Slave Journal

By moc.loa@ssobrofyob

Published on Mar 24, 2023


Thank You, Sir for allowing this faggot slave the honor of training with Sir!? As commanded, the following is a detailed account of faggot's past sexual experiences.

faggot is aware that it is never to refer itself as "I", or "me" or "my" but only as "it", "faggot", or "slave".? Sir, with Your gracious permission, and for the sake of a clear account, faggot will refer to its pre-slavery life using "i" (in lower case) and "my".? faggot begs Sir's pardon, and awaits Sir's next command.

Sir, thank You Sir for pointing out the?2 misspellings in faggot's previous post (Chapter 3) as well as the?main formatting error.? This slave is grateful to Sir for His direction and His correction.? slave did not type the "?" in its text to Nifty, but since they have appeared, slave has taken responsibility for them.? Sir has been merciful to slave.? it has received 5 strokes for each misspelling, but only 20 strokes on its thighs for the formatting error.? 10 strokes on each thigh were administered to the slave by Sir.?? slave was ordered onto its back with its legs spread VERY wide.? slave was instructed to grab itself by the ball sack very tightly, holding up?its blood engorged ballsac so that Sir could administer the punishment.? slave had to count out each stroke.? slave was told to move its legs wider and move its ball sack so that Sir's black leather paddle could have clear access to its inner thighs.? Sir whacked slave first on its left inner thigh?10 times, then moved to the right for 10.? each time, slave had to count out the whacks.? slave was?writhing in pain?when Sir finished but did not try to avoid the punishment and Sir said slave was a good boy. thank You Sir, for Your punishment and Your mercy!

slave journal - adulthood

Sir has commanded faggot to stop boring Him with stories of being a fuck slut and only tell Him of faggot's experiences that directly relate to its being a submissive/slave/pig.? Because faggot believes that some slut stories have a direct bearing, it will include those.? Suffice to say that faggot has always been promiscuous and would have sex with just about any man that wanted it.? faggot has always been, and still is a skinny, slightly girlie cocksucking boy bitch, and there are certain Men who appreciate that sort of boy and know how to really handle them.? Sir is one, and there were quite a few Men in faggot's past that were as well.? faggot will tell Sir and the readers about some of them in this chapter.?

