Slave Master Lover

Published on Apr 27, 2020


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between adults. The author condemns unwilling abuse in every form. Do not read this if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


Slave Master Lover

Burckhardt Shitenreed, Burky to the other young lawyer in his father's firm, parked half way down from the public toilet of the rest stop and panted. He could already feel his underpants wet with pre cum as he watched men go in and out of the john.

"Shit." He whispered and got out of the black Mercedes, pulling his crisp white shirt out of his pink shorts. He bent over to tie the leather lace of his moccasins and walked across the crabgrass.

At the urinal closest to the first of four stalls he pulled out a long, thick cock. When a man came in he turned his face away until the stranger went into the stall, pushed down his pants and waited. Burky stood close enough he knew the man couldn't see his face. He bent down and saw shining black boots and what looked like uniform pants. He stroked his shaft.

Two fingers came through the hole facing the urinals. "Come on." When Burky did nothing the stranger's mouth came to the hole and his pink wet tongue poked through. "Come on. Give me that nice big dick."

Burky looked around. "OK." He took the step to the stall and rested his prick on the marble rim, polished from so much use. The warm mouth sucked his meaTy head through the hole with a hungry force. He held the top of the marble slab. The stranger held his cock and sucked him hard. His whole nine inch shaft was gobbled down the throat.

"Oh yeah, mister. Suck it." He panted until another man entered. He pulled out quickly and held his cock between the urinal wings, trying to calm himself.

Then he made the mistake of looking at the tall handsome black man. Muscles bulged the tight red tee shirt, and the jeans were filled out even better. Something about the man made Burk's heart race.

Ty grinned at the younger white boy who watched him rub the bulge in his jeans. Then the muscular sex bomb stood right next to him and popped his pants open. With no underwear he pulled out the biggest, brown cock Burk had ever seen. The head shone like melted milk chocolate. Then he pulled out balls you could play tennis with and let everything hang off his pants.

He stood like he wanted to piss but didn't. He just looked down at Burky who stared at the thumb that rub over the thick ridge of his shining brown prick head. Burk had never seen a piece of meat glow like that. When Ty reached behind and squeezed the white boy's ass cheek Burky pulled away.

"OK." Ty laughed. "Is that your tongue hanging out, Jimmy?"

"Yeah. Come on, Ty. Give me some of that black magic."

Ty walked past Burky and pushed is cock through the marble hole. "Oh, Jimmy, you are good and hungry already."

"Everybody's good at what they like doing." He slurped on the cock head. "And I love doing you."

Burky stepped next to Ty and watched the shaft harden. Through the crack between the wall and metal door he could see the shaft grow and grow, thicker and longer, into a magical shining beauTy that completely filled the glory hole. "Fuck." He whispered.

"I can do that too." Ty fondled the boy's ass again. "Fuck this pretTy white ass, I mean. What's your name, kid?"

"I'm not a kid. I'm twenTy-five. Burkhardt is my name. Burky."

"Well, I'm a little older, so you're my boy today. Hold my balls, Burky." He watched the white boy caress his huge brown testicles. "You like them, don't you?"

"They're really big." Burk was thrilled by the feel of the silken scrotum and the testicles that spilled out of his hand.

"Yeah." They heard from in the stall. "Ty's a regular cum fountain."

"Shut up and keep sucking, Jimmy." Ty stroked Burk's stiff cock.

"Yes, Sir." They heard him slurp the cock in.

"Jimmy's a great cocksucker, isn't he, Burky?"

Burk nodded and whispered, "Yeah."

"You want your cock sucked some more, Burky?" Ty rubbed the dripping prick head. "You've got a real fine one."

Burk looked around, frightened that so much was going on at once. "I guess."

"Then go into the next stall." The young lawyer went in and locked the door. "Leave the door open, you dumb shit."

After a few choking sounds Ty eased his shaft through the tight glory hole and walked past Jimmy's stall and into the third where he locked the door behind him. Burk looked up at the muscle man, a head taller, and so handsome he got scared. Then he looked down at the genitals. The pulpy cock hung about eight inches, the testicles almost as long. He'd never seen anything like this. This man took his breath away.

"Hold my nuts, boy." Ty slowly undid the white man's belt.

"Yes, Sir." Burk held the cock aside and picked up the tennis balls in the silken scrotum. They were so big, and the scrotum so long they spilled out of his hand again. "Oh, my god." He panted.

