Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 19, 2021


Hi. It's slave jim again. Thank you for your comments and your patience. Sir Dean does not want me posting stories before he's seen them, and it took him a while to read the second one. It's his busy time of year for the next few weeks. Sometimes, he goes off to work, and gets whom so late he has time to throw a quick fuck into me, give me my list of duties, pick my clothes for the next day, and that's that. i desperately need a new shave and he just hasn't had time. But last night, when he read the story, he smiled, and said: "you're gonna get fucked REALLY well this weekend, and then.. we're gonna clean that man fuzz off of you fucktoi." He had a pair of fingers on my nipple when he told me that, so my cock was already beating against my cage. i began to moan, and he stuffed a gag in my mouth, pulled me to the bed, and eve though he was tired, he fucked me good. i guess i should tell you a little about Sir Dean? Not too much, because he really wants me to tell the next part of how he became the first man to break me. You know how, when you watch television programs, at the very beginning, or at the very end, there's a list of the people who were involved in the making of that program? The producer, the director, the camera man, etc, etc . That's what my Master does: he's a television programming executive. He works on a lot of shows: i think right now it's four or five. If they slowed down that credit roll, you'd see his name, but if you looked for "Dean, " you'd miss it. "Dean" is really his middle name, and he doesn't use it professionally: just in his "circle of friends" as he calls it.

So as television programs begin their new seasons, after the worst of COVID, he's busy as can be. There's the work, and then there's the parties. He expects me to go to the parties, and it's a challenge because... i told you Sir Dean is possessive, didn't i? Well, there are a lot of single gay guys who come to these parties, or even coupled gay guys who are, as Sir Dean calls them, "wolves." Sir Dean doesn't let me leave his side at these parties, and he frequently puts his hand on my shoulder, or the back of my neck, or around my middle as the situation allows, so that people know i belong to him. Most times, he wants my hands behind my back. That's even though when i do that, he says it pushes out my most flirty body part: my chest, and teases people into thinking i'm available. (i guess i am, if Sir Dean says i am. i heard him talking to some people about "sharing" me, but it's never happened).

i have to dress up for these parties. Sir Dean always wears one of his tailored suits, a white shirt and a dark tie. Seeing him suited up, and in his round glasses, i always wish we were staying home so i could get fucked. i have to dress better for the parties than i do for work: Sir Dean wants me in a clean button down shirt that fits snugly - white, blue, striped, or sometimes gray - two buttons opened, a blue blazer, and dress slacks. Depending on the party, it's black jeans, or gray flannel, or sometimes blue khakis. We went to one last saturday night: it was the night Sir Dean was going to read the story but... three guys told him how sexy his new boy looked, and that just put him over the moon. i had gotten out of my jacket before i got the instructions to get on my knees and suck him until he was well lubricated. Then, he did a simple tie: just tied my hands behind my wrists, threw me on the bed, and fucked me. He alternated between yelling about how hot i was, and what a fucking slut i was. (Sir Dean thinks that part of what happens at these parties is that i flirt. i don't. i think it's just that i'm a different kind of sub slave than a lot of the guys have).

Sir Dean told me that paragraph was digressive, but i should leave it in, and get to talking about our third date. The one where he broke me. Ok. i'll start.

You know from the last chapter that Sir Dean and i had a date set up for the weekend. He told me he'd give me instructions on what to bring to his place. All i knew, until Thursday, was that i wasn't supposed to wear, or to bring, underwear of any type. i thought about that all week. It would be hard, because i sweat and, when i have any kind of sex thought, i drip. i was dripping all week, wondering what things would be like with Sir Dean: the plan was, i'd go over after work on Friday, and i'd stay until Sunday night. On Thursday, i got his instructions. For Friday night, i was to dress "in my hottest get picked up as a bottom outfit." For the rest of the weekend, Sir Dean told me to bring a pair of dark pants and a pair of light ones, that could be one as "business casual" outfits. He also told me to bring my two, tightest dress shirts, and socks, as well as my personal care items. For Friday, i wore my dark navy button down shirt, and a pair of dark olive chinos. The shirt was a twill shirt. Javier loved that outfit. We were late to events a few times because i wore it, and he needed to take my mouth or my ass before we left. It was a hit with Sir Dean too, until he found out how much Javier liked it. Then he made me throw it out, and he bought me a new one: the same things just, as he put it "without the stank of that man on them."

