Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 23, 2021


hi to all you readers. Sir Dean and i are both really glad you're liking the story. Sir Dean wants me to tell about how i got my nipple pierced this time, and he also wants me to apologize for something i did in the last story. i hope you noticed: i don't use capital letters when writing about myself: that's Sir Dean's order. Well, in the last story, i made a mistake and i used a capital once. i didn't see it when i proofread it, and neither did Sir Dean, but he shows these stories to one of his best friends, who is a copy editor on one of his shows. He saw it, showed it to Sir Dean, and he wasn't happy. Since it was the first time it happened, he only increased my cage time by one day, and made me hold the hitachi to my balls for 3 minutes. i'll try not to do it again.

So the last time, i wrote about how i surrendered and how Sir Dean immediately put me into chastity and shaved me. The night it happened, i think i was so wired, i couldn't think. The next day, though, i was feeling really emotional. We were still in bed, and i could feel Sir Dean's cock pressing up against my ass. i did the wrong thing: i began to cry. i was lucky: Sir Dean had thought something like this was going to happen. He rolled me onto my back, and sat on my chest. i remember: he asked me

"Do you regret what you did?" i didn't, so i said "No Sir." "You sure you want to be my slave?" i couldn't answer right away. Finally, i said "i don't know Sir. But i said you won. i said i give up, so i guess that's it." Sir Dean smiled. "That is true. " He began to squeeze my nipples. "It's very hard to find a big, studly guy like you who's a slave. You'll find that out jimmy boy. So... if you wanted to take back the submission... I'd just make you submit again. And you would. Because I know exactly how to break you." He was doing a pretty good job of it while he was pinching my tits. i began to moan. "You're gonna have to learn: the first thing you do in the mornings: is find out whether I want your ass, or your mouth. And then you act accordingly. "Yes sir. Today it's..." "It's the weekend, so I'm almost always gonna want your ass. Now get your ankles up and hold them. I don't wanna bother with restraints." i sighed. i was sore from the night before, but i said "yes sir, " pulled them up, and waited for him to fuck me. i didn't have to wait long. Sir Dean says he needed seven hours to "recharge" before me, but i'm not sure that's true. He seemed to always be ready. The fuck on Sunday morning wasn't as deep as the one the night before, so i could handle it. Then he got up and sent me off to the shower. i heard some banging while i was getting cleaned up, and when i came out, i saw the chair with the butt plug in the middle of it. Sir Dean was smiling. "I don't know how to do many mechanical things, stud, but i made you a chair. We're gonna be doing a lot of playing and when we do, you'll be sitting on that chair when you're naked. If I'm not in you, I want SOMETHING in you. I want you to NEVER forget what that hot ass is for." Seeing the chair made me nervous, and excited i didn't know how i was gonna feel. "yes sir. Thank you Sir, " was all i could say. We tried out the chair that Sunday, so that he could tell if the plug were big enough. It was. And then he told me that i wasn't spending the night on Sunday, but i should be ready for Him to come over on Monday. He wanted to see what clothes i had, so he could pick which ones i could take with me to his place. He'd pick them. "One thing you should do is throw out ANYTHING Javier bought you, jim. I don't want you wearing anything that has another Top's stink on them." He was like a lion. i had read once that when male lions take over a pride from another male, they kill the young boys, and make sure there's no threat. Sir Dean had not threat from Javier, but i knew i couldn't reason with him on that. Then he told me that during the week to come, there was a party with other executives from television where he expected me to go with him and there was another night that was a "surprise." He smiled when he said that. The surprise would be later in the week than the party.


