Slave Jims Story

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 6, 2021


Hi everyone. Sir Dean and i want to just say hello to new readers - and readers we've just met. We won't give names because we don't have permission for that, but welcome, and thank you for your comments on our story. i hope i don't bore any of you with the story as it goes on.

So, like i wrote, Sir Dean was very much in the mood when we came back from all the ceremonies. Usually, when he's fucked me as thoroughly as he did that night, all he wants in the morning is a blow job. (He's smiling as i tell this story. He just said 'I'm gonna want one when you're done jimmy, so...). It was late when we got to bed, and we both slept in a little. And then, while i was still sleeping, i began to feel Sir Dean's breathing at my ear. At first, it was gentle, but it began to become almost a growl. Sir Dean DOES make animal noises in bed sometimes, but not often. Also, as he was growling, i realized that he was playing with my nipple: the pierced one. When we sleep, Sir Dean always puts his hand on my right pec, and keeps it there. If i move around too much during the night, he'll twist it until i calm down, but not much. And what he was going that morning: was something he had never done before. He had the meaty part of his thumb and his forefinger each on an end of the piercing bar. He wasn't doing much other than rolling the bar back and forth very gently, and very slowly. And it was driving me out of my mind. i was re-caged while we were in L.A. I had jizzed before we left, but i wasn't supposed to, so i knew Sir Dean wasn't going to allow it. The way he was playing with my nipple though, was getting me more and more excited, and i began to moan. "You like that jimmy boy? You like your MAN finding your spots?" He whispered roughly into my ear. i pushed back into him and he teased me by pulling back. "Yes sir. i do. OOOOOH. i do. " Then he rolled me over onto my back. He pinned my wrists down at the corners and i saw his face. He was smiling. Remember i told you when i realized i was strong enough to push up out of Sir Dean's grip? Well, maybe that was only true on the East Coast, because i tried: i thought he was playing the game we always played and i pushed back. He just smiled because... i couldn't get his wrists to move. MAYBE i had lost all my strength from him playing with my nipple that way, or maybe it was something he had eaten, but whatever it was, this was a no ifs, ands or buts situation: he had me pinned nice and secure, and he knew it. Then he used one arm to pin me down so he could play with my nipple with the other hand, the way i love, and then, when he had me moaning from playing with the nipple bar, he moved his hand down. "OH GOD NO. HE'S GOING FOR MY PROSTATE!" i thought, and he was. Sir Dean had his two fingers inside of me, and he found what he called "jimmy's peanut" or "jimmy's walnut." i don't think anyone could have massaged it better than he could, and i began to moan even louder. "I know," he said. "This can be even better if..." Sir Dean grabbed the neckties he had secured to the bed legs, and tied my wrists. Now, both of his hands were free, and he used them. He put two fingers from his right hand into me, to get my nut, and he used two fingers of his left hand to play with the nipple bar "Your neck, please," he whispered, and i just answered "yes sir." He had three hot spots, all at once and i was bucking on the bed like electricity was going through me: because it was! My hips were pushing off the bed like that girl in the movie "Exorcist," and i was making more noise than she ever did. Sir Dean just smiled. "I think someone wants to get fucked. No, I think someone NEEDS to get fucked. " "YES SIR. YES SIR I DO. I DO. PLEASE. PLEASE FUCK ME. PLEASE." i'm usually sore after one of Sir Dean's thorough fucks, and i was that morning but.. he had me so totally under control, i think the only thing i would have screamed against was fisting (i was glad he didn't like that ). Instead, he slipped his cock into me and he just kept pushing. He went in SO far: definitely further than the night before. And now, that he had his cock in me, Sir Dean turned both hands to my tits, but only after... he dropped down and just very, VERY gently rubbed his stubble over the pierced tit. There was enough slack in the neckties for me to try to push down on his cock and i did. i knew that Sir Dean didn't like it when i tightened my glutes on him, but he loved knowing he was getting in deeper and deeper "SIR. I THINK YOU'RE IN MY THROAT," i yelled at one point and he laughed. "If I wanted your throat, jimmy, I'd have taken it. Because it's MINE." "YES SIR. YES . YES IT IS." i was so hard. i could feel things moving in my cage, and i wanted to cum so badly. When Sir Dean shoved his tongue in my mouth.. he exploded. i tried to wrap my legs around him, so that my MASTER wouldn't stop fucking me, but i didn't need to. After he was done, Sir Dean kept his cock in me. He was smiling. "You like that jimmy?" "OH YES SIR. IT WAS GREAT." "You love it when I dominate you, don't you?" "SIR. YES I DO. IT'S THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD." He laughed. "You're gonna get more of it. I'll explain when we get home, but you are about to become even more of a manbitch than you are." He kissed me on the forehead. i didn't really know what he meant, but i found out. In fact, i began finding out less than an hour later.