So, i left my apartment and sent Sir Dean a text before i left, letting him know i was coming. He answered by sending me back a photo of his hard cock and the words "I'm waiting...." When I got there, he opened the door smiling. i didn't know what to do so i just said "hi Sir." He took my bag from me, put it on the floor, and then kissed me. He pushed my lips opened, and pushed his tongue down my throat. "MMMMMMM" . i remember it felt so good. And it went on for a while. Sir Dean knows how to tease when he kisses: he moved his tongue around my mouth, while he was pushing his knee up against me, making me more excited, and more hard. i was enjoying the kiss so much, i almost didn't feel him push my wrists behind me. Then i felt him tie my wrists together, just before he broke the kiss. He looked at me. "You're mine this weekend jim. All mine. " Then he took my arm and led me to what i would soon call the "bondage chair." Once i was seated, he put a big piece of tape over my mouth. "You may be screaming when i'm playing with you bottom boy jim. Muffled screams are one of my favorite things in the world." He slipped his hand down my shirt, and found my left nipple: it's the more sensitive one (Javier must have told him that.). He worked on that nipple inside, and outside my shirt, until i was moaning really, really loud. He whispered "next time, we're gonna have to tie those ankles down too, and run some rope over your middle. Keep ya NICE and still." He began opening my shirt, and when it was completely opened, he smiled at what he saw. "Push them out, make it easier for me." His touch felt so good! I did. He was gentle, he was rough, he pinched, he rubbed, and i just moaned, and felt my cock getting bigger and bigger in my pants. "You wanna cum so bad, don't ya boy?" He joked. i nodded "YES" as vigorously as i could. He chuckled. "You have a few tasks to do first. " Then he stepped back, and dropped his clothes. He still had work clothes on, so it took a while before he got the necktie, the white shirt, the suit pants, and the briefs off. As he pulled his loafers off, he smiled. "You're gonna have to learn how to polish these REALLY well, jimmy boy, but for now... you just better plan on giving me a SUPREME blow job." Sir Dean's cock WAS pretty angry looking, and pretty hard. i told you last time that it was 9.75 inches long, and that first night, i felt every single centimeter of it. There was no easy taking of my mouth: Sir Dean deep throated me, and held his whole cock there, grinning, as i gagged, and tried to hold it all in without running my teeth on it. He showed no mercy. "You're gonna have to do this at least once a day from now one, studmuffin. Better get used to it." "At least once a day?" i thought. "Does he expect me to move in?" i hoped we were going to talk about that, because i didn't plan on that at all. His cock tasted so good though: once i got used to it, i began running my tongue around it, trying to find the head so i could lick just the tip. Sir Dean moaned, and i could see that his glasses were fogging up. He took them off. His eyes are a cold blue green. If you look into his eyes long enough, you can see that he's used to being in charge. He pulled his cock back and then rammed it in again, and he did this for a while. Then, he slowly pulled it out. my lips made a popping sound when he did, and i tried to get my breath. "I want your ass," he said. "I want it NOW." He pulled me out of the chair, and shoved me off to his bedroom. That's when i saw what are now the least restrictive restraints. He put them on my wrists, and just like the time before, i saw him look at my feet with longing, but he did nothing. He just got my pants off, and started running a finger over my hole. i can't really write down anything that resembles the sounds i was making. Later, Sir Dean told me that he thought he had once heard a bull in heat make those sounds, and he felt proud that he had captured "the studliest bull" in the pack. He laughed about how maybe he'd turn me into a steer, but for now, he was just gonna turn me into a bottom. i didn't understand why he said "captured" at that point. i learned though. Sir Dean's cock was still slightly moist from the blow job, and he slid into me very easily: "like I own it." he said. i had no idea that in about 24 hours, he would. It felt SO GOOD. Sir Dean knew WAY more about pleasuring his bottom than Javier did, and i just wanted him to stay inside of me, forever. He found my pits and tickled me, and everytime i bolted he smiled, and his cock got in further. "Tickling is gonna be a BIG part of your life, bull boy jim," he said, and again, i didn't understand. Then he stopped talking. His breathing got faster and faster, and his cock got more and more like iron. Then he exploded in me. Big time. When he finished, he shook his head. "I knew it was gonna be good studmuffin, I didn't think it was gonna be THAT GOOD. DAMN was this a good idea" "Thank you Sir," was all I could say. Then I asked "May I cum now?"

