Slave Journal

By moc.loa@ssobrofyob

Published on Mar 30, 2023


Thank You, Sir for allowing this faggot slave the honor of training with Sir! As commanded, faggot is continuing its journal of past sexual/slave experience for Sir's pleasure.

faggot is aware that it is never to refer to itself as "I", or "me" or "my" but only as "it", "faggot", or "slave". Sir, with Your gracious permission, and for the sake of a clear

account, faggot will refer to its pre-slavery life using "I" in lower case and "my". faggot is grateful for Sir's mercy.

faggot is to report to the readers that it was punished for 3 misspellings. it must also report that it was given punishment for the formatting error that still persists. The "?"

entries are distracting and Sir is most displeased. faggot hopes that what it does today will fix the problem. faggot was given 10 swats for each misspelling on its bound ball-sack. Sir brought out a riding crop and placed it on faggot's lips to kiss. He quickly and without mercy administered the 30 swats. He covered faggot's entire sack with hits, making the skin a flaming red when Sir was finished. Sir expects faggot to be only smart enough to be able to spell properly when reporting to Him. faggot, like before was then

told to spread its legs very, very wide, and to hold its bound slavesack up against its stomach. Sir informed faggot that it was going to receive 20 whacks on each inner thigh

for the formatting error and 10 whacks on the very sensitive skin between faggot's balls and its cunt hole. Sir brought out His paddle and again gave it to faggot to kiss. Sir gave 10 whacks on each thigh and then picked up the crop to make the 10 extra swats. faggot was miserable and writhing, begging Sir to stop. There were still 10 whacks left for each thigh. faggot was ordered back into position and they were given to faggot in a quick and thorough manner! Thank You Sir for Your direction and punishment!

faggot is continuing the journal for Sir at about the age of 22 or 23. I am still cruising the sex spots on Capital Hill in Denver and sucking a lot of cock and also occasionally getting fucked too. One night as i was heading home after a slow night, i saw headlights coming up behind me. As i turned around, a spot light from the car blinded me. It was the cops. Denver cops hated the faggots that cruised that area and were always harassing us. i got it at the time, though. While i wasn't charging any money, others were and they

didn't like it.

The cop called me over still shining the light in my eyes. He asked me where i was headed. i answered that i was going home from visiting a friend a few blocks back. He

asked me where i lived and i gave him the address. He asked for my I.D. and then he said "I've seen you around here before, and I know what you're up to." When i didn't answer, he said "Put your hands on the hood of the car." i was a little scared. i didn't know what my rights were, and i wasn't sure if i had really done anything illegal. Thankfully i didn't have anything left of the joint i had smoked with a friend about an hour back! The officer patted me down, a bit roughly and i was embarrassed when he ran his hands up and under my crotch feeling for weapons. Satisfied that i was `clean', he pulled out cuffs and brought my hands behind my back and put them on me! "What did I do?" "Why are you arresting me?" As he opened the back door, and cupped my head to bend down onto the bench seat, he said "solicitation". i didn't know what that meant, really. i figured that it could mean cruising, which i had been doing for the last hour or so. He got into the front seat and clipped my I.D. to his board. He started driving and my

head was spinning. Before now, i still hadn't really seen him, but i was able to get a good look in the dim light of the car, and not having that fucking light in my eyes. He looked like you would expect. About 35 or so, slight gut, repressed. Anyway, he's driving and i realize that we are not going in the right direction. We're down by the club i go to, near train tracks and old warehouses (before they were converted into lofts).

He parked under an off-ramp and turned off the car. He got out and came around to my door and opened it. He pulled me out and said "You can get out of going to jail, faggot."

i was shaking and cuffed and totally turned on! i was afraid of him seeing that i was turned on though. i was afraid that he would also beat the shit out of me and leave me for

dead. He spun me around and bent me over the back of the car. As he undid his big stupid cowboy belt buckle, he said "You faggots need to learn to stop scumming up the

streets with your filth." He raped me while he told me what a piece of shit i was. He was quick to cum, too but he was violent about that as well. He gripped my ass cheeks so hard that they were bruised for several days after. He told me to turn around and clean the shit off his dick like the cocksucker i was. i did as i was told and that's when he saw my tented jeans. He laughed and said "All faggots are alike. They love to be fucked like bitches!" "Open up faggot" he said and he forced his cock into my mouth. He wasn't very hung, but he was a bastard with how he used his cock. He had me lick and slober all over his cock before he was sure it was clean. my cleaning his cock got him hard again and he started to fuck my throat. Before long i had another hot load of cop cum inside me. Without ceremony, he hauled me back into the car and shut the door. He

silently drove me home as my aching rock hard cock throbbed in my rough jeans. He dropped me outside of my apartment building and came around to let me out. Handing me my I.D. he said "I'll be watching you faggot." With that, he pulled away and i went into my apartment and beat off 3 times before i fell asleep.

