Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 26, 2021


Hello everybody. Well, we're here: we're at the wedding. Sir Dean told me i could have twenty chapters to tell our story and here's the next to last one, so...i'm finishing early. i hope you liked the story, and i hope you like this. Sir Dean had started referring to me as "my pushy bottom" to Sir Marc and rollie. Sir Marc laughed the first time he heard that and turned to rollie: "I wonder where he learned how to be one...." rollie turned a little red and giggled, but he came over to Sir Marc and curled under his arm. a "Daddy... you know you like it when i'm like that." Sir Marc began rubbing rollie's ear and rollie was making this sound just like Bathsheba - Bathsheba was their Persian cat. rollie's pushy bottom approach had finally succeeded in Sir Marc giving in and getting him the cat he wanted. Sir Dean had given me a look: "DON'T even THINK about it, jimmy." There wasn't any question about that: i had no interest in getting a pet.

We had a date for the wedding, a honeymoon planned, a reception hall, everything . What was going to happen was: we would have a very small, almost intimate wedding at Sir Marc and rollie's apartment: it won't surprise you that they were going to be our best men. Then, Sir Dean's network had all kinds of facilities for big parties, and he had reserved one where about 100 people were supposed to come. Sir Marc and rollie had planned a bachelor party for us: it was at one of the fancier hotels, and they had rented the honeymoon suite for us for the night. Sir Dean was very excited about that. He would come up from behind me, and whisper "I LOVE fucking you in hotel rooms. And I'm gonna fuck you so good when we're in that room." His excitement got me excited. i just hoped i wouldn't have to wear the cage for the bachelor party night, or for... well, the night after the wedding. i'll write more about that.

i really couldn't believe it was happening. i was very emotional about the whole thing. There were many things i was thinking of. i still had my apartment, and i was wondering: should i sell it? it was there in case things didn't work out but... well, it looked like they were. Also, i didn't want to be away from Sir Dean. i didn't tell him when i put it on the market. The other thing that i had been thinking about a lot was: should i sell my business, and just become a house husband for Sir Dean? He needed something like that, and we had been talking a lot about him hiring an assistant who would work at home. He was working very long hours. There were more nights when he came home, ate his supper, woke me up and then we went to bed, that there weren't. i was trying to keep up with all the house stuff, but it was hard. And when he forgot house stuff, he forgot things about keeping me in line too. He missed weekly shaving twice, and i had to beg him to take the cage off when we had gotten to seven weeks. i remember he teased me: "what makes you think i forgot, jimmy?" but he DID take it off. Seven weeks was too long for me. Sir had interviewed at least six assistant candidates, and he didn't like any of them. To be fair, his job description was very undefined, and the list of duties was so long, it was as if he were hiring a wife: laundry, kitchen, scheduling, planning, etc. What was funny about this list was that i did all of these things already. He didn't expect his assistant to give up his ass: good thing, because i would have gotten REALLY angry. Somewhere along the line, i had told Sir: "Sir, i know you said that the only man who puts his cock into me is someone who has your permission. Well, i don't want you putting your cock into another man without telling me." i remember he smiled. "I'm glad you didn't say I needed your permission jimmy, because i don't. But you're right. i should tell you if i go catting around." As far as i know, he never did; he told people i was more than enough for him. me? well, i couldnt' get enough of his cock, his ropes, ANYTHING. Especially now that Sir Dean honored my fantasies. It started with those white pants. Now, he'd take me dressed as a wrestler, or a cat burglar (GOD he looks good in BLACK too: tight black t shirt, black jeans, but no face mask: his face!!!!).

Sir Dean just looked over: "jimmy, either tell them about the sex games or tell the story of the wedding." Ok, so let me get back to that. i was thinking about selling my business, and i had to discuss that with Sir Dean when he had time: selling the apartment was one thing. Selling the business and being home all day was another. i put it on my "list." About a month before it was going to happen, i began to get really, REALLY emotional. i would call rollie every day, and i'd cry. He did what he could, but the truth was: i couldn't wait for it to happen, and because Sir Dean was working so hard, he wasn't home much during the week. i started watching movies, and i became obsessed with "Fame" (not the remake: i mean the original. The good one). The ending with the big musical number always made me cry. i always managed to finish watching it before Sir Dean came in, but one Thursday night, i guess i put it on too loud, because i didn't hear him come in. i didn't know he was there until he started speaking.

