Slave Master Lover

Published on May 18, 2020


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between adult men and boys. The author condemns unwilling abuse of children in every form. Do not read this if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


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Slave Master Lover

Part 2

Burk's ass was sore as he drove. "Tomorrow at Eleven." He sighed. "Fuck." Now that he'd come it felt over. He drove off rubbing a half erection and thinking of what Robbie had said about Tyrone.

Next morning he lay in bed going over every moment with Tyrone. He used some of his pre cum to finger his ass, exploring the soft tissue with one finger, then two. He'd never been fucked before, and his previously neglected anus was now a fascinating erogenous zone. He had a hard time not having an orgasm, but he did not.

After breakfast he cleaned himself out and drove to the appointed address, surprised it was near his family house, in a good part of town. From the road he could see down the drive to the parking area and a three car garage. The house was two story but he knew it probably went down the hillside too.

It was 10:30. He sat wondering if he would go down. Go down. He laughed. He'd been forced to go down on boys since fifth grade, since his best friend's older brother, Mike, came out of the bathroom naked one day during a sleep over. He was a handsome soccer player with a lean body and beautiful cock. The ten year old Burky fell in love the naked, older boy.

Mike grinned at the fifth grader whose pyjama bottoms were pushed out by a long fat limp cock. He wagged his cock and said, "Let's see it."

"See what?" Burk whispered.

Mike squatted and striped down his pyjama pants and held his cock. "Wow. Everybody's going to want you."

"Why?" Burk watched thrilled as the eighth grader stroked his cock and coddled his balls.

"Because you've got the biggest cock I've ever seen." He sucked the huge prick head into his warm mouth, just for a few seconds, then stood, picked up the boy and twirled him around, then set him down and kissed his cheek. "Looks like you got to go pee. See you later, little stallion."


"Whenever." At the door to his room Mike turned and licked his lips.

That night Burk crept into his room and saw him lying naked on his belly, one muscled leg half bent. The smooth round ass was lean and tan. Burk stared transfixed at the older boy. Through almost closed eyes Mike watched the kid kneel next to his bed. He rolled a little and bent a leg up to expose his cock.

Burk leaned closer to see the beautiful organ in the moonlight. Mike moaned like he was dreaming and rubbed his cock against the sheet until he had a thick seven inch erection. The boy was so close his breath warmed the prick head so Mike tried talking in his sleep.

"Come on, Annie, suck it. You like doing it. Please." He rolled to the edge. His cock nearly touched Burk's mouth. "I can feel you panting, Annie. You always like it. Suck it, just a little."

Fixed on the thick cock Burk didn't notice Mike bring his hand to his head. With the gentlest touch he brought Burk's mouth to his cock. When his lips touched the warm prick head the boy shivered with wonder, unable to move. "Wow." He panted.

"I can feel your lips on my cock, Annie. So least lick it. You like it as much as I do."

The smell of male crotch filled Burk's lungs like a drug. He knelt at Mike's bed waiting for he didn't know what.

"Come on." Mike held his shaft and slid the cum slit over Burk's mouth. The boy licked the sticky liquid off his lips and then licked the cum slit, and then licked the prick head.

Mike squeezed up his shaft and slimed another pearl of shining liquid over the opened mouth. "Yeah." He whispered. "You like the taste." He pulled Burk's open mouth over his prick head and gently eased his cock to the back of the throat. "Oh yeah, like that."

"OK." Burk tried to say with a mouth full of cock meat.

He bent his leg and pushed his smooth testicles off his thigh so they hung onto he bed. "You can shave my balls again if you want. You like sucking them with no hair on them."

Burk scooped up the testicles. Not nearly as big as his own he held the golf balls like treasures in a long silken pouch. When the cock began to pump his mouth pre cum oozed out like honey, and he rubbed the testicles over his cheek.

"Yeah, you like my balls. Get them in your mouth." He pulled his cock out, grabbed his scrotum and forced the testicles into he warm mouth. "Yeah, you like eating my nuts. Try to swallow them."

