Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 29, 2021


hi again everyone. It's slave jim here. Are you readers liking the story? Some of you are writing but not a lot. Sir Dean may not let me continue with the story if he doesn't think there are enough readers. That would be too bad, because i have a lot to say (Sir Dean says i have TOO much to say. That's why he keeps gagging me).

Sir Dean said that before i tell you the story of "bitchbull" i need to apologize for a big, BIG mistake i made in the last story. At the end, i mentioned "Sir Jim." i didn't catch it, but readers did. When Sir Dean saw the comments, he was infuriated. He doesn't hit me, which is good, because part of the agreement we have is that he won't, but he did two things as part of my punishment. First, the plan was that i would go from being allowed to cum once every two weeks to once every three weeks, in a month. Sir Dean sped that up. The night that he found out about the mistake, he milked me, and then after he fucked me and i showered, he locked on the cage. Then he marked the calendar. i saw him mark it for three weeks in the future. i didn't want to say "Sir, i think you made a mistake," and i didn't have to. Sir Dean looked at me and said "DON'T YOU EVER CALL YOURSELF SIR AGAIN OR IT'LL BE SIX WEEKS." That scared me . i can handle two weeks, and i guess i'll have to handle 3 weeks, but 6 weeks, all of a sudden? i don't know if i could do that. Sir Dean told me about a sub he knows who has been in chastity since 2007. WOW! i think i'd go crazy. Then, he did one more thing. Remember i told you about the chair with the butt plug on it? Well, Sir Dean took the plug off and put on another one. The new one is an inch longer. Today is the first day i'm using it, and i'm getting used to it. Let me try to clarify some confusion about the chairs i talk about. i actually have two seats. One, which i use when i'm doing things like typing this story, or working from home, is the one with the butt plug. i have to be naked when i sit in the chair, and before i started using the computer, i have to cuff my wrists. And of course, i have to sit on the butt plug. Then there's another chair that's pretty normal, except it has a high back and the seat is low. That's the chair Sir Dean has me sit in when he ties me up and plays with me. It's the chair i mention in this story, so maybe that makes things more clear.