"jimmy, you're crying. And this is a happy movie. What's wrong?" He came over to the sofa, and sat down next to me. He took the remote, turned off the movie, and put his arm around me. i remember thinking that "Sir Dean will always be Sir Dean," because when he put his arm around me, his hand dropped to my nipple. "Oh, Sir...." i remember i told him. "i'm sorry. i should get your supper on the table." i started to get up but he wasn't letting me. "SIT jimmy, and tell me what's going on." i took a breath. "Sir, i'm not sad. i'm happy. And i'm overwhelmed." i told him about selling the apartment. He liked that. He kissed me when i said "i don't want to be someplace where you're not sir. EVER." And then i told him that i was thinking of selling the business. He gave out a big sigh. "WOW jimmy." i felt his fingers teasing my nipple, so i knew where this was going. "I never thought of asking you to do that, but... hell, I can't think of someone who'd be better at it than you would. " He pinched my nipple. "You really want to do it?" "i don't know yet Sir. But i'm really, really thinking of it. " "Is it legal to fuck your assistant?" "i'm not your assistant yet Sir." "You're right. Get to the bedroom." Well, the fuck he threw into me that night was not one of our greatest: it was late, i was an emotional wreck, and Sir Dean was so tired, he fell asleep right after he had climaxed. But things were out in the open, and we were going to talk about them more. And we did. But not for a while because then things got really crazy.

First, there was the wild bachelor party Sir Marc and rollie threw for us. i say "Sir Marc and rollie," but this had rollie's signature all over it, including: you ready for it? the cake with the fireman who jumped out of it. i haven't written about this: both Sir Dean and i have a thing for firemen. A serious thing: if we're walking down the street, we'll both check out firemen if we see them, and pretend we're not. Sometimes i would get caught, but i'd get a "free pass" because Sir Dean would agree "he was fucking hot." It won't surprise you: Sir Dean fantasized about having a fireman under him or getting blown by someone with their fireman hat backward, and i would dream of being underneath "Smoky" and blowing him. This was a REAL fireman. At least that's what they told us, and i want to believe that. He had a big, hairy chest, and he wore a rip away suit to dance for the crowd, but when he was finished, he changed into a REAL suit. i remember that Sir Marc came up to Sir Dean and whispered something, and i saw Sir Dean's eyes get wide. i thought i saw his lips make the word "really?" He began to laugh and he came over to me. "jimmy , we don't just have the suite for the night. We have our fireman too. He's at our disposal. i know we haven't done a threesome since bitchbull days, but I think tonight...." i said "yes sir, " because it really was up to Sir Dean, but the way he smiled, i think Sir knew how excited i was. The fireman's name was Dirk (so perfect), and first, Sir Dean fucked him while he blew me. Then, after a few hours, i blew the fireman while Sir Dean fucked me. It was the first, and the only time, i used those things - poppers- for having sex. Sir Dean and Dirk laughed really, REALLY hard when they saw how i reacted to, as they put it "the little brown bottle." i think i said "OH. My mom had a little brown bottle for iodine." When we were in the taxi going back home for the night, Sir Dean leaned over and kissed me. "You will always be my innocent jimmy boy. Don't ever change."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So, the wedding? Well, i think most of you readers will find the ceremony itself anticlimactic. Sir Dean, of course, wore a crisp white shirt, and a dark blue suit. He had a regular, black and red tie. rollie thought i should show some color, so i was wearing a pale green shirt with a rainbow bowtie. My suit was sort of camel color. i know that Sir Dean liked it, because i saw his face when i walked into Sir Marc and rollie's apartment (He was already there). There were only about twenty people there, and we didn't have a procession or anything like that: we sat down next to each other and Sir Dean took my hand and held it, while the celebrant read the legal words. We each had written vows, and Sir Dean thought repeating them would be boring, so i won't repeat them here. People took pictures of when we exchanged rings, and when we kissed. If you had any doubt who was the TOP in our relationship, the kiss would give it away. OH. i left out the most important parts . Sir Dean just reminded me. The night before the ceremony, Sir Dean said to me "get undressed and get on the bed. I have to get you ready. Of course, i did what he told me. Then, he came in. Yes, he did: he changed to the pants i loved so much, and he tied me down. "New razor jimmy. Gonna make sure that you're as smooth as possible for tomorrow. " Sir Dean always shaved me very carefully: he wanted to make sure he didn't hurt me. This time was no exception, but he REALLY took his time and did it very slowly. VERY slowly. He did my chest, and my pits and then he smiled. "Let's get those pubes done, jimmy boy." And he unlocked me. OH IT FELT SO GOOD. i was so hot for Sir Dean that i couldn't control my erection. Sir Dean laughed. "LOOK AT THAT. A JIMMY MUSHROOM IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST." He hummed a little song while he trimmed me, and then he said: "last fuck as a single man. I'm gonna make it a good one." He pulled my legs in the air and... oh yes, he did. He did a REALLY good one. Maybe it was because i was so excited about marrying him, or maybe it was his bare chest and those white jeans, or... the shaving, or.... i just don't know. Halfway through his fucking me, i exploded. i shot so much and so far, and all i could do was moan, and cry. And when Sir Dean shot into me, i cried even more. (Sir Dean didn't put the cage back on me until after our honeymoon was over). "The next time you do that Sir, i'll be your husband." He smiled. "And I'll be YOUR husband jimmy." And it's true, we were. After the vows at Sir Marc's place, we went to the hall for the party. Yes, we did throw garters and... some of you probably figured this out: we had our garters on our arms: Sir Dean had his on his left arm, mine was on my right. So when we took off our jackets to get them and throw them, if anyone didn't know who did what, they did now. i don't remember who caught the garters, but i know there was a LOT of laughing, especially when someone caught Sir Dean's. (rollie saw who did, but he won't tell me. He says i'll have to hold him down and tickle him for old times sake. Maybe sometime i will).