The scrotum was so extended Burk could almost gulp them down his throat. That and the cock being smeared over his face gave him a roaring erection, and he pushed down his pyjamas.

"Yeah, I bet you want to suck my cock again." He eased his balls out, pushed this prick head back into the sucking mouth and jacked his shaft at the boy's lips.

Burk held the wet testicles again as the hand moved to and fro against his mouth. "Tastes good." He whispered.

"Do my asshole and I'll come for you, baby." He spat into his hand.

"Do what?" Burk watched him smear the slime over his anal pucker, then Mike pulled Burk's face into his ass crack. Holding the head tight to him he slid his anus over the wet mouth. "Now tongue fuck my ass, baby, and I'll feed you plenty of cum."

Burk slid his tongue over Mike's anus. The sleeping eighth grader's pucker softened and throbbed. Burk gently pushed his tongue in and out. "Wow." He whispered. The anus felt so alive, like it wanted something more.

Mike lay back and held up his legs. "Yeah, eat my ass real good and jack his shaft, and one day I'll let you fuck me."

Burk looked up at the boy he loved. "You're awake."

"Yeah, and you like what you're doing. The way you look at me I knew you would." He slid the boy's face through his ass crack a few times.

"Now suck my cock. Put your finger back in my ass. I want to come." Mike gently jacked his cock at Burk's mouth as the fifth grader took some of his spit and smeared it over the sixteen year old's soft anus. "Oh yeah. Get a finger in there. Deeper." After a minute. "And another one. Yeah. Pump my ass if you want me to come."

Burk finger fucked the wonderful Adonis as Mike jacked his thick cock at his mouth. "I'm gonna come. Fuck my ass harder. Yeah." Another minute of jacking and Mike whispered, "Ahhhh, yeaaahhhh. I'm coming. Just swallow it, and pump my ass."

The kneeling boy loved every aspect of what was happening. His fingers pumped hard as ropes of sperm flooded into his mouth. He could feel the anus muscle clench and release with every shot. The smell, the taste, everything thrilled him. Mike gently rubbed the boy's head and milked the last of the sweet ball juice into his mouth.

They stayed that way for a long time. Mike's hand touched his lips every time he stroked up his shaft, the cock head still in his mouth, dribbling its salty nectar. The finger still pumping the living anus until Mike pushed it out. Burk brought his hand to the shaft, and Mike let him milk it until it began to go soft.

"Suck my balls again." Mike held the boy's head to his scrotum and pushed both testicles into the bulging cheeks. As his balls were warmed again he reached down and felt the kneeling boy's ten inch erection. "Damn, if you weren't my little brother's friend I'd let you fuck me." He stroked the massive cock shaft. "I might let you anyway."

Burk wondered what he meant as the testicles warmed in his mouth. Then he was slowly pulled off the silken scrotum. "You got a lot to learn about sucking cock. Stand up."

When Burk stood Mike sat on the edge of the bed, stroked the thick shaft, sucked his drooling cock head and cradled the huge balls, like giant lemons, in his hand. "Shit I don't know. You're really the white stallion, but let's see."

He held Burk by his round ass cheeks and pulled the cock head to the back of his throat. Then he began a rhythm of panting and gulping, and finally pulled the giant white stallion down his throat. After a violent gag he held the cock deep in him, gulping and wagging his head.

"Wow." Burk whispered when Mike slid his thick shaft out of his throat. He used both hands and his mouth to jack and suck the kid off.

"What a great cock, kid." Mike worked it fast.

"Mi , Mike." Burk whispered, and with no other warning shot off a horse's load.

The first shot went way past his cocksucker's head to the middle of the bed, then shots went over his face and chin before he could get cum hose in is mouth and under control. Burk watched his sperm shoot in thick ropes over the tongue into the wide open mouth. Then he watched Mike milk his shaft for more dribbles that pooled on his tongue before he swallowed.