So in the last story, i told you about the call from someone looking for "bullbitch." That wasn't the right name: roland had called me "bitchbull" and Sir Dean and Sir Marc thought it was a great nickname. Sir Dean would say things like "enjoy your french lesson, bitchbull" before i went to see roland, if he wasn't coming with me (Sometimes he did. He liked doing a daisy chain every now and then). But as far as i knew, roland and Sir Marc were the only ones who used the name. The day after the call, when we woke up, Sir Dean seemed to be in a foul mood. i came into the bedroom with his coffee, said good morning Sir, and got down on my knees to suck him dry. He pushed me away. "Not in the mood bitch. That call pissed me off. We'll talk about it tonight." i knew i was going to be in big trouble because of the clothes he picked for me that day: a lavender button down shirt, and pale colored pants. Whenever Sir Dean has me wear lavender, i know he's going to expect me to be a perfect bitch. When Sir Dean has me wear light colors, it can be embarrassing for me, because now my shirts are tight, and the nipple bar shows if you know what to look for. i learned that there were a LOT of people who did. i'd walk past someone and i'd see them look at my chest and smile, or lick their lips. If you're pierced , you've probably experienced it. i spent the day trying to think of how a stranger could know about "bitchbull" or "bullbitch" and i really couldn't figure it out. Before i left for home that day, i got a text from Sir Dean: "BITCH. Keep your shirt on tonight. I'll be home earlier than usual. No need to start dinner." He ended it with an emoji of handcuffs. That meant he was planning to tie me up in the normal chair. When i got home, i saw that before he had left, Sir Dean had put out toys next to the chair: handcuffs, tit clamps, a gag, and his riding crop. i was still taking it in when i heard the door open and slam shut. "Good evening Sir. I hope you had a good day. Would you like a foot massage, or the blow job you didn't want this morning?" i was trying to be as submissive as possible. Sir Dean loosened his tie (it was a yellow one with blue stripes: one of my favorites). "GET IN THE CHAIR. NOW." i sat like i always do, and he yanked my wrists behind me and cuffed them. He cuffed them tighter than he usually does when he uses handcuffs (normally he uses ropes), so i was hurting a little. Then he shoved the gag in my mouth, and he opened a third button on my shirt. i moaned when he put on the nipple clamps: they were the needle clamps and they always stung. He picked up the crop. "YOU are going to tell me who you told our private information to. UNDERSTAND?" i shook my head no because i didn't. i didn't understand what private information i had told, or to whom i had told it. That's when he delivered the first smack to my cock. "YOU ARE AN UNGRATEFUL BITCH. TELL ME WHO?" i felt like we were doing an interrogation scene, only Sir Dean was very, very upset. He took off his jacket, and i could see: he was sweating. He was beginning to drool, which only happens when he's really angry. The next shot was very hard, and i began to cry. Sir Dean slowed down and after 20, he looked at me. He took off the gag. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO IT WAS?" i was trying not to cry but i couldn't help it. "NO SIR!!! I DON'T. I DON'T KNOW HOW HE GOT MY PHONE NUMBER, I DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS, I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. ALL I KNOW IS HE GOT THE NAME WRONG. HE SAID BULLBITCH NOT BITCHBULL!!!" Sir Dean stood up straight, put his hands in his pocket and began to think. He walks around when he thinks, scratches his head, does all these cute things. i was sitting there, tied up, and i wanted to beg him to hold me, kiss me, fuck me. "Who else knows about it? " He asked. "i think only Sir Marc and roland" i said. i didn't dare ask if he had told anyone. "You're not getting loose. I'm calling Marc." i could understand part of the conversation. At first, Sir Dean was livid, but at the end he was laughing. He got off the phone, and he pulled up a chair next to me. "Ok. Now I know what happened. It was roland." "roland Sir? Why would he do that?" He began to laugh. "Because roland likes to brag and show off. Has he ever mentioned a friend of his named sebastian?" "OH YES SIR. sebby he calls him. He works at the museum. He has a PhD in French painting. That's how roland knows him." "Ok. And sebby has a Master?" 'i am no sure Sir, but i THINK i heard roland mention Sir Nate once." "THAT'S who it was, jimmy. roland bragged to sebby that he was getting fucked by two guys, sebby asked who the second one was, and then he went to his Master. That's who called. " "Sir, i didn't have anything to do with that." Sir Dean looked at me. "I know you didn't, and I flew off the handle. I... I just get SO FUCKING JEALOUS." It was well out of my place, but i said "Sir, you don't have anything to worry about." i saw him smile. He took the clamps off (Sir Dean forgets sometimes) and then he took me into the bedroom. "You need a good solid fucking, boy." "Yes sir. I do. I need it bad." Sir Dean didn't tie me down, but he flipped me onto my back and fucked me good that night. At the end, he lay on top of me and he began kissing me. He said "i don't deserve you. You're too good for me" i whispered "i'm trying to be your best boy Sir. i want to be your sub. " i think he was very moved.

Well, it was sort of like a cold. sebby's DOM told someone else, and that person told someone else, and all of a sudden, there were seven people who had called. Sir Dean felt we had to do something about this, but he didn't want to just stop it. i know he liked watching me fuck other subs, and he liked joining in and fucking me when i was topping, so he spoke with Sir Marc about legal issues. Sir Marc was into it too. His advice was "well, if you do it for free, it isn't prostitution." "Then let's do it for free. it's a good way for jimmy boy to get his cock exercised." BOY! Did i get it exercised! That was how we met Sir Nate and sebby. When we went to their place, Sir Nate had sebby tied in a very complicated bondage pattern, with a very thick gag on his mouth. i learned that this was the usual way he tied sebby up, and most nights, there was no sex, just the bondage: Sir Nate found sex "boring," but he loved bondage. The thought of another sub, available for fucking, was tempting. i like sebby. Honestly, if i were still "on the make," i would pick sebby over roland based on looks. roland is more fun, but sebby is prettier. And he groans a lot. He couldn't get enough of me. After the first time, Sir Nate wanted to know when was the next time we could come back. Sir Dean hadn't fucked me at their house that night, and he said "we'll let you know. Bitchbull has a lot of clients right now (which was true). Over the next four weeks, i think we were at people's houses twice a week. Sir Dean wouldn't do more than that. The strangest one, was when a woman called . Sir Dean was very polite in explaining that the "Bitchbull" didn't fuck women. He and Sir Marc laughed about what she said next. "I apologize. I wasn't clear. I want to hire you to fuck my husband." Well, before Sir Dean said yes to anyone, he asked for photos. With one exception, people sent honest ones, and the one time the guy didn't, we left. The husband was gorgeous: i think if you think of that dancer derek hough, you'll have an idea. When we got to their apartment, the wife led us in. He was tied down to their bed, wearing these bright red shorts. Normally, when "Bitchbull" came to visit, i took the guy doggie style, but she wanted me to take him face to face, and she wanted me to pull down his shorts and make fun of his cock. Sir Dean was laughing behind his hand, but he told me to do it. Why do straight guys always scream like they're being raped? it made it very hard for me to concentrate, and i was sweating really hard during it. i think some of the ink from the "Bitchbull" decal on my t shirt wept into my skin that night.