At about the age of 21 or so, i moved to Denver, the big city, with some friends.? i was so excited because i knew that my sexual world would explode.? i naturally turned into the slut i am today.? i would go to clubs, bars, and walk around at night on Capitol Hill where it was really easy to get picked up by older men in their cars.? i mostly sucked a lot of cock, but i got fucked enough, too!? At about this time, i became friends with the manager for the hottest dance club in Denver.? He was very attractive, about 30 or so.? one night at the club, he asked me to stick around after closing and come home with him.? Of course, i wasn't going to say "no"!? When we got to his place at about 3 am or so, he grabbed me by the head and forcing his tongue in my mouth, violently kissed me.? At the same time he began using a hand to remove his shirt and unbuckle his belt.? i began to stip as well and as soon as i was naked, he began to run his hands over my tits.? Remember, that i had taken quite a bit of time over my teen years abusing my nipples.? they were at least as long as a pencil eraser and very, very sensitive.? i started moaning, and he began working them even harder.? as i would moan into his open mouth with his deep tongue work, he would pinch and twist harder.? Then, as he was pinching and twisting them, he unsealed our mouths and pulled me to my knees by my nipples.? i thought they would rip off!? Staring me in the face was the HUGEST cock i had ever seen!? it was cut, and at least 9 inches long.? what scared me the most though, was how wide it was.? it was widest at the head, kind of like a hooded cobra.? it was already dripping precum (my favorite appetizer) i began licking around the head, trying to figure out how i was going to get it into my mouth.? he said, "enough teasing, get on it kid."? i liked that he called me "kid" and i always respond to stern direction.? i opened my mouth really wide and the big fat head, was resting on my splayed out tongue.? i started making love to the head of his monster cock, and he was getting into it, but he was also slowing moving his dick further and further into my mouth.? i could feel my back teeth start to scrape his dick, and so did he!? he grabbed my hair in his fist and he said "no teeth, fucker!"? i did my best to cover my teeth with my tongue and i could feel that occassionally i would catch his dick.? each time it happened, he'd grab a fist of hair and pull or twist.? it hurt so bad, but it was a good deterent.?? after quite a bit of time on my knees sucking and slobbering on his cock, he picked me up by my armpits and stood me on my feet.? grabbing at my nipples again, he said "follow me".? i followed him into his bedroom and he told me to get on my back and hang my head over the edge of the bed.? i did, and do you know what?? my mouth automatically opened.? his bed was kind of tall, so he was able to kneel on a bench and put his cock right at my mouth.? i was upside down and this huge piece of meat was slowly snaking its was into my mouth.? i felt my eyes bulge out a bit and the air got a bit more restricted.? i could feel his hands on the side of my neck, slowly stroking it, talking in a really low voice, saying "that's it kid, take it all"? and "open up kid, open up your throat".? i did open up my throat, and learned to take breaths as he pulled out.? i was really getting my timing down, and his cock was going deeper that any cock had before, and it was bigger than any cock i had had before.? i was in heaven, being totally filled by his cock, totally pinned by his manhood to the bed.? while he fucked my throat and told me how fucking good it felt and how tight it was, he was attacking my nipples.? while my head was basically pinned, i was able to squirm my body a bit in an effort to escape some of the attack.? i realized though, that at times while he was pinching my tits, it made my throat open even more.? i never got his entire cock down to the balls (they slapped my forehead) he later told me that he got more into my throat than most boys he lets suck it.? Anyway, he was smooth stroking my throat with his cock, and long dicking it as much as he could get in there.? i could feel his balls start to rise, and knew he was going to blow a hot load deep inside me.? He said "I'm gonna fucking cum!? fucking eat it!"? and with that he choked my skull with a huge load of spunk.? "Don't spill it, kid - eat it all"? i did and continued to suckle his cock as a deflated a bit in my throat, inching back up onto my tongue.? He pulled out with a pop and a glob of cum landed on the bridge of my nose and started to drip into my eye.? He swiped it up and fed it into my mouth.? i felt so useful!? "Get up on your hand and knees!"? i was startled, but got up.? "Show me your ass, not your face, kid"? I turned around with my ass to him.? i loved that he called me "kid".? He reached forward and stuck two of his fingers in my mouth.? "Get them wet"? i slobbered all over?his fingers and really started getting into sucking on them (to this day i have a fetish with fingers, and LOVE being hand-gagged).? When they were wet enough, he started to rub them around my hole.? Now while most boys my age and even a bit younger had a good amount of body hair, i did not.? There still isn't any hair on my chest and i have a fairly small bush and hardly any pubic trail.? Also there is virtually no hair around my hole.? It has always made me look VERY young, and i'm sure that is what attracted many men to using me.? Even at the age of 21 i knew that i could pass for 14 or so (at least naked).? He was rubbing my hairless hole and sticking his fingers in.? i loved it, and i would push back against them, and he spent a good amount of time getting my hole primed for his cock.? i was wet, and moaning like a whore.? "are you ready for this, kid?"? i moaned "yes" and he said "tell me how much you want it"? i start

ed begging as best as i knew how, begging for him to stick his cock in my hole, to fuck me with his cock.? "please, please fuck me!" i would say, and then i'm not sure why, but i said "please, Sir, please fuck my pussy!"? well that got him very hot and i felt the head of his dick pushing at my twitching hole.? When his head broke through, i literally screamed and fell down flat on my stomach.? "c'mon, kid, you can take it" he said in my ear as he laid his entire 180 pounds on top of me.? i could feel his hairy chest on my back, it felt good.? my hole was spasming around the head of his dick and he was saying "fuck, that is so fucking tight" and "that feels so good, kid".? he pulled me back up on my hands and knees and started playing with my tits again.? pretty soon i was bucking up against his huge cock and before long, i could feel his balls up against my ass cheeks.? "good boy, good boy - you've got it all inside you now, kid"? i was in another state.? i remember my head lolling back and forth and feeling so full.? So full of hard Mancock.? then he began to stroke.? i thought i was being ripped apart (and i probably was to some extent!)? he put a brown bottle under my nose and told me to breathe.? i did, and i got the hugest rush.? i thought i was going to pass out.? while i was in the middle of the rush, i realized that his cock didn't hurt me anymore and i started riding back on it, long dicking myself like he was a dildo.? he grabbed my hips and fucked me with abandon.? im sure that this is when his popper hit kicked in.? in between popper hits he would fuck me open.? with fast strokes, then slow ones.? He would pull all the way out then fuck it back in.? several times i would cry out, but the pain was less and less each time.? when he came deep inside me, completely drenched in mansweat, he groaned like an animal.? my dick was dripping the whole time, but since i was using my arms (and all my strenght) to hold myself up with him brutalizing my hole, i didn't get a chance to beat off.? After he finished cumming, he slowly pulled out.? i could feel my ass lips gripping his cock and pulling out as he pulled his slimy dick out of my ass.? when he was out, i could feel the cold morning air hit my hole.? i felt empty and didn't like that feelig at all.? i turned over and he laid ontop of me with his withering, but still large dick between my legs.? i wanted to beat off so badly but i was trapped.? it was a good feeling though.? we had sex together a few times, before he found a new "kid" and moved on.

