Slave Master Tempter

By MACK Wayne

Published on Sep 14, 2023


Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of the story can be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the author, MACK Wayne.

Slave Master Tempter

Ch 2 - Hot and Naked

The deed was done. Jake's fate was sealed the moment the garage door had slammed shut. What remained was how long Max would decide to play with his prey before letting it know its fate. They had parked near a second steel roll up door - this one only slightly larger than necessary to conceal a standard entrance door. Max got out - headed toward the door, and hit the other button on his little remote. The door began rolling up to reveal a steel hinged door without any obvious locks or knobs on it.

"Right this way my hot young man." The possessive pronoun was more definitive than Jake could have possibly realized as he followed - eyes widening - at the sight of the secured entryway. Max took out a magnetic card and passed it through a reader to the right of the door. It opened automatically as Jake stood with his host.

"Man! Fort Knox huh Max?"

"Yeah, well today you can't have too much security in a city like this - right?"

"I guess. But then I'm just a country boy."

Max was thinking, "Boy are you ever," but responded, "Yeah huh?" He invited Jake to enter ahead of him and as Jake passed, Max patted his ass low and dead center - "You sure are a hot one!" was the exclamation, which accompanied the action.

A kind of self-assured, "Thanks man," was the reply. They entered an empty hallway with a few doors on the right and one at the end. It was brightly lit and un-foreboding, after coming from the dim, old, purposefully un-renovated taxi garage. Max walked toward one of the doors and opened it. As Jake followed, he heard the outside automatic steel rollup door they'd just come through clang shut.

His host spoke, "There. Now we're safe. No one can get us now huh?"

"Boy. You can say that again!"

"Come on in here Jake." Jake entered as invited. It was a clean stark room with only a wall of mirrors on one end and a long bench in the middle facing it. There were empty hooks on one of the other walls and another door on the other side of the room. Max patted Jake on the shoulder and said smiling and friendly like, "Now I have a policy."

Jake paused and queried with his expression as if to say, "Ok, shoot."

"When I have a pretty man like you in my house, I love him to be naked. That alright with you?"

Jake thought for a moment gazing upward to consider his host's request. "Yeah sure. I guess that's ok. What the hell."

"Atta boy." Max had been waiting for his reply with his hand still in place. There was a twenty or so year difference in their ages so Jake passed off the, "boy," thing as somewhat natural. Besides, as relaxed as he felt, just about anything would have been ok. "I remember how you said you're naked a lot of the time back in PA, so just pretend you're at home." Max squeezed the shoulder and released his grip and pointed to the bench. "So have a seat. Take your time, relax, strip and hang your stuff up. I have a few things to do and then I'll be through that door." He pointed to the door they hadn't come through. "You can wait here. I'll call you when I'm in there."

As Jake sat down and looked up at his director - instructor - leader - friend, his acknowledgement of Max's control over the situation and how relaxed he was beginning to feel, reflected itself in his casual and loose reaction, "What ever you say boss," accompanied by a quick affected salute.

The drug was definitely having an effect - as was the booze. He would get more of each. Max loved the pace he was setting and the game continued, "You're in for a real experience there laddie. It's gonna be great!" As Max went back out into the hall, he closed the door and Jake saw that there was no door handle on this side of it. "Damn," he said out loud but to himself, "This is the most secure place I've ever seen!" He settled down and just sat for a moment rubbing his short hair kind of reveling in the excitement about seeing this guy's human dog slave. He was feeling respect and awe for Max, as well as a sense of having been glad to make the connection with someone into a "reality-based" lifestyle. He was tired of, and frustrated by fantasies. "Max has actually done it," he thought to himself.

Max had adjourned to the room next to the wall of glass and peered through a hole behind the one-way mirrors - live viewing was better than via the so many concealed cameras here in Max's facility/ home. They were everywhere Max wanted them. Ever since pulling into the alley, the new arrival had been under surveillance. They were capturing his "striptease" from several angles, but Max had a penchant for seeing this first viewing with the naked eye. It was a rite he never shared - something he always enjoyed solo. All the shrouded lenses capturing all the action from all their vantage points feeding into the control room for permanent preservation for Max's repeated enjoyment - for viewing - editing - compiling - creation of videos for sale to a cache of special clients - couldn't make up for seeing what Max was watching through the glass in person - in the moment.

Jake removed his construction boots and put them aside. As he rose to undo his jeans he watched himself in the mirror - his believed friend/ mentor's eyes watching from exactly the same angle. Both from what he had already witnessed fully clothed, and from what Jake had proudly put forth in response to his probative questions, Max knew what to expect underneath, but he anxiously awaited the visual affirmation. Exposing and stroking himself, he watched as Jake loosened the top button of his 501s, pulled his T-shirt free, and lifted it up and off over his head. Max's heart skipped a beat. It was like the private unveiling of a fine work of art just for his viewing. The large nipples, which had been apparent through the fabric, were even better than Max had thought they would be. Jake pinched them and brought them to full and glorious erection as Max literally groaned in ecstasy behind the soundproof wall.