The smile left his face. "You may cum when I say you may cum. Tomorrow. No sooner." I sighed. "yes sir." "And I'm gonna make sure those hands don't get where they don't belong. You'll be cuffed when we sleep tonight." i was. He cuffed my wrists and attached them to a chain he put around my neck. It was slightly uncomfortable, but it made me very hot. So did the little touches he made to my nipples through the night. He was surprisingly strong: Sir Dean is taller than me, but he's not as "solid." i'm not sure if he could take me if he didn't know my hot spots, but he does, and that's the end of that. It was a very interesting sleep. Every now and then i'd hear Sir Dean sort of whisper in his sleep: "I finally have my bitch." i thought he was dreaming about something else.


When we woke up the next morning (i was awake before Sir Dean, and that's very much how it's been. He sleeps later because he works later at night), i couldn't get out of bed because of my cuffs and the way Sir Dean was holding me. Anytime I moved more than a little, I'd feel his fingers close on my nipple and squeeze, and he'd whisper "you're not going anywhere. I'm not sure what I'm doing with you this morning, understand me... bottom?" i just sighed and said "yes sir." i expected that when he was "roused," Sir Dean would want a morning blowjob. Javier had wanted those: the first thing i had to do every morning was drain him, even before i used the bathroom. Eventually, Sir Dean started that too, but that morning, he seemed to be somewhere else, thinking about... something. When he did wake up, he chuckled, forced me onto my back, and dug his stubble into my neck. He whispered "Everyone was too intimidated to take you on. Not me. I'm the winner.

GRRRRRRRR" and i felt him scruffing my neck. He must have learned from Javier what that did to me, because i could have just pushed him off of me if he hadn't gone for my neck. What he did though, just made me helpless. i saw his fingers begin to move toward my ribs, and then he stopped. "No. Later. Don't telegraph everything, Dean" i didn't know what he meant until that afternoon, after we came back from brunch with his friends. Sir Dean made me dress in the light colored pants, and a very thin striped pink shirt i had brought. He thought it was "tight enough" for the gay place we were going to for brunch. i felt like he was following me with his eyes the whole morning. He snuck up on me once, and pinned my hands behind me. He spoke in a low voice: "you're always hot. You're hotter when you're tied up. And even hotter when you're tied up and gagged. " "Thank you Sir," was all i could say. i hadn't been permitted to cum the night before, and i was getting harder, and hornier.

It seemed that everyone knew Dean at the place where we went to eat. i had been to restaurants and diners that were mostly gay, but this one seemed to be ALL gay. And upscale. Sir Dean had put on a sports jacket over a white shirt and khaki colored chinos. We were probably one of the least dressed up couples there, including the four guys who joined us. They were men who worked with Sir Dean, and each of them had a sub too. i was the biggest one, and the oldest one (something i was going to experience again and again).