For the party, he made me wear a blue button down shirt, and a tweed blazer. He, of course, was in his standard gray suit. "You're going to wear this too , jim. I don't think anyone will have any doubts but.. in case they do." Before we left, he slipped a leather collar around my neck. It fit tightly, and it had a small padlock on the front. When we got to the party, it was all other gay men, just like Sir Dean and i. Most of the guys who were "like" me were younger, thinner, and blond. One of the DOMS came up where i was standing with Sir Dean. "MICHAEL! " Sir Dean seemed excited to see this man. He WAS handsome: salt and pepper hair, bright eyes, a moustache, tight body. He winked at me and seemed to be waiting. "This is... " Sir Dean seemed lost for words. "This is... this is my new partner, jim." "How do you do, Jim?" Michael held out his hand, and i didn't know what to do. "You can talk to Sir Michael when I'm around, jim. And shake his hand. If I'm there, you can act just as if you weren't my.. property." "Pleased to meet you Sir Michael" I shook his hand. He continued to smile, but he was looking at Sir Dean. "You did well, Dean. Most of us would KILL to get a blue collar stud like you've got here. Did he fight? " Sir Dean exaggerated a little, because i didn't fight very hard. "Some. I was lucky. I had some advise from a former DOM on what to do. He's in training, but he's learning. " Sir Dean put his hand on my neck. "Aren't you jimmy boy? " i lowered my eyes. "Yes sir." "Is he... completed..." Sir Dean smiled. "Almost. He's shaved and caged but..." Michael put up his hand. "Let's not make him too nervous. "

The conversation at that party went along those lines. Sir Dean had a lot of friends, and they all wanted to meet his new "boy" or "stud bitch" or "mancunt," or whatever words they used to describe me. Often, Sir Dean put his arm around my middle, as if i were going to be leaving with someone else. i guess he didn't know then what he knows now: i'm a sub, and a bottom, but when i give someone my word, i keep it. i told Sir Dean i was his slave, i had surrendered to him, and i wasn't going with someone else. He still hold me around the waist a lot. i think now it's because he likes the feel of my ass against his pelvis

The party seemed to make Sir Dean extremely horny. i had gotten my jacket off, and nothing else, before he pushed me face up on the bed. He pinned my wrists with his hands, and he began to smile. He was making animal noises. "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. What a hit you were tonight you sexy fucker! EVERYONE is jealous. And I don't blame them. Even in that tent you're wearing, you are SO FUCKING HOT. GIMME THAT NECK." i turned my head and he continued to growl. He began pinching my left nipple too, and i began to moan. i whispered 'thank you sir' once, and he laughed. "I wanna FUCK you. I wanna FUCK YOU so hard that you're gonna scream. And for that reason...." He shoved a big wad of cloth in my mouth. It tasted like him, so i think it was his jock. As he was taking off my shoes and pants, he commented. "Two things we're gonna need. Your clothes: they don't showcase that beautiful body of yours. We'll have to do some shopping. And you're gonna start at the gym because... GOD you're hot now, but you're not gonna get fat and flabby if I can help it." i think i said: Sir Dean isn't muscular, but he's wiry. When he wrestles me, it's sort of like being wrapped up in a rawhide band that keeps shrinking as it gets drier - know what i mean. (Sir Dean just laughed when he read that. He had never heard anyone use that to describe him before). That night, he pushed his thumb into me first, and then two fingers. i learned that was one of his favorite ways to open up a boy, and i like it a lot too. He always found a little bit of skin or something to play with and make me so excited, my hips would just jump up and down. He still does that sometimes, but now that my right nipple is so supersensitive, he focuses on that more.

Having my right nipple pierced was the surprise for later in the week. It was what he and Michael were talking about when Michael asked if i were completed (i'm still not. i know Sir Dean doesn't WANT to tattoo me, but the other boys have tattoos). Anyway, we went on a Thursday night. Sir Dean only told me to "wear a loose t shirt before you come over here on Thursday. Dark color if you have one. i did. i didn't want to wear black - that's for DOMS - so i wore a maroon one. Sir Dean was pleased. "Put your hands behind you, stud. And point out your chest." i was standing in front of Sir Dean. i bowed my head and did the rest. He began playing with my nipples, teasing them very, very slowly until i was breathing very hard, but not moaning. i caught a glimpse of Sir Dean's face. He was smiling, almost laughing. "You know boy, the key to your capture, is right here. These two little points: no more than an inch each. And whomever controls them..... controls you. " He clamped down and raised his voice. "DON'T THEY?" The clamping made me moan loud. Sir Dean eased up and i answered "YES SIR". He was right: he and before him, Javier, had found all my weak spots, but nipple play just made me totally helpless. Javier was an excellent nipple worker, but Sir Dean... i wish i knew how he learned to do what he could do to me. i never told him (even though He knew), that i tried to build up resistance to his playing with them: and every time, he defeated me. There is no other word: he defeated me. Without getting a new submission, he conquered me every time he worked my tits. Then he stopped. "Let's go sub boi. We have an appointment." i was confused. When we went out, Sir Dean always made me get dressed. Tonight, i was just in that baggy t shirt, and loose jeans. Not very sexy at all. Sir Dean was in his suit, but he had taken off his tie and opened his shirt. "You're so sexy when you look like that Sir" i spoke out of turn, but... well... my cock was really, really full in my cage and .. GOD he DID look sexy. Sir Dean laughed. "I'll give you sexy in a little while, jim boy." He put his hand on the back of my neck. "Just follow where I'm walking." We walked for about ten minutes, and then he had us stop in front of a jewelry store. Now, i was really confused: what jewelry was he getting? i admit, i didn't see the little sign in the corner: "piercings done here."