The shape of everything had been evident through the fabric of the T-shirt, but seeing it all uncovered for his viewing pleasure and knowing the rest would follow, was always something that made Max's heart skip a beat. It was somehow - here and now - before his victim knew anything, and was casually voluntarily undressing just because he'd been told it was the way his "host" enjoyed having a hot man here in the privacy of his home, that was one of the gratifying parts of the - the hunt - the entrapment. There were many - but there was just something about watching his prey voluntarily exposing himself for the last time.

He was about perfect. Everything was equal to what was exposed and he'd been drawn to from the beginning - the ideally shaped buzz cut head - a chisel jawed handsome masculine face - the beautifully muscled arms with their biceps & triceps - lightly haired forearms & big hard working hands. Now the broad rounded shoulders and accompanying trap muscles supporting that beautiful head were exposed. As the shirt had been lifted up, deep hairy pits displayed themselves momentarily - just long enough to tease the boy's titillated covert audience of one.

The rounded pecs with their covering of chest hair and the trail of it down through well-defined abs were the perfect masculine compliment for the V shape of a torso stopping - so far - at a narrow belt line - but the rest of the package was about to be unwrapped. As the crotch buttons were popped, there were no briefs. The impossible to disguise basket was pulled free from its position of restriction beneath a proud dark bush of crotch hair. An eight-inch fat cock and pendulous balls was the visual prize. A little stroking was Jake's next order of business as he watched himself looking almost into the unseen eyes of his captor, and brought the big, cut, veiny thing to half hard and bouncy. Pants lowered showed hairy muscular thighs, and then peeled further, revealed hefty calves.

He had obviously been working outside and wearing shorts. He was tan to a definitive line at the waist - beautiful glowing white from there to a faded line mid thigh and tan again to his socks - the only thing left present.

"He's just right for Bob," Max said to himself.

Jake moved about hanging his things on the hooks at the side of the room maintaining focus on his image believing himself alone - the down lights casting complimentary shadows purposefully designed to maximize the form of the room's occupant. Like Narcissus gazing in the pool, he was fixed on what he saw. Leisurely he stroked his hard cock and pinched his tits, giving himself his own show just as Max hoped he would. He turned, examining his posterior with its dimpled tanned back. He lingered enjoying the sight of his white bubble ass cheeks - even ran fingers up through the deep cleft between brushing lightly up against his hairy rectum. He imagined Max's slave licking his hole under a rim seat.

The drug was working, and Max was delighted. He picked up the phone and the dialed a number. "Hello, Bob?" - - - - - "Yeah, its Max. I believe I have Mr. Right for you" - - - - - "Yeah. He's here right now" - - - - - "Yep, I've been watching him strip in the changing room" - - - - - "He has no idea" - - - - - "He's a real beauty Bob. He's definitely you. He's even a carpenter like you said you wanted for the ranch" - - - - - "Well, you said you'd go a hundred fifty for the right one. I think I know someone that would give me two hundred thousand for this one, but he's too perfect for you" - - - - - "Yes, we'll talk" - - - - - "Now, if you want. I'm anxious to see what you think of him" - - - - - "Ok. See you soon" - - - - -"Yeah, I'm going to string him along for a while - have some fun with him" - - - - - "Ok. Good-bye" - - - - - "No!" - - - - - "Yes! A big dick and big balls! I'm looking right at them! I know what you want! I'm not going to have you come over here for nothing" - - - - - "What?" - - - - - "No. I've never seen him before. I just found him tonight while out hunting" - - - - - "Yeah, by chance, in a bar over on the west side. He didn't know anyone there - although everyone wanted to know him. And he lives alone in PA and came into the city on a whim without even telling anyone" - - - - - "I know, it's too perfect - and so is he" - - - - - "Yes. Huge shoulders. He's weight trained his whole life - all muscle" - - - - - "No. Now I'm not going to tell you any more. Trust me. He's perfect. The rest you'll have to see for yourself. Now Good bye!"

Max was a bit abusive to Bob because he knew he could be. It was what worked with him. And Max was good at finding, "what worked," with people and situations. It was a critical key to his success. The hot naked, carpenter (except for his socks) sat down on the bench and picked at a small scab on his knee and waited for Max's call. Max in turn, was waiting as well. He wasn't going to make a move until his personal peep show was over.

More to cum Comments welcome: The man behind the words - MY website

Next: Chapter 3

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