"No, I'm your Master, or just Ty, when you're loving my balls so much. Hold one testicle in each hand."

"Yes, Sir." Burk coddled a giant testicle. The scrotum was so loose he could hold one on either side of the thick hanging fuck organ. He'd never seen balls so big, or a horse so perfect. He marvelled at the smooth brown orbs. The sensation thrilled him so much he got a roaring erection again. "Oh my god. My --, my Master Ty."

"You do like them, don't you, pretty boy?" He looked at the glory hole where Jimmy watched. "He likes my big nuts, Jimmy."

"Everybody does. Now will somebody give me a dick to suck."

Ty turned the lawyer to the wall and aimed his cock though the hole as he pushed his pants to his ankles. "Don't." Burk protested.

"You don't want to get them all wrinkled." He stepped the young man out of his pants and hung them on the wall. Then unbuttoned the shirt and hung it there too. Burk stood naked with his cock pushed through the glory hole. They both heard Jimmy slurp in the young man's cock.

As his cock was sucked Burk hardly noticed Ty pull his round ass open, but he gasped when he felt the giant black prick head slide its pre cum through his cheeks.

"Don't. Stop. Please." Burk pulled back and turned to Ty. "I've never done that, and you're huge."

"You've never been fucked?" Ty licked his finger and pushed it into the virgin anus.

"No." Burk shivered as his cock was pushed back through the hole and sucked, and the finger wiggled in his ass hole. "Oh my god." The thrill shook him.

"Your what?" Ty continued fingering the tight anus.

My, my, my --, god. Master Ty." He looked down and then gently stroked the giant horse shaft. "Oh my god Master."

"Never fucked a manhole either?"

"No." Burk panted, frightened he'd gone way farther that he wanted.

"Well, this is your day." He stroked the boy's testicles and fingered his anus, then pulled his cock out of the hole. "Show him your pretty ass hole, Jimmy."

They both watched a pink anus with some blond hair appear at the glory hole. "Isn't that pretty? Want some dick, Jimmy?" They watched the pucker swell. The pink lips got redder and pulsated for cock.

"Oh, fuck." Burk watched the anal flesh open like a flower.

"See that. I told you this was your day. Jimmy's showing you how ready he is." Ty took hold of Burk's cock and pushed him with the finger in his ass to the hole. Then he rubbed some of the cock drool over the soft pucker. "You like that, Burky?" He looked down at the startled lawyer and kissed him.

Time stopped when the full soft lips came to his. Burk held Ty's neck and let the tongue explore his mouth, returning the kiss with equal passion, forgetting his cock was being smeared over the ass hole.

"Someone push that cock up my ass." The both heard from the next stall.

Ty pushed another finger into the virgin anus and pushed Burk forward. "Go nice and slow, Burky. Jimmy can take it, but you're a real big boy." Tyrone controlled the penetration. Holding Burk back by the cock root and pushing him in by the fingers in his ass he slowly eased the thick shaft into the cop's warm ass hole.

"Everybody happy here?" Tyrone grinned.

"You going to fuck me, or do I have to do it?" Jimmy began rolling his ass and bobbing it back and forth against the wall.

"I'm going to come. Shit." Burk was was too hot.

"No you're not." Tyrone pulled his cock out and squeezed his balls.

Burk stood panting. His balls ached as he looked up at his master. "What do you want?" He almost cried.

Rone kissed him again. "I think I want you, Burky. You're real special. Now show us that nice white cock of yours, Jimmy."

A fine smooth eight inch shaft with a snaking side vein slide through the marble hole. Ty pushed Burk's hand to the shaft, and young man milked the clear honey over the prick head. Ty spat into his hand and worked the slime over the boy's anal ring, then dug two fingers into the virgin anus.

"Please. Please, Sir." Burk looked into the smouldering eyes. His tormentor just grinned. "I never have. Please don't."

Ty turned the boy's ass to the cock poking through the marble hole. "You don't want to get arrested, do you? Jimmy's a cop."

"Oh, fuck." Burk began to cry, "No, no. Please."

"Don't cry, baby." Ty kissed the inexperienced faggot.

The succulent dark lips had a magical effect on Burkhardt. He kissed back, kissed a man greedily for the first time like a lover. As his hips were pushed back he felt a cock head press against his anal pucker for the first time. "Oh my god." He panted into Ty's mouth and trembled. Fear, joy, lust shot through him. "Please." He whispered.

