Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 25, 2021


Hi everyone. Sir Dean wants to thank all of you for pointing out where i made a mistake and used capital letters when describing myself. He wasn't pleased that there were so many. He told me that "punishment was coming," but he hasn't decided what it will be yet. He DID say that, when he decides, he wants me to write about it because i'll be able to experience it twice. So i will when it happens. This time, though, he wants me to write about what happened after the piercing of my nipple, and a party we went to. That party really changed my life. You'll see.

So, first the piercing. Jana's instructions that Sir Dean couldn't play with my right nipple for a week, really bothered him. He was very frustrated because, well, he LOVES playing with my nipples. Yes, my left one WAS more sensitive before the piercing, and he could use that, but having to change his plans was very very tough for him.

i wore very loose clothing for that week when i was dressed. Sir Dean liked looking at the piercing, so as soon as he came home from work (Sir Dean usually worked later than i did), i had to take off my shirt if i was wearing one. Sometimes i wasn't. That was one thing that Sir Dean left to me: he understood that if i felt cold, i should put something on. He wanted me shirtless though, because the baggy shirts i had to wear to let the piercing heal, weren't flattering.

Even with my right nipple off limits, Sir Dean found plenty of ways to play with me. Like i said, my left nipple was more sensitive before the piercing, and he worked on it a LOT. He'd pinch it, chew it, do everything he did to the two of them except put clamps on me. He felt that clamping one tit was not good: not symmetrical. (Sir Dean has a very fine sense of order. He doesn't like things that are out of place, or uneven).

During that week, when we'd both be awake (i was always up earlier, and i'd make the coffee, make sure the newspaper was there, see that there was food for breakfast, instead of the usual morning blow job, He'd go to work late so he could take some extra time and fuck me. See, most mornings he felt like he was in a rush, so when i heard him clearing his throat in the bedroom, i'd go back in. He'd be sitting on the side of the bed, his legs spread. i'd get on my knees and suck him. Sometimes i didn't go far enough down, and he'd grab my hair, push me forward, and hold my mouth on his whole cock until he was ready to cum. Usually, he wouldn't fuck me early in the morning until it was the weekend, but that week: i'd hear Sir Dean clear his throat and i'd go into the bedroom. As i was getting ready to get on my knees, he'd order "GET ON ALL FOURS BITCH" or something like that. Sometimes, he'd put my collar around me, and he'd mount me from behind, yelling "LIKE THE FUCKING ANIMAL YOU ARE." (i don't know why, but when he yelled at me like that, i just got more excited). So he was getting plenty of action while i was healing, and every single day, he crossed off one more day on the calendar he put in the bathroom.

i wasn't sure i was healing as fast as Sir Dean thought i was. i wasn't in pain, but if a fold of cloth brushed against my nipple, or i accidentally touched it with my towel when i dried myself off, i felt my nerves fire. i told Sir Dean about that and he laughed. "GOOD. Then we had reason to get the piercing. Now, you'll be even more compliant."

When the last day of the period was over, instead of putting out baggy clothes, Sir Dean put out clothes that he had bought for me. They were MUCH snugger, and rested right against my chest. The sensation was, well, very intense. i didn't know if i could handle it, but he laughed. "Listen up, butch bitch, you're strong. If you can bench press, you can wear a snug shirt." And then he smiled. "And we are going to celebrate the end of this period when I'm home tonight." i was worried. i didn't think i was ready, but... what could i say?