i remember that that was the last time Sir Dean let me have my own menu. That makes sense, because that's the last meal we ate together before i submitted to him. That came after we got home from brunch. i had a feeling something was up, from comments Sir Dean made to his friends, and the looks that brett and steven, the two subs, were giving me. i had no idea what it was. "I'm gonna use the bathroom, then we'll figure out the day, stud" Sir Dean said. i just answered "ok sir," and I looked at some of the magazines on his coffee table. That's what i was doing when i felt the bear hug, firm, but not too hard. Right after he grabbed me, Sir Dean began running his unshaven chin over my ear. He did it just right: i felt my nerve endings waking up. i wanted to get out of the grip, but i also wanted more. i heard his voice getting gruff, and i felt his tongue begin to poke in and out of my right here. Then he whispered "Get to the bed". i didn't have any choice: he pushed me there and instead of restraining me right away, he pinned my wrists with his hands, forced my legs open with his foot, and then looked down and smiled. "Sir... what are we doing?" i asked. He smiled. "It's time for you, jim, to SUBMIT. " "You mean... like, become your slave?" He didn't say anything but he smiled. I squirmed and struggled, but he wasn't letting me up. "SIR... I'll bottom for you, I'll sub for you, but NO... I don't want to be a slave." He laughed. "Yes you do, and besides..." and now he got the restraints out. "you don't have any choice in the matter." Remember i told you that the set of restraints he had then were less restrictive and had more give? i might have thought that would work to my advantage. It didn't. They weren't long enough to give me a fighting chance against Sir Dean and because they were strong enough to hold me securely, i wore myself out fighting them. When Sir Dean saw me beginning to weaken, he moved in. First, he restrained my ankles. "I'll take these off later when there is... need. For now, though.... "OH SHIT" i thought. "He said he was gonna work on my feet." Sir Dean pulled off my loafers and then my socks. "If I need these, they'll make a REAL good gag. Nice and smelly, stud." He smiled. i saw him pick up a brush from the side table. He ran it across my right foot. 'ACCCCH" i screamed, before i started laughing. "STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP" you know i'm ticklish." He didn't. Instead , he took turns running the brush over one sole and then the other. "hahahahahahahahahahaha. hahahahahahahahahahaahahaaha. SIR. THIS IS UNFAIR. THIS IS LIKE CHEATING. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHA. " Sir Dean didn't seem to care. Then he stopped. "You know, I could break you by just doing that. But no... There are more fun ways...." He began opening my shirt, and he spread the sides out. He looked at me and whispered "SUBMIT" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I answered back, before i started moaning. He was running that beard scruff on each of my nipples, and then licking each one. Then he chewed them. "OH FUCK. OH SIR. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" He stopped for a minute and looked at me. "SUBMIT" i answered "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" again. This time, he opened my pants. He didn't need to take them down, because all he wanted to do, at that point, was play with my cock. He did. He stroked it very, very gently, touched the tip with his open palm, and then formed something like a flesh light, but without enough friction for it to have any real effect. It was PURE TORTURE, and he knew it. My hips were bucking and i was begging him to please let me jerk off. I got one word back as an answer. "SUBMIT" i just shook my head. That's when he took out the hitachi. i had read about them, and Javier said he was gonna get one, but we were done before he did. So i didn't know what to expect. Sir Dean used the lowest setting on my balls. How do i describe the feeling? i can't. All i can say is that i moaned and begged him to stop. "SUBMIT" was all he said. Again, I didn't answer. He smiled, and got up. He had my socks tied in a knot, and he gagged me with them. "I'm gonna give you half hour to think about the situation, studmuffin. Then I'll ask again. If the answer is still no." He rubbed his hands together. "Things will get interesting."

i pulled against the restraints with what little strength i had left, and got nowhere. The smell from my socks was no pleasant, but they sucked up any drool that came out of my mouth.

Sir Dean is very organized, and half hour later, he came back, and lay down next to me. "So, what's the verdict? You gonna submit?" i shook my head no. He smiled. "GREAT. We have some new things to try, and some old ones. This time, he pulled out an electric toothbrush and he didn't stop with my feet. He tickled them until i was squawking like a trapped hen, and then he moved them up to my pits, and then to my ribs. My pits were especially sensitive, and i didn't know it, but he was "conditioning" my ribs for what was to come. He didn't go to my nipples right away: i didn't know he had something else planned. Instead, he circled my navel with his finger, before he tongued it. Then he ran his tongue along the back of my cock, before he edged me some more. i was bucking harder and harder. i needed to cum SO BAD. He did repeat with the hitachi, right to my balls. i think he used it for about three minutes before he tried again. "SUBMIT?" I shook my head no. That's when he brought out those clamps. OH GOD THOSE CLAMPS. i like most of what Sir Dean does to me, but those clamps... There were two, that looked like those big fasteners you use on big piles of paper. He put one on each of my nipples and i SCREAMED. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" was all that came out. Then, he had a bunch of smaller ones, and he started pinching bits of my skin along my ribs: skin he had sensitized with tickling. i lost count of how many he used (Sir Dean insists it was 30, but i think it was about 48). "SUBMIT?" He asked, and i shook my head NO. He left for another half hour, leaving the clamps on my sides, but he took them off my nips. Instead, he put on something he called a snakebite kit. When he came back in, i was exhausted, and sweating. He took the clamps off, and the pain was worse than when he put them on. Then he took off my ankle restraints. "Just for a little while stud. I've been thinking of you in here, available, and ... empty. I gotta fix that." He pushed up my legs and dropped his pants. He fucked me. This fuck was not as rough as the others. It was softer, but it was thorough, and i felt all of him inside of me. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" i moaned. It felt good. Much better than some of the other stuff he had been doing. It ended too soon. He locked my ankles back up. "You've been dripping stud. Slaves don't do that." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" i tried to tell him "i'm NOT your SLAVE ... SIR" but he just laughed. He rubbed the pre-cum into my skin. "Can't waste good stuff like that. Now.... know what Javier told me? He told me you have a secret ticklish spot, behind your... knees. " "OH SHIT NO. If i ever "played" at not giving Javier wha he wanted, he'd head right there. Usually with his tongue. Sir Dean used his fingers, and it was nearly as bad. Like i say, there was some "give" in the wrist restraints, and i twisted and tried to get away. Of course, I couldn't, and when he was done, i got the same question "SUBMIT" i didn't answer, but i began to think: what does it mean to be his slave? We hadn't talked about it? i didn't know.