Ty grinned. "Since you ask so nicely." He kissed the boy again, pulled his ass cheek apart and forced him back. "Rub your ass hole over that drooling prick like you want it, because you do." Burk obeyed, holding Ty around the neck.

"Kiss me." And the kissing began.

"It burns." He tried to pull away but Ty held him back.

"Yeah. A small price to pay for a lifetime of love." Ty squatted and sucked in the lawyer's glorious cock, over nine inches of perfect white meat.

"That's been up his ass." Burk panted.

"Yeah. Tastes like a man." He then held Jimmy's shaft and pushed the anus over the prick head. Then he slid his tongue down and licked the balls. "I like your cock, Burky." He could feel the boy shake, but his cock stayed rock hard as the strange cock pushed against his pucker. "Nice big balls too." Then he stood again.

Burk surprised him by holding his neck and kissing him again with a startling passion as he explored the giant pulpy cock and fondled the tennis balls. "You're very --." He panted and trembled. "Oh my god."

"What? What am I, Burky?" Ty reached behind, felt Jimmy's prick head just pushing into the tight anus. "In out, in out. Just like sucking on one of those round lollipops. Use your ass like lips, Burky. And hold my balls again. I like when you do that."

Burk held the cock and balls with both hands and panted into Ty's mouth until two fingers pushed between his lips. He sucked them until Ty reached behind again, pulled his ass hole off the cock tip and slid the two finger deep into the anus. His big blue eyes widened. "Oh god."

He pulled Ty's full soft lips down to his and pushed his tongue into the mouth like the fingers going into his anus. "You're so --, so. Very... Ah." He stared into dark smouldering eyes and pulled up Ty's tee to hold the velvety body next to his, unable to control his panting and trembling. "You're --. I've never met anyone like --, you, you're..."

"What am I, Burky?" He whispered as his fingers dug and pulled. "In out, in out. Pull on my cock some, Burky. I like you playing with it." He slipped his fingers out and pushed the young lawyer back, guiding Jimmy's drooling cock head to the tight hole again. "Ooowee. Burky Burky is such a tight ass."

"You're --, you're--, making me do this." But he knew it wasn't true. He wanted this man. Just like he had fallen in love with Mike when he was a child, he now wanted this beautiful, muscular black man with his tennis ball testicles and horse cock. He rolled them in his hand and stroked the shaft.

"You have such beautiful eyes, Burky. And cock, and ass. You make me want to fuck you." He licked the drool off the boy's mouth. "But if you want to stop and go home, you can. OK. Any time, baby."

"No. You're --, you're won --." He jolted as the cock head pushed through his anal ring. "Ahh." He gasped, holding the strong muscled body tight. "Oh my god. You're so --." Like a sex god, he thought

"Oh Burky baby. I'm not up your ass yet." He pushed the hips closer to the marble wall. "You'll see stars when we do that." He licked his prey's lips again. "But I'll be soft. I promise. I want you to like me. You're a real sweetheart."

Burk nodded, then rested his cheek on the firm pectoral muscle. In out, in out, the prick head went until Ty felt the anus loosen and pushed Burk's ass up against the cold marble and held him there.

As Burk panted Tyrone deep throated his thick nine inch plus some cock without the slightest gagging. Burk held the head to his pubic hair to steady himself as his ass was slow rammed. "Oh my god. I'm getting fucked."

"Yeah, you found a tight one here, Ty. I'm gonna come real fast." He slammed the young man for a full minute as Ty held him tight to the wall and licked his balls. "Oh, fuck. I'm gonna come." The panting and slamming got louder and harder, then slowed to a deep pump.

Burk's eyes bulged when he felt sperm shoot like a flood into his body for the first time. Like hot lava the cum volcano filled him. He grabbed his cock and pushed it into Ty's mouth, the pulled the man's head over his steel hard shaft. Ty let the boy throat him, feeling Jimmy pump his ass.

When the shooting stopped Ty pulled the boy's ass off the shaft and turned him around. "Now suck it."

"It's just been up my ass." Burk pleaded.

"I wasn't asking. Suck it." The huge muscled black man pushed the young lawyer to his knees and the head to the cock. "That's a good boy." And finally, "Well, at least try to enjoy it."

Once Burk started sucking the thick organ Ty squatted and licked with him. "He has a nice cock." Burk smiled at his dominator.

