Slave Journal

By moc.loa@ssobrofyob

Published on Feb 19, 2023


Thank You, Sir for allowing this faggot slave the honor of training with Sir! As commanded, the following is a detailed account of faggot's past sexual experiences.

faggot is aware that is never to refer to itself as "I", or "me" or "my" but only as "it", "faggot", or "slave". Sir, with Your gracious permission, and for the sake of a clear account, faggot will refer to it's pre-slavery life using "I" (but in lower case) and "my". faggot begs Sir's pardon, and awaits Sir's next command.

Sir, thank You Sir for pointing out the six misspellings in my previous post (Chapter 1). This slave is grateful to Sir for His direction and His correction. Slave has been ordered to inform the readers that slave's ball sack was given 5 strokes with Sir's paddle for each misspelling. What made it worse (for slave) is it had to grip its sack and hold it up for Sir to beat. Slave had to count out each stroke and when it was over, crying, had to thank Sir for His punishment.

slave journal -- Age 14 thru 18

Even though i was at the boarding school for 1 year, it was difficult coming back to the 9th grade after being gone. Everyone else had moved on, and i was completely different due to the fact that i had grown to love, and even crave sucking boys' dicks. The only thing stopping me was fear. Being back in my small Colorado town, i didn't think there was any other boy into letting me suck him. Before, in boarding school, the older boys took me like a possession. And even then, it seemed like it was only out of necessity. Now, if i wanted to suck cock, i had to ask for it, and i wasn't sure how to go about doing that.

That year, my father decided that i needed to get involved with the Boy Scouts. It was ok, i actually liked camping and enjoyed working on earning my badges. The problem once again, was i was a skinny, FAG. No one really wanted to be seen being nice to me. During scout trips to the mountains, i would almost always find a way to "get lost" and go off on my own. i would find a warm spot in the sun, and slowly beat off. i would think about a number of the older scouts whom i had a secret crush on. That's when i started to really play with my nipples. It felt so good to pinch them and squeeze them while i was beating my little hard cock. The feelings that would shoot straight from my tit down to my cock were amazing, and only heightened the intense feelings from jacking off.

One hot summer day on a week long scout trip near Boulder, i took a leisurely walk along a foot trail. i was looking for a place to strip down, when i noticed a smaller trail leading off the main trail that lead up into an overgrown, leafy ridge. i decided to head up, making sure i was alone. The trail led up to a small patch of pine needles that was shielded from the path from holly bushes. There were a few clumps of Kleenex on the ground. i knew that i would not be the only person to beat off there! i stripped down and was immediately hard. i sat down on top of my shorts, and with my right hand started pinching my left tit. A low moan cam out of my throat, like it still does, and it made my little boy dick rock hard. i was really going at it, and didn't hear the man until he spoke to me. He was behind me and to the right, and told me to keep going. i sort of turned around, but it was hard to see him, so i just kept going. i was beating off and pinching my tit and totally turned on by the fact that i was being watched. As i got close to cumming, the man came around to my side. i didn't recognize him, he was not associated with my scout trip, and i assumed he was from a nearby campsite. He reached down and cupped my balls and that forced the hugest jet of cum out of my dick! It shot clear over my head, with a second on my face, and 3 or 4 more spurts onto my chest. The man, scooped up my cum in his fingers and stuck them right in his mouth. Then he scooped some up and fed me my own cum. He smiled, said "Thanks kid" and he was gone. i went back to camp with my secret smile and dried cum on my stomach.

Once school started, it seemed i had very little chance for sex. i beat off a lot. i would find ways of staying home from school and i would beat off all day long. i would consistently stoke out a good 14 or 15 orgasms during the day. By the end of the day, i would be having dry orgasms, and my dick would be so raw, and my balls would hurt so much. i fucking loved it. i would beat off all night, too (fuck, i was beating off WHENEVER and WHEREVER i could!. After going to bed at about 9:30 or so, i would lay in bed and whack off thinking about all the perverted shit that was going on in my head. i created very detailed fantasies to beat off to. Often, the stories would evolve, as i gathered more information about gay sex and sex in general. my beat off fantasies can still be very detailed and perverted!

Toward the end of my 9th grade year, i had become friends with one of the other scouts. His name was Jeff and he wasn't one of the older jock type scouts, in fact he was a pretty regular boy. Still had some baby fat, and was fairly plain looking. Anyway, he liked magic, and had learned some for one of his merit badges. We got to talking about escape artists, like Houdini and others. He said he wanted to see if he could escape from being tied up. i said "let's try it". i was totally turned on, but tried to play it real cool - yeah, right! He asked me to tie his ankles, and his hands in anyway i wanted and he would attempt to get out. i tied his ankles, and brought his hands behind his back and tied them together. i left him on his stomach and stood there watching him squirm and try to get free. i hadn't made it incredibly difficult, and in about 10 minutes or so, he was out. "Now me" i said. He tied my wrists together behind my back and laid me on my stomach as well. He brought my ankles up, and tied them, and also connected them to my wrists. "Damn" i thought. i could totally feel that i was boned up. Jeff went a bit further though, and dragged me over to my closet and put me inside and shut the door. i was in complete dark, and was (slowly) struggling to get out. i finally did, and we would take turns like that. i checked, and did not see any evidence of Jeff having a boner.