i was making dinner that night: we didn't always go to parties or eat out, and that night, Sir Dean had asked me to make "something simple, something light." i had shopped the day before and i began to put together some pasta with vegetables and a salad, when he texted me. "Change into something sexy, make sure you smell good, and be ready. I'll be home in half an hour." i felt my cock bump up against the cage. When he came in the door, i presented myself to him. i was dressed in a tight fitting pink shirt, and tight jeans. i had my sleeves rolled up because he liked looking at my biceps. i was getting them back now that i was at the gym again. He smiled, and said "Get in the play chair. Hands behind your back." i answered 'yes sir,' and i was nervous. i didn't know what he was going to do, but the shirt was really, REALLY making my nipple sensitive. Sir Dean tied my hands behind my back, and then he opened my shirt from behind. He was standing behind me. First, he teased my left nipple, and i began to breath harder. He whispered into my ear. "I have both of your tits back, and I'm gonna use them. i answered "yes sir." Then he touched the bar in my right nipple, and i yelped. i was surprised how sensitive it was. He laughed. "Oh, I like that. Now, studmuffin, yet another way to keep you in line." He touched it again, and i yelped again. He laughed. "Maybe we have to keep you quiet," and he took his handkerchief out of his pocket and tied it around my mouth. It wasn't fancy, but it was effective. i could moan, of course, but most of the sound was gone. Then, he started twisting the very tip of my pierced nipple, and ... i don't want to call it pain, because it wasn't pain, but the stimulation. i couldn't control myself. i was trying so hard to get out of the chair, and screaming, but everytime i fought, he pinched my nipple just a little bit harder. He whispered in my ear: "Go ahead. TRY to get away, mancunt. You won't. THIS is what being a sub slave is all about." i'm not really clear on what happened next. i remember that he squeezed my nipple hard, and then... i can't remember what happened after that. i think i was so overstimulated, i blacked out. i remember a smack to my face, and a look on Sir Dean's face that i didn't see often. He looked worried. "You ok, jim ? You ok?" i was still gagged, so i could only say something like "mmmmph," but i nodded yes. "You want me to stop playing with that?" he asked. i did, but... Sir Dean is the boss, so i didn't shake my head at all. i just sat still. i think Sir Dean got it, because instead of doing anything else with my nipple that night, he stood in front of me, dropped his pants, and then took off my gag. "SUCK ME WITH YOUR BITCH TONGUE," Now, THAT was something i could do without pain, and i wanted to do a REAL good job because i had disappointed him. He fucked my face good: instead of cumming in my throat, he pulled out and splashed it all over my face. Then he made me finish cooking dinner without washing up. He said it made me look like a REAL captured stud.

Sir Dean was pretty tired after all of that, so nothing else happened that night. The next night though... he decided that since he didn't shave me while my nipple was healing, it was time. He restrained me tightly, so that my arm pits were exposed, and he took off the cock cage. This time, he did something very odd, at least to me at the time. As he shaved me, he gathered all of the hairs, and put them in a small jar: the kind that you use for holding candy, or things like that. Then... smiling, he said "I've been wanting to see you in a new look," and he shaved my moustache. He was REALLY happy with how i looked. i knew that because, after he was done, he threw a fuck in me that was hard, and really, really sweet. He ate my manpussy first, which i love when he does, and then... i was nice and juicy for his cock. When i looked at my face in the mirror the next day, i thought i looked very very strange: i'm dark, and if i'm not shaved, i'm hairy. i had had the moustache for so long that i didn't really remember how i looked without it. i really didn't like it. i got some relief when Sir Dean said "I want to see you looking a little scruffy jim. Don't shave. Don't shave your face, don't shave your moustache. I'll check every day and when it's the way I like it, that's how it'll stay for a while. i didn't have to shave! if you're a hairy man, you know what kind of gift that was. i smiled. "yes sir. Thank you Sir. " i knew he was checking my look because he'd take my face in his hand over the next few days and smile. Once, i thought i even heard him say "yum." (No, i didn't get to shoot that night. After Sir Dean had shaved my pubes, he squeezed my balls until my cock went down, and he locked me up. He had plans, as i found out in a few days).

So, what was Sir Dean's plan, you may be asking yourself and wondering "when is that mancunt going to get to it." Well, here it is. And i think you'll agree, this is a party that changed our lives.

i really shouldn't call it a party: it was dinner with one of Sir Dean's best friends (maybe his best friend), and his best friend's husband and boy. They were Sir Marc and roland. Before we went, Sir Dean told me that Sir Marc was a very high powered attorney who worked a lot with French clients. His husband and boy, roland, was a dancer. They had met in France, and Sir Marc brought roland back here. When he was giving me background he smiled. "I'm only about three years older than you jim, and I call you boy, but roland is about 20 years younger than jim. He's still in his 20s. That's why you'll here him call Sir Marc 'daddy'. Sir Marc LOVES it. BUT DON'T YOU DARE CALL HIM DADDY OR ME DADDY." "No Sir, I won't. But thank you for telling me." Sir Dean dressed me for the party. i expected that it would be the usual kind of button down and jacket, but it wasn't. He had gotten a very expensive designer shirt for me: it was light gray, with white vertical stripes. It fit me closer than any other shirt i had ever worn (by then, my right nipple was much less sensitive than it had been), and cream colored pants. He told me to open two buttons and to push back the sleeves, but not to roll them. i had my back turned to the door and facing the mirror. i thought i looked good. i saw Sir Dean come in behind me, and i heard him whisper "OH FUCK YOU'RE HOT." i started to blush, and i felt him slide his arms around me, and then pull my wrists behind my back. i had learned that Sir Dean liked it when i fought back just a little and i did. He chuckled. "No, no, jimmy. I got ya..." He began licking my ear and i spoke out of turn. "Yes sir, you do." He kept whispering. "GOD. Having you as my bitch is like... it's like the ultimate. It's like a flipped a topman and made him my mancunt. " i felt his hand pass over my nipple. "If we didn't have this dinner, I'd have you on your back . Right now."