When their eyes met Ty kissed him, the prick head between their lips. "Not as nice as yours. You are the sweetest man with the biggest white cock I ever saw, and all that ass slick and cum has just come out of your pretty ass." When Jimmy went soft Ty said, "Now send Robbie in, Jimmy."

"Who's Robbie?" Burk looked afraid.

"Jimmy's partner. Cops always have buddies. You're going to remember this day all your life."

"Please don't make me do that again. I'll do anything for you." The young lawyer stroked the gigantic brown fuck organ that swelled menacingly. His eyes pleaded with Ty. He wanted the black man's beautiful cock, and Ty knew it.

"You'll do anything for me? Good." Ty bent the young man over, pushing his head into the toilet bowl, pulling his cheeks apart. "Fuck, look at the pink ass, a bit red from your first fuck." He squatted, held his boy by the cock root and ate the his cum fucked anus.

"Oh, fuck. What are you doing?" Burk hung his head in the toilet, held the rim to steady himself and let himself be rimmed.

"You will take the next cock that comes through that hole up your ass. Is that clear?"

"Yes. Oh, fuck. Sir" Burk panted. It was his first fuck and the first time a mouth had pleasured his anus. The unthinkable was so wonderful. Insane, unreal, and he loved every time the tongue dug into his sore hot hole. And then he gasped. The huge black cock head pressed against his anal ring.

"Oh, yes. Baby wants it but can't take it yet." He slathered the dripping glans over the tight pucker, then pushed the spongy apple big head into the warm body. "Oooooweeee."

Burk's ass burn with desire and pain. "Please stop. Yes." His mind played tricks. "Please. Yes. Stop. Oh, god, yes. Oh my god."

Just then a limp cock came through the marble hole. "Suck." Ty ordered and pulled the head by the blond hair. "You're going to take this cock up your ass too."

"Yes, Sir." Burky was strangely thrilled being to suck the thick cock head that lay on the cold marble and gobbled it into his mouth.

"Good boy." Ty fingered his anus until Robbie was rock hard. Then he turned the lawyer around and aimed his anus to the shaft waiting at the marble hole.

"I can't. I'm sore." Burky pleaded.

And then those succulent dark lips came to his like magic again as his anal pucker was pushed back against the stiff cock. "Then go home, Baby. Nobody's making you do anything you don't want."

"You are. You want to see me get fucked again." He reached dup and licked Tyrone's lower lip.

"I want to get up your ass. For that you have to be looser."

Burl nodded. "OK." He whispered and backed up to the warm prick head.

"Just let your ass play with it, Baby. I know you want to." Ty bent his boy forward. "Now suck me some more while you do it." Ty's magnificent, shining cock head filled Burk's mouth with such joy he rolled his anal ring over the spongy cock head at his ass hole. The touch thrilled him.

"Reach behind and pull your pussy ass open, Burky." Ty smeared his glans over Burk's lips

Bent over Burkhardt looked up as he filled his mouth with his master's cock. There was no other word for him. And in the smouldering glow of his dominator's eyes he saw desire. He wanted this man's love more than anything he'd ever wanted and pulled his cheeks apart. "I'm so sore." His soft blue eyes begged for mercy as he tried to open his ass pucker over the meaty cock head.

Ty grinned. "How am I going to get up your pretTy ass without hurting you if you don't get yourself loose for me. Huh, Baby?" He knelt and kissed his new slave who panted into his mouth, then pulled him to standing and sucked the soft lips. "I love the way you kiss, Burky."

"You're the first man I've ever kissed." He panted into the soft mouth as his ass began to burn again. "Like this, I mean. Real kissing." He held his lover master around the neck. "I love kissing you too."

"I'm glad you said that." Ty licked the boy's lips. "Because I want to take you home with me real soon."

Burk let Ty suck the drool off his lips as he reached down to the horse shaft that pushed under his testicles. He could wiggle it against the cock that pushed into his anal ring. "I would love that too." As his anus was gently edged back to the cock head he raised one leg and wrapped it around his lover's waist. "To be someplace nice with you." He reached under and held both hard shafts, their prick heads together. "This is so wonderful. <i never knew it could be so good."

"Oh, Baby. You are ready."

"I am. You are making me. Making me ready." He held the prick head against his anal ring and felt himself open. "Help me." He clung to his big black lover. I want you so much."

Ty smeared Robbie's drooling cock over the puffy anus, then pushed his boy back until the head slipped in. Burk jerked. "I know, Baby. I know the pain. Oh my pretty baby. I hate to see you hurting, but you've got such a beautiful round ass, I just have to put my love it." They kissed. "I've just got to have you. Got to make you my fuck Baby."