"Tastes good, doesn't it?" Burk whispered. "I never tasted anybody before."

Mike looked up as he licked up and down the thick shaft a few times before letting the sensitive glans rest at the back of his throat again. Then he squeezed the giant bull's balls like he wanted every drop of nectar. "Come is good for you, Burky, so give a guy some warning next time so you don't make such a huge mess."

"Sorry, Mikey."

"Now, go back to bed, Burky. And thanks." Mike's smile warmed him so much he grinned when the eighth grade Adonis whispered. "I might let you suck me off again."

That was the first time, but there were other times, and lots of other boys too, Mike's friends. They caught him after school and forced him to suck their cocks when he only wanted Mike.

But now his cock leaked at the memory. They had forced him, and he had let them, all of them. And he drank the cum, every drop, every time, until he got to want it. He tried not to show it, but he was the fifth grader who sometimes lingered after school. Older boys, sometimes even high school boys, knew where he to find him.

They would rub their crotches, and he would lick his lips. And in a clump of bushes between the school and the highway he would suck off any boy who came by wanting a blow job. When his gym teacher followed and watched, he waited until the high schooler was done and stepped up, next in line.

Burk was shocked to see his teacher with his pants open and a short, thick cock dripping for his mouth. "I figured it was you." Mr. Junk said.

"Who?" Burk looked confused as the man stepped forward and pushed his cock into the open mouth.

"The kid who sucks off anyone who comes for it." The muscled gym teacher held the fifth grader head tight and pushed down his throat. "That's it, cocksucker. Take it all. I know how much you love it."

Burk pushed the pants over the hard buttocks and held his teacher hairy ass to steady himself. He'd never been face fucked so hard and was happy the cock wasn't so big. Once his throat got used to the cock ramming him, he relaxed, stopped gagging and gave himself to the demanding organ.

The hairy ass muscles flexed every time the shaft slammed down his throat. Mr. Junk brutal pumping thrilled Burk. He thought of his comment - Take it all. I know how much you love it.

Did Mr. Junk suck cock too? He took hold of Junk's testicles, small like cherries, and squeezed them. The pain thrilled Junk who throated him fully. "Take it, cocksucker." He held his nose hard against his pubic hair and shot down his throat. "I know how hung you are, but You're going to suck Me whenever I want."

Burk sucked in air along the shooting shaft as the sperm flowed. He never tasted his teacher's cum, the cock was so deep. When Junk was done he pushed the boy off. Burk stood to show off his giant, hard cock and balls.

Junk's eyes widened. "Yeah, fuck, I've heard about you, cocksucker, but not today, kid. Not ever, maybe." He zipped up and turned to go.

"I bet you suck cock too, huh, Mr. Junk." Burk chanced.

"You tell anyone that, cocksucker, and I'll beat the shit out of you." The burly wrestling coach face fucked Burk every week and gave him an A in gym.

But that was grade school. In college his horse cock attracted lots of guys, girls too. He got one blow job after the other through the glory holes of the stalls in the college gym, but he never went all the way with a girl. Now he'd just been forced to take two cock up his ass by a stranger in a toilet. And he wanted him again like he'd wanted Mike.

He knew now, this was his real life. He would not marry Elizabeth like his mother wanted. He wanted this black man, Tyrone, the sexiest, most handsome man he'd ever set eyes on.

At 10:59 he parked near the front door. Before he could knock it was opened by a man about twenty-one in a bathing suit with a cock that snaked up to his hip. "Sorry." Burk stumbled. "Does Tyrone live here?"

"Yes. I'm Randy, his housekeeper. He had to go to New York in a hurry, life and death kinda thing he said. Said he would have called but didn't have you number."

"Oh." Burk's disappointment was obvious.

Randy rubbed his crotch. "He also said you could come in for a good ass stretching session of you wanted."

"No. Thank you." Burk tried to grin. Randy was not at all his type. "I'll try calling another day."