We were both hungry because we slept through breakfast and then... "had our calisthenics" as rolly would say. We were going to be leaving early that evening to get the red eye, so Sir Dean decided we should just have lunch in the hotel dining room. He picked out this tight, ratty pair of jeans for me that DID show my cage, and a tight pink polo shirt that would be a "belly shirt" in one more washing. Just before we left the hotel room, he said "Wait jimmy boy. You need one more thing." i admit, i was already embarrassed with the jeans, but now: he put the heavy collar on me with the lock at the center. "You're gonna have to wear that a LOT more jimmy. I worked hard to collar you, and you're gonna show it." i gulped. i KNEW Sir Dean had collared me and he had proven that morning that i was HIS, but still... i wouldn't wear that heavy collar if i didn't have to, or those tight pants. But i did. The same way i had to put my hands behind my back the minute we got into the elevator.

The bulge that my jeans showed caught me a few glances. i guess there were other Masters and slaves at the hotel, because sometimes i'd see a man in a couple look, talk to his other, and then they'd look at my collar. One couple walked past and i swear i saw the man who was clearly the DOM give Sir Dean a thumbs up. Sir Dean smiled, and that made me feel good. Our server in the restaurant must have known too, because he did exactly what all the servers in the gay restaurants we've been to did: he gave Sir Dean a menu, but not me. Sir Dean always let me have whatever i wanted when we went out, but i had to ask him for it. The server kept on staring at me and smiling, and finally, Sir Dean said "If you want me to give your Master information on where to get that collar I'll do it." "SORRY SIR" he reddened. "i'll go get your food." Sir Dean didn't usually eat desserts, but we had coffee. He took a deep breath and put his hand on my thigh. "I'm sure rolly has already texted you about what happened to TJ" "He did Sir. Just a short one. No details." Sir Dean laughed a little. "Even that gossip hound won't know them, but any rumors you hear are true jimmy. Ambrose was his stupid attempt to break from it. I'm surprised he got away with it for so long." "I don't understand, Sir." Sir Dean gave me a smile. "I never talked about it at home. TJ has.... shall we say, 'behaved badly' for years. YEARS. It was kind of a known: if you wanted to advance at the network, and you were his type, you let him have his way." "Was Ambrose his type Sir?" Sir Dean began to laugh. "You're so sweet jimmy. He was with Ambrose because Ambrose put out, in exchange for... presents. TJ's type: YOU'RE his type. Except, not really." "I'm sorry Sir. I'm really being dumb today, but I'm confused." "TJ wanted you very badly jimmy, except: he wanted your cock in him. In his mouth, in his ass, and... he was quite insistent." "Sir...if you told me to, i would have done it." "You would? You found him attractive?" "NO SIR. NOT AT ALL. But... i do what you say. That's my role. " i saw Sir Dean smile. "So, if he asked you to top and I told you to, what would you do?" i took a breath before i answered. "i'd try to get you to plug me Sir. then i'd close my eyes, and imagine you were the plug. " i think that amused Sir Dean. "Sir, i thought at some point you and TJ were going to make a sandwich of me." Sir Dean paused. "The thought had crossed my mind after he suggested it. The thing is.... Ambrose thought that if he did that, he'd dump Ambrose and take you." "i wouldn't go Sir." Sir Dean looked a little wistful. "it would have been VERY hard for me to keep my job if you didn't put out jimmy. It was getting hard already. That's why the Emmy was so important: his team won one, but it was my work that did it." Another pause. "And now... " He looked at me. "Part of what's going to get harder for you is... I now have TJ's job. It's more money, more responsibility, more hours." He stopped. "And more of the parties that you hate. Especially when we get back to NY this week. They're starting right away." "I'll try not to embarrass you Sir. Will you tell me what you expect me to do?" "I expect you to do EXACTLY what I tell you. At home and at the parties." "Yes sir." And jimmy, you know I relax by dominating you, don't you?" "Yes sir. You seem to get less tense." "Well, the new position is going to have much more stress...." "Sir, i'll do my best to make sure you're happy." He leaned over and kissed me in the restaurant. "I know you will. And I owe you that too. Now, let's get back upstairs and clean up, get packed and get ready. I'd love to keep you locked but... it'll come off until we get past baggage clearance. Then, just like when we came out." Sir Dean squeezed my knee. "I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to go to the beach and make love, or anything like that jimmy, but I promise you we will. We just have to get back to NY very quickly."