"I know. It's OK." Burk melted into the black magic of his lover whose huge stiff cock he could feel under his balls as the other cock entered him. "Oh, yes." He reached under his bent leg and rubbed the giant brown head against the shaft pushing into his anus. "I feel you right there at my ass." He whispered into Ty's ear. "My big Angel. Push me back. Give me some more. You want him fucking me. You like watching me get fucked, don't you?"

"I guess I do. It's how I like my boys, full of cum."

"OK. As long as I can have you. Oh my god, it's in me." He clung to his big black lover. "I'm getting fucked again. Oh yeah. You feel that? He's up my ass. All the way."

"Oh, Baby. Yes. You want to be my fuck hole." Tyrone pushed his ass to the hole. The strong hands held him in a secure, muscle man's embrace as his ass was slow pumped.

Burk panted. "Oh, Ty. He's so hard inside me. Pumping me."

"That's hard man love inside you, Baby."

"Man love." He whispered and kissed the thick, soft lips. The eyes he stared into were determined to have him. "Oh, your man love." He embraced his new lover, trembling and panting. "Why are you making me do this?"

"Is that what you think, Baby?" He kissed the handsome young lawyer, stroked his steely cock as Robbie pushed his prick head deeper into his anus. "Your cock is rock hard, Baby. You want it too. You know you do."

"You want it. To see me get fucked by a stranger." He rolled his anal pucker over the cock root hoping it would excite his black beauty. "And if that's what you want, I want it, too. To please you."

"Robbie's no stranger. He's one of my best fuck buddies." He wiggled the ass on the shaft. "And yeah. I like to see my boys getting fucked before I plow their asses.

"OK." He closed his eyes. " I want you. Inside me." Tears rolled down his cheeks as another inch of shaft pushed the head deeper into his anus. Deeper and deeper, in and out. "He's fucking me real good now. I'm doing it for you." He reached under his raised leg and held the giant brown testicles. "I'm doing it for these. Huge cream filled balls. Yeah. I'm getting fucked real good."

"Don't cry." He licked the salty cheek and stroked the boy's dripping cock.

"I'm not."

"You are."

"It's good with you. In your arms with a policeman's thick cock up my ass. You make it good."

"Your ass is getting loose." Tyrone slipped his hand between the wall and Burk's ass and tried to jack an inch of Robbie's cock, then he slid finger into the lawyer's anus.

"Oh yeah." Burk gasped." Oh fuck. You want that big black horse cock up my ass, don't you? Tell me" He rocked on the pumping shaft.

"You'll get me as soon as your ass is loose unless you want to stop right now. Just say so."

"No." Burk clung to his lover. Both could feel Robbie deep pumping the sore anus. "We can't stop now. We can't. He's fucking me so good. You know that. God, you know how good it is. He's got to come in my ass. You want his cum in me."

"No, Baby. You do."

"I do. Get my ass full of cum. More cum."

That's my love Baby. When I fuck you we will love it. You're beautiful, and your cock is made in heaven for me. I love big white cocks. And round succulent asses."

"I'm not as big as you." He now looked into gentle, almost loving, eyes. "I love yours too. And everything else about you."

"You're big enough for me. We can't all be foot long black stallions."

"Is that how big it gets?" He rubbed his lover's shaft under his testicles with new curiosiTy. "Oh my god."

"Almost. You'll find out. Kiss me some more and hold my balls. I like you holding my big balls. You like them."

"You know I do. Everyone does."

"But you're the only one who matters right now."

"Am I?" Burk looked down at the root of the wondrous sex organs. "I love holding you like this. I've never felt such goodness. Robbie feels good too. My ass feels so good now. but I want you in me, and I want you to love doing me."

"Shut up and kiss me." As they kissed Burk's ass was deep rammed by eight inches of thick cop meat.

"He's doing my ass real good, Ty. God, it feels good." He smeared his wet ass against the warm marble. "Oh, fuck my ass, yes."

"Stroke my cock." He pulled his cock from under his new sex slave so the two erections slid between their bellies.

Robbie's thick warm meat shaft rammed his anal pucker wider than the first. It was thicker, but the fire was gone now, and he rolled his anal ring over the hard meat, dazzled by an incredible joy. They panted into each other's mouthes as his ass cheeks were held against the marble wall.