We occasionally got together and played that game. i always got so turned on, but Jeff didn't seem to. i was too scared to push it, but was hooked on being tied up. i would practice different was of tying myself up before beating off. i was attacking my nipples all the time, but interestingly enough, never really discovered my boy hole yet.

About this time, my friends and i were hearing about this gay disease and how funny that is, etc. i freaked out because i knew that (secretly) i was gay, and while i didn't understand about the disease, i figured that as long as i was gay, i would get it. i did not attempt to have sex with anyone. i spent the next year devising different ways to tie myself up and beating off as much as possible.

It's now the middle of sophomore year of high school, and New Wave is the big thing. i was able to hide in the androgynous clothing and music trends of the time. There was a senior boy that i would always beat off about. His name was Cam and he would often wear these really tight black jeans and boots and sometimes wore a "Sex Wax" T-shirt. He was the leader of the senior New Wave clique and he made me hard every time i saw him. i have noticed, about this time that my nipples have gotten a bit longer since i started playing with them, and i could actually pull them now. They remind me of pencil erasers. Since i am beating off all the time and abusing them just as much, they are constantly sensitive and chapped. Every time my T-shirt rubs against me, it sends jolts down to my dick. i am always having to hold my books in front of my tented jeans.

During the summer after sophomore year, i started getting strange phone calls at my house. The caller would hang up after a minute. Sometimes they would call several times a day. Finally, someone spoke. A man asked if there was anyone by my name, i said "That's me". He told me he had seen my phone number written on a table at the DMV that offered a good time. my blood ran cold, and i told him that i had not written that and to not call again. Of course, i beat off so many times thinking about what COULD have happened. Then one weekend when my parents had gone away, he called again. i had already spent much of the night beating off and watching American Gigolo on HBO. i somehow got talked into letting this man come over. my heart was pounding, but after i gave him my address i hung up and raced around changing into clean underwear, brushing my teeth, peeing. About 20 minutes passed and he rand the doorbell. when i opened the door, i found a mid-40's (doesn't seem so old now) not very attractive guy, and he said "Dial-A-Dick!" i was so grossed out but didn't know how to stop this thing. i ended up sitting on the couch watching the movie while he quickly blew me off. i think it was the first time i came while being blown. it was gross, i watched the scene where Richard Gere gives his nude frontal and that finally got me off. i came in his mouth, but he spit it out on my stomach. i couldn't wait for him to leave, and he did very soon. i have had difficulties cumming while i'm being blown to this day.

About 2 months after the start of my junior year (age 15) i met a boy from the rival high school. His name was Patrick. He was a senior, and was one of 3 boys known to be completely out of the closet. What i didn't know at the time, was the 3 boys would have contests to see who they could prey upon.

He would call me and talk about how he realized he was gay, and the experiences he had so far. i was totally turned on and totally scared!

Anyway, we decided that we would spend time together at the local teen dance club. He had also made arrangements for both of us to be invited to spend the night at a mutual friend, Michelle's house. Her dad was a gay cop, and was totally cool. We ended up at her house as planned after dancing all night. we were given the downstairs den, while the other 5 or 6 teens slept elsewhere around the house. Mostly we made out. Kissing all night and feeling each other up. Patrick thought i was less experienced (i had not yet told him about boarding school) and was surprised when i began to suck him off. i was so happy. Finally, i had a dick in my mouth again! He got me to switch and he sucked me off. i could already tell that i wasn't as into getting head as i was giving it. We never got together again, and later i found out that our time together was enough to secure a victory between his friends.

In art class, i was seated next to a sophomore boy named Chris. He was very sexy. He was as tall as me (almost 6 feet), but a bit heavier with

muscle, and had his own version of the Billy Idol sneer. One day, he came to school with a Mohawk haircut. It was the sexiest thing i had ever seen. We became pretty good friends, i knew some of the music he was into so we had some common ground. He thought my friend Sara was pretty cute, so he asked me to bring her over to his house on Saturday night to watch movies and hang out. We both went over (she wasn't as excited as i was) and shortly after we started a movie, he asked HER to help him shave his head. HER! i was so pissed. She said "ok" and i fumed while continuing to watch Body Double on HBO. He peeled off his shirt and they went into the bathroom. After about 25 minutes, i got pissy and decided to leave. On my way out, i spotted the T-shirt on the floor. i grabbed it and raced out. i got home and did my usual self bondage but this time put the T-shirt on my face and sniffed Chris' teen sweat and cigarette odor. i came 5 times that night before falling asleep, exhausted. On Monday, Chris asked where i had gone, and i told him i was tired, and didn't want to mess up any chance he had with Sara. He told me that nothing really happened.