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Can any of you sleep on planes? i can't. i always think that somehow, my brainwaves are keeping the plane in the air. i know: it's weird but.. i just can't sleep when we're flying. Sir Dean didn't sleep either, but he was working. He had his laptop out, and he was pretty much buried in spread sheets and documents about the job. Every now and then i heard him say something like 'tsk tsk tsk," and i knew he really wanted to say "FUCK!" but he was very controlled on the plane. Like he said, Sir Dean locked me back into the cage right after we had gotten through screening. He smiled. "Know what today is jimmy?" "Uh, October 1 Sir?" He smiled. "Yes. It's the beginning of Loctober." i had never heard that word before. "It's good training for you. Loctober is a month where guys who are in chastity try to keep their cage on for a whole month. It's been a while since you did that. Gonna be good practice." He laughed. "Especially when the stuff I ordered gets to the apartment." The "stuff" he ordered for the apartment came a few days later. i'll be telling you about some of those toys which, really, are intense and awesome. Have any of you ever heard of a breeder tube before? i apologize if you have. If you haven't, it's sort of like a cylinder your TOP puts his cock through. It adds about an inch, maybe an inch and a half of diameter to it. He can control it though and... trust me subs, you'll learn to push your limits. i'll tell you how Sir Dean pushed mine, when it's time to do so. There was also this interesting set of clamps: they weren't linked by a chain, they were more like clothespins, but... there was this little trick at the end of them. Each one had a circular metal magnet at the end: it weighed about an ounce. And... they came with extra magnets, so Sir Dean could add weight to them very easily. When he looked at them, he said "The thing about them is that they work the best when they're used on someone standing up." He grinned. "And that's another surprise jimmy. I'm having some work done in this apartment." The next day someone who called himself "Mr Shackles" came over. Sir Dean had asked him to see if he could fix up the entrance to one of the rooms, so that he could add and remove shackles. That way, he could chain me while I was standing up. Mr. Shackles had known Sir Dean for a long time, and he did the job the same day. Sir Dean was fond of working me over when i was in bed, but he LOVED this new frame. He started using it later that week. First, though, we had the party to introduce Sir Dean to the entire management of the network. This was a dress up dinner: no tuxedos, but we had to wear suits and ties. Sir Dean decided I could wear a blue oxford, and a red tie. He wore his traditional white shirt and a black and gold tie. He looked HOT. And then he looked REALLY hot - steamed even - when he saw the seating arrangement for the dinner. Sir just assumed we could sit where ever we wanted. Not for this one. When we got to our table, we saw that there were seating cards. We would NOT be sitting together: i was in between one executive's wife, and a single executive. i think the single guy was gay, because he kept on staring at my crotch- my suit pants were tight enough that if you knew what you were looking for, you'd find the outline of my cage. (i learned that there were rumors about what Sir Dean liked but no one knew for certain). i was glad he didn't make me wear the collar. But as always happened when we were out, and Sir Dean couldn't keep his eye and hands on me, he got jealous. That's how we tried out the new toys. When we got home, he bellowed "GET OUT OF YOUR COAT, AND GET IN THE FRAME." His voice was scaring me, but i answered "Yes sir." Once i was there, he shackled my ankles, and my wrists. The chains were short on my wrists, so i could move the a little but not much. My ankles were held, rigidly. i felt Sir Dean take off my tie, and then unbutton my shirt. He ran his hand over my chest, and of course, he couldn't help but play with the tit bar. He loosened my pants. He couldn't get them down off of me because my ankles were chained, but he got my cock cage out in the open , and he put my collar on me. "What's it gonna be jimmy? Paddle on your balls? Clamps on your tits?" He grinned. "Or... both." He took out the new clamps and he put one on each of my nipples. i had to fight not to scream. Sir Dean hated it when i did. MOANING he loved, but not screaming. You might think one ounce of weight is not much. Just try holding it with your tit. And then two. And then three. While a very determined, big, handsome, white haired STUD is smacking your balls with a paddle. "WHO WERE YOU FLIRTING WITH TONIGHT?" "SIR, NO ONE. I PROMISE. I PROMISE. " That's when the second ounce went on each nipple. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU." "I SWEAR SIR I SWEAR. IF I FLIRTED WITH ANYONE, I'LL CUT OFF A BALL. I PROMISE." i had never said that before and i think Sir Dean was stunned. He lifted the clamps and dropped them. He chuckled. "I know. I'm just having fun...." He ran his fingers up and down my ribs. "I'm gonna have more fun." He showed me the breeder tube. i hadn't seen that it was ribbed. "OH SHIT SIR YOU'RE SO BIG." Sir FELT that way. He ALWAYS feels big because he IS big. But now, he was bigger. i didn't think i could take it. And now, with the ribbed part resting on my prostate: there's some move that you do in the gym when you begin: some kind of upward crunch that i don't do anymore, but if i did them for Carlos as well as i was doing them that night: he would have been more than pleased. When Sir Dean was finished, he took off the tube and told me to wash it up. "Get used to it bitch boy jimmy. We're gonna be using it a LOT." And so, we began the next phase of my domination by my Master. i'll tell more stories if you wanna hear them. Just let Sir Dean or i know.

TO BE CONTINUED "At some point, jimmy, when November comes around, we're gonna see just how far you can shoot from this position." He squeezed my balls. "OOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. YES SIR. BUT I DIDN'T FLIRT. I DIDN'T. I SWEAR." He smiled. "I know.

Next: Chapter 17

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