This went on for about six months. i could see that it was going to end because Sir Dean wasn't having much fun with it anymore. He stopped accepting appointments, and one day, i saw him throw out the three Bitchbull t shirts. "That's it. You're being trained. Sub bitches don't cum as often as you do. It's got to stop." To be honest, i was tired of it too. i liked lessons with roland, and now sebby would come over for them too, but sex with strangers was not really interesting to me. i was doing it because Sir Dean wanted me to do it. He was over it. So was i.

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So now i can explain what happened when i got punished for the mistake in writing "Sir Jim". Sir Dean did tell me that when he finished shaving me that week, and after i had been milked, the term was changing to once every 3 weeks. He didn't tell me about the surprise he had for me. He locked me down, the way he always did before he shaved me, and then he unlocked my cage. Then he left the room. i heard footsteps. When i looked up, Sir Dean was back in the room, with Sir Marc, and roland. "I wanted this one to be special for you jimmy. roland is supposed to have exquisite oral skills. He's going to blow you. Then, he and Sir Marc are gonna paint you while I fuck you." It sounded fabulous! I said "yes sir, Thank you Sir. Thank you Sir Marc. Thank you roland." I saw Sir Marc grab the back of roland's neck. "Get to work boy." roland answered "yes Daddy" and started slurping my cock. Remember i wrote that roland reminded me of a cat? Well, his tongue was a little bit rough and ticklish like a cat's. It felt the way it did when Caliban and Ariel licked me (i have to tell you one embarrassing story about that. Next time). While he worked on my cock, i closed my eyes, and i was very jealous of Sir Marc. If he were getting a blow job like this every night... then i thought... mine aren't this good, i don't think. i need to ask for help so that Sir Dean enjoys them more. roland moved his tongue slowly around my cock. At our French lesson the next week, he told me it was like sucking a big lollipop because of the huge head my dick has. When he ran his tongue around the rim of my cock head, i was done. Just completely done. Those tenor notes came out again, and i shot all over myself. i got some on roland too, and he just licked it off. i could see that Sir Dean and Sir Marc had dropped their pants while roland was blowing me. Sir Dean pushed up my legs and slowly began easing into me, while Sir Marc and roland went to opposite sides of the bed. i had seen both of their cocks before, so i knew what to expect. Sir Dean came first. He shot into me and i could feel it coming out of me: there was so much. Then Sir Marc shot. His jizz came out in a long, thin stream that actually crossed the bed and got roland. roland smiled at me. He said "Get ready mon ami", and he aimed at my face. i opened my mouth to take as much of it as i could. Sir Marc smiled. "Now boy can go back into his cage for a while, right?" "Yes daddy. Merci beaucoup" was what roland said to Sir Marc. Sir Dean let me shower first. When i came out, and had dried myself off, he showed me a new cock cage: a heavier one. "Until we go to a month, this is what you'll wear. "Yes sir," was all i could answer, as he locked it onto me. Three weeks. i can do it. i know i can.

So i hope you all liked this new chapter. If you got the sense that Sir Dean and i were beginning to fall in love, you're right. We were. i'll tell you more about that next time, because i'll be writing about the vacation Sir Dean took me on.

Next: Chapter 8

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