He then asked "Did you see me back Sex Pistols T-shirt?" VERY casually, i said "no, what shirt?" A few weeks later, he informed everyone that he was changing the spelling of his name to Kris. i continued to beat off with his shirt, sometimes sniffing it, sometimes wearing it. About 2 weeks after that, i was standing near my locker when he came up, and grabbed me by the neck. He pushed my head backwards into the locker door, and said "I hear you're a faggot." "If i find out you are a faggot, i will kick your fucking ass". He released my neck and stormed off. There were tears in my eyes from being choked, but i was again, totally turned on. He cooled off to me after that, and i was always so paranoid that he knew i had his shirt. And now in hindsight, he probably did.

I'm now 17 and fairly open in high school as at least "bi". A boy on the swim team, Andrew and i became friends in debate class. He was Italian.

Dark hair, olive skin. He was so beautiful, and his mother was planning on him becoming a priest. We started talking about sex in general, and i could tell he was turned on. We made a plan for him to come over to my house after school one day. After getting a snack, we lolled around on my bed watching MTV. All of a sudden, we started kissing each other. He was a good kisser, and was really probing my mouth with his tongue. i reached down and felt his hard on through his pants and he let out a moan. i couldn't wait to get into his underwear and checking out his dick and getting it into my mouth as quickly as possible!

i got his pants down and pulled the band of his underwear and tucked it under his balls. This pushed out his dick towards me. It was leaking precum and i licked it off. He went crazy. He told me no one had ever sucked him off before. i sucked him for a while, using all the tricks i learned at boarding school. He was climbing the walls! He came in my mouth, and pulled out really quick and the rest landed on his stomach.

We got together quite a bit after school (i was a latch key kid whose parents were NEVER home). About a month after our first hook up, he put his finger up against my hole while we were making out. It felt so good. i had never really thought of using my hole for pleasure before (i make up for that in good time!). We really didn't plan it out, but after fingering my hole for a few minutes, he rolled me over on my tummy and put the head of his dick up against it. After a short struggle, his head popped into my hole and i screamed out! It hurt so fucking bad! He pulled out and went back to fingering me and didn't try it again. We continued to mess around, but he never tried to fuck me again, and i was afraid that if i brought it up he wouldn't let me blow him either -- so i kept quiet about it.

As soon as i graduated (3 months before my 18th birthday), my father took me out and put a deposit down on my first apartment. He wanted me out of the house as soon as possible, and it was ok with me. It also made me very popular with some of the other kids. i had my own place and they loved to come over to party. The town i lived in was a university town, so when school was in session there were another 5,000 or so kids in town.

One day at the record store, i was looking at a 12" single by The Human League. This college boy started chatting me up about the record. He asked me if i got high, and even though i hadn't before, i said "Yes". He invited me up to his apartment, and rolled a joint. He put on a mixed tape, and lit up. i coughed up a lung, and he laughed. He rubbed my chest a little and said "You're cute". i could feel myself blush, and he laughed again. He stripped off his shirt and asked me if i wanted to also. i did, and soon we were making out. He was more aggressive than the last few experiences i had. i remember being very turned on by how cocky he seemed, and how he totally took charge. He would say "Sit here" or "Lay down over here by me" Pretty soon we were totally naked. He said "Do you want to suck my dick?" and i know i smiled and immediately said "Yes!" i got down between his legs while he sat on the couch and re lit the joint. He slowly smoked the joint while i slowly sucked his. i worked my mouth up and down on his college dick. Every now and then, he would pull my mouth off his dick and pass me the joint. After a bit, he would put my mouth back to work, slobbering over the head of his dick. "Come up here" he said to me, and when i stood he put his hands on my hips and moved me over him. i was straddling his lap, facing him now. He had the joint dangling from his lips. i took it from him and toked. i could feel his hard dick under my ass pushing into the crack. He said "I want to fuck you". i wanted it so bad at this point -- i sat up a bit and put the head of his dick against my hole. i slowly worked the head into my hole and clenched my muscles so tight, he said "fuck that is so tight". He asked if i had been fucked before and i said no. He said "ok, just go slow and steady. It'll hurt at first, but then it will feel real good" He was right. After taking about 15 minutes getting his dick into my hole, i was sitting balls deep. My boy hole watch throbbing and clenching onto his dick so hard and so fast, he was saying "fuck" over and over. He started to fuck up into my hole and slowly took my cherry. We spent the next 12 -- 14 hours naked, sweaty, and high. He fucked me at least 5 times. i blew him between each fuck. i saw him a few more times. Each time, we would fuck for a long time and i would suck him. He told me he was moving with the start of the new semester, and i wouldn't see him again. The last time we fucked i cried like a little girl because i didn't want him to go.

Thank You Sir, for allowing faggot to share its sexual history. faggot is grateful for the honor and chance to serve Sir. As always, faggot can be reached for comment/suggestions and Your next command at

Next: Chapter 3

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