Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 16, 2021


Hey everyone. Remember me, LOL. i know: as some of my younger employees say, "it's been a minute." Sir Dean got VERY busy for a short while at the network: he had been appointed head of the entire sound engineering department, and while he said (and i believe him: so should you), that he HATES not having a chance to get into the "field" and work with the machines and the "sound toys" as he calls them, he LOVES having the power. (He smiled when i wrote this). Now, he's not just the DOM at home. He's the DOM at work and also - and this is important to him (i know it is, because he's shaking his head): he dominates the doms. So, with all that happening (he was also named the chairman of the LGBTQ group), he couldn't be around to make sure that what i wrote was accurate. It was important because, what i'm writing about this time may make some of you think less of Sir Dean. Please don't. This is all my choice. One hundred percent.

So, you'll remember we were going into October or, as Sir Dean called it, "Locktober." i was in chastity and i was going to remain in it until Halloween. Sir Dean also decided that in addition to my moustache, i should grow a beard, and let my hair grow a little . When he decided i should be wearing more plaid and print shirts (but not flannel: they gave the wrong image: please bear with me), i began to figure out what was happening and then he explained it.

Sir Dean was going to be much more in the eye of his peers with this new position, and since it was known that he was out and he had a partner, i was going to be out there too. i'm a pretty big guy: probably just a tad over 6 feet, and you know about my body issues already. But i didn't look particularly "butch." Now, as Sir Dean was going to be "hobnobbing" with , as he put it, the "hoity toity homos", he needed what rollie told me were "status points." i had never realized this, but it makes sense: having a big, masculine looking guy as your boyfriend, and making it clear that you're in charge, gives you high status among those people. As i saw, most of them had boys who were like rollie: you'd think of rollie and guys who look like him as dancers, or actors, etc. Guys like me look like rugby players, football players, even wrestlers. There was one party where i heard someone i didn't know whisper to someone else "DAMN that Dean. I wouldn't mind poaching a stuntman myself." i had to laugh: some people who weren't use to what we did in bed might have considered me a stuntman, but i was nowhere NEAR as tough as those guys.

i asked Sir Dean if i could take time to write about this in the story, and he ok'd it. i'm sorry to break the narrative, but it's important to me. People get the difference between "passive" and "submissive" wrong all the time, and i need to explain it because it helps explain jimmy. Sexually, i started as the active partner: i liked fucking. As i got older, i moved from versatile, but mainly a top man, and then when i met people like Sir Dean, i went passive. Now, i can't imagine being in any other position. "Underneath," "bottom bunk" "the girl in bed" (an expression i hate), "the receiver," you can use whatever words you like: i suck, i get fucked. i get tied up. i do not get sucked, i do not fuck and i do not tie guys up. BUT.... that does NOT mean i'm submissive, and this is something a LOT of guys, especially the more arrogant Tops of the world, don't get. i'm submissive to Sir Dean, and that's because he conquered me. If Sir tells me to be submissive to someone else, i will be. Otherwise, i am not going to just pretend i'm your non-sexual slave. i have my own thoughts, my own feelings, and while i agree: most of them are all bound up (sorry for the pun) with Sir Dean, i still have them. It came up at a party once where another Dom whom i didn't know saw my boy collar (Sir Dean made me wear it a lot by that point), and grabbed it. i was walking away and it nearly choked me. "HEY! " i yelled. "THAT HURT." He sneered and said "You're lucky I didn't hurt you more. Now take care of my boots." i looked him over. With the exception of Sir Dean, the ONLY man who might have gotten away with that was Sir Marc. So i looked at him and told him to fuck himself. "Arrogant bitch!" he yelled and spat on me. That's when Sir Dean came over. He was keeping calm, but i knew: in his mind, someone had just trespassed on his territory. "jimmy, go get us both a drink. this man and i have to have a talk." "yes sir, " i answered, knowing it was going to be an argument. Sir Dean let his views about people be known by referring to people he respected as "gentleman" and those he did not as "this man" or "that man." My back was turned and i heard the yelling. i'm glad there weren't reporters. Sir Dean came up to me and told me "put down the drinks jimmy, we've had enough of this place." He had his hand on my forearm, and he was squeezing just a little bit too hard. "yes sir. Sorry i started a scene." He squeezed harder. "You started NOTHING. Now, let's go." i knew Sir Dean was angry at that guy and not me because i didn't get punished. Sir Dean wasn't afraid to punish me if he felt i deserved it and, well, (he's smiling), you'll read about one punishment i got further on.