We took a cab to Sir Marc and roland's apartment. They lived in a penthouse, in one of those buildings where their apartment was the only one on the floor. The elevator went directly to their lobby. As we were in the elevator, Sir Dean said to me "Make sure you behave properly. Sir Marc is a true DOM" I answered "yes sir. i hope i don't disappoint you." When Sir Dean put his hand on my neck, i immediately put my hands behind my back so he could lead me into the apartment. He let go of my neck to embrace Sir Marc. They clearly hadn't seen each other in a long time. i smelled something good in the apartment, but i didn't know what it was. i didn't see roland for a few minutes either. my head was down, but i had learned to "feel it" when a DOM was checking me out. Sir Marc was doing that. He laughed, and spoke to Sir Dean. "You were right, Dean. If I saw him in a bar, I'd keep walking. I'd think 'why the fuck is the place so full of tops" i blushed. Then i heard roland's high voice. "Daddy... the wine will get warm if you wait out there." i couldn't help myself and i looked up. roland was taller than i was by about two inches, and thinner. He was more pretty than handsome, with blond hair that was bleached. He was wearing a white silk shirt that fit him tightly. i could see through the shirt that his nipple was pierced too. i could hear the tray of wine glasses shaking, and i forgot myself for a minute. "Do you need a hand?" then i blushed. i turned to Sir Dean and apologized. Sir Marc laughed. "You DO have him well trained. i saw him wink at roland. "Daddy will take those. Take your glass roland." "Thank you Daddy. Can jim and i go off to the library and get acquainted?" i saw Sir Dean shake his head yes. Since we were in the library, i didn't hear their discussion. i wish i had. When we were in the library, roland told me the whole story of how he and Sir Marc had met: how Sir Marc had collared him after a dance performance, taken him home and made clear that HE owned roland now. "i never looked back. i didn't think my Daddy would be an American, but..." "He married you?" i asked. i hadn't thought about that with Sir Dean, but i just didn't think about slaves marrying their Masters. "Yes. He did. There was a big legal aspect. i was going to have to go back to France, and Sir Marc was not going to let that happen. But also.... " his eyes rolled, and he smiled "I loved Daddy Marc almost right away, and he got to love me." Then roland did something: he squeezed my hand. "Do you love Sir Dean, jim?" I laughed. "it hasn't been that long. i'm still gettting used to being his slave." "Well, we'll see if it happens. " Then he asked another question: "do you top sometimes? You look like a topman." i blushed. "Well, thank you. i think. i used to top. But i always wanted to bottom. i had a boyfriend before Sir Dean who took control and topped me, but this is the first time i've been a total sub." roland smiled. "i've always been a total sub. i never wanted to be the guy on top. i like the bottom." i smiled. "i like it too. Especially with Sir Dean." Then i changed the subject. "What you're cooking smells so good. What is it?" He perked up. "OH! Merci for saying something jim! It's coq au vin. And we better get out there before it burns."

It was only a short distance, but i couldn't keep up with him. "Can I help you, roland?" "Oh, thank you. You're so big and strong jim, maybe you can put on some gloves and hold the casserole?" i put on the mitts and took it. It WAS heavy. roland was so slight i thought he couldn't possibly hold it, but i found out later, roland is very, VERY strong. "Just bring it to the dinner table jim. MERCI BEAUCOUP" . While i was bringing it out, i saw roland whisper something to Sir Marc, and Sir Marc smiled and shook his head. At dinner, when he wasn't eating, Sir Dean would slide his hand under the table, not to my leg, but to my locked cock. He was playing with me and i didn't know why, until after dinner was over. As roland was cleaning up, Sir Dean spoke to me. "Sir Marc has a proposition for you, jim. I already told him that it was ok, but this is one where you really should answer." Sir Marc sat back, took a breath, and smiled. roland came in and stood next to him. Sir Marc put an arm around his waist.