Sir Dean had designed a wonderful honeymoon: it was two weeks long, and we were staying at beaches in California before we made our way to Asia, and we stayed at beaches there, too. It was a total of 7 different beaches and before we got on the plane, Sir Dean said to me "I'm going to make love to you on each beach." He did. When we came back, we stayed in L.A. for a few days. We were eating in this very fancy restaurant, and he said to me: "before we go back to the hotel, there's something I want you to see. Something I wanted you to see during the Emmys, but we couldn't because of what happened." He took me to the beach and we walked, holding hands. Then he stopped. "This is where i wanted to make love to you jimmy. I'm going to do it now." He kissed me until i dropped to my knees and got his cock lubricated. There was no one else around, but we probably wouldn't have cared. Yes, there was sand, but we did the best we could and we did pretty well. The moonlight was very, very bright, and i had to close my eyes. That was ok because Sir Dean kissed me, and i would've closed my eyes anyway.

"We'll come back jimmy. I promise," he said and he meant it. We've been back every year.

Well, we're nearly finished except for one thing. On the plane trip back home, i said "Sir, i'm about to be a pushy bottom." He laughed and asked me to lower my voice because the woman in front of us heard me, and cleared her throat. "i have been thinking about this. A lot. And Sir, if you'd let me, i want to stop working- sell my company, and work for you at home. Take care of you the way i should be taking care of you." Sir Dean looked at me. i could see he was tearing up. "jimmy I wanted that for a long time, but... I wanted you to decide because, that's one that I couldn't decide fairly. I would LOVE knowing you were home, taking care of things." He smiled. "Being ready for when I come home." He squeezed my hand. "We agreed not to give each other wedding presents, but this is the best present i could have gotten."

And that really is just about it. i had a feeling Sir Dean would say yes, so i had called an attorney and had things in motion before we left. It took very little time and then, for the first time since i was 13, i was unemployed! Sort of. Becoming a house husband was a little challenging, especially since Sir Dean decided that since i had more time to spend on things, he would be more exacting. He started spanking me if his clothes were not in proper order, or if i hadn't rolled my sleeves the same way, or i left only one button on my shirt opened (i confess that sometimes i made those mistakes on purpose because getting spanked got me hard. Sir Dean wrote that and laughed. He said "you think i didn't know that?). So our life now: i get up and get the coffee and breakfast ready, and then go and give Sir Dean a blowjob if he wants one. Sometimes, he wants a quick fuck. Three days a week, he lets me pick what i'll be wearing that day, but NEVER on weekends, since we go out a lot on weekends. i take care of all of the house stuff, and his and our social engagements. Sir Dean expects me to be ready for bondage play every day, and i am. Once a week, i get to pick what HE wears during play. i almost always pick the white pants, but not always. One time, i asked him to wear a wrestling singlet and let me tell you: he was SO HOT. And of course, our sex life in bed has never been better. i didn't think i could handle wearing the cage for a month at a time, but i adapted. Sir Dean lets me cum on the last day of the month, and next time, he's going to start putting time limits: if i don't ejacuate within a set time, i'll have to wait until next month.

And there we are folks. i was going to write more about what happened after we became husband and husband, but Sir Dean decided that you all should use your imaginations. So i'll end here. Thank you for reading our story. Thank you for your comments and emails, to Sir Dean, to me, to the two of us. Sir Dean and i hope that if you're looking for your Sir Dean (or your jimmy: Sir Dean wanted that in), that you find him. Be well everyone, and always have great sex. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxxoxoxoxo Sir Dean and jimmy

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