It was about this time that i discovered ecstacy.? i had a dealer named Poli.? He was hispanic, about 35, and not particularly attractive, but not grotesque, either.? Anyway, he worked out of his house in what was called "Five Points" section of Denver.? His house was dilapitated but not to the point of being condemned.? The weeds in the front were knee high, and there were sheets on the windows instead of curtains.? He had a good security system, though.? He had a camera on the front walkway and door, with a small monitor in his kitchen and a monitor each upstairs and in his living room.? He also had a friend?named Felix?that was ALWAYS there, sitting on the couch near the monitor.? Felix never spoke, but always watched.? Poli was nice enough, but he was all business.? After i had established myself as a customer, i asked him if he would front me a large amount that i could sell over the 3 day holiday and pay him when the weekend was over.? It was a longshot, and to my surprise he said "yes".? He fronted me the amount, and i went home to divvy it up into little envelopes.? i think i ended up with 30 packets, each packet was a hit.? i do remember that i owed Poli $450.00 and what i made over that, i could keep.? i figured that if i sold each hit for $20.00 i could make a pretty good profit.? it was thursday night, and i decided to go out to the club and see if i could unload some hits.? i had sold about 6 hits when an aquaintance of mine (a very hot guy who was straight) came up and said he heard i had some x and could i front him 2 hits?? i was not a hard assed drug dealer, and he knew to flirt with me just a bit, a little smile, standing close, etc that i would do what he wanted.? i said "sure" and we made for a bathroom stall.? i pulled out my baggie and set it town on the tank of the toilet and pulled out 2 hits.? stupid me.? 3 hits fell out of the baggie at the same time and landed in the bowl.? gone.? i grabbed the baggie off the tank only to discover that there had been about 1" of water on top of the tank.? all of the hits were wet.? since at the time, most x came in powder form (i don't know about today) they melted immediately.? the guy said "wow, bummer" and left the stall.? he never paid me, and now i had only $120.00 to give to Poli.? Friday morning, i called Poli and told him i was coming over.? when i got there, Felix was at his post on the couch when i entered.? i was scared, but just came out and said it "Poli, i lost the hits you fronted me, and i only have $120 to give you".? i could feel Felix staring at me, while Poli thought for a minute.? "ok, you are gonna work it off for me, cuz".? i figured that he would have me sell hits for him and he gets the money instead of me getting anything.? i was wrong!? "Felix is gonna take you upstairs cuz, and show you what to do.? I've got a busy day today and I'll need the extra body"? Even better, i thought, i'm gonna spend some time measuring out the hits for him.? He also sold grass and coke, so i figured that i would be weighing all the stuff.? Felix walked behind me up the stairs and at the top, he motioned me into the bedroom on the right just at the top of the stairs.? i entered a small dingy room with a yellowish sheet on the lone window.? on the floor was a scuzzy looking mattress with a cement cinder block at one end of it.? as i turned around Felix grabbed me by the arms and threw me down on floor.? i was really scared now, and thought i would throw up.? i thought i was going to die.? as Felix approached me, i raised my legs to defend myself, and he just grabbed them and pulled my shoes off and grabbed my jeans and pulled them off too.? my underwear was around my thighs and my scared dick was trying to hide up into my body!? i scooted back on the greasy shag carpet and Felix towered over me and picked me up.? He threw me down on the mattress and rolled me over on my stomach.? He pulled a chain from behind the cement block and wrapped it tightly around my neck.? i stopped struggling because i was now choking myself.? when i settled down, he tied my hands behind my back.? When i was secure i found a bit of my nerve and started to yell a bit.? Felix took one of my socks and stuffed it deep into my mouth.? i gagged on it and thought i would vomit.? He left the room chuckling and saying something in spanish that i couldn't understand.?? shit.? here i was face down on a scuzzy mattress that smelled like piss and God knows what with my own sweaty sock stuffed in my mouth.? i was in a real mess. i owed a drug dealer $330.00 and i now had a good understanding of how i was going to me made to pay it off.? After about an hour or so, of me sweating and trying to struggle, but choking myself instead, Poli came in and squatted down next to my head.? "Listen cuz, you fucked up cuz.? You know that, right?"