When we went in, Sir Dean had me stand with my hands behind my back as he asked the clerk "is Jana here?" The clerk looked up at Sir Dean, and then he looked at me and smiled. "One minute Sir. She's in back. I'll get her. While we were waiting, Sir Dean rubbed the back of my neck. He said nothing. "DEAN! When I heard you were coming.... How are you?" A tall woman with dyed black hair, black makeup and nail polish, and a big red smile was embracing my Master. "I wondered when you were gonna pull the trigger." Sir Dean laughed. "Oh, it's not for me Jana. It's for my boy. . jim here." Now, Jana looked at me and smiled. She put out her hand. "HI JIM! Nice to meet you." i looked at Sir Dean, who nodded yes, to show it was ok to shake. "SO, you're gonna get a piercing jim. Your first one?" i didn't answer. Sir Dean did. "It IS his first one. right nipple. " i began to get nervous. i wasn't sure i wanted this. i wanted to leave. i wanted to go back to my apartment and not come out. Sir Dean sensed that , and he squeezed my neck tighter. "jim submitted to me, and now... i want to finish up the cosmetics. " "GOOD IDEA" she said. "How about we go in back." "Let's go, bottom" Dean laughed as he gave me a slight push to follow Jana. He whispered. "Not finding me so sexy now, are you?" (Actually, i was. He was giving me orders, taking charge: i just wanted to be tied up). "Now, let's get that shirt off, and get you ready," Jana was talking to me. "Lift your arms, boy" Sir Dean ordered, and he pulled off my shirt. "Now, how about laying on that table, Jim? Stretch out. There are stirrups at the top for your wrists." "He won't need them" Sir Dean smiled. "I'm here. I'll hold him down." Jana smiled. "Of course. " i must have looked very nervous, because Jana smiled as she put on rubber gloves. "Jim, this is nothing. We'll be done very quick and it may hurt, but only for a second or so." She gave me a wicked smile. "FAR less than it hurt when you lost your cherry." i blushed when she said that, and she laughed. "Now, let me clean the spot. Disinfect it." She rubbed my nipple with alcohol and it stung just a little. "Ok, now Dean, I need you to hold him down. " i felt Sir Dean's strong hands. Then i saw Jana pull out a first object: it almost looked like one of Sir Dean's clamps, but it didn't hurt very much. "This is designed to make it easier for me to get the needle through. That's what I'm gonna do now. So take a deep breath, close your eyes if you want." Instinctively, i pushed against Sir Dean's hands, and i heard him chuckle as I closed them. The needle was cold, and i winced as i felt it go through the skin. Then i felt nothing. "Are you afraid of blood, Jim, because there's just a little drop." "No ma'am. Blood doesn't scare me." "Ok, then you might open your eyes, because the only thing left, is to put in whatever you want." "A post. White gold." is what Sir Dean said. Jana's eyes widened. "White gold. You like him." i caught the quickest look at Sir Dean's smile. Jana still had her gloves on, and she came back with the post. "Do you want the honors, Dean?" "I sure do." He came forward and then, i watched the careful work and his smile as he put on gloves and put that post through the opening. There was a small, circular fastener at one end that he twisted on. "BEAUTIFUL. It looks GREAT" Jana smiled. "I agree. " He said. "Can we have my boy look at it?" i could see it from my position, but not well. They got me a cosmetic mirror and that's when i saw it completely. i thought my head was going to explode. i was pierced, caged, and shaved. it had all happened in a week. i clearly belonge to Sir Dean. "Ok, now here's the instructions and Dean, I KNOW this is gonna be harder on you because... because I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW you" Jana teased. "You can't play with that nipple for a week. At least. The other one is fair game, but that one gets left alone to heal. " She looked at me. "Jim, I'm gonna give you a special soap. Use it when you wash that for the