"Speaking of calling again, Tyrone said you should leave your number in case he's home early, but it looks like Friday."

As Burk took a business card from his wallet Randy rubbed the ample bulge in his crotch. "It doesn't have to be your ass getting stretched, handsome. Tyrone said you're quite a man."

"Thanks, but I'll wait."

"See you then." Randy grinned at the hunky man.

Burk got back in the car so deflated he almost cried. "Next Friday. A whole week." He said and drove off.

Monday on his lunch break he went out and bought a thick black dildo. He tried every night, but without Tyrone it seemed pointless, lonely even. He felt he messed up, abandoned, friendless. At work even his father asked him what was wrong.

"Nothing, Dad. I just feel lonely sometimes."

Frank Shittenreed, the senior partner of the law firm, made sure he and Burk were the last to leave the office on Wednesday. Alone together his father embraced him, the first time since he was a child. "Tell me what's wrong, Burky. I know something's different." His hands slid down his son's back to his waist, his fingers on the upper buttocks.

"It'a nothing, Dad," Burk closed his eyes and had him like a lover. "But thanks." He felt the gentle heart beat and his father's breath on his neck.

Frank pulled up his chin and kissed him. On the mouth. "You've met someone, haven't you?"

"Yes." Shocked by the kiss Burk stared at his father, then wilted in the strong embrace.

"Has he jilted you?" His father held him tenderly as Burk's eyes widened in surprise, and Frank continued, "I figured it would be a man, son."

"Oh." Burk felt somehow relieved. And then he felt his father's hands caress his buttocks.

"I'm not that stupid, Burky. It's OK. I will always love you not matter what."

"We only met once and we were supposed to see each other again last Sunday, but he had to go away for a week. At least I hope that's all it it. I really liked him. I mean I do like him. It was sort of instant --. Everything. He's the first man I've ever kissed, Dad."

Frank kissed his son again. "So I'm the second." And then he rubbed the bundle in Burk's underpants. "Well, if you ever need any man to man talk, or anything more, I'd be happy to come over. We won't tell your mother."

"Thanks, Dad, but I think I'll wait." This new life was going way too fast.

"You sure?" Frank continued to rub his son's basket. "Feels very interesting down here. A good blow job right now sitting in your office chair might do you a world of good." He grinned. "Me too, actually."

"Thanks, Dad, but --." Burk stood and watched his father unzip his slacks and pull out the goods, just like he let every man and boy in high school and college. His testicles hung like pink tennis balls, like Tyrone's brown ones, he thought. His cock thick like the white stallion Tyrone called him.

"I knew you'd be big, but you must get some of that from your mother's side." He held the white marble column. "You'd be doing your old dad a big favour, son."

"If you want it, Dad." Burk pushed his father to his knees.

"Thanks, Burky." Frank knelt and slurped in the thick cock head as he held the giant testicles. "Yes, doing your Dad a great big, giant favour, son."

Burk watched his father make love to his cock thinking he'd missed a lot all these years. "How come you didn't start this when I was a kid, Dad?" He pulled the head until he felt the back of his father's throat.

"Didn't seem right until you were eighteen. Then you seemed to be after girls." Frank licked up and down his son's shaft.

"Let's go into my office, Dad."

"I'll be right there." Frank went to his office for a towel and some lube. When he got to Burk his son sat naked from his waist down, his white shirt and tie still on. Frank undressed looking at his son's cock. "You sure have turned into a handsome stud, Burk."

"You don't look so bad yourself, Dad." Burk studied his naked father's lean body, great for forty-five, he thought, and judged his veined cock would get about seven, eight inches long. Then he picked his giant balls, slid to the chair's edge and let them swing down, waiting for his blowjob. His ten inch cock was what everyone wanted, but he knew his giant testicles were an added thrill for every cocksucker.