About 2 weeks later, i was startled awake by a flashlight in my eyes and a gloved hand over my mouth. i was roughly turned over and cuffed. i somehow knew immediately that it was my cop. i could smell him, that cop car smell, cigarettes and vinyl seats. Since i sleep naked, he had immediate access to my body. "Fucking pussy." He was a

little tipsy, i could hear a light slur in his voice. i felt something cold and hard against my hole. i wasn't sure what it was until it started to enter me. He was fucking me with his night stick! He was violently fucking me. i was a bit dry and he used no lube or spit or anything. After a bit, it didn't hurt my hole as much but he was thrusting it in and out

of my ass and going deep. i could feel it in my guts. i started to yelp, but he reached up and covered my mouth with his leather gloved hand. "Shut the fuck up faggot" he slurred in my ear. He fucked me a bit longer and then pulled the stick out of my hole. He wiped it on my ass and then put his cock against my hole and thrust in. i was in so much pain, but had my mouth covered. i was barely able to breath out of my nose, and i could see some snot come out onto his glove. He wiped it in my hair before replacing it over my mouth. He came with some sharp smacks to my ass. It seemed in one movement, but he unlocked the cuffs, pulled out and left the room before i had a chance to turn around. i laid there and fingered my puffy hole. i could feel the warm cum inside and i began to finger my hole. Before long i was jacking off and exploding the largest and most earth shattering orgasm i had had in a very long time.

i saw my cop twice more. Once when he entered my room in the middle of the night as before, and once while i was cruising. When he entered my room, it was exactly the same as before, except that he might have used different phrases. i got the night stick, then fucked and my ass slapped before he was gone in a flash. When i was cruising, it was in another area of town, Cheeseman Park. He saw me, and hauled me back into the car with cuffs and drove me to a dark area of the park. He came around and leaving me face down on the back seat and with my hands cuffed, fucked me quickly and quietly before undoing the cuffs and telling me to go home. Even to this day, i beat off thinking

about my perverted cop in Denver and what we could have gotten up to if given the chance for more encounters. i love cops and all Men in uniform from this point on. i loved being completely controlled by an authority figure. The "kidnap" and "home invasion" aspect is something that i hope to experience fully again.

The last slave/pig/hole experience i had before moving from Denver was very brief. It had taken awhile but i found a bar called "The Eagle". Duh. Now i know, but i didn't then. Anyway, i entered the dark, red lit bar and got a beer. i am always very conscious of my slight body, hairless and skinny in bars like this. Men look good in leather and i just didn't see how it would look good on my skinny frame. So i go to a pinball machine because i am very self conscious and feel shy. i begin to play a few games. i am on my second beer when a man of about 40 stands next to me watching me play. i can feel his eyes on me, looking me up and down, looking at my ass. i am trying to concentrate on the game and am feeling unusually timid. i can feel his power and authority. He began to cup my ass through my jeans and he leaned in and whispered in my ear to keep playing. i nodded and did so while he slowly played with my ass through the fabric. Before long, he undid the buttons on my fly and had his hand in the cleft of my cheeks. i could feel his finger searching for my hole. When he found it, i gasped and he chuckled. He brought his hand out and stuck his middle finger in my mouth. i turned and looked him in the eye as he did that and i greedily sucked his finger. i lost the ball and the game ended, but still stood there sucking his finger with my pants undone. i could feel that people were watching, and i didn't care. i totally let go. i think now that he could feel that i had done that. He pulled his finger out with a loud pop and stuck it back into my pants. He quickly found my hole and pushed his finger inside. It felt so good and i immediately started to wiggle my ass onto it. He said "Good boy -- you'll do fine boy" and with that he pulled his finger out and stuck it back in my mouth and said "Clean it off" Thank God i have always liked to keep a nice clean hole! i heard a few people start to clap in the background, and he said "Follow me". i followed him into the bathroom and he walked up to the trough style urinal and pulled out his half hard dick. "Hold my dick, boy" i grabbed it and he immediately started to piss into the trough. "Shake it off lad" i shook it as i would have my own to get the drops off, and he snaked it back into his leather pants. "Meet me outside in 15 minutes boy" and he turned and walked out. i went out of the bar blushing at the cat calls and snickers of the few patrons that were in the bar. Fifteen minutes later he walked out of the bar and said "Good boy, follow me" i followed him to his car and he unlocked the door. Now i had been used to getting into strange cars before to give head, but this somehow seemed riskier. i got in. i loved what he did to my hole at the pinball machine, and i loved how he whispered in my ear. It was very calm but in total control. Like he had never experienced ANYONE saying "no" to him.