next week. If you see any swelling, or you have a fever, or anything else, you let me know. Understand?" "I understand. Thank you." "I think we can take off now Jana. Let me settle up with you . jim, get your shirt back on." Sir Dean smiled. "Now you'll be glad I made you dress that way." i was. the loose fabric barely brushed the post, and when it did, the pain was very intense. it went down every day after that. On the walk back home, Sir Dean was smiling and i could tell: he was hard. "DAMN that was HOT. Seeing you get that piercing. MMMMMMMMMMM. " When we got home, Sir Dean told me to get undressed and to get on the bed. He was going to get undressed himself. When he came in, he was still wearing his dress shirt and his jock, but nothing else. He pulled my wrists up, and locked them with the tight restraints. He kissed me. "You've had a rough evening. I think you deserve some reward for that." He smiled and i saw the key to my cock cage in his hand. "THANK YOU SIR." i lost a little control. i was VERY HARD in that cage. "But.. I go first." He said, and dropped on top of me. He began kissing the side of my neck before he began licking it, then nibbling it. While he did that, his hand moved to my left nipple and began to work on it. He stopped and whispered. "You wanna TOP anyone, jim?" "NO SIR," i moaned as an answer. "You have a MASTER?" "Yes sir" "OH. Whom would that be jim?" "You sir. My Master is Sir Dean." "And what do Masters do to their slaves?" "Anything they want, Sir." He whispered. "I want to FUCK you." By now, i was used to his thrusts and braced myself for the assault on my butt. Sir Dean WAS horny. He is always hard, but that night, he seemed to almost be made of metal. He fucked me for a solid ten minutes, and then, after he shot... his cock didn't go down. He left it inside of me, teasing me by rubbing it up and down along my prostate, smiling as i moaned. "I know I said this once, I'm gonna say it again, sexy bitch. You NEED to be tied down and fucked EVERY SINGLE DAY." "yes sir," i whispered. " i was sore, constantly, but ... i was becoming addicted to Sir Dean's cock. i NEEDED it. i heard the lock turn in my cage, and then it was off. Sir Dean laughed as my cock shot up like a redwood tree. "LOOK AT THAT. SLAVE COCK. Someone need relief?" "YES SIR. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE SIR DRAIN ME. MILK ME. LET ME.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR." Sir Dean had began stroking my cock the way he did the night he conquered me. i was aware of the slight pain in my nipple but more of the friction down at my cock, bringing me closer and closer.... And each time, Sir Dean stopped. He smiled as my moans and my begging got louder and louder. Then, after he had brought me right to the edge five times, he finished me off. i had so much stored up jizz, i couldn't stop. Sir Dean was surprised. Then he laughed. "Oh my. After a week and a half. When we get up to a month, we might milk out a quart." i couldn't answer. The thought of being locked up for a month was... well, it was a little overwhelming at that point (and it still is.). Sir Dean was unlocking my restraints. "Go get cleaned up. I'm gonna call in dinner. You can use the seat without the butt plug tonight. I'm gonna leave you loose until bed time. "yes sir. Thank you Sir." i went into the bathroom to wash off. i saw that Sir Dean had put a calendar up on the wall. He circled the date one week and one day from the day i was pierced.


So, Sir Dean thinks i've told you enough to want to come back for more. Do you? The story of how i reacted when Sir Dean retook control of my right nipple is funny. It is now. i was scared then. i think he wants me to tell you about a party too, and meeting the slaves i had seen at the first party. So that's all coming up. Write if you're liking the story. Sir Dean sees everything, so if you found a mistake, write that too but remember: it means more chastity for me.

Next: Chapter 5

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