When Frank knelt between his son's legs Burk spread them wider to give his father room to hold a tennis ball in each hand, like he wanted to do Tyrone's huge testicles. "Suck my balls, Dad. See if you can get them both in your mouth."

"I've never seen such big balls." Frank weighed them in his hands, then sucked one into his mouth. Burk forced the other in and grinned the the bulging cheeks.

"My friend Tyrone's balls are bigger. His cock too." Burk smeared his shaft over his father's face as Frank stretched the long scrotum, then slowly eased the meat jewels out of the warm mouth.

"Damn." Frank watched the huge fuck organ hang heavy, hardly swelling. "You're really used to this, aren't you?"

"What?" Burk held his limp shaft and pulled his father's lips to his prick head.

"Men between your legs ready to drink from the fountain of joy." Frank licked the sticky pearl off the cum slit.

"No, not since college. I was thinking I might be straight. I don't have any gay friends, except Tyrone now, I hope."

"What do you do then?" Frank took the limp shaft and began sucking eagerly. The apple thick head filled his mouth.

"Glory holes mostly." Burk stretched his legs and slid closer to his father. A couple on the University campus, and a couple of truck stops.

"Exit 29 truckers are the best. I go there too."

"I know Exit 29."

Frank grinned as he licked the swelling shaft. "Maybe I've had you already and didn't even know it." Frank sucked avidly with both hand and throat. "I do know a married man who does me, but not often enough. And he's real come quick."

As he sucked his son Frank slid his hand under the heavy scrotum toward the ass crack. When fingers found the anus Burk put a leg over the arm of the chair and raised himself. Frank spat into his hand and rubbed the soft tissue. When a finger entered his son's fuck hole Burk grabbed his father's head and forced his almost hard shaft down his throat.

Frank gagged but remained the passive beggar. Burk pushed the nose into his pubic hair as his ass was finger fucked. "Is that what you want, Daddy? My ass?" He pushed his father off his cock.

"Not exactly." He licked and sucked the cock head. "But it sure gets you going." Burk ground his ass on the two finger fucking him as his father jacked and sucked his steely shaft. "That's about as hard as you get. And damn, boy. You're a big one."

He then stood, handed his son a tube of lube, turned, leaned over Burk's desk and pulled his cheeks apart. "Now do your dad the biggest meat favour he's had in a long time and fuck his ass. It's the only thing your mother can't do. And go a little slow at first. It's been about a week, and I'm not used to such big boys."

As Burk smeared lube over his cock he studied the anus. The pink flower pulsated, waiting. Then he noticed there was no hair. He felt his father's testicles. like apricots. "No hair."

"No. You mother likes me shaved. I hope you do too." He held his ass open. It throbbed for cock. Burk pushed a lubed finger into the soft hole, then another. "Come on, Burky. Daddy needs more than that. That's all your mother gives my ass when she's sucking me."

"Do you perform cunnilingus on her?"

"It's not my favourite thing, but yes, sometines."

"I can't do that."

"You don't have to. You just have to fuck your father's ass. Come on, son. I need it now. Please. Don't disappoint Daddy now. I love you so much. I'm still a good looking man, aren't I?"

"Better than most, Dad." And Burk pushed his prick head, like a ripe peach, into the waiting anal flower. It slid in easier than he thought. "You're loose, Daddy."

"I try to keep myself ready. You never know." He reached behind and held his son's shaft. "Oh my goddam. You're a big boy." He pulled on the cock and Burk pushed another two inches into his ass hole. "Oh, yeah. It'll stop burning in a minute."

Burk laid over his father and reached under. His eight inch cock was hard as a rock and dripping like a faucet. "All nice and shaved like a little boy."

"Yeah. Your mother likes that. Her little girly pussy and my little boy cock."

You like it too." When Frank nodded Burk pushed the last five inches of horse cock up his ass. "You like that, Daddy?"

Frank gasped. "Fuck, Burk. I said go slow."

"We did go slow. Now we're going all the way." He pumped.