We drove to his house, which wasn't far from the bar, and he drove up and into the garage, closing the door behind us. i got out of the car and he said "STRIP" in a louder and more commanding voice than i had heard from him. i stripped off my clothes and placed them on a shelf in the garage as he told me to. Remember, naked and with my boyish face i looked about 14 or 15 and there are many men who appreciate that look and take full advantage of it. This man was one of them. He got real close to my naked body and i could feel his leather pants on my skin. i was totally hard and shaking with desire and fear and the cold. He began to play with my nipples and commented on how i clearly had been working them. i said "yes" and he slapped my face and said "yes, WHAT?" i recovered and said "yes Sir" he said "Good boy" and kept abusing my tits. Soon, he grabbed a dog collar from a shelf next to him and placed it around my neck. It was tight, but did not restrict the air. It felt so good to have the leather band around my neck. He then attached a leash, and ordered me onto my hands and knees. As i tried to follow behind him, he dragged me into the house. Once in his living room, he undid his pants and sat down on an easy chair. He pulled me between his legs and said "Suck it" my mouth immediately opened and i gratefully took his cock into my mouth. i was really beginning to understand my place among Men. my place was at their feet, servicing their cock. i sucked him for quite a while and over the course of the next several hours, he fucked my mouth then my hole. Back and forth. Sometimes he made me sit on it and others i was on my back across a table. The whole time he kept the collar and leash on my and would use the leash to direct where he wanted me to go or what he wanted me to do. When he was done fucking me and had left 3 or 4 loads inside me, he pulled me into his bathroom. He had me kneel in front of his toilet with my head bent back over the bowl. It was a very uncomfortable position, but he didn't seem to care. i knew what i looked like. i could feel it. i looked like a skinny, faggy 14 year old high school boy with puffy lips from sucking cock, my head bent over a toilet bowl. i stared up at his massive figure above me. He was straddling my chest, and had his arms folded over his chest, looking down at me. His cock was bobbing about 7 inches above my face, when all of a sudden a stream of piss came shooting out of his cock. It hit my face and i closed my eyes in shock. He said "Open your mouth, boy" and when i didn't, in a loud booming voice he said "DO IT!" i obeyed immediately and the stream continued into my choking mouth. His piss spilled everywhere, all around me, down my face and neck onto my chest and crotch. He just stood there with his arms crossed looking down on my with a small smile. When he was finished he told me to suck it and i did. i got the last drops of his piss on my tongue and felt his cock enter my throat. He fucked my mouth until he came again, although it took longer this time and my jaw hurt so fucking bad. He took me to the garage, and told me to lay down on my back on the concrete floor. It was so fucking cold and i started to shiver right away. He stood with one of his boots between my legs right under my balls. With the other boot, he pressed my balls between them and told me to jerk off. He said "The longer you take to cum, the more it will hurt" and he squeezed my balls even harder between his boots. i furiously beat off and was finally able to cum while the boots squeezed every last drop out of my balls. He told me to put my clothes on without cleaning up and he opened the side door to his garage and released me into the night. i saw him a few more times before i moved out to California. He came to a few Folsom Street Fairs when i first moved here and i was able to briefly serve him during his stay.

Thank You Sir, for allowing faggot to tell You of its experiences. Sir, faggot is grateful that Sir has shown it His direction and mercy. Sir, faggot is grateful for His training and can't wait until faggot can share the details in this journal. As always Sir, and any reader may contact faggot at . Thank You Sir!

Next: Chapter 6

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