"You know, love doesn't mean you're monogamous, jim. You can love your partner dearly, but want, well, more. And if your partner loves you, he'll let you have that." "yes sir. i think i understand." He smiled. "Sir Dean tells me you topped once, and roland told me the same thing." i began to get an idea of what was happening and i blushed. But i answered. "i did top Sir. That was before Sir Dean, and there was a boyfriend before him, Javier. So it's been several years." He smiled. "roland would like it if you topped again." He smiled at roland. "He thinks you're smoking hot, and he'd like you to fuck him." Then he blushed. While Sir Dean and I watch." i gulped. i looked at Sir Dean, and now, his hand was on HIS crotch. He wanted this! I looked at roland, who was licking his lips. i had never been to bed with someone who looked like roland. Maybe it was the wine, and maybe it was the situation, but he had almost a catlike sexiness. i felt some arousal. i looked at Sir Dean. "It it okay Sir?" He smiled. "It's okay, as long as you don't cum in him. If you get that close, pull out. " "yes sir. I understand." Sir Marc turned to roland. "Go get undressed boy. " roland answered. "yes Daddy." Sir Dean looked at me. "You do the same. I'll uncage you for tonight." "yes sir. Thank you Sir. " When i stripped , Sir Marc smiled. "You keep him WELL shorn. You'll see that roland is too." i was thinking "roland is just a kid. i'm a man," but what could i do ? slaves get shaved, period. roland came out. He was caged too, and he and i got unlocked at about the same time. "My boy likes to take it doggy style. On all fours. " roland had brought out something that looked like a big yoga mat. "We're going to fuck on this, so we don't spoil the rug." He looked at me, and smiled. "i bet i can get that studly cock harder." "Go ahead then," Sir Dean said, and roland got down on his knees and began sucking me. This was tough. i knew i was supposed to do something, but i had to try very hard not to get too excited. roland was very good at what he was doing and i moaned. "Please stop. Or i won't be able to..." i didn't have to say anymore. roland got on his knees and elbows. "Take me stud. Take my HARD you big fucking animal." i looked around. Honestly, i was terrified. "Should i... should i.." Sir Marc laughed. "roland LOVES to have his ass eaten." i got my tongue in and i heard the boy gasp and then moan. "OH YES STUD. OH YES. DEEPER. FUCKING DEEPER. DAMN. " my head was, uh, up roland's ass so i didn't see that Sir Marc and Sir Dean had stripped too. i didn't know that until after i had my cock in roland's ass, and realized it was a little like riding a bicycle. i didn't forget how to do it. Sir Marc was in front of roland, with his dick in front of roland's mouth. Then, i felt the familiar shove of Sir Dean's cock in my ass. It pushed me forward and i was in even deeper. GOD it felt so good to top again. i remembered the rhythm, and roland was expert at flexing his glutes to make my cock get closer and closer. "SIR. I CAN'T HOLD IT ANYMORE" i yelled. He laughed. "It's ok stud. This time. SHOOT" "AAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH" i began to cry. How long had it been? Three years? Four? I saw roland begin to swallow the load that Sir Marc was depositing in his mouth, as Sir Dean shot into me. It felt hotter than it usually did. The only person who hadn't cum was roland, and i looked at Sir Dean. i knew what i had to do. i flipped roland over the way a bear would flip a porcupine, and i reciprocated what he had done for me. And i swallowed. It didn't taste as good to me as Sir Dean's did, but ... " When we were done, i realized what had just happened and felt very, very strange. roland put his arm around me. "Tres bien, jim. If you ever escape and want to top.." he began to laugh. Sir Marc smiled. "he'll be back roland. I promise that." i saw the look of pride on Sir Dean's face. And being the organizational whore (he laughed when i wrote that, but he let me keep it in), he had us all get cleaned up and dressed . He put my cage in his pocket. "I'll relock it when we get home, stud bull." i blushed when he used that expression. "i made charlotte rousse for dessert if anyone wants more cream," roland smirked. We sat down and finished up with cake, and coffee, and the Masters had brandy. As Sir Dean and i were leaving, roland whispered into my ear. "Seriously, you were so wonderful jim. i think you should be fucking some of the other bottoms in the circle." So did Sir Dean. The nickname "stud bull" stuck with me. And i did what i did to roland to more than a few other subs, and roland and i became , i guess, "fuck buddies." He started giving me "french lessons". But Sir Dean says i've written enough for now. Please let us know if you like it.

Next: Chapter 6

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