So, i mentioned the "boy collar." That was the chain with the lock that Sir Dean had put on me when we were in Los Angeles. Now that we were back home, he instructed me to wear it to work, and at home. Originally i was supposed to wear it at the gym, but when carlos saw it, he laughed. "That's dangerous, jim. I can't let you wear that." "But.. but Carlos... Sir Dean..." He smiled. "I'll have a word with my husband, and then, we'll see. Now take it off." i have to be honest. i felt like i had just gotten naked in front of the gym. But that night, Sir Dean did say to me "I didn't think through the gym. Carlos is right. You take it off as the last thing you do before you go on the floor, and you put it on as the FIRST THING" when you start changing back again. "Yes sir" i answered. Sir Dean had explained to me that the collar was to make sure the world knew that this tough, rugged guy was someone's boy and kept away from him. For the most part, it worked. i also had to wear it when we went to LGBTQ functions, but not when we were with the straight crowd: Sir Dean was the only out gay guy at upper level management. There were probably more: at least we both thought so from the looks we both got, but no one else had come out. So, when there were dinners, or "cocktails," etc, i was expected to attend and i could leave the boy collar home. Sir Dean wanted it displayed proudly when we were with other gay people because, well, i was his "bottom stud sub" as i heard him call me to someone. And he also called me something that i had never heard before, and i didn't like: he called me his "cum dump."

i didn't hear him use that term again until one night when we were at home. Sir Dean had me tied to the bondage chair. He didn't use the butt plug anymore because he felt i was not as tight as i used to be, and he wanted my "man pussy" as tight as possible for when he fucked me, especially since he was using the "breeder tube" sometimes. He had gagged me using a plug gag. Sir Dean liked tape, but taking a tape gag off a bearded sub can be, well.... there was no way to get around it, and Sir Dean agreed that it wasn't worth the pain he caused when he would pull the tape gag off me. i'm not saying he didn't enjoy me suffer: he did, and the fucking i got after he took it off was worth it; but it WAS a lot of pain, and the plug gags kept me good and quiet, especially when Sir Dean used the magnetic weight clamps on my nipples, which he was that night. They had become his favorite toy. He was jiggling them back and forth while he rubbed his knee against my cock. It was the second week of "Loctober" and i was beginning to wonder if i'd get through it. The phone rang - that happened a lot these days, and i heard Sir Dean mutter once that he felt like he was working 24/7 - and he brought the phone over, so he could hold it with one hand, and still toy with my nipples. i guess my moans were pretty loud, because at one point, Sir Dean laughed. "Oh, yeah. No, you didn't call at a bad time, but i was training my cum dump and i didn't want to stop. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" i tried to yell because he had just used "that phrase." Sir Dean smiled, because he thought i was enjoying his nipple play more than usual (i was). Then he finished the call. He looked at me. "So, fucktoi, you ready for your shave and a good fucking?" i was still upset about being called a cum dump, and i shook my head no. i saw the smile go off Sir Dean's face. He bounced the clamps a little harder, and he smiled again. "You're teasing me, huh jimmy? " i shook my head NO again, and again the smile left his face. "Ok, handsome, what's the problem?" Sir Dean took off the gag, but he left the clamps on me. It usually took me a few minutes to get enough liquid back in my mouth to speak when Sir Dean gagged me, and when i was ready, i said it. "i HATE it when you call me cum dump Sir. i wish you didn't." i think i've written, more than once, that Sir Dean hates, and LOVES resistance. He's the same way about challenges, and i had just resisted, and challenged him. i saw him redden, and i saw his bulge grow in his jeans. The smile he had now, was different from the others. "Is that right, sub boy? You don't care for it?" "No Sir. i hate it. " He began spinning the weights on my nipples, and i wasn't moaning as much as whimpering. "Well, someone seems to have forgotten his role around here hasn't he, huh sub boy?" "No Sir, i haven't forgotten. I'm your bottom, your sub, your slave." I almost cried out because he took the clamps off. "Well, seems to me you have. I think we may have to have a fuller discussion in the bedroom." Sir Dean had fucked me when he was angry, and it was great, and terrible. i was sore for a few days, but during the fuck, i just wanted more. He didn't have me take off my jeans when he tied me to the bed using the tightest wrist clamps. "So, you don't like being called cum dump, huh?" He whispered in my ear, while he flicked his finger across my pierced nipple. "i don't Sir. i hate it." i heard a soft chuckle before he said "Too bad. cum dump." i started squirming. He was scaring me. "You remember submitting, jimmy?" "Yes sir. Very well." "Do you need to submit again?" i wondered if i could put up a better fight this time than last time. i didn't want to, but could i? Sir Dean continued to tweak my nipple, and i realized: there was no way i could fight him. He had me tied, but i knew: underneath Sir Dean, i was helpless. Even if he untied me, feeling his body on top of me, and thinking about that hair on his chest... i was weakening just thinking about it." "No Sir. i don't. i just...." "You just need to get gagged again jimmy boy. Or should i say.... " and he whispered "cum dump," just before he put the gag back in my mouth. He covered my ear with his mouth and whispered "I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, won't I?" I nodded yes and squeezed out an 'mmmmph' "But you... you need to pay for your troublemaking." He whispered. "Two more weeks after Loctober." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" i squirmed, but i knew it wouldn't do any good. i just nodded, very slowly. "Now, let's get done what we have to do, studmuffin. Someone's fur is growing in WAY too fast now that the cold weather is coming in. Seems you may have bear blood in you." Sir Dean always took his shirt off before he shaved me, probably to remind me that HE had hair, and i didn't. And everytime i saw his chest, i wanted him in me. i did that night. i would learn to be called cum dump: it's what Sir Dean wanted. i felt his sure strokes go down my chest with his single blade razor. He had never cut me. NEVER. Not even a nick. That night was no exception: he had me smooth again, in less than ten minutes. Then he went after my pits. My eyes were closed, and i was playing over the whole scene and realizing just how easily he had defeated me again. It was making me really, REALLY hard. That wouldn't be a problem when he shaved my pubes but... he was gonna lock me up again. THAT might be a problem.

