooded, mitted and booted. This pig has none of that. Send him to another sty.?

?Sir, he needs your form of discipline and training. But he is only Level 4.?

?He is either properly prepared, or he does not enter my sty.?

?His Master has only authorised Level 4?

?Is his Master still here??

?No Sir.?

?Fine ? then prepare him accordingly.?

?But Sir ? he is only Level 4?

?I don?t care!? The young guy who was in charge of the sty was angry. He walked up to the guard addressing him and grabbed his jacket by the shoulder.

?Don?t ever argue with me bitch, or you will be admitted to my sty against your will!?

The guard looked down.

?Sorry sir. We will prepare the pig now.?

I was dragged to the side. Shaving foam was applied to my head.

?Please don?t shave me?

?Shut up pig? the guard hissed at me.

With that a razor was taken to my head and I was shaved all over until I was nice and smooth. I was then re-presented to the master of the sty.

?Sir, the pig was signed in by its Master for training due to disobedience. Its fetish is shiny nylon ? jackets, shorts and trackies. His Master is aware that our trainees uniform consists of an MA1 jacket and nylon shorts and suggested we use that to our advantage during the pig?s training. The pig was admitted wearing its favourite jacket. Due to its unwillingness to cooperate, the jacket and other items were destroyed during the admittance processing to the facility. The remains are in this bag and have been pissed on by the pig, its Master and the processing team.?


The sty master just looked at me. He had beautiful blue eyes which hypnotised me.

?Bring the gloves?

From nowhere a guard produced long black industrial rubber gloves. The sty master pulled them on over the sleeves of his bomber jacket. Once on they almost reached his shoulders. He rummaged around in the bag containing the remains of my clothes until he pulled out a piece of my favourite jacket. He smeared the piss soaked fabric across my face.

?Open pig?

I reluctantly opened my mouth and he shoved the fabric in, effectively gagging me.

?You won?t be needing these rags anymore pig. Time to get rid of them.?

He picked up the bag containing my shredded jacket, jeans, shorts and other clothes and led me to a tank. He tipped the contents of the bag into the tank.

?It?s a tank of acid that will dissolve the shreds. Now time to make you one of the pigs.?

A pair of thick socks and a pair of heavy work boots were placed at my feet.

?Put them on.?

I kneeled down and put the socks and boots on. The boots were very heavy and made it difficult to move my feet. The boots were done up tight and came about half way up my lower leg.

?Ball your fists?

I scrunched my fists up. A guard grabbed one hand and pulled on a mitt. He grabbed the other hand and very soon they were both laced up securing my hands into useless balls. The mitts were shaped like pigs trotters. The guard knelt down and strapped pads around my knees.

?Now for my favourite bit. Time to make you look like a real pig.?

A leather hood that looks liked a pigs head was placed on my head. It was very tight and took some time to pull over my head before it was then laced tightly into place. Inside a gag invaded my mouth.

?There pig. Much better. Time to enter the sty.?

He walked away from me and I followed. He turned to face me. When he saw me walking he came towards me, grabbed my jacket and forced me to my knees.

?Pigs don?t walk you useless animal. Get on your hands and knees and behave like the pig you are.?

I sank to my knees and lowered my trotter to the ground. He walked off again and I followed on all fours as fast as I could. We soon came across a group of pigs dressed like me scratching around in dirt.

?Pigs. You have a new pig joining you in the sty. Come and say hello.?

The other pigs turned and looked at me and made their way over to me. The sniffed, poked, and pushed at me with snouts and trotters.?

?Pig. Your training will be strict. Disobedience will be met with swift and severe punishment. You have a nice clean, brand new Alpha bomber jacket. As it?s your fetish, I presume you will do as you are told to keep it nice and clean. If the jacket becomes messy you will be punished. Do you understand??

I nodded.

?Good. Now, you?ve been treated nicely long enough. It?s time to start your training. Join your fellow pigs in the dirt until your first session starts.?

I crawled over with the other pigs and began sniffing around in the dirt, thinking about what was going to happen next?

What happens next??

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