? i nodded my head yes.? "cuz, you gotta work off this debt you owe me.? $450 is alot of scratch, cuz. its gonna take a couple of days to set this right.? you feel me cuz?"? i nodded my head yes again, while my brain tried to fully comprehend what was happening.? Poli said $450, but i had seen Felix take the $120 out of my jeans before he left.? with the sock in my mouth i couldn't speak only make garbled noises that Poli ignored.? With his hand stroking my ass, he said that he was going to charge his best customers $20 to have fun with my, until my debt was paid off.? He said "if you cause any trouble for me while you are here, you won't leave here EVER.? do you understand, cuz?"? i nodded yes to him with big wide scared eyes.? i realize how i must have looked to him.? For the next 36 hours or so, Felix would escort Poli's customers to my pissy, sweat and cum stained bed and let them fuck me for $20.? Most of them came pretty quickly.? There were a variety of sizes of cocks, and some customers were spanish while some spoke english.? Most would say something like "Jesus Christ" when the entered the room and saw me.? A few said phrases in spanish that i didn't understand.? Most would grunt, spit on their dicks and without fanfare, start fucking my hole.? Some were a little drunk or high and would get distracted and quit.? Some fucked me roughly, but most were just "wham bam", and they were out of there.? One guy (i never saw their faces because of the chain around my neck) couldn't get it up i assume because of Poli's best product.? i could feel his soft cock against my butt and my hole.? He started to get really pissed, cursing in spanish.? i felt him get up as he said "Puta" and spit on my back.? i heard him pulling his belt from the loops of his pants and before long heard then felt the leather swishing through the air and making contact on my ass.? i screamed through the gag and he hit me again and again with his belt.? my ass was on fire, i was screaming and crying and he was yelling in spanish.? At some point, Felix came in and stopped the man from hitting me again and said something to him in spanish and they both left.? Sometimes there would be one customer right after another, and other times, there would be some time for me to rest in between customers.? i stopped counting at 21 loads up my ass.? i was sore, brutalized, bruised, my ass still on fire from the sadistic limp dicked man, but my cock was rock hard the entire time.? i realized laying on that gross mattress getting the shit fucked out of me and being beaten, that this is why i was born.? i secretly wanted to stay there for the rest of my life.? At the same time, i wanted to be far away from there immediately!? At some point on Sunday afternoon, Felix came into the stifling hot room and pulled the dried sock out of my mouth.? i gasped for air.? before he untied my hands, he undid his pants and fucked his cock into my battered and gaping hole.? i could hear it squish with all the cum inside me.? everytime he stroked in, i could feel and hear it.? i felt full.? full of cock, full of the cum of stranger after stranger. ?After about 10 or 15 strokes, he came with a loud "Argh" and pulled out.? it was the only noise i ever heard him make.? i could feel cum leaking out of me.? Felix undid the chain from the cement block and (surprisingly) gently lifted me to my feet.? When he was sure i was pretty steady on my feet, he threw my jeans at me and pointed to my shoes and socks.? i got dressed, unable to find my t-shirt and was lead downstairs to Poli.? "Cuz, your debt is paid, but you are no longer welcome here."? i nodded and said "ok".? Felix opened the door for me and i staggered shirtless to my car, blinking at the bright sunlight.? i got out of there as quick as possible and went home to shit out the loads of cum that had been deposited in me by Poli's customers.? i slept the entire day with a very sore asshole.? i was turned on but too tired to beat off.

Thank You Sir for allowing faggot to once again tell Sir about its past.? As always, Sir can reach faggot at .? faggot eagerly awaits Sir's next command.

Next: Chapter 5

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