i heard the lock go into the key of the cage, and then i felt Sir's warm hand take my cock . "Hmmmm. Looks like someone REALLY enjoyed tonight. Someone other than me." He opened up HIS pants, and i saw... OH MY GOD. If he put the fucktube on tonight when he took me, i was gonna be really, REALLY sore in the morning. i felt the cream hit my pubes: Sir always used cream now because, one time he had used the electric clipper and another time he had done them "neat," and i had rashes both times. There was aloe or something in the cream and it soothed my skin. There was enough of it on his hand that it went up and down my cock. Sir Dean knew EXACTLY what he was doing. "Not a drop jimmy boy. Not a drop. You don't want extra time do you?" i gulped and shook my head no. i tried to send my thoughts somewhere as far away from what was happening as i could, but... i kept on peeking at Sir Dean's gorgeous chest. i knew he was sweating and i wanted to lick his pits, but i couldn't say anything, or show him my tongue. But i DID enjoy the feel of the blade around my balls, and on my pubic area. Most of all, i liked Sir Dean's sure hand on my cock. He smiled when he finished, as he put the hair to the side. He was saving my pubic hair for something but i didn't know what it was.

"Ok bitch bull." He laughed, because he almost made me wear one of those old t shirts that night. "Let's get those big legs up in the air." i began to moan. LOUD. He stopped. "If I take off that gag, you gonna complain?" i shook my head no. "If you do, you can kiss jizzing goodbye until next year." i shook my head showing i understood. "SIR. SIR PLEASE. You're sweating and.. that manly smell. PLEASE SIR PLEASE. Your cum dump wants to lick your pits. May I sir? Please, Please PLEASE...." i saw Sir Dean smile the way he did when he won a hand of polka with his DOM friends, or when i REALLY begged to get fucked. "I can't deny my boy something like that. Make sure you do a good job." He pushed his right pit into my face, and i just sighed. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" i could hear the slurping sound i was making as i got my tongue everywhere. i didn't have to worry about tickling Sir, because he wasnt' ticklish. EVERY TIME I smelled him, i wanted more. MORE OF HIM. i tried to dig in further, but he pulled away and put his other arm pit over my mouth. "DO THE OTHER ONE BOY." "yes sir. SLLLLLLLLLLLLURP" OH GOD this was so much better than dinner. i wasn't locked up yet, and i was afraid i was gonna cum without Sir Dean touching me. i think he knew it too. "Calm down, boy. You need your lock back on. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. " He laughed. "Think of Ambrose." Thinking of Ambrose was his "code" for "kill the boner." And he was right: thinking of Ambrose always made my cock retreat. It did this time too, and i closed my eyes when he locked me back up. "Good boy. Now...." He wasn't using the sheath, and i breathed a sigh of relief, but.... there it was, his cock head laying right on my prostate. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR. THANK YOU. THANK YOU..."

when i began to cry a little, he licked away the tears. "Like a dragon in the series i'm working on. I wonder if dragons have big cocks or if they're gay. " He shrugged his shoulders and pushed in. Feeling the full length and width of Sir Dean, was almost as good as when he worked my prostate. i need to change that: it was almost as good as seeing Sir Dean's face when he came inside of me. i had to learn: Master's needs came first. He took care of me: he always did, but it was MY job (and that wasn't a typo), to make sure that my MASTER was happy. i tried to do that by tightening my glutes. i didn't know if Sir wanted that but he whispered "OH YEAH" so i smiled and held his cock until he tickled my ribs. Seeing me laugh and squirm set him off and he shot deep into me. He yelled. He couldn't help himself. And then he fell on top of me and whispered: "I'm so honored to be marrying you jimmy boy." subs and slaves: trust me: nothing will make you feel better than hearing your DOM and MASTER say something like that. i think i must have glowed for three days. i didn't even hurt from the fucking. And i never heard Sir call me "cum dump" again.

So, faithful readers: we're getting right up against the wedding. Yes, we had a nice one. It was even in the newspapers because Sir Dean had become such an important person. i don't think you wanna hear about our lives after we became Husband and husband, but if you do, let us know. Sir Dean just kissed me in the way he says "you've written enough jimmy boy," get into the bedroom. YES SIR.


Next: Chapter 18

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