"I love the way you kiss." He licked the thick soft lips and rolled the brown tennis ball testicles in his hand. "I love everything about you. Pull my cheeks apart so he can get all his cock in me. You're making me love this."

"Oh, baby. What am I getting myself into?" Tyrone looked at the lawyer going wild with the cock ramming him.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Just feel that strong cock in your ass, the man power needing you, and your warm ass loving that fuck shaft. His cum is going to fill your insides with so much happiness." Ty sucked his new cock boy's tongue, pulled his hole open and wobbled it against the marble. "Don't tense up, Baby. I can feel your ass do that. Just let that angel's big dick love you. And hold my cock. I want you to know it before it fucks your ass red."

"I want that. You know I want you in me." He held the black man tight as his ass was pumped. "I want you up my ass too. My big black stallion cock grinding my ass."

"Then show me. Bend over and give my cock some mouth love. Be my boy now, like I'm your nigger."

"I never use that word."

"Use it for me when you're sucking on me."

"You're my nigger angel." He put his foot on the ground and pulled Ty's lips down to his. "I love kissing you, and holding your big nigger dick." He rubbed the brown cock head in his hand. "You know that." He trembled under the sexual power of this man. He wiggled his ass on the eight inch cock fucking him. "You like watching me get fucked, getting me ready for your big nigger dick."

"I guess I do. Now suck my dick and let him finish your ass"

"Yes, Sir. He's going slow and real deep, not like the first." He sucked Ty's lower lip. "Nice and slow, and thick. My ass is warm now, like the marble now. Like you. Big warm cock."

"Suck my cock. You're hard as a bone." Ty stroked his thick white shaft. "Like a man who likes a cock up his ass and a big black one in his face."

"Yes, Sir." Burk whimpered in the warmth of a strange, handsome muscle man, fucked by a stranger's cock that slid so gently through his anal ring, a lover fucking a lover's body. "I'm loving you."

"Suck me, white boy." Ty grinned. "In your mouth."

"My god. My big black god." He stroked the long thick black love organ and coddled the heavy testicles as the other cock glided smoothly over his anal pucker, making love to him. Whoever he was they were lovers for the moment, sharing each other's bodies, and happiness.

He looked down at Ty's magnificent genitals in his hands. "Oh god and master, Tyrone." Then he sucked in the shining apple huge prick head, its pre cum as sweet as honey. "You are so wonderful. Thank you. Thank you for making me, wanting me."

"You like that big dick, Pussy?" He slapped Burk's face with it.

The panting lawyer nodded and caught the shaft. "Yes." His lips kissed the glans.

But Ty slapped him gently. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, Sir." He sucked the growing fuck organ and held the immense testicles. "Oh my god." He'd never held such a wonderful a man before, and together with the cock in his ass he felt a spiritual awakening. "Oh god yes."

Ty pulled his chin up and spat into the open mouth. "God has nothing to do with it, Pussy. I'm your master now. Remember that."

"Yes, Sir. Yes, Master." Burkhardt opened his mouth and put out his tongue. He'd never felt so bizarre and yet so wonderful. Ty cleared his throat and spat again. "Thank you, Master." He licked a drop of spit from Tyron's lower lip wondering where the game would lead.

Ty bent him down and pushed his giant cock into the panting mouth. "Now pull your cheeks apart and cozy up to that marble, fuck boy. Get as much cock in as you can."

"Yes, my bull Sir." Burky smeared his ass against the marble that his ass warmed now as the shaft slow fucked him. "Oh my god." He felt real love for the first time, pumped into his ass. "I mean - Master. Oh my Master." He licked and kissed the prick head that Ty smeared over his lips. "I'm getting real sore now, Master."

"So much loving in one day. You can come any time now, Robbie." Ty slapped his cocksucker's face with his pick head.

"Yes. Please come in my ass, Officer." He held his fuck hole against the marble. "I want to feel you coming, feel your cum shoot in my ass."

"You know me, Ty. I'm a slow fuck." He pumped the young man for fifteen minute more until Burky begged for his cum.

Pulling his cheeks apart and pushing against the warm marble he begged. "Oh god. Officer. I can't stand up like this much longer. Please come."

"Well, OK. Damn, boy. You must be new at this." And Robbie slam fucked the hot ass so long and hard that he worked up a thick foam of his buddy's cum that felt like glue to Burky. With a thick cock head in his mouth he looked up at Ty in a daze.