"Oh my fuck hole. You can really pack an ass, Burk." He drooled onto the glass desk. "And to think, I could have had this ten years ago."

"Yeah. I guess we missed a lot." He jacked his father's thick eight inches as he deep pumped his ass.

Then he stood, held the hips of this fuck slut and watched his shaft slide in and out. His father had a nice lean waist and round cheeks that he pulled open for his son. "That's my Burk. I've never had anything so big and thick. You feel good in there."

"Well, hold on, Daddy. You're going to ride the white stallion now." He held the hips and rammed his father with the whole ten inch shaft, hard and deep until the anus gaped at him. And still he slammed and slammed.

"That's my boy. Fuck me sloppy, Burk. I never had a rodeo bronco like you before." Frank felt his anus heat up. "Uh-huh. Give your fuck daddy all you got. I'm going to think of this every time I fuck your mother."

After ten minutes of hard slamming Burk panted, "Fuck," and had to take his shirt and tie off. He was wet with sweat. As he undressed he aimed his prick head at the gaping anus, sliding it around the hole.

Frank reached behind and with two fingers of each hand pulled his fuck chute open. "Now you know what your daddy likes best." He wiggled his anal opening back to suck in the prick head. "Give your fuck daddy some more meat, master. Damn, you've got plenty of stamina."

"Damn if you don't too, Dad." And another ten minutes of relentless pounding went on until Burk leaned ver his father and stroked his cock.

On the second stroke Frank shot off a three foot stream of cum. Burk felt the anal muscle clench rhythmically around his cock root as he slow pumped. "You can keep going and come, Burk? I can take it."

"No, Dad. I guess I was thinking about Tyrone."

"He must be someone wonderful." Both panted. "Don't come out just yet Burk. I want to remember this forever." He rolled his ass over the thick crankshaft. Then reached between his legs and pulled the giant testicles to his own. "I sure would like these beauties to dump in me though."

Burk slumped over his muscled father and slow pumped the last inch in and out. "That feels good, Dad. I like you holding my balls."

"Phew, Burky boy. You can pump me anytime you want. I want you to know how much I love you. I do, Burk. More than ever. More than anyone."

"You want me to come, don't you, Daddy?" he breathed into his father's ear. "Come up your ass."

"You know I do, Baby." He cuddled the immense testicles between his legs. "Be a good boy and give Daddy all that cum in there."

"Hold my balls, Daddy. You feel so good. So warm." He melted over his father's lean body. "Yeah, I like your ass."

"I love you, Burky. I love you fucking me."

"I love you too, Daddy." Burk raised up and fucked deep strokes.

"That's my boy, such a big man. Give me your load. I want you coming up my ass."

Burl fucked his father in anal gaping, full ten inch lunges until finally he stopped. "Oh fuck, Daddy. I'm going to come." And he rammed and stopped, rammed and stopped. Ten thick shots of sperm filled his father's fuck channel until Burk backed out and slumped into his chair.

His father turned and began licking up and down his shaft, sucked out the pubic hair, cleaned his balls, everything, as the young man panted and watched the cock hungry father enjoy his game. "What about the mess on the floor, Dad?"

"You want to see what a real cum slut does?" He grinned at his son. After licking his boy's cock spit clean he licked all his cum off the marble floor. Then he kissed his son. "Thank you, Burk. You're like a dream come true, so anytime you need me, I'm here for you. Your friend too. If he's hung like you I'll be in pig heaven."

"Turn around and bend over, Dad." And Burk licked his father's ass clean. "Yeah, I guess I learned how to do that too last weekend."

"Well, I hope I get to meet your friend, Burk." And they both dressed. "See you tomorrow, Burk."

"Sure, Dad." In the park garage Burk embraced his father again. "Thanks, Dad. Sorry I took so long with you."

"It's OK, Burky. You gave me the best fuck I've ever had. I can't imagine your new friend running off on you. You are a hot man."

"So is he, Dad." And they both went their ways home.

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