Sir Dean repeated variations of this on me another four times. For the fifth time, he came in and said "Okay, stud.. This is the time you're gonna break." He took off my gag before he lay down next to me. "Sir, what does being your slave mean? What do i have to do?" He smiled as he took my left nip - the more sensitive one - between his fingers. "It means you do anything I tell you to. No objections, no complaints. It means, for example, as soon as you give up, since I only want to see you cum when I give you permission, you go into chastity. It means that all of this manly hair... goes. It means that this little tittie over here." He squeezed my right nip. "Gets a pierce. And maybe, just maybe... you get a tattoo." While he was twisting my nipple, Sir Dean had pushed his knee up against my balls, very very gently. He whispered "SUBMIT" as he placed his chin on my neck. "i'm done for," i thought. That combination. He'd squeeze, scruff me and rub my balls for about a minute and then he'd whisper "SUBMIT" By that point, i was just moaning and begging him to please stop. He didn't. i think he used the combination on me for about 14 times before when he whispered "SUBMIT" i moaned out. "YES . YES. I SUBMIT. I SURRENDER. I'LL BE YOUR SLAVE SIR. " As soon as I did that, Sir Dean stopped pressing his knee on my balls . He left his fingers on my nipple but he didn't squeeze it. He whispered "Who owns you?" i was half sobbing when i said "you do SIR" Sir Dean got off the bed smiling. "It'll be alright jim. You're gonna LOVE being my slave. Now, let's get you some relief. He grabbed my cock and, this time, there was plenty of friction. "OH SIR. OH SIR. THANK YOU SIR." i was gasping for breath. i wanted it to last, and i knew i wouldn't last long. Sir Dean began sliding his hand faster and faster, and then... i tried to keep my mouth shut, but i couldn't: i screamed LOUD as i came. He just laughed. "GOOD. I want you nice and empty for what's to come. " He left the room for a minute and came back with something to clean off my pubes and chest. He also had a razor, and a barber's clippers. "I said... gonna shave the shit outta you." i just moaned as i saw my beautiful chest hair go. "NO ONE is gonna have ANY doubt what bunk you sleep in jim." I saw Sir Dean's eyes getting big and excited. My arms were tied down but i could move them. He held each one down more securely while he shaved my pits. Then he moved down to my bush. i had a fair amount of hair there, and he had to use the clippers before he could go at it with his scissor. "Fucking jungle. My bitch is fucking tropical" he laughed, as he cleaned all of that up with the towel he had brought in. Then, i saw the cage. "Now... the only person who's gonna have the key to this, is me. He locked the cage on my cock. "You're a sub slave now. Your cock only matters for pissing and torturing. No getting hard, no jerking off. Nothing. He looked at me. "Who owns it?" "You do Sir" i answered. "MAKE SURE YOU REMEMBER THAT." He squeezed my balls. "Welcome to your new life as my slave jim. Trust me. You're gonna love it." He began untying my wrists. When he was done, he sent me to the bathroom to soak some of the pain out of my joints in the hot water of the tub. i was in there long enough for my skin to start wrinkling. When i came back, wrapped in a towel, he shook his head no. "No towels around your Master jim. you should be as naked as possible, as often as possible." "yes sir," i answered, unknotting the towel. There was a lot i was going to have to learn. "Now when you stand in front of me like that, you put your hands behind your back unless i tell you something else. " "yes sir," i answered. That sounded hot. "you should get dressed. We're going to take a walk around the gay part of town, then we're gonna have dinner. " His eyes glinted. "By that time, I should be recharged and ready to fuck my slave for the first time. "

At dinner, it was the first time i did NOT get a menu: Sir Dean took it from the waiter who smiled. "I understand Sir." And that night, Sir Dean was true to his word. He fucked me again. my life as a slave had begun.


i sure hope you liked this story section, Sirs and slaves. Another reason it took me so long to send it is, as Sir Dean read it, it got him excited, and he wanted to relive some of the things i was writing about. Sir DEAN LOVES tickling me, but he doesn't do it a lot. i got tickled three times in the last five days because of this story, and he took out the clamps again too. If you want me to write some more, i'll tell you next time about how Sir Dean had me pierced, and the time he almost had me blow three men in public.

Next: Chapter 4

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