Ty grinned at his new cock slave. "Every fuck is different, Burky." And he pushed his half hard shaft down the boy's throat. Ten inches of thick, nearly hard meat gagged the lawyer. He tried to push his master out but was held in a vice clamp of arms. "Don't you fight it, boy. I love gagging a new fuck toy. Feel my cock swelling in there, Pussy. Just let it happen. Choke on it. Feel it grow bigger in there."

Burky thought he would faint from the ass slamming and the throating. Finally cum erupted in his ass. The hot flow made him relax, and the cock slid out of his throat.

He felt an electric surge as hot, slimy sperm filled him with triumph. He chewed on Ty's drooling cock head as his ass was flooded until Ty raised him to standing, squatted and sucked his cock. It took not more than thirty seconds for Burky to shoot off the heaviest load he'd ever produced.

Ty turned his head so the new boy could see his cock squirt into his mouth. He let the load pool in his mouth before milking the last drops and drinking the whole load. Then he stood up and kissed his lover boy as Robbie still slow pumped his now loose anus. "How do I taste, Pussy?"

Burk licked his sperm from the cheek and lips. "Wonderful."

"You about done, Robbie?" He called to the policeman.

"You know me, Ty. I can fuck a warm hole forever." The smooth thick shaft still pumped the pink anus.

"Well, hang on there." He pulled Burk's ass off the shaft and pushed his mouth to it. The boy needed no instruction. He sucked the thick fuck shaft like a lover.

The he looked up at Tyrone as he licked the glans. "Do you want me to put it back in my ass, Maste Sir?"

How do you feel, Burky?"

"Sort of faint." He stood and wobbled in his lover's arms as stroked the huge brown horse cock. After a succulent kiss that revived him he turned and swiped the drooling cum slit over his puffy anal pucker. "Come on, nigger. I want this big dick up my ass."

Although he'd been fucked twice he'd never had anything this thick up his virgin anus, and Ty felt the blood throb. He pulled the young man's arms down and held him around the chest, tweaking his nipples. "Oh, sweet, sweet Burky. You are tight." He panted at the boy's neck.

Pushing back Burk felt Ty's prick head slip to his ass pucker. Ty pushed back back and a few inches slid into his anus. Then Burk pushed him out.

"I'm sorry. I feel so weak." He embraced his master.

Ty held the naked young man, and then packed his cock and balls back into his jeans and handed Burkhardt a card. "Come by my place tomorrow, eleven. Morning, not night."

"But you haven't come yet." Burk held the basket of treasure.

"i will tomorrow, Baby." Before he left the toilet stall he turned. "You think you're sore now, wait until tomorrow. And don't eat first. I'm going to spend a lot of time down your throat."

Ty stroked his fuck man's cock, hard again. "I like your cock, Burky." He squatted again and sucked the perfect white marble column. "And if I don't go I'm going to bend you over and fuck the daylights out of you, and you won't be able to walk tomorrow." He kissed his lover again. "You're going to be fun." And the dream man left.

Burkhardt looked at the card. Printed under a drawing that could resemble an abstract erection and huge testicles was written

Stallion Rides By Appointment Only

On the back side as address and phone were. Burk tucked it into his pants and sat on the john to expel the cum in him, then clenched his hole to keep its power in him. By the time he wiped his ass and dressed the cop was washing his hands and his cock head.

Burk nodded and blushed. "You're Robbie."

"Yeah, and you're cute. First time, huh? Love your big cock. Sit up here and I'll wash your ass." He hoisted the young man onto the sink counter.

"Yes." Burk stared at the policeman who lovingly washed his sore hole with cold water. "You look great like that, I mean in full uniform and all."

"You mean you didn't like my cock?" Robbie stroked the boy's shaft. "Well, it won't be the last time you get it. Seems like Ty's got his hooks in you, and he always gets his way. And he likes to share."

"Share what?" Burk loosened his belt so the policeman could get two fingers into his anus.

"This for one thing." Robbie pumped the loose hole.

"I should go." He hopped down. "Thank you, Robbie."

"Don't be late tomorrow. It's not polite to keep Ty waiting. He's got so many people who want him."


"Damn, Burky. With his sex appeal and charisma no one can resist him. It's not just black Adonis with a big dick. He's magic, pure and simple. Be happy he's after you."

Burk walked to the car thinking of all the sperm swimming around inside him. And he started thinking of Mike, the first man he ever fell in love with.

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